At this time, Ning Feng finally understood that the first commotion was the most true reaction of the penguin group.

After that, there was a commotion again, which made a bear and a snake have the impression of underestimating the enemy, and even released a lot of penguins to escape, on the one hand, to further cause the phenomenon of commotion to make Ning Feng careless, on the other hand, to report the letter!

Although those twenty or thirty penguins were not a small combat power, they only caused a greater effect after escaping!

As long as he can take down the penguin colony smoothly and easily, the twenty or thirty penguins with penguins Ning Feng who let go don't care at all.

That emperor penguin obviously guessed Ning Feng's greed for devouring from the beginning!

However, it is a pity that it obviously did not expect that a third-order white bear could actually burst into combat power close to the fourth order in a short period of time.

Fourth-order strength, at this point in time, can completely walk sideways in Greenland!

If that emperor penguin is not dead, the remaining two hundred penguins will entangle the two fierce beasts, and then wait for the group of emperor penguins to arrive, a bear and a snake will definitely die!

The current emergency also aroused the bloodiness in Ning Feng's heart.

The Divine Ice Fruit Tree of the Western Iceberg has not had much time to mature, and if it chooses to escape now, it will have to deal with the emperor penguin group that is chasing and killing in the future.

Although there will be no too dangerous situation for the time being, the target of a few hundred emperor penguins is too large and too detrimental to the next hidden operation.

After a long time, after the emperor penguin group integrates with the penguin group, even if Ning Feng is promoted to the fourth order, it will be a big trouble.

After all, the human power should not be underestimated even in the early stage, but it has not reacted for a while, and it has not been too vigilant against his white bear.

Coupled with the huge force musk oxen, a big trouble in Greenland, Ning Feng could almost directly withdraw from the battle for the Divine Ice Fruit Tree.

The bear's eyes narrowed slightly, and Ning Feng began to carefully look at the group of emperor penguins.

Most of them are still first-order existences, and there are seven or eight second-order emperor penguins, among which there is even a third-order emperor penguin!

That third-order emperor penguin changed the size of an ordinary emperor penguin who was only about two meters, and his height reached nearly five meters!

Even standing up, Ning Feng was only a little taller than it!

But... Even in a world where Reiki is revived, the status of hunters and prey will not change too much.

A thought inexplicably arose in Ning Feng's mind, "Wake up!" Hunting Moment! "

One snake and one bear, take the initiative to face the emperor penguin flock!


As soon as Ning Feng's front foot left, a huge musk oxen came from the ruined village.

Looking at the direction Ning Feng left, Musk Niu glanced at it with a slight jealousy, but did not get too entangled.

In the cellar.

The little girl carefully maintained the size of the fire, both to keep the cellar at a certain temperature and to prevent the fire from being too large and consuming oxygen too quickly.

There was not much food stored in the cellar, and although the taste was not very good, the strength of the little girl slowly recovered.

The little girl, who was still concentrating on baking food, was not aware of the special changes that were happening to her body.

A little bit of starlight floated around the girl's body, and some kind of shackles in her body seemed to be broken, and a pair of black pupils slowly transformed into azure blue.

If Ning Feng, who was familiar with the Juli Musk Oxen, was still in the cellar at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize that this was a phenomenon that belonged to the Juli Musk Oxen with his previous life experience!

Although for the next five years, the little girl remained famous, and did not even appear in the eyes of any powerful power.

However, there is no doubt that she is one of the fundamental reasons why the Juli Musk Oxen can rise!


There was a low sound from outside the cellar, and although it was a cow-like cry, it still frightened the little blonde girl.

The fire was immediately extinguished, and the little girl hid in a dark corner.

It didn't take long for the giant snake to destroy the village, coupled with the riot of nearby animals, and now there was an inexplicable cow roar, and the little girl now only hated that she didn't have the ability to dig a hole, otherwise she would have to hide a little deeper.

As the light in the cellar dimmed, the little girl also noticed the abnormality of her body.

"What is this, the monsters are coming, why is my own body still glowing?" The little girl was about to cry, "If only that big bear were still there, it would definitely protect me!" The

more afraid of something, the more it came, and after a period of wandering, the huge footsteps outside the cellar still found the location of the entrance to the cellar.

It's just that with its current physical condition, it is somewhat difficult to pass through the cellar entrance.

He obviously also understood that even if he longed for that breath to get closer, and rushed in with brute force, the collapse of the cave entrance was a trivial matter, and he was afraid that the existence inside that made him yearn for would also be buried inside.

After a long period of struggle and friction, the entrance to the cellar was finally pried open little by little.

After seeing the little girl who emitted a little starlight in the darkness, the terrifying musk ox put away all the breath and knelt on the ground like a pilgrimage, and the huge bull's eyes did not have the slightest anger, full of reverence.

The little blonde girl also had a spirit in her heart, and slowly got up and walked towards the musk ox.

As her little hand gently rested on the musk ox's head, the azure blue in her eyes became more prosperous, and a small part of the starlight was integrated into the musk ox's body, and the other part was completely returned to the little girl's own body.

The cellar slowly fell into darkness again, but gradually began to change drastically in the musk oxen!

The power of the ancient bloodline that should have been sleeping began to spread rapidly under the little starlight stimulus given by the little girl, constantly changing the body of the musk ox.

Not only are the muscles and hair constantly strengthened, but even the body size is constantly expanding to a degree visible to the naked eye!

Originally, a musk oxen of less than four meters could barely dig the entrance to the cellar, squeezed into this small cellar, and the towering back of the musk oxen soon touched the top of the cellar.

At this time, the musk ox was completely immersed in great pain and pleasure, and did not have the heart to consider the situation of the little girl.



The huge roar of the cow spread almost throughout central Greenland, and the powerful aura was not concealed in the slightest!

Ning Feng, who was dozens of kilometers away, was alert and quickly prepared to withdraw from the battlefield.

This time against the emperor penguin group is almost close to its limit, and the state of the ice green spirit snake is even more miserable.

The two ferocious beasts were embarrassed, but the emperor penguin group only suffered thirty or forty casualties.

It's time to retreat.

Ning Feng's nose moved slightly, and there was a breath that he was very familiar with in the breath coming from the giant musk ox!

It's the little blonde girl!

"Damn, how did this person who just saved have anything to do with the Juli Musk Ox?"

Ning Feng's anger rose in his heart, and he immediately rushed towards the distance with the Ice Green Spirit Snake.

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