Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 891: The strongest sword

Suddenly dozens of Gods and Demons Promise Swords were stabbed by the side of the Supreme Monster!

After the Tianchi Lingmai strengthened his body twice, as a Tier 2 sacred beast, Lu Chen knew that it was difficult for ordinary weapons to penetrate his flesh and blood, but fortunately he had the God and Demon Promise Sword!

In the area in front of Lu Chen, a large number of Gods and Demons Promise Swords were continuously differentiated. These Promise Swords appeared anywhere and anytime, without warning, and it was difficult to defend!

Warcraft Supreme stared wide-eyed and launched the "Shape Shuttle" several times, but no matter how he changed his position, there would always be a large number of Gods and Demons Promise Sword beside him.

Lu Chen’s “creation of the world” did not reach the level of creating a world. After all, he only practiced for half a year. What he can do now is to use Chaos Spiritual Energy as raw materials in the target area to create A large number of clones.

But this is already a terrifying effect.

An infinite clone of the God and Demon Promise Sword, even if it was as strong as Ying Long, was finally tired of coping.

"With this trick, don't you want to kill me!!" Ying Long was furious, but there was no time to do it, so he could only change his position crazily, and now he couldn't allow him to stay for a while.

Gradually, there were more and more Promise Sword clones around, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

Several of the attacks were almost past Ying Long's body!

"Is it possible that your creation can be endless? I don't believe it! Your spiritual power should not be able to hold it!" Ying Long was still desperately evading.

Lu Chen stood there.

Still instilling spiritual energy into this area.

500,000 spiritual power, 800,000 spiritual power, 1 million, 2 million!

With the infusion of spiritual energy, this area finally formed a self-sufficient system!

After being avoided, the avatar of God and Demon Promise Sword will be re-decomposed and a new avatar will be created quickly!

If it is avoided again, it will be decomposed again, and a new clone will be recreated... Yin and Yang revolve each other, can be separated or combined!

"Damn it! It's not over!" Ying Long shouted violently, drew out a steel claw, and slashed at a Promise Sword clone, and after the Promise Sword was hit, it actually... split into two!

Promise produces Tai Chi, and Tai Chi produces two instruments. Here, "one" can become "two"!

And Lu Chen continued to pour aura!

3 million spiritual power, the corresponding massive spiritual energy value, all flooded into this area.

The avatars of Gods and Demons Promise Sword, from dozens to hundreds, to thousands, tens of thousands!

These swords can only flash, not defense, otherwise they will split in two!

At this time, the power of creation is truly manifested. In this small world, as long as you are trapped in it, you will die!

"Dragon blood revives!" Ying Long erupted with violent spiritual energy, and there was a dragon shadow behind him. Although it blocked a large number of Promise Sword attacks, the Promise Sword quickly re-formed and continued to attack regardless.

The afterimage is getting weaker and weaker, assimilated and absorbed by the surrounding chaotic spirit...

"Impossible! Tianlong roars!"

"Stardust resonance!"

"Nine Realms Touring Dragon!"

"Dragon Clone!"

Ying Long really has a lot of hole cards, constantly using a lot of horror skills.

However, for the avatar of the God and Demon Promise Sword, it makes no difference whether he uses skills or not!

If you dare to block, they will be divided into two, if you want to flash, they will quickly rebuild...

Some skills will also be assimilated and absorbed by the surrounding chaotic aura. Although not effective for all skills, as long as they absorb a little, Ying Long can be more passive.

Ten minutes later, Ying Long had already used all his skills, and his body was already scarred!

It should be said that if "Creation" was a formation, Yinglong would have been broken long ago, but in the realm of creation, there is no formation, and it is a self-contained one.

This piece of heaven and earth seemed to be attached to him, no matter how much he dodges, he could not escape this small piece of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ying Long seemed to feel a sense of deja vu.

For three thousand years, he was trapped in Tianchi's spiritual veins, even if his physical body continued to grow stronger, but he still couldn't get out of there.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the Tianchi Spirit Vessel, and resisting would only make the attack more fierce. He had to keep moving and dodge desperately.

At this moment, it suddenly heard a voice.

"Warcraft supreme, give it up, this place is already self-contained, and their attacks are dead."

"No, I don't believe it! I can escape from the Tianchi spiritual vein, and I can escape from your **** enchantment!"

"This is not a barrier."

"I don't care! Whether it's the enchantment, the formation, the domain, or the space you created! Nothing can trap me!"

Puff puff puff, several gods and demons Promise Sword stabbed the body of Warcraft Supreme, but its recovery ability was extremely amazing, and the wound healed quickly.

It is worthy of being the flesh of a Tier 2 sacred beast, even if it is the avatar of the Promise Sword, it seems that at the current intensity, it cannot be completely injured.

Perhaps, only one sword can kill it...

"I don't believe in fate, let alone you!" Ying Long's face is savage, his eyes are cracked, and he frantically dodges a large number of Promise Swords.

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, not believing...Speaking of which, he looked a bit like himself.

Ten minutes later, Ying Long looked a bit exhausted, but he was still trying to avoid the attack.

The endless swords cut through his flesh time and time again.

Finally, after a lot of attacks, Ying Long's physical recovery slowed down!

His human skin was quickly cut, revealing a larger Yinglong body.

At this time, its body was riddled with holes and blood flow continued.

The more so, the more difficult it is for him to avoid all attacks, and gradually, his wounds are getting more and more.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, Ying Long knelt down on all fours and front legs.

Numerous avatars of Gods and Demons Promise Sword swarmed towards Ying Long.

Ying Long was already powerless to resist, and it didn't care about those Promise Sword clones anymore, just turned its head and looked at Lu Chen persistently with a pair of tired eyes.

"You said that this space is self-contained now, then you can't come in either!"

"These swords can hurt me, but it is impossible to kill me!"

"Since I can escape the Tianchi spiritual vein, one day, I will also escape here!"

Lu Chen looked at the **** Ying Long lightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and let out a long sigh.

They are indeed enemies, either you die or I die, and they cannot be changed.

However, they are so similar in some respects. Same strong, same unyielding...

With a sigh, Lu Chen raised his head and looked at Ying Long, "Since this space was created by me, I can naturally withdraw it... Well, I will give you the last paragraph."

After all, Lu Chen put away "Creation World", and at the same time, he started the unity of soul and body!

He finally opened his soul and body, Luo Yao almost cried...

This is still in the case that Ying Long has been subdued! It's just superfluous behavior!

The sword rises, the wind is surging, the lightning is thunder!

"Didn't you say that it's a pity that you didn't almost take my sword to break the sky? My strongest sword will make up for your regret."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed the Promise Sword with one hand, and shouted angrily, "One sword...break the sky!"

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