Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 871: There is something to be given to him

"Smelly boy, the Seventy-two Chaotic Sky Beidou formation is broken!" The original **** suddenly exclaimed in Lu Chen's mind.

"Huh? How do you know?"

"The current is about to stop! And you see, that is one of the four demon kings, the afterimage of Jiuyou Baiyu (three beeps), has broken away from this formation, indicating that the formation has been broken!" Excited, "Quickly, hurry up to practice, don't waste the opportunity this time!"

The flow rate of the surrounding water really dropped, almost no different from the surrounding sea water.

In front of the yin and yang beads at the two poles, a huge afterimage of a human snake-tailed creature disappeared in a flash, rushed out like an escape, directly rose out of the water and disappeared.

"White 矖?"

"Yes, Nuwa created a creature based on her own appearance, she is considered a special monster, because there is only one! I used to repair the sky with Teng Snake and Nu Wa, but later fell into the Nine Nether. You have to be careful when you meet her in the future. Her strength is terrifying!"

Lu Chen shook his head, black unicorn, candle dragon, white scorpion, let alone beast supreme, it is the four heavenly kings of warcraft, which one is easy to deal with...

Now that he has no time to complain, Lu Chen hurriedly swims to the yin and yang beads at the poles.

When it came to the two beads, Lu Chen felt more and more how huge these two beads were, floating quietly in the water.

"It's really amazing, it can transform the formation into a different look...The world can be fused with everything."

At this moment, a deep voice rang in Lu Chen's mind.

This sound seems to be a mixture of many sounds, like a human and a ghost...

"Symbiosis of Gods and Demons! You have some connection with me!"

This is obviously not the voice of the original god, the kid hasn't said a word now, I don't know if he is cut off by the owner of this voice.

"who are you?"

"Who am I? Hahahaha, your question is really interesting. I don't know who I am. With your human understanding, you can probably think that I am the two-level bead in front of you."

"How can you talk?"

"Since I can integrate with everything, I can naturally communicate with you." The voice said, "Do you think you broke my formation? But I think you have some fate with me, so I withdrew it."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, what exactly is this spiritual source? Living thing! Or the remnant of the gods?

"Not only a symbiosis of gods and demons, you also have swallowing rats, beast gods? Tsk tusk, you human being is a bit interesting." The voice continued, "Well, I will help you."

"Why!" Lu Chen asked suddenly, "Why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you. People say that a wise man must have a misfortune, but nothing is left! I just want to see whether this unsolvable situation is really unsolvable after all! Whether the destiny is really hard to change! And you, can Can’t really go against the sky!"

"My aura will be restored in about 30 days, and you will not be able to get close at that time. Take advantage of this now and fully understand what you have experienced in the Seventy-Two Heavenly Big Dipper Formation. If necessary, you can re-enter the illusion just now. What you gain depends on your own good fortune!"

"After 30 days, leave here immediately!"

After that, the voice disappeared.

"Huh? Why couldn't I communicate with you just now?" The original god's voice suddenly appeared.

"The pearl was talking to me just now." Lu Chen replied, "It gave me a good understanding of the previous experience in the formation. I have 30 days."

"Then you are not hurrying?" The original **** didn't care at all that he was squeezed out of this secret conversation, and urged.

Lu Chen nodded, and quickly sat cross-legged, entering a state of selflessness...


In the past month, the activities of the Warcraft army have become more and more intensive, and even caused more serious damage to the borders of the seven countries.

Luo Yao hasn't slept well for a long time, and she looks a little tired.

This morning, she just re-arranged the defense line with the Ministry of Defense and met with the envoys of the seven countries.

Luo Chen has been recognized by the other six gods, and is currently receiving the guidance of the six gods, learning the Seven Destiny Formations, and it is said that he is making rapid progress.

This is the only good news for now.

Perhaps Luo Chen could really become a new ice god, assisting the Seven Kingdoms to resist the army of Warcraft.

On the other hand, the loss of more than 50 spirit vein mines in various countries, but in the past week I have never heard of any spirit stone mine being attacked.

It sounds like good news, but Luo Yao can't relax at all.

For no reason, no more attacks on spirit stone mines, there is another possibility...that guy no longer needs to devour spirit stone veins!

Its strength seems to have taken shape!

In addition, news came from the Seven Kingdoms that the Four Heavenly Kings of Beasts, Black Qilin, Candle Dragon, Jiuyou Baiyu, and Corpse Kun that had already fallen in rumors were actually seen one after another.

The Four Kings of Warcraft have gathered!

Now it seems that the last guy is missing.

The super monster that once slaughtered countless immortal cultivators, the supreme monster!

In the study, Luo Yao sat down and let out a long sigh. Although the Seven Kingdoms are now unprecedentedly united, can they withstand this catastrophe?

"There is no one in a million... will it be you? Luo Chen?" Luo Yao thought hard, but couldn't find the answer. "Or you? I'm the only one crazy?"

Or, there is no such person at all!

Thinking of me being crazy, Luo Yao remembered that someone said that he had entered Dongyue country a while ago, but he hadn't seen him come to him for so long.

That guy doesn't seem to know his identity yet, if he knew that he was the Emperor Yaodi of Dongyue Kingdom, he would not know what his expression would be.

However, although the so-called madness did not come to her, a group of people who claimed to be friends of the so-called madness came.

Even if he is busy, Luo Yao will gradually become the only crazy friend.

Not long after, someone asked to see him outside.

"Come in." Luo Yao replied lightly.

Thirty humans came in from the outside, it seemed that they were not of high level, and they were all wild monks.

"I have seen Emperor Yao." The crowd saluted, Luo Yao stood up, "Are you friends who are my only friends?"

"Yes, I don't know if Emperor Yao met him? What is the relationship with him?" asked a beautiful woman with a cold face.

This woman is very beautiful, especially the cold temperament on her body, which made Luo Yao look at her more, "Are you an ice mage?"

"Yes." This person is Shuang Ling, and she is undoubtedly the strongest here.

However, Luo Yao just took another look. She was still very confident in her own strength. She had also seen countless geniuses, but she was the only one who stood at the pinnacle.

Luo Yao had seen their thoughts a long time ago, and probably wanted to inquire about her attitude towards solipsism first, and then determine how they would respond.

"We are friends." Luo Yao said directly, "Don't worry, since you are also his friends, then I will protect you."

Hearing what Yao Emperor said, everyone was a little relieved.

Before they made many investigations, no one else knew why Emperor Yao wanted to summon them, but now they can probably guess.

It was Lu Chen's face that took special care of them.

"Emperor Yao, how is that kid? Where is it now?" the crowd suddenly asked.

Luo Yao looked at the speaker, who was an old man.

"I don't know. If there is nothing particularly anxious, you still don't want to find him. The army of Beasts will invade immediately, and then the life will be overwhelmed. At this time, looking for him everywhere, I am afraid it is very dangerous." Luo Yao warned. .

"I'm looking for him in a hurry," the old man said.

"what's up?"

The old man smiled slightly, "I want to hand him something in person."

"What is so anxious?" Luo Yao couldn't help but wonder.

The old man smiled and said, "He was thrown at the puppet of the Triple Heaven!"

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