Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 885: You guys, let's go together

Only the aborigines know why the ancient six gods died! When they fell, they sacrificed millions of indigenous people, and their rebirth also took advantage of the bodies of the indigenous people...

They have never regarded the aboriginals as adults.

It is precisely because of this that the original **** is not reborn!

At this moment, all the aborigines already knew that the man in front of him was the new original god!

A **** of war who really fought for the natives!

"Are you crazy! Before the war, you have to kill the seven gods first! Are you going to let the warcraft army crush the fifth heaven!" Ghost shouted angrily.

"Aren't you a cultivator!" Shenshan also shouted.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Didn't I just say that you are all going to die!"

"Little beast!" Lu Chen waved, and a young man walked out from behind the aboriginal people.

A little white mouse and a big yellow dog followed him.

As it ran, Xiao Mao Tuan suddenly ran away. It stood somewhere in the army of immortal cultivators, and its small eyes turned grunting.

"Little Mao Tuan, father called us!" The little beast hurriedly stopped, "Rhubarb, how come you are..."

Before the words fell, a fierce tiger sprang out from a distance, while the rhubarb ran all the way with a small hair ball to meet each other.

Lu Chen looked at the tiger in surprise. Although he didn't recognize what was special about this tiger, he saw the group of people following the tiger.

Lu Yi, Weng Weng, Lone Fei, Shuang Ling, Saintess... and some Earth players.

Xiao Maotuan and Rhubarb ran up to the tiger and started fighting affectionately, as if they were reuniting long-lost friends.

When Xiao Mao Tuan meets, he doesn't want to eat the opponent's battle pet, there are only a few in total... Lu Chen suddenly thought of it.

"Xiaoyuan? It won't be you, right!"

The tiger rushed to Lu Chen, and the huge tiger's head touched Lu Chen affectionately.

"It's really you!" Lu Chen was so excited, he had long wanted to go back to pick up Xiao Yuan, but he hadn't found a way to return to San Zhong Tian.

And Xiaoyuan actually chased him from the third heaven to the fifth heaven!

"Brother! Your hand!" Lu Yi rushed to Lu Chen all of a sudden, crying.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Silly girl, it's okay, just one arm, there is still a way to grow out in the future."

These old friends and Lu Chen are friends who live and die together, but here is really not suitable for reminiscing about the old, otherwise they will definitely be able to talk for a few days and nights...

"Lu Yi, you go to Luo Yao's side first, and wait for my brother to get things done here, then come to you."

"Brother, be careful of the Four Heavenly Kings of Beasts, the strength is too terrifying."

Lu Chen smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, your brother is more terrifying."

Everyone knew that they could not help in this battle, and they all moved to the indigenous people.

Only Xiaoyuan refused to leave.

Now that Xiao Yuan is by his side, Lu Chen can also check its situation. He briefly took a look at Xiao Yuan's situation. This guy is not a "puppet" now!

Xiaoyuan is now a "spiritual body with autonomous consciousness"...

Lu Chen couldn't figure out why Xiao Yuan had become like this now, but since it had a sense of autonomy, it should be able to estimate its own combat power.

Seeing Xiao Yuan eager to try, Lu Chen smiled slightly.

"Well, Xiao Yuan, since you want to stay, then you fight with them." Lu Chen said, "Little Beast, these five people, hand over to the four of you!"

"Remember, no one can live!"

"Yes, father, leave it to us!"

Xiao Beast, Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan stood in front of Rhubarb, but Rhubarb seemed to be specially responsible for cheering up... He barked viciously at the five people, and hid behind Xiao Mao Tuan.

"If anyone of the Seven Nations dares to intervene, you don't have to be polite!" Lu Chen finished speaking, and turned towards the army of Warcraft.

Luo Yao first gave an order not to interfere with the original god. The other six kings looked at each other, and now no one placed the bet on the ancient **** of war.

Behind him, the small hair ball had become huge, and the small beast simultaneously transformed the eighteen phantom beasts. Xiao Yuan was unwilling to show his weakness and roared, taking the lead and killing the ghost.

"My God, what are these things? Why is the strength of these pets so strong before that guy has the soul and body unity?"

"That is... the Sky Swallowing Rat? Legend has it that it does not accept the nine-day rule!"

"Eighteen phantom beasts, is that child a human or a pet!"

After taking more than one hundred original crystal fragments, today's little beast is no longer the strength it used to slaughter two or three rounds of monsters in Demon Eye Valley!

At the same time, more people's eyes fell on Lu Chen.

The fighting there will affect the survival of the Five Heavens.

Lu Chen kept walking forward until he stood less than five meters in front of the black Qilin.

At this distance, even the black unicorn feels uncomfortable...

"It's you!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It seems that the four of you seem to be stronger than before... I opened the five spiritual veins, but I helped you."

"It's good to know! It is you who constantly open up the spiritual veins to strengthen your own strength, and make us stronger than ever! It is you who have increased the bet to where they are now!"

Lu Chen curled his lips, "You are right to say that, but on the other hand, in order to gain strength, you don't stop me. This gives me the opportunity to stand here."

"What can you do alone? Can you stop my tens of thousands of troops? What's more, the strength of my king has reached an unimaginable height in the fifth heaven."

"You, I'm the only one crazy, can't stand against the sky!"

Lu Chen sneered, "Can I go against the sky, what is it to you? Do you regard yourself as a sky?"

"Just now, you hurt my friend, right?"

Lu Chen's words suddenly made Black Qilin stunned.

It had seen Lu Chen and Luo Yao together, and naturally knew what Lu Chen was referring to, "Oh, you said that waste, I hurt her, so what? My army of Warcraft has seven warcraft generals and four heavenly kings. Anyone can be a one-million-dollar master, I still have an army of tens of millions, the gods and demons are unstoppable, and the strongest are in charge, but you, you have only one person."

"Oh, by the way, you still have a bunch of battle pets, which are pretty good, but what's interesting is that you actually use them against the Seven Gods? I really don't know if I have to thank you for being an idiot!"

Lu Chen turned his head away, "Okay, I know you have a lot of people, and count your own army every day, aren't you tired?"

The black unicorn almost spurted blood, and he was showing his strength, and when he came to this guy's mouth, it became a brain-dead behavior.

Suddenly, Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the Black Qilin and the monsters behind him indifferently.

"Since you have many people, that's fine..."

Just after hearing these words, Xiaoyao Feng behind suddenly became nervous, "No! No! The mad **** is not thinking...no! Brother, this time, you must not!"

Stardust shook his head, "Xiaoyao, don't expect it, I bet the crazy **** will definitely do that. From the day I knew him, anyway, when he played, he wouldn't be able to fight without scaring a few of his own people to death. "

Wei Weng sighed, "I haven't seen you in a few years, I thought this stinky boy would become a little low-key, why is it getting more and more...more arrogant..."

Bei Xue Gufei looked sad, "Big brother, I beg you, you can do it well, don't let your future brother-in-law see no hope at all!"

It was Shuang Ling Shuang Wu, Zhen Guo Yanran, Luo Yao, eyes flashed.

That's right, although this guy does sometimes make people want to kick him to death... But it is such a man who makes them admire him whenever they see him fighting.

At this time, Lu Chen really said that sentence.

"You... let's go together!"

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