Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 873: Heaven Breaking Sword

When Lu Chen came out of the Penglai secret realm, Lu Chen returned to his boat.

"The last spiritual vein is far away, and in Buzhou, it is also the strongest of the five great spiritual veins." Yuan Shen said, "We can row directly to the ghost kingdom, and then go west to Buzhou."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, the last spiritual vein...

The enlightenment from the Yin and Yang beads of the two poles made Lu Chen understand, but it still felt a little bit worse.

At the beginning of the world that Tianxing perceives with subtle aura and no self, the three seem to be related, but they cannot be integrated and used!

To be honest, Lu Chen also hoped that they could directly improve his spiritual power or other attributes like the Tianchi spiritual veins.

He didn't even repair his arm, it was just an insight... just like that, he really didn't have the confidence to defeat Warcraft Supreme.

No way, let's go and take a look first, Lu Chen continued to row the boat hard.

"Father!" A milky voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen was taken aback and looked at the head emerging from the side of the ship.

In other words, when he came back, he was too worried, and indeed forgot what seemed to be missing on the boat!

Only now did he remember that Little Beast and Little Mao Tuan were not on the boat!

It was the little beast **** who emerged from the water.

Not seen for a month, the little beast **** has grown to look like four or five years old! He directly called Lu Chen "father"...

"Little beast?"

"It's me, father!" The little beast **** squeezed his hands and got on the boat. Little Mao Tuan grabbed him by the neckline and came out. After getting on the boat, he jumped off, teased the water on his body, and ran to Lu Chen's shoulder.

"I haven't seen him for a month, have you grown up like this?" Lu Chen's eyes were shocked.

When he left, this guy was only two or three years old!

"Father, I eat more now than before. Before, I could only digest one piece of raw crystal fragments a day. Now I can eat two pieces, so I grow faster."

It’s not fast, it’s too fast!

"Don't call me father, can't you? I'm not your father... I haven't found a wife yet."

"But... Father, I was created by you..." Little Beast God looked at Lu Chen aggrievedly, "Little Beast has no other relatives, only his father and Xiao Maotuan, Rhubarb, Green Sister..."

The appearance of the little beast **** is getting more and more delicate, but the clothes on his body have become much smaller. The trousers have turned into shorts, and the long sleeves have turned into a vest... It is estimated that the sleeves of the clothes have been torn.

The pitiful appearance is especially distressing.

"This...hey, it doesn't matter what you call now, but I'm afraid you grow so fast, in the future..."

"No matter how old the little beast grows, it is the father's child!"

Lu Chen Alexander, listening to this, the little beast will not grow slowly in the future. He automatically made up a picture of himself, a person who looked almost the same size as himself, called himself a father by mouth...

I couldn't find the object originally, and now it's even more useless!

But Xiao Beast's growth is also a good thing, Lu Chen no longer needs to carry him.

"Little Beast, this is... why is there blood on your body?" Lu Chen scanned the red marks on Little Beast's clothes.

"It's too boring for Xiao Mao Tuan and I to wait for my father here, so we usually go underwater to kill some beasts." Little Beast said.

"Are there any monsters underwater?" Lu Chen had been cultivating in Penglai Wonderland without paying attention.

"There are no nearby. There are a lot of places farther away, but we have killed them all. I told Xiao Mao Tuan to give him the flesh and the beast pill for me."

Did these two guys steal the air to kill Warcraft? Lu Chen regretted it, leaving these two troublemakers together, what good things can there be for them to get together!

Fortunately, they are all fine.

"How many did you kill?" Lu Chen asked suddenly.

"I don't remember, maybe four or five thousand... Originally there were a lot of them, as if they were going to the coast of Penglai. Later, we ran away and we didn't dare to chase too far."

Lu Chen's eyes widened.

These two guys killed four or five thousand monsters?

To Penglai Coast? Wouldn't it be the army of Warcraft going to attack the Penglai Coastal Defense Line?

Forget it, anyway, I don’t know if I ask them, it’s better to hurry.

After drifting on the sea for a few days, Lu Chen deliberately landed ashore from a dangerous place on the border of the Nether Demons, but he did not encounter the defenders.

After entering the Nether Demon Nation, just after seven or eight days of journey, Lu Chen realized that something was wrong.

He saw with his own eyes a tens of thousands of demon tribe troops marching to the northwest, and the people in that troop obviously saw Lu Chen, but they didn't even care about Lu Chen and ran all the way.

Later, from the mouths of some aborigines in exile, Lu Chen learned that the situation of the Five Heavens had changed tremendously in this more than one month.

The army of Warcraft began to attack the Seven Kingdoms on a large scale!

It is said that the beasts gushing out from the beasts' lair, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, lined up in long lines, and you can't see it at a glance!

Seven generals of Warcraft have also appeared in various battlefields, leading their troops to attack the seven countries. Many cities in the seven countries have already missed, and the countries have begun to tighten their defenses to the central area!

"No wonder there are no garrisons stationed at the border. I don't know if the garrisons are moving or supporting."

Lu Chen continued to take the little beast **** and Rhubarb towards the direction of the country.

When passing a city, he actually saw a siege war!

Seventy to eighty thousand monsters are besieging a city.

Under the command of wise generals, these monsters have suddenly increased their combat power several times!

First, the previous few turns consumed the opponent's fortifications, deliberately triggering traps, attacking the defense array!

After several rounds of consumption, the defensive force on the defending side was greatly weakened, and the army of Warcraft launched another charge!

The army of Warcraft will cover the retreat of the injured Warcraft. In many cases, the defending army simply cannot tell how many times the opponent has rebirth, so the concentrated fire attack is very difficult to work.

If you can't gather the fire and fight alone, the individual combat power of Warcraft will be used.

On the other hand, the biggest limitation of the immortal cultivator is the time when the soul and body become one!

Although the defenders are superior in number and their level is not low, they still need to consider the time of soul and body unity, unlike the army of monsters, which is originally the body.

There are only a few high-star land cultivators, or strong emperor cultivators who dare not open the soul-body unity, others must allocate the soul-body unity time.

Those with the unity of soul and body came forward to fight in close combat, while those who did not use the guarded formation to attack within the formation.

"Let's go, you have saved a city, but you can't save the entire Fifth Heaven! Time is already very tight!" Yuan Shen urged.

Lu Chen nodded and quickly moved away from the battlefield.

Half a month later, Lu Chen successfully arrived at the Tianshen Tomb in Buzhou.

This is where the last spiritual vein is located. It is said that in ancient times there were super strong men who fell here, and their skeletons turned into Buzhou Mountains, which stretched for thousands of miles to form a basin, which was called the Tianshen Tomb.

Inside the Tianshen Tomb, a huge remnant sword is inserted, half of the sword is inserted into the ground, and half of the sword stands diagonally between the sky and the earth, which is hundreds of meters high.

It is said that this is the saber of a certain god, which has grown into the ultimate artifact, but now it is just a huge, broken and rusty iron sword.

When he came to this remnant sword, the God and Demon Promise Sword suddenly resonated slightly.

"Po Tian... I didn't expect you to have fallen here!" said the **** and demon Wuji Sword quietly.

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