"The Speaker doesn't know this, Hyde has already killed those two humans, and it is expected that as long as he recovers his injuries during this time, he will definitely come with an army to kill these two alien races!"

Yuanying's short words surprised Dius's heart.

As a smart person who could command all the tribes, he instantly understood what Yuanying meant.

If you just kill or injure those two humans alone, the ensuing retaliation will most likely only fall on that person.

But now the result is that the top combat power of the merfolk tribe is Hyde, and he is so powerful that he lost at the hands of those two humans, and after dispatching all the merfolk warriors in Blue City, the nature of this matter has completely changed.

Regardless of whether the siege was successful or not, the merfolk had already completely enmated the two humans and the forces behind them, or the kind that did not die.

Yuanying took a step forward, his momentum changed abruptly, and said in a deep voice: "The matter has come to this, if we don't completely eliminate these two humans, what awaits us in the future will be unimaginable revenge!" That would definitely lead to the demise of the merfolk! For

Yuanying's approach, Dius, who is an old fritters in this regard, did not pay attention to it, but just took a few steps back and fell into deep thought.

Everything Yuanying said is indeed correct.

Once a large-scale war is launched against those two humans, it means that the entire merfolk race is completely on the opposite side of them.

But Yuanying has a place to play tricks.

After the large-scale war was launched, it was indeed irreparable, but the first to take revenge was definitely the devastating blow to Blue City.

With the strength of the allied city, after the outbreak of the war, the death time of the blue city will also bring them enough time to escape.

What's more, once you really choose to surround and suppress the human race together, it will really make the alliance city really have no way out.

In the future, even if they get the news in advance and escape, I am afraid that it will be difficult for several people who are leaders to escape.

Is it to take great risks to assist the same clan in encircling and suppressing the alien race, or is it the safest way to maintain it safely?

Isn't it time to ask what the council thinks?

No, no, no, those stubborn old men will definitely not have any rational ideas, the first thing they can think of is their own safety, and then they will definitely prefer a conservative strategy.

Two kinds of questions constantly tangled in Dius's heart.

Yuanying's heart was also uneasy at this time, and after Dius began to think carefully, she understood that this young man was indeed a smart person, otherwise she would not be able to unite all the small tribes in this short period of time and become the largest force of the Fish-Ren clan.

After a long while, Dius finally raised his head and looked at Yuanying with evasive eyes.

"Sorry, although I am the chairman of the council, I am not qualified to make this decision on behalf of all the tribal leaders, the matter is too big, and I need to discuss this matter carefully with the council."

"Dius! You should be well aware of the importance of this matter! As long as you want, those old guys will not disobey your decision!

Dius shook his head slightly, "As I said, this matter needs to be discussed by the council, and I am not qualified to make a decision on behalf of the coalition city."

As soon as the words fell, Yuanying finally accepted this fact, and his momentum withered in an instant.

After glancing at Dius unwillingly, Yuanying turned around and left the alliance city.

At this time, more than half of the time has passed, and it is unrealistic to find other tribes to discuss this matter.

Yuanying sighed deeply, and the figure disappeared in the direction of Caicheng.

Dius, who was still in the council, should have summoned the members of the council quickly, but he did not do so, but lay down in the soft and wide chair in thought.

In fact, he has this decisive ability, the alliance city was created by him, and the tribe he owns is also the most powerful tribe in the alliance city, this kind of life and death matter, he can make arbitrary decisions like a king.

After a long time, Dius, who was lying on the chair, muttered to himself: "I'm sorry, Patriarch Yuanying, this matter, the alliance city can only wait and see." "

Whether it is the separate power of Caicheng or Lancheng, wanting to hunt two fourth-order ferocious beasts is nothing more than paying more price.

But human beings are still in a dominant position on the blue star, and although they have lost their momentum, the fierce beasts today have not fully evolved, and before the emergence of a sufficiently powerful ruler, the largest force on the blue star is still humans.

Not only that, these two humans who can come to the deep sea are definitely not simple, even if the background is not mentioned, the strength of the fourth-order peak of the two of them is likely to leave some hidden means to escape.

And once the escape is successful, the merfolk involved will definitely face destruction.

Time passed quickly, and some luminous creatures with fixed habits woke up from their dreams.

As the merfolk lit up various light sources, the bustling scene began to reappear in the colorful city.

However, this quiet and peaceful atmosphere was soon broken.

Ning Feng and the others were eating the breakfast prepared by Nami when a mermaid warrior suddenly broke into the restaurant.

"Report Patriarch! Led by Haide, nearly a thousand Fish-Terran warriors rushed towards Caicheng! Expect to arrive outside the city in a maximum of ten minutes!

Yuanying suddenly got up, but his gaze fell on Ning Feng.

Among the two, although the strength of the woman is a little stronger, it is obviously led by the man.

Nami took the lead with an anxious look and said, "Brother Ning Feng, you run, the merfolk warriors are very strong!" Hyde brought thousands of warriors!

Ning Feng wiped his mouth unhurriedly and said with a smile: "Fool, if I run away, what will you do Nami?" "

The merfolk warriors are very powerful, not to mention that there are so many of them, you and Sister Xiaohei must not be able to cope with it, it's a big deal I apologize to him and then remarry." Nami's face was slightly red, but now was not the time to deal with the love of children, Nami stretched out her hand and wanted to push Ning Feng away.

Ning Feng still wanted to say something, but Xiao Hei took the lead and stepped forward and came between the two.

This simple action separates the two who are intimate at this time.

"I think Nami is right, we still have to hurry, and there is a large-scale conflict with the Sea Tribe in this kind of place, maybe it will seriously delay the time to hurry."

Although Xiao Hei did not understand the hurry that Ning Feng had proposed before to go to the Dragon Kingdom, it was really good to take it out at this time to fool Nami.

Ning Feng strode out and said loudly: "Come here, of course, I want to help you solve all the problems!" Ning

Feng, who was walking briskly, frowned slightly, how did he feel that Xiao Hei had begun to show wistful hostility towards Nami?

Things were originally because they were completely troubled, and if they left rashly at this time, Nami didn't know what treatment she would suffer.

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