Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 941: Gradually taking shape

Ye Fan finally decided to join the Academy of Gods and Demons!

Lu Chen was so happy that he finally won the SSR!

On the other hand, the rumor that the Academy of Gods and Demons retreated a certain powerful strength quickly spread in Shengyuan Continent.

Holy courtyard, immortal courtyard didn't dare to provoke people, such a newly created lower courtyard of the Academy of Gods and Demons, unexpectedly did not counsel at all, just because of this, I don't know how many newcomers are interested.

Coupled with their unique testing space, more and more people flock to the recruiting office of the Academy of Gods and Demons...

In the next two days, the recruiting point of the Academy of Gods and Demons, almost every day, before the recruiting office opened, there were a large number of newcomers waiting to be tested.

Under such circumstances, the enrollment situation of the Academy of Gods and Demons suddenly became popular.

On the morning of the fifth day, Lu Chen was resting in the college and received a system prompt.

[Congratulations, you have completed the task of recruiting new recruits for the first month, and the Spirit Vessel (Secondary) of the Academy of Gods and Demons has been opened! 】

"Huh? They hired people just as soon as they went?" Lu Chen was quite surprised.

However, Lu Chen decided to wait for Lao Hai to come back and let him go with him to check the secondary spiritual veins. After all, Lao Hai was familiar with the road.

In the evening, the recruiting army returned. Today, 19 people were recruited. The total number of disciples in the college has reached 66!

When Lao Hai came back, the whole person was refreshed. He saw Lu Chen and ran over to report his results, "No name, 66, it's only five days!"

"Thank you, Lao Hai."

"What's the hard work for me, it's all the little bunnies working! By the way, the mentors I told you before should be here in the next two days. I will meet you by then."

Lu Chen nodded. With the students and the instructors, the academy was finally on the right track.

"Lao Hai, you accompany me to the secondary spiritual source first." Lu Chen said, "the seal will be lifted this morning, but you will be with you to save trouble."

"Go around, let's go now, I can't wait now!"

The two went straight to the backyard on the east side of Yanwu Field.

The main spiritual channel of the Academy of Gods and Demons is the weird spiritual channel, which has been out of use for a long time, but it is the secondary spiritual channel, which has become the main spiritual channel of Wunian Sanctuary hundreds of years ago.

The secondary spirit channel is located in the back mountain of Wunian Mountain. After the seal is lifted, the two directly enter the back mountain.

Not long after, the two have arrived in an open area.

"This is the Lingmai?" Lu Chen looked around strangely, feeling a little different from what he had imagined.

Yunhai explained, "The nameless, the secondary spirit veins are actually the gathering spirit formations arranged by the people of the Immortal Pavilion. Look at this large formation, there are a total of nine first-level formation eyes, and there are nine under each first-level formation There are four levels, and so on, there are a total of 6561 sub-eyes."

Lu Chen looked at the flow of spiritual energy everywhere. Although there were many eyes, they were very regular, which could be said to be clear at a glance.

Generally speaking, this gathering array is like a big tree with lush branches.

Unlike those spirit sealing formations, in order not to destroy people, the arrangement of the formations is as complicated and unnecessary as possible, making it impossible for people to start.

"After these array eyes are placed on the spirit source, the higher-level array eyes can gather the spiritual energy, increasing layer by layer, forming the final artificial spiritual vein." Yun Hai walked in front of him.

A dim beast pill was suspended here, Yunhai took down the beast pill and looked at it, "Nameless, this is a Tier 2 sacred beast pill, but it appears to be exhausted..."

Lu Chen looked around, and many of the beast pills on the fronts were dim, and even many of the fronts were still empty...

"In the past six months, the spiritual veins have been sealed, and the main formation has gathered a lot of spiritual energy, which should be able to support two or three months. However, the degree of spiritual source depletion seems to be a bit beyond my expectation." Yun Hai's eyes are full of anxiety," We must find a way to get more spiritual sources as soon as possible..."

Lu Chen suddenly asked, "Lao Hai, didn't you say that some magic weapons can also be used as spiritual sources? Why didn't you see the magic weapons?"

"Spirit source magic weapons? They have all been divided up... only these beast pills are left." Yun Hai shook his head and sighed.

Lu Chen stepped forward and patted Yunhai on the shoulder, "It's okay, we can get it if there is no spiritual source magic weapon. Let's replace it with the beast pill now. I think the effect of this spirit gathering formation should be good. It's a big battle."

"Yes, it was arranged by the masters of Zhongxian Pavilion. If it weren't for this formation, Wunian would have been lonely hundreds of years ago."

"That's good, use this transition first! Wait for the hunting contest, get more beast pills."


The next day, Yunhai did not follow to recruit new people. He received the news that his former mentor had arrived this morning.

A total of five teachers came this time, four of them were old teachers from the Temple of Wu Nian, and one was Yun Hai's best friend.

In fact, after the academy collapsed, those mentors who had been in Wu Nian Sanctuary for decades or even longer were even more reluctant to join other academies.

They have been in Wunian Sanctuary for decades. From their point of view, Wunian Sanctuary is already their home. Once the academy closed down, their seniors would go to other academies to start from scratch. Who are they? It is not easy to accept.

Yunhai brought these people to Lu Chen and introduced them one by one.

"Anonymous, I know these people very well. When they were in Wu Nian Sanctuary, they were very strong, and they were dedicated to their responsibilities when they were in the Academy."

"This is the Great Dream Zhaiji, the master monk and deputy martial arts, the six-star emperor Xiu, this is the thousand crossbow, the magic shoot, the imperial sword, the Wushen three, the six-star emperor..."

The five-star emperor repairs the Lanzhi of the element mage and the talisman, and the five-star emperor repairs the dragon and the dragon.

"This is my good friend. It turned out to be the great teacher of other holy houses. He originally planned to retire, but now I have pulled him over." Yunhai said, pulling a white-bearded old man, "I'll introduce it. This is the Seven Stars. The three repairs of the Great Emperor, Master Yitian, Puppet, Pharmacist and Master Blast!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, five people, covering nine major occupations, and the lowest is the five-star emperor repair!

If you add Yunhai, the former Dean of Wunian Shengyuan, the faculty of the Academy of Gods and Demons has basically taken shape!

Yitian looked at Lu Chen, and then said to Yunhai, "I said Yunhai, are you sure you want us old guys to follow this little kid?"

Yunhai laughed, "Yitian, do you still doubt my vision?"

"If we didn't believe your eyes, we wouldn't come here at all." Dameng Zhaiji didn't look old at all. He looked like a tank at first glance.

"It's just that the nameless dean is even bigger than we thought..." Zhai Ji didn't know how to describe it.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and stood up, "Weak?"

Zhaiji nodded, she was indeed weak.

Yitian said, "For immortal cultivators, physical injury is a taboo. The unknown boy is missing his left arm, and the face of the unknown boy is not very good. There should be other symptoms on his body. Besides, your level is just one. Master Hoshino...Don't be surprised by the unknown little friend. We old guys, in fact, have already planned to retire, but Yunhai insisted on repeatedly before agreeing to come over and take a look. From this look, there is really no confidence."

"Yes, the dean's strength often determines the upper limit of the college's development. Even if you have a lot of talent here, after the college has a ranking, the dean's strength is also an important part of the college's ranking. The college's ranking is not high, and the development of students is naturally blocked. "

"Do you really have a creative environment? I don't believe it now."

Faced with all kinds of doubts, Lu Chen was already prepared, he smiled slightly and said to everyone.

"First of all, I have the artistic conception skill, named Chuangshi, and the martial arts field has the artistic conception space set up by me, which is specifically for disciples to practice."

"As for my personal strength, it is reasonable for you to have scruples, and I don't want to argue too much. The hunting contest is coming soon. I need to save my strength and it is not convenient to show it."

Yitian frowned, "Neither excuse nor show, then how do you want us to be convinced?"

Lu Chen said calmly, "If you believe in the vision of Senior Yunhai, it is better to go to the hunting competition with us. What is my strength? You can naturally verify it with your own eyes."

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