In the dimly lit conference room, Lu Li sat in the corner quietly petting a kitten.

This cat has an elegant body and a pale golden body, and is drowsy at the moment under Lu Li's gentle touch.

This cat has a mysterious origin and possesses a mysterious treasure hunting ability.

Among the major mysterious families, there are more or less such similar existences.

Lu Li said gently: "Golden beaver, how many days is there to go from that big movement?" The

pale golden kitten opened his eyes lazily, and then slowly carved three words on the arm of the chair with his claws.

Only then did the corner of Lu Li's mouth slowly show a smile, no longer disturbing this little cutie to sleep, and continued to gently stroke its fur.

Mu Qing'er of the Mu family had already left by plane a few days ago and returned to the Dragon Kingdom.

Coupled with Qin Guan's death, this means that the Mu family has almost completely given up the battle for Greenland.

In the big war that broke out in that research institute, Mu Qinger, who represented the Mu family, lost too much.

Not only did Qin Guan, who had accompanied her for a long time, die, but even the white bear that she valued very much chose to leave her, and if Ning Feng still chose to stay with Mu Qing'er, it would simply be a mortal threat to Lu Li.

And for Mu Qinger, staying in Greenland, which lacks manpower, is not the right choice.

After all, looking for a sizane white bear in this huge Greenland island is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

After searching for several days, Mu Qing'er also figured out this matter before choosing to leave.

But Lu Li underestimated Mu Qinger's persistence, the most important thing to find something is intelligence ability and power, Mu Qing'er chose to return to the Mu family at this time to issue a bounty order is the most correct choice!

But in this way, among the remaining forces in Greenland, only that Zhao Gu is a little threat to him.

With the passage of time, various mysterious families have noticed the abnormality, and they have taken out a lot of family resources from far away, ready to come here to compete for this good thing.

But the people or things sent by those families, although the strength is not small, but it cannot match the Lu family, especially because of the existence of Lu Li's top combat power.

But it's just a migrant worker.

In the dim light, the smile at the corner of Lu Li's mouth became brighter.

"Snap. There

was a gentle opening sound from the door.

Zhao Gu glanced inside, and immediately found Lu Li at the other end of the room, Zhao Gu did not feel surprised at all, and came to Lu Li with cheerful steps.

"Yo, isn't this Young Master Lu, the meeting is over, are you still hiding here to tease the cat?" Zhao

Gu was overjoyed in his heart, obviously very happy to guess where Lu Li was.

All the forces on the human side have just finished discussing the battle here, and according to common sense, if there is anything that needs to find Lu Li, they should go to Lu Li's room to find him at this time.

And Lu Li did leave the conference room with everyone just now.

It's just that what no one expected was that Lu Li quietly returned to this conference room with the golden beaver in his arms in order to avoid those troublesome human contacts.

Because under normal circumstances, as long as there is nothing special, the conference room can be kept quiet almost all the time.

Lu Li replied lightly: "Say something bluntly, don't disturb my cat sleeping." For

other people, Lu Li is happy to have a good temper, so it is more convenient to come and go, but for this arrogant Zhao Gu by nature, Lu Li knows very well that only with the blessing of huge interests, Zhao Gu will be willing to have a good face on people.

This cold words made Zhao Gu's face instantly sink.

After a while, Zhao Gu smiled again and said: "Lu Li, what are you doing so coldly, now you have also seen the situation in Greenland, although the strength of that giant bull is strong, it is obvious that it can't do our coalition army, isn't it? That giant bull's territory is large enough, hundreds of square kilometers, right?" Lu

Li replied in a cold voice, "I have already begun to send alchemists to gradually reduce the power of that giant bull. This

remark did not bluff Zhao Gu, organized thermal weapons are indeed powerful, but the Lu family still needs to pay more attention to personal strength.

After all, no one knows how far those alchemists can grow in the future, and it is a better choice to let those alchemists go to the ferocious beast territory to experience than to hide in the rear.

Today, the ferocious beast forces on Greenland are more concentrated and powerful than those in the rest of the world.

Many people who do not know the truth are also lamenting the good luck of Greenland's cities, under the leadership of the giant musk oxen, there are many fewer fierce beasts that attack the city, and the control is slightly stricter territory, and the city has not even seen the fierce beast attack for a long time.

Zhao Gu still smiled and said: "This surprised me a little, after all, now that martial law is fully under law, I will say bluntly, those garbage families do not have much strength at all, and they want to get a piece of the pie! It is better for you and me to join forces! After winning that, divide the results according to strength! As for the others, don't want to get any benefits, all of them are you and me!" Zhao

Gu's tone gradually began to be urgent, and in the end, there was even a crazy look in his eyes.

This is very in line with Zhao Gu's approach.

Riku glanced at him, did not answer, and continued to gently pet his cat.

After a while, Lu Li asked suspiciously: "You're not leaving yet?" Zhao

Gu was a little speechless for a while, how could he not expect that this Lu Li actually did not put him in his eyes so much!

Anyway, the strength of his own troops near this institute is the strongest, or do you want to kill this land first and then fight for that thing?

Lu Li also sensed something, frowned, and spoke again: "Cooperation is indeed the safest method, but in the last war, your Zhao Gu's army can be said to be all fighting soy sauce, and the role of so many people is not even comparable to the lethality of an ancient warrior squad."

Zhao Gu's face instantly turned red, and he clenched the fist in his hand tightly.

In that big battle, he did look a little embarrassed, and he had been hiding in the command and control center to give combat orders, but there was no great effect.

Lu Li saw that Zhao Gu's anger had reached its peak, and knew that there would definitely be a lot of trouble if he was stimulated again, and then spoke: "If you can prove that the strength of your subordinates is not a rice bucket, if you don't come to me for this matter of cooperation, I will also go to you." "

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