Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 985: Deep into the corpse mound

Lu Chen thought about the secret road in the Academy of Gods and Demons, and told Li Wei about it. After hearing this, Li Wei frowned.

She had vaguely realized that this matter had a great impact on the Academy of Gods and Demons.

"Girl Liwei, if you are willing to help me find Wuxuan and Tianyi, even if my Academy of Gods and Demons owes you a favor, it will definitely be repaid in the future." Lu Chen said.

Li Wei looked at Lu Chen again, "I don't want the favor of the Academy of Gods and Demons."

Lu Chen looked at Liwei and sighed. As expected, she had no reason to help the gods...

"I want you!" Li Wei lifted her chin slightly, her beautiful face perfectly presented in front of Lu Chen.


"Even if this matter is our private agreement, I don't represent Fenglai, I only represent myself. I promise you to find two of your disciples, but... you, nameless, owe me a favor!"

Lu Chen had to re-examine this woman, under the beautiful appearance, whether this woman also has ambitions.

"What do you want me to do?" Lu Chen asked.

Li Wei smiled slyly, "When I need you one day, you will naturally know, but you don't have to be too nervous. I won't make too much demands. If you insist on not, I won't force it."

"Doesn't that mean I promised you for nothing?"

"No, I can ask for another one!" As she said, Li Wei turned her head mischievously, "Well, let someone take me to the secret road, but you have to remember the nameless, you owe me one. Favor!"

Lu Chen suddenly felt like a routine. Dealing with women is troublesome. If it's a man, everyone just ask for it. Don't worry...

However, since Li Wei agreed, Lu Chen couldn't find a better way.

"I will let Lao Hai take you! Girl Liwei, Wuxuan and Tianyi will ask you."

"As long as they are alive, I will definitely bring them out alive!"


That afternoon, Lu Chen greeted Yunhai and Yitian, and left the Academy of Gods and Demons alone, and went to the Immortal Corpse Tomb on the west side of Shengyuan Continent.

On this road, Lu Chen tried his best to use Taisuo to travel, but he was too physically exhausted and he still had to walk. He arrived at the Immortal Corpse Tomb late at night on the fourth day.

The area in front is thick with fog, and there are some traces of hunting competitions in the surrounding foothills. A month ago, this was also a hunting competition field.

It's just that this place is empty now, even if an academy released the quest for the corpse mound, no one entered the corpse mound at this time.

Lu Chen was camping at the foot of the mountain, waiting for tomorrow morning to regain his strength before entering the Immortal Corpse Tomb.

"Boss, Yaotong said that there is an extremely rare elixir in this kind of fairy corpse cemetery, called Huangquan Tianlucao. If you see it by the way, can you find a way to get it?" Lu Yiyi lowered his head and said while busy. , "Well, if you don't see it, forget it."

Lu Chen looked at Lu Yiyi's expression a bit wrong.

If she hadn't hesitated before, she would have asked Lu Chen to take her to collect the elixir. Why did she feel like hesitating but stopping today.

"Xiaolu, why do you use this yellow spring grass?"

Lu Yiyi lowered her head and said for a while, "Huangquan Tianlu, can help me and Xiaomin reshape our bodies..."

"Ah!" Lu Chen was taken aback. Does this mean Xiaolu and Xiaomin no longer need to exist as ghost pets?

"Xiaolu, why didn't you say such an important thing earlier?"

Lu Yiyi whispered, "Boss, you are here to find the gods and demons, I am afraid of dragging you... Besides, Huangquan Tianlu is only one of the medicines. To reshape our bodies, Xiao Min and I need something else. Things, and I don’t know if this medicinal material is here, so I don’t know how to speak."

"Fool, your business is just as important!" Lu Chen said with a smile, "Don't worry, as long as I see this herb, I will get it. Even if it doesn't exist here, I will find a way."

"As for the other materials, you tell me too."

Xiao Lu and Xiao Min have followed them for many years. Although Xiao Min can hardly help Lu Chen now, Lu Chen already regards them as relatives.

"Others are not all medicinal materials, and there are other conditions... It is very difficult to reshape the body, and we dare not have much hope."

"If you have any hope, go and fight for it."

"Boss, let's talk about it later, anyway, other conditions have not been met now, you have to rest first, and tomorrow you will concentrate on dealing with the gods and demons Taixu."

Seeing that Xiaolu refused to say Lu Chen, he didn't force it anymore. Anyway, let's see if there is Huangquan Tianlu in the corpse mound.

This night, the sound of ghosts and ghosts from the corpse mound continued to make people creepy.

This immortal corpse mound, I don't know how many strong people have been buried, and even more do not know demons and ghosts, it is a lot more frightening than the nether prison.

Lu Chen remembered that his sister had been very courageous before, and was most afraid of these weird sounds. If that girl was here, she wouldn't dare to go in.

"Hey, only 1,500 people can open the college portal, and then they can go home and see Lu Yi."

Lu Chen suddenly thought that he was still an earthling, and couldn't help but feel funny, "It's just playing a game, what the **** is it if I haven't been offline for several years..."

Of course this is just a joke, after all, the nine days now is no longer a simple game!

The next day, the sky was slightly bright, and a cold day hung over the horizon not far away.

The fog in the Immortal Corpse Tomb has faded slightly.

Lu Chen packed up his things and called out rhubarb and little green.

"Rhubarb, can you find God and Demon Taixu?"

Too Huang wagged his tail and yelled a few times.

"As long as it appears, you can find it? Well, I know you won't let me down!"

"let's go!"

There is no vegetation on the ground of the Immortal Corpse Tomb. On the surrounding trees, the branches and leaves are sparse and gray, and the black soil on the ground is a little soft when stepped on.

The Immortal Corpse Tomb is different from the Netherworld Prison. The Immortal Corpse Tomb has only five divisions, the outermost four floors, and the inner circle one!

The outer four layers are all monsters that are not too strong, and the inner layer is not because there is only one layer.

The inner circle is guarded by the legendary sword mound. The inner circle is said to be extremely wide, even larger than the four outer layers combined!

The sword mound encircled the fairy corpse mound and guarded the remains of their former masters.

As long as it is close to the sword mound, whether it is a cultivator or a monster, the weapons in the sword mound will attack indiscriminately, so no one draws a map of the inner circle.

There are some shallow footsteps on the ground, which should be left by some immortal cultivators. I don't know if they were left by the hunting competition.

"Lao Yi said that all the monsters in the Immortal Corpse Tomb came out of the ground. I'd better follow these steps... Rhubarb, don't get too far away from me." Lu Chen proceeded carefully.

I don't know how long I left, and a dense cemetery appeared in front of me. There were many stone steles here, but the stone steles had been swayed and messed up.

Before entering this cemetery, Lu Chen saw that a stone tablet outside the cemetery was obviously larger than a normal tombstone, standing there upright.

[The top of the king is immortal, the road of immortality is so small that several people cross]

[Do not collapse the immortal road and return to the soil, and step on the nine heavens in the next life]

[Under the human king realm, buried here! 】

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