The next day, Lu Yi and the others received a letter from an aboriginal, asking them to go to the Western Kingdom immediately.

Day and night, more than twenty days later, the group arrived at the place designated by Lu Chen.

At this time, the originally barren mountainous area has become a different look.

A large number of aboriginal people have built residences near the mountains, and many others are digging in the mountains, seeming to be mining ore.

These aborigines often engaged in various manual labors, and they knew better than the immortal cultivators about the mining steps of spirit stones.

"This, such a large area is a spiritual stone mine?" Min Weng looked at the scene in shock. In a certain deep pit, some silver ore can be vaguely seen, which is the entire fifth layer at present. The spirit stone mine that is extremely short of heaven!

"My mother, such a large piece of land, this, this... whoever mines this piece of spiritual stone mine, that is a rich and enemy country!"

"If you cooperate with the talisman masters of the Seven Kingdoms to make cash withdrawal rolls, it is not an exaggeration to say that this mine can create a new country!"

At this moment, an aboriginal ran over to greet everyone, "Everyone, please follow me. The original **** is waiting for you."

Several people looked at each other, the original god... who else could it be besides that guy!

They hurried to follow the man.

At this time, the uncle, Xue'er, Ahui, and some aboriginal people stood beside Lu Chen, watching people busy exploring the mining area.

Lu Chen turned his head, saw Lu Yi and the others, smiled and greeted, "You are here."

"Brother!" Lu Yi threw himself into Lu Chen's arms happily. It was interesting to say that the two of them had a gaming cockpit next to the room, but they hadn't recounted the past for two years.

"Smelly boy!" Xiao Weng also ran over, hitting Lu Chen on the shoulder with a punch.

"Old man!" Lu Chen said with a smile, "You old bone can actually reach the fifth heaven!"

"Who do you look down on... Hey, it's actually Xiaoyuan, and Ms. Shuangling who took me, so I just took a ride."

Lu Chen smiled and looked at the crowd Shuang Ling.

"Nameless brother." Shuang Ling and Shuang Wu walked up together. Shuang Lingqiao blushed, "Are you okay? Your arm..."

There is no time to relive the past on the battlefield, and now seeing so many old friends, Lu Chen is also very excited.

"Let's let your arms go, you are all here!"

Shuang Wu said, "Big Brother Reba Mountain and the others are in the Fourth Heaven, they are working hard to cultivate."

"Brother Li is coming to Fifth Heaven too? Great. If there is a chance, I will wait for them to come up before leaving."

"Really? You are not in a hurry to break through the Tongtian Tower this time?"

Lu Chen turned his head to look at the busy scene below the mountain, "There are still some things to deal with here."

Not far away, a few aboriginal people were climbing up the slope. After Lu Chen saw it, he hurriedly went up and took it in, "Lao Zhang, how is the survey?"

These people are very well-known survey experts among the aboriginal people, and they have been surveying the entire mining area these days.

Although several people looked tired and dirty, they couldn’t hide the excitement in their eyes, “Yuanshen, I participated in the exploration of no less than 20 sources of spirit stone veins. I’m sure that this area is definitely five. The biggest spirit stone mine in Chong Tian!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. Fortunately, the task reward was not too bad.

Restarting such a perverted mission in the fifth heaven will reward a spirit stone mine. If it is worse, then the mission will not be accepted.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen said, "Before the Beastmaster had destroyed many spiritstone mines, not only did they consume a large amount of spiritstone mines, but after the war, their hands were already nervous. It takes a long time to repair the mines, so I It is estimated that the price of the spirit stone mine should be at least five times the original price!"

Zhang Lao nodded heavily, "It is estimated that five times will not end. The losses caused by the war have almost exhausted the reserves of the Seven Kingdoms, and they dare not let the aboriginal people work as coolies for them. The manpower is in short supply, I guess, Ling The price of quarry must be at least seven to eight times!"

Another person added, "It depends on whether the original **** is willing to sell!"

Thinking of the appearance of various countries lining up to buy the spirit stone mine, everyone couldn't help laughing.

It can be seen that these people are joyful from the heart, just like the aboriginal people who are working, without the supervision of the supervisor, but the enthusiasm is higher than the wave.

Uncle Tai looked excitedly at Lu Chen, "My nameless brother, we aborigines really don’t know what to say. Such a vein is also an unimaginable wealth for you, but you are willing to hand over the mining rights and management rights. We, we really...really grateful!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Actually, the original **** has also helped me a lot. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to realize the creation of the world and the breaking of the sword."

At this time, Lu Chen called Lu Yi and a group of powerful people on the earth.

"Yiyi, I have already thought about this. I will hand over the mining rights and management rights to the aboriginal people and the United Front Work Department of the Earth. I will assign them after the elders give me specific data. ."

"I will talk to Mu Hua at that time."

The earth player's eyes widened.

This mineral vein is the personal property of the mad god. Under the current situation, just mining and operating it will definitely make a lot of money!

There is no doubt that the value of this mineral vein can no longer be described by the currency on earth.

With this vein, the rise of aboriginals and earth players is no longer a fantasy! If coupled with the Guidance Plan, perhaps the earth will usher in a real "powerful era"!

"Brother, what about you?" Lu Yi asked, still afraid that her brother would suffer.

"I don't know how to mine, so I can do it by drawing."

"You're going to be the shopkeeper again!" Lu Yi saw through the essence at once.

The uncle hurriedly stepped forward, "Miss Yiyi, let your brother be the shopkeeper. If he doesn't, it will be too difficult for us aborigines to rise up."

"Yes, right, right, the original god, leave the veins to us, we absolutely take care of it properly, even if the profits are divided among us!" said the elder.

Lu Yi said embarrassedly, "This uncle, I mean, I will support him anyway, my brother said."

Lu Chen laughed, "There are so many of you, 10% is not enough. My idea is that you and my hometown each account for 40%."

"The aborigines are good at mining. You may have to work harder in the early mining, but there are a large number of talismans among the people on earth. After they have a large number of them, you can make your own cash coupons. You can help each other and develop together."

"In this way, you can be considered as occupying a resource, you can use it as a basis in the future, plus the five-layer aura has recovered, you will slowly develop."

Uncle Tai's eyes widened, "Forty percent?! Then, don't you have only two percent for that nameless man?"

Lu Chen put away his smile and looked into the distance, "Twenty percent is enough... there are enough things that the original **** taught me."

Speaking of the original god, tears burst into the eyes of the aborigines.

The person who does not hesitate to sacrifice everything to protect the aboriginal world will always be a beacon to guide them to become stronger!

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