In addition to the victory of the two generals, the most important thing is the morale of both sides.

The strength displayed by the black unicorn has already driven the army of monsters into madness. They roared at the defending army, eager to try, as if they wished to rush over to fight now.

On the other hand, on the defending side, the Seven Gods were defeated by the Black Qilin, one of the Four Heavenly Kings. They already knew in their hearts that this battle would be defeated!

Lu Yi's mind had never been as clear as it is now.

Those words are true, and no one can understand the five heavens!

To be able to reach the fifth heaven, perhaps for her, there is really no regret.

I saw so many aliens, monsters and monsters, and saw a real world of cultivating immortals... For the ordinary e-sports girl at the time, I couldn't even think about it.

The only regret is that she has no chance to return to reality and say goodbye to her brother.

After finally reaching the fifth heaven, I thought I could find my brother, but I don't know where that guy is now.

But this is fine, at least my brother still has hope of living!

Gu Fei clenched Lu Yi's hand tightly and looked at Lu Yi affectionately, "Sorry, I can't learn from him if I didn't meet your brother."

Lu Yi looked at Lone Fei with satisfaction. After so long of getting along, this man has always guarded her side, and has also given great help to the players on earth.

Because of the old brother's phrase "Promise me to marry my sister", Lone Fei practiced day and night... It's a pity that I didn't even see my brother this time.

"It's okay, even if I can't see my brother, I promise you! I won't listen to him this time."

"Really? No, what if your brother beats me?"

"I said, you are all dying, can you two stop spreading dog food?" Dongfang Ji glared at the two of them. "You have to eat a handful of dog food when you are dying. Can you consider how I feel? ."

Xiao Weng called out a war tiger, he patted the war tiger on the back, "Xiao Yuan, I'm sorry, I didn't help you find that brat!"

The war tiger was actually transformed by Xiaoyuan, and Xiao Weng was the master of the beast control. In order to conceal people's eyes, it transformed into a war tiger.

There was some dismay in its eyes...

The boss, Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan completed the mission of the Triple Heaven, and finally came to the fifth heaven, but couldn’t see you...

"Xiao Yuan... I want to be the boss... I want to think of Xiao Mao Tuan, Rhubarb... Xiao Yuan cannot die!"

Weng felt sad and nodded, "Xiao Yuan, no matter what, we must fight to the last minute!"

With a long sigh, Xiao Weng looked into the distance.

"Boy, if you are still in the fifth heaven, don't come back!"

In the middle of the battlefield, the battle between the black unicorn and the seven gods was not over. It suddenly stepped on the ground, and two cracks appeared on the ground instantly, like lightning, and it cracked towards the lion king and the falling dust.

"Now I'm attacking, roar! Kill a few of you waste first, and slaughter you ants! Open the mountains and crack the ground!"

If they drew away from this ground crack attack, they would inevitably injure the army behind. Falling dust tried to resist, and shouted, "Ancient Buddha golden body!"

With a bang, in an instant, the ground crack hit Luo Chen directly.

It seems that the ground fissure is not too violent, but it contains unimaginable power. The spiritual power instantly hits the golden body...No, although the ground fissure is blocked, the spiritual power contained in the ground fissure passes through the golden body. , Directly hit Luochen's body!

Luo Chen's body was like a kite with a broken wire, which was directly blown out.

Luo Chen spit out blood, his eyes were full of shock, "This... this spiritual attack actually penetrated my shield!"

His shield blocked the trend of the ground cracking, but the body was directly half-lived. If he had not been given many opportunities, it would be possible to kill him with this blow!

"My God, the black unicorn hit the ice **** with a single move? Its strength... is terrifying!"

"It's over, we have no chance of winning this battle."

"The seven gods can't spell even one of the four heavenly kings... It seems that the admonition is about to come true."

On a high mountain in the distance, Xuan Zhen and the Living Buddha watched Luo Chen's severely wounded figure flying, and they were speechless for half a year.

After a long time, Xuan Zhen sighed, "Sure enough, people are not as good as the sky, but what I didn't expect is that we are step by step, the strength of Falling Chen has increased so quickly, but we will be so vulnerable in front of the black unicorn!"

The Living Buddha suddenly coughed violently. He was exhausted physically and mentally, but he still ignored his body and cried out, "Destiny is hard to violate, destiny is hard to violate, destiny is hard to violate!"

"Five Heavens, there is no escape!"

The lion king witnessed the falling dust, his eyes were splitting.

The black unicorn's trick seems not to be unavoidable, but it is to make them have to forcibly connect, because if they don't, the ground crack will directly attack the rear army!

But if it is hard-wired, the spiritual power has a strong penetrating effect, directly hitting the body, and it will be severely injured or killed!

At the moment of his death, he quickly flashed towards the aboriginal army.

The ground is chasing.

Luo Yao's eyes widened, and she instantly understood the intention of the Lion King!

He wanted to keep the defenders, so he led the ground fissure to the aborigines!

"This guy! What a bastard!" Luo Yao couldn't take care of so much. When she moved, she flashed towards the aboriginal army.

The aborigines are not stupid either. Seeing the lion king attacking here with a black unicorn, they probably know the lion king’s intentions.

But what can they do right now, they can't run away, and they can't escape more...

Ergou watched the Lion King stop in front of his square, his eyelids beating.

He just prayed to the original **** for blessing, hoping to let him survive, but now it seems that he is the first to die!

"Father... mother... Er girl..." Ergou glared wide, and got into Yuan Shen Ling with one hand.

The Lion King has reached the desired position, and the timing is right. When the Earth Cleft is about to attack him, he quickly activates the "Remnant Shadows of Beasts" and successfully avoids the attack.

The black unicorn narrowed his eyes slightly, "Lion King, I didn't expect you to be so greedy and fearful of death, you dare to get out of my open world? Well, since you don't care about the life and death of your people, then I will take advantage of the situation. They go to Huangquan!"

The Lion King’s previous location to lure the enemy was just a few meters in front of the aboriginal army. At a very short distance, the ground fissure attack simply didn't turn around, and directly blasted the aboriginal army.

The Lion King finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the guy didn't chase him!

"Want to kill me? It's not that easy! Their life and death are a shit!"

The lion king escaped, leaving only the aboriginal people facing the terrifying attack of the black unicorn in horror.

At this moment, a silver figure flashed.

"Yes, it is Emperor Yao!"

Although Emperor Yao is strong, the poor seven gods are not even Black Qilin's opponents. How can she stop this blow?

But Luo Yao didn't care.

Luo Yao alone stood in front of the aboriginal army, stood in front of the ground fissure tentacles, pulled out the purple sky to break the dawn, and shouted in a low voice, "Kendo Promise Ultimate Style· Promise Reversal!"

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