The strong light of the sun and moon candles has disappeared, and the eternal dark side has mobilized the power of the stars, bringing the sky that was just as bright as the day into the night!

The poisonous cloud of Jiuyou's yin and poison rolled over.

On the ground, eight winding cracks looked like tentacles, and like forked lightning, they stretched desperately.

A golden Buddha's palm is a hundred meters long, as if a small hill is pressing over it.

The five ultimate moves of the Four Heavenly Kings cover the sky and the sun, like the darkness of the five heavens, chaos and cruel!

Suddenly, a green mist ignited in Lu Chen's eyes, which became more conspicuous against the white skin.

Immediately afterwards, he clenched the God and Demon Promise Sword, turned into a white light, and shot out instantly!

Po Tian doesn't possess the spatial jumping attribute of "the other shore". From this point of view, its essence should be an ordinary sword energy.

It's just that this sword aura is too fast, this is no longer the speed of an ordinary sword aura, when people see that white light, the white light is already lasing thousands of meters away!

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen was already standing behind Sitianwang.

"My God, so fast! The four kings have no time to react!"

"No, he, he attacked from the front, but how did he pass through the dark side of eternity, the Nine Nethers, the palm of the gods, and the cracking of the earth?"

"It doesn't matter if he passes through those ultimate moves, but how did he pass through the four heavenly kings' body?"

People's eyes widened, and they couldn't understand Lu Chen's sudden appearance there.

Hei Qilin turned around and stared at Lu Chen, "What skill? Can you directly pass through our skills, and can also take your body directly through our body?"

Bai Yu frowned, "It's careless, it made you get out of the way!"

Zhulong said coldly, "I thought how strong you are, isn't it that we can force such a strong displacement skill to survive?"

Hei Qilin sneered, "I'm the only one who is crazy. You look crazy, but that's nothing more than that. Don't think we only have this means. Just now it was just an appetizer, and then the show will really start..."

Before the last word "begin" was spoken, the expression on Hei Qilin's face was suddenly wrong.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly looked down at its chest. After a while, it looked at the back in front of him in horror.

They said so much just now, but I was so mad that they didn't even pay attention to them, and didn't even turn their heads back. They just breathed a long sigh of relief, adjusted their internal breath, and... closed it!

Recruitment must be done well. After all, this is the best part of Lu Chen's learning...

As if the other three heavenly kings had discovered something at the same time, they all looked at where their spirit pills were, and then looked at the back together in shock.


Lu Chen finally spoke, "Save your life? Do you think you can threaten me? How can I be so naive at such a large age?"

"Remember next time, in front of me, it's best to use the strongest skills from the beginning, otherwise you won't have the chance to use it... Oh, there should be no next time..."

Behind him, there was a sudden violent explosion.

The cultivating army and the Warcraft army all looked at the scene in horror.

The dozens of stars on the dark side of eternity suddenly shattered like glass!

The huge palm print of the God of Patching Sky burst directly.

The large mist of Jiuyou Yintoxin compressed inward rapidly within an extreme time, until... after being compressed to a point, it turned into pure spiritual energy and exploded violently.

The ground shook suddenly and violently, and the entire Dongyue Plain was shaking violently. The defenders and the beast army were almost unsteady in the violent shaking.

Immediately afterwards, following the direction where the white light moved, the ground instantly cracked thousands of meters of cracks!

This kind of rupture is completely different from the opening of the sky and the ground. The opening of the sky and the ground is the gradual cracking of the ground, which is caused by the spiritual power of the skill hiding in the ground and tearing the ground apart.

But this time the break was directly "cracked"!

The fracture is straight, and it splits thousands of meters in an instant. The crack is as deep as a cliff, as if the earth is divided into two directly!

Eight roads open the world? Has long since disappeared without a trace!

The demons who watched the battle from a distance almost didn't drop his chin, "This, is this caused by the lingering power of the sword just now? That sword is also... too strong!"

With a bang, a blood hole suddenly exploded in Black Qilin's chest!

The beast pill shattered!

The fragmentation of the spirit pill and the explosion of the spirit pill are two different things, but there is no doubt that the result will die!

Immediately afterwards, Baiyu, corpse kun, candle dragon, all were spared, the huge body made a series of explosions, and the flesh and blood flew across the spot, and the beast pill shattered!

The huge bodies of the candle dragon and the corpse kun fell directly from the air, making a loud noise.

The bodies of the black unicorn and white scorpion fell to the ground!

Only horror remained in the eyes of the Four Heavenly Kings...

"This, how is this possible, you, you have not opened the soul and body, you are just a one-star major repairer, no matter how strong your body attack is, it is impossible to penetrate my... beast pill!" Zhulong looked at that in horror Road back.

Lu Chen turned his back to Zhulong and said calmly, "Dripping water can penetrate stones, willow leaves can break gold, weak grass can open stones, what you think is impossible, in my eyes, it is possible."

Having said that, Lu Chen will not stay anymore, walking towards the army of thousands of monsters in front of him!

Behind him, countless defenders were shocked to the point of being dumbfounded, their whole bodies rigid.

"Is this the power of one sword? It's terrifying, it's... invincible!"

"The Four Heavenly Kings have seven gods in seconds, and the original God...kills the Four Heavenly Kings with one move! This, this... my God, his strength is unimaginable."

"Is that really a human race? Why is the human race so strong? His physical body is not complete yet, why is there such a terrifying combat power!"

"There is no doubt that he, he... he, he is not human!"

Shuang Ling took a deep breath. Although she is now stronger than before, when she saw Brother Du Kuang's sword, Shuang Ling knew that she would surpass Brother Du Kuang, so she seemed to have to cheer.

Beixue Gufei kept shook his head, "Well-named ah, nameless, can't you give me a chance?" He took La Luyi's hand, "Yiyi, can you tell your brother to change the terms? Row!"

Lu Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when her brother killed the Four Heavenly Kings, and smiled slightly, "Then tell my brother yourself!"

After that, Lu Yi turned his head and looked at her back, her eyes were proud, gratified, and joyful, "Brother, you are really strong now!"

However, at this moment, Lu Chen's steps staggered! Then he vomited a big mouthful of blood!

Some people may feel that I am the only one who is not badly hurt, but immediately after that, Lu Chen actually kneeled on one knee and kept vomiting blood!

A big mouthful of blood can't stop it!

The hearts that everyone had just put down suddenly rose again.

"Brother!" Lu Yi's eyes were red all of a sudden, and they were fine just now, why...

Dongfang Ji frowned, "It must be the move just now. That move just now broke the sky with one sword. The power is amazing, but without the unity of soul and body, it will also cause extremely terrifying pressure on his own flesh!"

"Yeah, we all only saw the power of a sword breaking the sky, but forgot to use such a move against the heavens, how terrifying the burden on the crazy **** himself!"

"He also broke an arm... Why avoid the soul and body unity! Mad God, that guy will definitely come out!" Stardust said anxiously.

Among the crowd, Ergou watched this scene in shock, and suddenly couldn't help crying.

"Ergou..." Luo Yao supported Ergou's shoulder.

Ergou looked at Luo Yao with tears in his eyes.

"Emperor Yao... he is the original god... he is the original god!"

Luo Yao didn't understand what Ergou meant, "What?"

"He didn't unify the soul and body, he used the ontology! He, he was telling us that even the cultivation of ontology can be so strong!"

Luo Yao suddenly woke up!

He looked behind him, and countless aborigines were already in tears.

Yes, other people might not understand why the soloist would rather be seriously injured than look at the unity of soul and body. Those who are familiar with Lu Chen even know that Lu Chen has a more abnormal skill, the God and Demon Tianwei.

But he didn't open anything, only fighting on his own!

Even if he has the original **** order, he fights for the aboriginal people, but he is a cultivator after all, this is an unchangeable fact.

However, at this moment, he has truly become the original god!

With a mortal body, one sword breaks the sky!

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