Ning Feng looked at Mu Qing'er in front of him, and after being slightly entangled, he was still ready to escape, and the four bear paws disappeared into the darkness with a strong kick.

Sooner or later, if you stay, you will have a head-on conflict with the giant musk ox, and then you will have to expose all your strength to protect yourself.

On the eve of the Ice God Fruit Tree's imminent appearance, this was definitely not a wise choice.

Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, Ning Feng still chose to leave.

In Ning Feng's line of sight, Mu Qing'er, who was full of smiles, gradually shrunk, she looked in the direction Ning Feng left for a while, and immediately joined the battlefield.

Of course, she would not have thought that Xiaobai, who had just saved her, was struggling to run away at this time.

With Ning Feng as the strength support in his heart, Mu Qinger's combat effectiveness was once again raised by a few points, constantly entering and exiting the beasts, and the results of the battle continued.

Leaving the confines of the institute, Ning Feng fell into darkness, but this did not affect his eyesight in the slightest.

With the evolutionary blessing of the brown bear's body, fighting in the dark is no different from the day.

After fleeing the short distance near the institute, Ning Feng was soon surprised to find that the beast tide suddenly began to encircle him.

The abnormality of the beasts also quickly attracted the attention of the giant musk oxen, and on the dark ice field, the snow-white bear body and silver shining armor were very eye-catching.

But this is not the fundamental reason, the fundamental reason is still the breath on Ning Feng's body!

The ferocious beasts were originally disdainful of escape, and when Ning Feng was mixed in the beasts, the aura of the fourth-order ferocious beasts all converged, but the aura he carried on his body could not converge!

The bloody smell of the beasts on Ning Feng's body was very conspicuous among the beasts!

Now all the ferocious beasts are attacking the research institute under the leadership of the giant musk oxen, and the smell of blood on the body of this fleeing white bear is not only not the smell of blood from humans, but all the smell of blood from the body of the fierce beast!

How can this keep the beasts from being suspicious?

After the beasts noticed the abnormal smell of blood on Ning Feng's body, they immediately noticed the little blonde girl hidden on Ning Feng's body.

Ning Feng's identity, who was regarded as a deserter by the beasts, was quickly discovered, and many third-order intelligent fierce beasts immediately reacted, howling loudly and began to attack Ning Feng.

Ning Feng felt a little helpless in his heart, and he already knew that he was wearing that set of armor with him.

If it weren't for the slaughter and then putting on the armor, he would definitely not have fallen into the current embarrassing situation.

In the face of the attack of the beasts, of course, Ning Feng would not sit still, immediately stopped pretending, and began to slaughter among the beasts.

After waiting for a while and not seeing Xiao Bai again, Mu Qing'er was originally a little disappointed in her heart, and just when she was a little suspicious of whether Ning Feng had run away again, a huge bull roar sounded again.

The giant musk oxen, which had caused great damage to the research institute, suddenly changed its target and no longer launched an attack on the institute, but rushed towards the ice field in the darkness.

With the departure of the giant musk oxen, the defensive pressure of the institute suddenly decreased.

All the soldiers were overjoyed in their hearts, as if they had seen the dawn of victory.

"Hold on a little longer, everyone! Miss Mu Qinger's white bear has already attracted the giant bull!

"Long live the white bear! We will definitely survive!

"With the help of the white bear, we will definitely be able to hold out smoothly until reinforcements arrive!" Brothers, kill!! "


The morale of the soldiers was high again, and they all roared with excitement.

For a while, the beasts were actually repelled a lot.

Mu Qing'er was also happy in her heart, and a sense of guilt also surged in her heart.

Xiao Bai obviously went to lead away the giant bull, and he actually had doubts about it, which was really undeserved.

At this time, Ning Feng was bitter and couldn't speak, he was already about to run, but he was detected by the beasts, and now he attracted the attention of the giant musk oxen, and it seemed that he had to rely on the research institute to fight.

Ning Feng knew that the purpose of the giant musk ox was only on the little blonde girl, and if he fled with the little blonde girl in a dignified manner, over time, the beasts would definitely leave the institute under the command of the giant musk ox and attack them all.

At that time, the degree of danger will only be higher than it is now.

In this dangerous situation, the only choice is to use all his strength to deal with the giant musk ox with the power of the institute!

After clearing his thoughts, Ning Feng no longer hid his strength, and the aura of the fourth-order peak suddenly erupted, and many fierce beasts were oppressed by the breath so that their legs went soft and ran away for a long time.


The huge and long bear roar spread in the ice field, and the dark clouds in the night sky began to gather inexplicably.

Ning Feng frantically urged the thunder bloodline in his body, and when he stood up, there was no living ferocious beast within ten meters around, only thunder that kept crackling and exploding.

Above the vast dark ice field, Ning Feng, who was full of electric light, descended like a heavenly bear, and when the giant musk ox saw this, it also burst out with a pale golden light, roaring and wanting Ning Feng to rush away.

【Physique Enhancement Technique, 100-fold increase】!

【Copper and iron bone】!

Ning Feng did not dare to underestimate the giant musk ox that had reached the fifth order, and when he came up, he urged all the means to strengthen his body.

In the flash of light, above the bear body where Ning Feng was standing, a huge blue bear shadow faintly appeared.

The size of the body is not inferior to the giant musk oxen.

The surrounding ferocious beasts were all trembling, and none of the ferocious beasts dared to take the lead in attacking.

A bull and a bear quickly touched, and a loud noise erupted.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth quickly became disordered with the contact between the two fierce beasts, and for a while the dark clouds undercurrent was turbulent, constantly gathering and dispersing, and many fierce beasts that relied on spiritual energy to strengthen their bodies were also hit, and even the strength of the body dropped a lot, and the pressure on the research institute dropped a lot again except for Lu Li.

Everyone looked at the white bear as if they had found a new faith, and looked at the white bear who was desperately working for them with god-like eyes, and their hearts were excited.

The terrifying golden bull horn stabbed fiercely at Ning Feng's bear body, Ning Feng did not flinch in the slightest, but with a loud roar, the giant bear figure on his back immediately struck, and the two bear paws held the bull horn and began to compete.

The beasts reacted quickly after a little confusion, although no ferocious beast dared to participate in their hand-to-hand combat, but there were many ferocious beasts in the beast group that had the means of long-range attacks.

Although he was affected by the chaos of heaven and earth aura, he quickly adapted.

For a time, all kinds of brilliant attacks hit Ning Feng in unison.

The long-range attacks of the first-order ferocious beasts were easily dissolved by the electric light around Ning Feng, but more second-order attacks soon broke through the defenses and constantly smashed on Ning Feng's body and phantoms.

"Damn, this stupid cow has too many subordinates!"

Ning Feng cursed in his heart, and at the same time he was a little helpless.

The institute is under siege, and it is difficult to separate from each other to help him relieve the pressure on the beasts.

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