Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 915: The new name of the college

Lu Chen was left alone in the huge Wunian Sanctuary.

Until now, Lu Chen really felt the feeling of a polished commander.

Lu Chen hurriedly called out Xiao Lu, Xiao Min, and Rhubarb together. No matter how popular he was, he was not alone.

Looking at the messy academy, Lu Chen sighed for a long time.

"I don't even have a cleaner or a mentor. How can I recruit disciples!"

If it is a college like Lingxiao Temple, it is also a big college with a surname, and there are definitely a lot of people here, so naturally there is no need to worry about recruiting disciples.

However, he doesn't even have the name of the academy now. Sixth Heaven is the golden realm of cultivation. Everyone is racing against time to cultivate. Who wants to come to his practice without a meeting?

The most important thing is that in the academy, now most areas of Lu Chen can’t enter. There are many masters in the fairy pavilion who set up a large seal formation. Lu Chen banged the large formation without breaking the formation, I don’t know. What a sophisticated formation.

At present, only a few small houses in the martial arts field and the teaching area are open. There is a small courtyard in the residential area, and other places are not accessible at all.

Thinking of the future situation, Lu Chen sat down on the steps of the martial arts arena, thinking of his many tragic experiences since he came to Sixth Heaven, Lu Chen was furious.

Coming to the Sixth Heaven was the most inadequate time for him to prepare. First, he was separated from the little beasts and the others, and then almost died in the fierce demon sea. The dragon crystal and the wild blood evil stone fused into a waste, trapped on a desert island, and went to the college to close down. , Became the dean of the academy inexplicably, and he had not had time to deal with his own affairs, and he had to face the pressure of enrollment... Lu Chen had never been so sad.

"Master Puppet, this account will be settled with you in the future!"

"Boss..." Lu Yiyi looked at Lu Chen's helpless look, very distressed. When did he ever see the boss so unlucky.

She is very clear about the current situation of the boss. If the restrictions on all areas cannot be lifted, she cannot find out if there is something they are looking for in Wunian Sanctuary, so now the boss is in a dilemma.

"Boss, don't be discouraged, at least you still have us!" Xiaolu suddenly said, "Xiaomin, Dahuang, let's clean up the rooms in the teaching house and dormitory first. If there are new disciples coming, we won't think Dirty."

"Okay! Boss, come on, we know you can do it!"

Lu Chen looked up at the two ghosts in surprise, "You..."

Xiao Min smiled and looked at Lu Chen, "Boss, we all know that you are difficult during this time, but we also know that you won't give up so easily!"

After that, Xiaomin and the others are busy, "Go, Rhubarb, by the way, see if there are any treasures around."

Lu Chen's heart moved, they still believe in themselves...

"Well, I know there are unusual things in Wunian Sanctuary, why am I still hesitating here! I must find out the treasures!"

"Isn't it just recruiting students? I don't believe it is better than other colleges!"

Lu Chen finally cheered up and opened the college panel.

The first thing is to give the college a name.

"Other people's names seem to be taking the domineering route. As for Shengwu Lingxiao, my academy is called..." Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and then typed in the academy's name.

Academy of Gods and Demons!

Lu Chen's abilities are inextricably linked to the magic set, so he uses this name as the name of the college.

On his token, the ink marks were rearranged to form a new typeface-the dean's order of the Academy of Gods and Demons!

Perhaps Lu Chen doesn't know how many years from now, what terrifying majesty the seven words will represent!

"The nine vocational education areas are currently blocked, and there are only a few public education pavilions..." Lu Chen looked at the college map on the panel, "then use this first."

There is only one dean under the name of the Academy of Gods and Demons, and there is also his basic information behind the dean.

[Dean of the Academy of Gods and Demons (Lower House): I am the only one crazy]

[Dean's strength: One Hoshino Master, ranks after 1 billion in cultivation]

【Reputation: Silent and Unknown】

[Current Prestige Permission: You can participate in the event "Four Seasons Tour". After the winter tour starts one month later, after signing up for the event, you can bring a college tutor to the newcomer area to recruit newcomers. 】

[Number of disciples under the name: 1 (not included in the number of students in the college)

Lu Chen frowned slightly, and said strangely, "Why am I still a wild master?"

"Because you are the founder!" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked back and saw an old man walking towards him with a hip flask.

"Old Dean?" Lu Chen looked at this person in surprise.

Yun Hai smiled slightly, a little lonely in his smile, but he seemed relieved, "You don't need to call me the old dean. Now you are the dean of the new college, and it has nothing to do with Wunian Sanctuary."

"The reason why you are still a wild master is very simple, because you are the founder of this new college!" Yunhai walked to Lu Chen and sat beside him, "just like we talk about the founders of other colleges. , Senior Ling Xiao of Lingxiao Sacred Academy founded Lingxiao Academy, we would say that Senior Ling Xiao used to be a disciple of Ziyuan Immortal Academy under Xingyun Immortal, but you wouldn't say that he is a disciple of Lingxiao Sacred Court, would you?"

Lu Chen thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the reason.

"So, you had no school, no school, and no master. Even if you become the dean, you are still a savage."

"I am not a savage! I am a wild master repairer!" Lu Chen corrected.

Yunhai laughed, "It's up to you, anyway, in the eyes of others, it's almost like a wild man."

Lu Chen had nothing to refute at this time. The expressions of other people when they saw his badge were indeed the same as when they saw a savage. Liu Zhongtian was slightly better. Maybe the people here are more knowledgeable.

"By the way, Senior Yunhai, you just came here, or the dean will give it to you, I have no plans to be any dean at all."

"Give it to me?" Yunhai looked at Lu Chen, his expression hesitant, and finally took another sip of wine, "No name, you are determined to be the dean!"

"The Temple of Wu Nian is gone, the current academy is not my academy, but yours!"

"With your strength, you don't have to think about it. You must have been a man of great power in the first few days, and all the wind wolves have come, so what are you afraid of in the sixth heaven?" Yun Hai suddenly stared.

Lu Chen shook his head, "I'm not afraid, I still have a lot to do. Actually, I don't have a clue about my own affairs now."

"I have a very important battle... My friends are separated, I must find them as soon as possible."

"Then you should make your academy bigger and stronger!" Yunhai said affirmatively, "Do you know how difficult it is to find people in Sixth Heaven? Do you know how big Sixth Heaven is?"

Not only did Lu Chen not know this question, but he wanted to know!

"Sixth Heaven...How many continents are there?" Lu Chen asked.

"Countless!" Yunhai said.

"Countless?!" Lu Chen widened his eyes.

"Yes!" Yunhai looked up at the evening sky, and some bright stars were clearly visible.

"Can you count the stars in the sky? I'm the only one who is crazy. My dream was to walk out of Shengyuan Star with the Sanctuary of No Thoughts, and compete with the academies on other planets!"

Lu Chen almost spit out old blood.

Other planets? ! Six heavens, more than one planet? !

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