Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 921: Like you we don't want

When the sign was released, a large number of people gathered around before the recruiting point of the Academy of Gods and Demons.

"What's this? Stay here for 10 minutes and reward 10 million spirit stones? Except for the simple defensive formation outside, the inside is just a "unique space"?"

For the newcomers from the five heavens, most people don't even know the existence of state skills.

"It feels very calm inside. The spiritual power fluctuations are very small. Is there any danger here?" Someone stretched their necks and looked inward. "A simple defensive formation can be sealed. What can it be?"

An elf cultivator opened his third eye, observed carefully for a while, and frowned, "Not only is the spiritual power extremely calm inside, but it is also very thin. Who can last for less than 10 minutes in such an environment?"

"The Academy of Gods and Demons? I haven't heard the name, but it seems to be very rich. 10 million! With this money, the tuition fee for any college is enough."

There are more and more people, and many people have naturally noticed the admission notice of the Academy of Gods and Demons.

"The lower house? The tuition fee is 10 million? Are they crazy."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you don't have to enter their academy after you have tried it. They said it themselves."

"Skills can be used...I will go, he is afraid that we are all rookies. I don't know how we came to Sixth Heaven?"

As long as one enters the sixth heaven through the Tongtian Pagoda normally, who has no confidence in himself.

Seeing that more and more people came around, Yun Hai felt a little confused, and said to Lu Chen, "Dean, how many spirit stones do you have with you?"

"I brought hundreds of them, enough to finish the meal."

"It's not for dinner, I mean, you see so many people have been surrounded now, here is also a hidden dragon and a tiger, what if someone lasts for 10 minutes?"

"10 minutes?" Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Bi Yi has only lasted five minutes. How many people have just arrived at Sixth Heaven and can compare with Bi Yi, and the intensity of the next five minutes is not comparable to the first five minutes. of!"

While talking, someone has already entered the "creation space" to try.

The first to eat crabs was a demon cultivator. The demon was already powerful, and their racial superiority made them look very high.

"Red Devils, don't last for 20 minutes, otherwise their Academy of Gods and Demons will give you 20 million." His friend joked leisurely.

"That's not bad. It would be great to earn our tuition fees. When the time comes, with the money from the Academy of Gods and Demons, wouldn't it be beautiful for us to go to Xinghua Holy Academy." Another person said.

The Red Devil smiled slightly, "Stop talking nonsense, you want to make money by yourself. This opportunity to pick up money is still boring... I'll go first."

The Red Devil smiled confidently at Bi Yi, "Beauty, are you defending yourself, or me?"

Bi Yi snorted coldly, "This formation is the most basic formation. We are now enrolling students in our Academy of Gods and Demons. If you think you can beat me, you can enter our Academy if you have the ability."

With that, Bi Yi opened a channel, "Go in."

The Red Devil smiled slightly, "Don't use this method to trick me into your garbage college, I'm here to make money!" After all, he strode into the creation space.

As soon as he entered the space, he was directly suspended in the air!

"The Demon Race's spiritual power control is really powerful, and it can actually use the spiritual energy to float itself."

"It's already timed, the key is to see whether their gods and demons will give money in the end."

"If you don't give money, their reputation will be completely stinking."

The Red Devil was suspended in the air, looking at Bi Yi leisurely, and raised his eyebrows, "That's it? Anyone can last for ten minutes! Your Academy of Gods and Demons is waiting for bankruptcy."

As soon as his voice fell, there was spiritual energy around him gradually forming a whirlpool, and then a black and white double sword gradually appeared.

Then, the long sword stabs the Red Devil!

The Red Devil snorted coldly, "This is the mystery of this space? It is really disappointing!"

Then he slapped the wind and retreated the sword!

However, after the long sword was shaken back, it quickly split into two, and stabbed the Red Devil again.

The Red Devils frowned slightly, what happened?

"Are you teasing me? It's just two swords, magic repair halberd! Break it for me!"

The long sword was defeated and was directly knocked into the air... However, after a while, the two long swords were divided into four!

This time the speed of the four long swords is faster than before!

"This!" The Red Devil's eyes were round, what kind of weird space is this?

Watching the game from a distance, Yunhai asked Lu Chen in surprise, "Dean, why is Chuangshi weaker than before? Before, Biyi had to face dozens of sword shadows from the beginning."

Lu Chen shook his head, "That was a martial arts contest. I naturally want to end the battle as soon as possible. I have injected a lot of aura myself, but now... let them play more, just to attract some popularity."

Yun Hai realized that the creation space of the dean was a "simple mode"...

Over there, after the Red Devil smashed the sword shadow several times, the number of sword shadows inside began to show a geometric increase! Jianying's speed began to get faster and faster.

The Red Devils, who had always been full of confidence, had to flash belts to block them.

However, once the creation space is opened, even if the people inside collide with the sword shadow, the creation space itself is constantly splitting, transforming from nothing to something.

As a result, the sword shadow inside began to become more and more terrifying.

Twenty, fifty, one hundred!

In two minutes, the sword shadows in the creation space have instantly changed to 360! Madly chasing the Red Devils.

The Red Devils only let go of their rhetoric before, and now facing more than three hundred sword shadows at once, they are already stretched out and can hardly take care of them!

"Damn it, how could this happen! Soul and body are one!"

In two minutes, the Red Devil opened his soul and body as one!

Lu Chen shook his head, "It took only two minutes to unify the soul and the body. This space is far less than the one Bi Yi faced... This person is not very strong. If he signs up, we don't want it."

The Grey Crow was responsible for recording everyone's situation and made a fork behind the Red Devils.

The Red Devils with the soul-body unity had their speed skyrocketed and their defenses greatly improved. However, in the face of chasing and more and more sword shadows, within 20 seconds, the Red Devil had many swords in his body, and he was in a thrilling situation.

"Let me out! Hurry up! I'm going to die here!"

In the distance, as soon as Lu Chen raised his hand, the sword shadows in the creation space disappeared, and everything was calm again.

The Red Devil staggered out of it, and when she passed Bi Yi, Bi Yi sneered, "The intensity of this space is less than one-tenth of what I used to train, so you can only hold two and a half minutes? You want to break me. Formation? Practice for a few more years."

The Red Devil was angry, but he couldn't send it out at the moment.


"Do you use this for training in academy?"

Naturally Bi Yi would not say that she was defeated by the space when she was competing with the dean, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Then what's so good about you? With this kind of training method, I can surpass you in only three years!" The Red Devil looked unconvinced, but soon, his momentum weakened again, "Well, I want to go to your college to sign up. , I am willing to pay 10 million, where can I sign up?"

Grey Crow came over, "Sorry, we were not very satisfied with your test scores just now. The dean said that we don't charge any money."

"What! I, I am still young, I can grow! I have potential and determination! I am very strong with us!"

"It's useless to be strong, the dean didn't like it." Gray Crow said ruthlessly.

"I, you didn't say to watch the test time at first, I can actually hold it for a while!"

"Friends, didn't your friends say that you are going to Xinghua? Let's go there. They are the holy courtyard. We are just a lower courtyard. The fees are expensive, and they are not comparable to them."

"No, this space has too much effect on cultivation! I must enter your academy! Give me another chance, just once! This time I must behave well! Brother, you, you go and intercede with the dean."

Gray Crow looked dumbfounded. Why did this guy suddenly change his face, and he must go to their Academy of Gods and Demons? !

Are you called Brother directly? I don't think of myself as an outsider at all.

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