The Ice Green Spirit Snake's heart turned sharply, looked at Ning Feng's curious appearance, turned his head and directly hissed at Yuan Jun with a semi-threatening roar.

Yuan Jun was startled, and his feet involuntarily took a few steps back.

"Trouble! What are you suddenly scaring him for!

Ning Feng winked at the Ice Green Spirit Snake and signaled her not to mess around.

"Brother Yuan is polite, it may be that the battlefield is more chaotic, and Xiao Hei's mind has always been on the fierce beast, so he didn't remember you."

After listening to Ning Feng's explanation, Yuan Jun laughed a few times and said: "Yes, yes, I was scared when I was rescued by it, and then it left in a hurry, and it was normal not to remember me.

Although he doubted Ning Feng's identity and couldn't figure out what his relationship was with this powerful green snake, on the surface, the relationship between one person and one snake was not simple.

However, fortunately, the green snake has left the white bear, and if it can have a good relationship with this powerful green snake next, the Yuan family will not only be able to have an additional powerful shelter, but may also be able to be slightly involved with the white bear.

In this way, the glory of the Yuan family is just around the corner!

As an old man, the two soon began to blow each other commercially, and Ning Feng was quite happy chatting with the high-level of this big family with what he had seen in his previous life.

After taking two sets of clothes from Yuan Jun, Ning Feng left the coast with the Ice Green Spirit Snake.

For low-key reasons, Ning Feng didn't want everyone to know that his current person was the Internet red bear for the time being.

As for the distance, it's just a little longer than a little detour.

After leaving from that coast, Ning Feng could also feel that those who were watching gradually disappeared into perception.

The Ice Green Spirit Snake changed his body, changed his clothes with Ning Feng, and then dived into the deep sea together.

After entering the sea, the Ice Green Spirit Snake originally wanted to take the lead and swim in front to escort Ning Feng, but this kind of welfare thing was rejected by Ning Feng.

The largest female combat uniform that came specially could not wrap the huge figure of the ice green spirit snake, and under her proud strength, the combat uniform was supported shakily, and I don't know when it would split.

Fortunately, the Ice Green Spirit Snake itself roughly understood human etiquette, and used Aura to maintain the combat uniform that was about to burst.

The two figures swam rapidly in the water and quickly disappeared into the darkness of the deep sea.


In the deep sea tens of kilometers from the coast.

At this time, the water depth has come to nearly 100 meters, and the seabed that should have been bleak is covered with sparks, and this seabed is illuminated by sparks, although it is not as bright as day, but there is no problem for ordinary people to see everything around.

The underwater peaks are dotted with buildings of different styles, and Nami is a mermaid princess, and one of the houses near the top of the mountain is her boudoir.

At this time, her delicate face was full of sadness.

The day before, the mermaid patriarch's prostration finally couldn't drag it on.

The mermaid patriarch named Hyde came to this seabed with hundreds of powerful mermaid warriors.

He not only brought a large number of treasures that appeared in the sea, but also directly found Nami and proposed to her in public.

There is envy and jealousy in the eyes of her kindred, but Nami's mind is different from theirs, she just wants to live freely under the guarantee of her own safety and the safety of her own people.

If you marry this violent Hyde and follow him back to his group, you will not only lose the most important freedom, but also face constant fighting.

With Hyde's character, she will definitely not let her, who has a third-order peak strength, stand idly by.

In order to delay time, Nami had to challenge Hyde, who had fourth-order strength.

Before the revival of the mermaid's aura, there was an unwritten rule in courtship, male mermaids must have much stronger combat power than female mermaids, so if female mermaids questioned the courtship language of male mermaids, they would challenge them.

If the male mermaid can successfully defeat the female mermaid, then the marriage will go smoothly, and if the male mermaid shows a weak side when facing the female mermaid, then the female mermaid also has the right to temporarily refuse.

Although he injured Hyde with the stone given by Ning Feng, it obviously did not have much effect, and Hyde showed unmatched strength under that powerful attack, and he was only slightly injured.

Tomorrow at the latest, Hyde will come back with a rich underwater treasure.

At that time, if he refuses again, it is likely that Hyde will use violent means to force Nami to accept this affair.


Nami sighed faintly, and the beautiful face showed a sad look.

A slightly aged female mermaid swam to Nami's side and gently wrapped her arms around her poor daughter.

"Hyde's previous personality was not like this, and it is also the current revival of Reiki, which has caused our race to face an unknown crisis, and he is also thinking about our entire mermaid race."

The female mermaid is Nami's mother, named Yuanying, and now she takes over as the patriarch of this mermaid tribe after her husband's death.

It's a pity that in the revival of Reiki, her strength is not outstanding, and she can only reach the early stage of the third order, which is not a small gap compared to her daughter.

In the face of the strong Hyde, she can only gently persuade Nami.

Feeling her mother's gentle embrace, Nami's frowning brows eased a little.

"Mom, you don't need to persuade me, if the truth really can't be changed, I will learn to accept it..." Nami wanted to say something, but finally fell silent.

With the strength of the third-order peak, although she can leave freely, the remaining ethnic group will definitely be retaliated by Hyde, and even enslaved.

Yuanying felt a colic in her heart, and she really couldn't bear to see her daughter's appearance.

After a moment of silence, Yuanying said viciously: "If you really don't want to marry!" Then we won't marry! Big deal, I'm going to fight with all my clansmen and this Hyde! No matter how bad it is, it will allow you to escape smoothly!

A pearl slowly formed in the corner of Nami's eye and finally slowly floated to the ground.

Nami shook her head gently.

How could she not understand Yuanying's love for her, but the price of freedom If it was the freedom of all clansmen, she really couldn't bear it.

At this point, we can only hope that the white bear and the green snake will solve their own affairs as soon as possible.

Nami's hope now is only those two powerful ferocious beasts.

More than ten kilometers away from the underwater mountain where Nami was located, a male mermaid stood quietly on an undersea mountain.

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