Yan Ling, Huang Xuan and the others were all in shock.

An achievement directly wins the Tianchi Conference! It's unprecedented!

Faced with such an honor, Lu Chen didn't react much, and thanked him, and went to look for Yingli.

"Brother Wuming!" Yingli was flattered. Seeing Lu Chen's eyes changed, she felt a lot more handsome...

"Yingli, I'm a little hungry, is there anything to eat over there?"

"Yes, I have a disciple order, and I can get a 30% discount! The results are about to be announced, let me buy them for you, what do you want to eat?"

"Then bother you, let me have a little bit of meat and vegetables, buy more, buy a hundred catties, I have some friends who want to eat too, usually I want to keep a little by my side, and I will give you the spirit stone when I come back.

Wild monk, it's definitely necessary to have more on your body.

But this detail suddenly reminded many core figures of the school that this guy is still a wild monk! No school!

"This little brother, the elder of Xiaxuchenmen, dare to ask my little brother if he is interested in joining my Xuchenmen?" An old man approached the water platform and got the moon first, and first invited Lu Chen.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, can anyone watch him even after eating?

"Hello, at the head of the rain and rain, I think the little brother is very talented, but he is still a wild repairman. I don't know if he has not met his favorite school. I don't know if the little brother is interested in visiting my Feng Yumen? I promise you will not be disappointed."

"Hahahaha, this little friend, the head of Li, and the elder Huang." Someone laughed a few times, and immediately succeeded in attracting Lu Chen's attention. "This little friend, I think you are really pleasing to the eye as you look at it. You and I are also destined. My Tiangang Sect is good at physical skills. Hey, my disciples are like little friends who are not good at the elements, but we have also studied many artifacts for this purpose to make up for their lack of elemental potential. I’m sorry, I think you might be interested in our Tiangangmen."

Suddenly, Lu Chen was surrounded by many heads, and the elders surrounded him...

Yanxun saw this situation in the distance and was anxious. He was the host, and with the status of the sacred mountain, he couldn't go up and grab people like other leaders...

He hurriedly said to his disciples, "Quick, quick, let Elder Xuan announce the results, let everyone wait for the results!"

Here Lu Chen is distressed, why this group of people suddenly became so enthusiastic, even regardless of the disciples he brought, and kept squeezing toward him.

I didn't see those disciples looking at me, full of hatred and hostility... It was so embarrassing.

At this moment, someone on the holy mountain shouted loudly, and the final result has come out, please wait for the result before the top pick.

Lu Chen was like a pardon, he quickly used this as an excuse to get rid of these heads first.

Before the top spot, the elder Shengshanxuan is announcing the results.

Without any suspense, Wuming won the first place with a total score of 140.

After that is the smoke spirit of the holy mountain, the score is 110 points, the holy mountain imperial palace 110 points, then 100 points, 90 points...

"No. 43, Xuelinzong Battle Wind, 65 points!"

"The 23 disciples of the Holy Mountain who entered the big list will take the top 20 to participate in the day-by-day competition, and the remaining 20 people from the list will participate in the day-by-day competition, a total of 40 people."

Elder Xuan announced that it was over.

Lu Chen nodded slightly. The strength of the holy mountain was still very strong. Among the 43 people who made the list, there were 23 members from the holy family, more than the other families combined.

In the daily competition, it is necessary to ensure that there are 20 people from other schools, and the holy mountain itself has to lay off 3 people. These three people are clearly not the last three. It can be seen that the holy mountain is indeed superior in strength.

Everyone else was talking quietly about Lu Chen's achievements.

"140 points! A puppet is 20 points, how can he have 140 points?"

"That's a time bonus. He killed six puppets just over 3 points."

"Oh, that's the case... but he doesn't feel much higher than the others. We were all suffocated by his test just now, but think about it carefully, the monk needs to develop in all directions. Elemental abilities are important abilities of the monks. Needless to say the importance, no matter how strong his professional skills are, he is just an elemental insulator."

"Yes, I can't understand him pulling! Our head personally invited him to start, but he refused! Shameless!"

"The heads and elders were also dizzy for a while. The potential depends on the overall strength, and the element test is more important. Okay."

"That's right, I always think that the professional exercise test itself has a problem. Who would use so many other professional exercises? In actual combat, I use my own professional skills. Can the results of this test compare with the elemental test? But something that can be used at any time."

Yan Ling glanced at Huangxuan.

The two senior brothers and sisters once boasted about going to Haikou before the Tianchi Conference, and they must have won the top two. As a result...the first place with the most gold was actually snatched away by others!

"Sister Yanling, don’t worry, we will see how I can deal with him in the day-to-day competition!" Huang Xuan said in annoyance. Know the gap with us."

"Tianchi Conference, the two tests are just to prepare for the day-to-day competition, the next thing is the highlight!"

Yan Ling nodded heavily, she didn't think so much, she just wasn't convinced!

The big list has been determined, the game will start in one and a half hours, there is still plenty of time.

Yingli bought a lot of food back, but it was not expensive, and a few spirit stones were done.

Lu Chen had to give these foods to Rhubarb, Xiaolu, and Xiaomin. In fact, it didn't matter if Xiaolu Xiaomin didn't eat it, but Lu Chen was used to eating with them. Rhubarb must be eaten.

As for the small hair balls, that guy doesn't eat cooked food, he will find something to eat on his own, and he doesn't need to care about it.

Lu Chen called out Rhubarb, Xiao Lu Xiaomin stopped calling them this time, there were too many people.

"Yingli, eat some too." Lu Chen said.

Yingli shook her head and sat opposite Lu Chen with her chin resting on her hands, watching Lu Chen eat, "Anonymous brother, I'm not hungry, you can eat."

"Really not eating?"

"Hey, our holy mountain guide disciples can't accept gifts from guests, including food, just leave it alone, I'm really not hungry."

Lu Chen looked around, and many of the guiding disciples actually stood by and stood by. This should be the holy mountain's rule to entertain good guests.

"Hey, Brother Wuming, why haven't you joined the martial arts? With your combat ability, even if you don't have elemental potential, someone should be rushing for it." Yingli asked strangely.

"I'm used to being free by myself, and I don't have any sect to look at." Lu Chen tore a large piece of meat to Rhubarb. This guy hasn't grown in strength now, but his appetite is getting more and more exaggerated.

"Oh, so... Then, what do you think of our holy gate?"

Lu Chen raised his head and smiled at Yingli, "Your boss asked you to say it?"

Yingli stuck out her tongue. Brother Wuming was too shrewd. He had just asked a few words and was so concealed that he had guessed it.

Lu Chen wasn't angry either. Yingli was just a disciple. Naturally, she also needed to follow what the leader asked to do.

"I don't know how to add martial arts."


"Because, I won't stop." After Lu Chen said, he lowered his head and concentrated on eating.

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