The spiritual veins of the Tianchi are re-opened, and it is conceivable that all the sacred mountain areas will benefit in the future, and the status of the sacred mountain of Tianchi will become even more different!

They will also face a more violent storm!

However, what Lu Chen had to face was even more terrifying than the holy mountain Tianchi.

Saying goodbye to Yanxun and others, Lu Chen embarked on the journey again.

Walking in the forest, Lu Chen could feel that the concentration of aura around him was much denser than before, but this increase was still incomparable to what he felt when he was at the bottom of the lake.

"The benefits of spiritual veins are really great." Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh, 3 million spiritual power in 30 days!

There are seven countries in the Fifth Heaven, and there are countless sects. Each sect has its own spiritual source. "Restarting the Fifth Heaven" has only a mission, but it did not tell him where the other four spiritual sources are.

"It should be in some schools with a long history." Lu Chen speculated.

The martial arts with a long history... seem to be many!

"Assi, it feels like finding a needle in a haystack!"

At night, according to management, Lu Chen found a stream to sleep on.

In nine days, let alone other abilities, Lu Chen's ability to survive in the wild has improved a lot.

Xiao Min and Xiao Lv set up their camp, and took Xiao Mao Tuan Rhubarb to find herbs nearby.

Lu Chen was fishing by the stream.

Last time, I transferred a small golden carp and gave him a mysterious bead. If it weren't for that bead, he was afraid that he would be turned into a part of the egg by the Supreme Monster.

"The Supreme Master of Warcraft doesn't know if it's back to the Warcraft Lair. It would be a bit of a hassle if I did go back. With my current strength, I definitely can't go to that place. When I can go, it might have grown."

Thinking of this troublesome BOSS, Lu Chen Alexander.

"It doesn't matter, it is getting stronger, so I must continue to grow stronger, and look for spiritual veins. Only after I have the strength, can I have the opportunity to contact more ancient schools!"

To enhance your strength, this is the safest and most effective strategy!

Yanxun gave Lu Chen a map of the sacred mountain area. The scope of the sacred mountain is much larger than that of the Qinglongmen. Without the integration of soul and body, it is estimated that it will take a month to go out.

"A sacred mountain is so big, this is only a small place for the Dongyue Kingdom, how big is the Dongyue Kingdom, the fifth heaven, I go, is the fifth heaven really a complete planet!"

The mount must still be used!

"By the way, you can use Tai Shuo!" As Lu Chen got deeper and deeper into the Five Heavens, he already understood that the items withdrawn can be used directly, without the need for soul and body integration!

That is to say, it consumes a lot of spiritual power, but the use of spiritual power storm can also make up for this.

Checking the map carefully, Lu Chen locked his destination in Wu Bangcheng, the largest city in the sacred mountain area.

Lu Chen now has 12,450 points for cash withdrawal, and Qinglongmen warehouse has a total of 9,450 points for cash withdrawal. Lu Chen used 2,000 points before, and Yanxun sent Lu Chen 5000 points as soon as he shot it. It shows that Yanxun really values ​​Lu Chen.

Lu Chen originally wanted to add some extra for the Tianchi event, but now it is unnecessary, so he plans to use it together.

It costs 3000 points to add the spiritual power first, and upgrade the spiritual power to 9000 points.

[Promote to Jiuxingye monk, ranking, after 8 million. (It takes 2000 points to withdraw the cash to break through to the master)]

"Ah! Do you still need to withdraw cash for breakthrough?" Lu Chen felt a little painful, but he wanted to break through anyway, and finally broke through with pain.

"2000 is 2000, breakthrough!"

2000 points breakthrough!

Lu Chen only felt a slight heat coming from his lower abdomen, and then the heat wave spread to all parts of his body, his whole body was indescribably refreshing!

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound from the joints and bones of the body!

"Damn, it feels like a full body massage...ah, my waist...**..."

Half an hour later, the breakthrough was finally completed, and Lu Chen was still immersed in the refreshment just now.

"Is this a breakthrough? It seems that the whole body has been transformed." He took a deep breath and felt comfortable.

[Congratulations on your breakthrough. Your immortal cultivation level has been upgraded to "One Star Field Cultivator", currently ranked after 7.5 million. 】

"There are still 7.5 million? Are there so many masters of the five heavens?"

Lu Chen quickly discovered that after reaching the realm of cultivation, the spiritual power required for each level was as high as 5000!

"I'll go, the increase is too drastic, I thought it would only be 2000..."

He has used up 5000 cash withdrawal rolls, and 7450 is left, and it is not worthwhile to add spiritual power.

"If you switch to 3D, you can add 22,350 attributes to the remaining cash coupons, or add some other attributes."

"Add all the three dimensions, I feel that the main body fight is probably indispensable in the future."

In the end, Lu Chen's strength, agility, and physique all reached around 11,000.

"It's still incomparable with my war spirit. I have to find a way to get more cash rolls."


Thousands of miles away, in a dark dense forest, where vegetation is dense and the forest is surrounded by mist.

Not far away, a large number of Demons soldiers were guarding a mine.

From the mine, people kept pushing the mine cart out, and the cart was full of untreated spirit stones.

Here is a spirit stone mine!

Although spiritual stone is generally considered to be a kind of currency, on the other hand, it is also a natural mineral that contains spiritual energy, but because the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone escapes very slowly, the extraction of spiritual energy from the spiritual stone is better than that from the spiritual vein. It is a hundred times more difficult to obtain aura, so basically no one regards spirit stones as a source of spirit.

In a haystack not far away, a black shadow curled up in the dark, its body blended with the surrounding tree shadows, and it was hard to find even if it came closer.

Its scarlet eyes, like wild fruits in the forest, are equally unobtrusive.

Not long after, a demon was absent from work and came to the neighborhood to make a small solution.

"Hey, if these spirit stones are all mine, then I will be rich!" The man was daydreaming, knowing that hiding the spirit stones is a death penalty. What's more, these spirit stones still need a series of complicated processing to turn into universal spirit stone currency, which he definitely couldn't do.

A cold wind blew, and the man couldn't help but shiver, "What demon wind, why is it so cold..." The man was finished, and was about to lift his pants and leave.

Inadvertently, he saw the two "wild fruits" in front of him seem to be very big.

"Is the mountain red? How can there be such fruit in this place?"

Looking closer, it seemed that it was not a wild fruit, because the pair of "wild fruit" just blinked like a pair of eyes!

In fact, these eyes did blink!

Before he could call for help, the members of the Tianmo tribe had been dragged into the grass.

Not long after, the man walked out of the grass slowly, he looked back at the grass behind him, and smiled slightly.

In the grass, a corpse without a skin is lying at this moment!

Lingshi Mine, hahaha, here I am!

Three days later, the senior officials of the Tianmo clan received a shocking news that a spirit stone mine in the Dongyue Kingdom had been attacked.

113 monks died, 478 monks died, and thousands of civilians died!

The death of these people was extremely tragic, their bodies were sucked dry, and there were only more than two thousand human skins left on the scene!

What is even more frightening is that all the parts of the spirit stone mine that have been mined have disappeared!

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