Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 138 Death is coming

The dilapidated Liu family mansion.


Liu Chuanwu took three steps and two steps at a time, and quickly came to a stop in front of an ancient bronze coffin full of vicissitudes of life.

He looked at the ancient bronze coffin and said in a respectful and excited voice: "Pavilion Master, I finally found a peerless genius who has the hope of opening the acupoint!"

There was no response from the ancient bronze coffin.

The basement was quiet.

Liu Chuanwu didn't care, and chose to mind his own business and said: "That day, I just turned eighteen this year, and it was only three months since I got the translation of the Blood Tempering Technique. I had already completed the first body tempering, and was in the process of the second body tempering. "

"With this physical talent, pure-blood humans will definitely be able to break the shackles of ordinary levels in the future and evolve into advanced creatures, rare creatures, and even epic creatures."

"At that time, you will be able to rely on him to deliver qi and blood to you every day to maintain your life, and you will no longer have to live in this small ancient bronze coffin."

"And with you being the powerful one responsible for the escort, and with you and that genius leading the Tianren Pavilion forward, the Tianren Pavilion will surely flourish on the earth in the future and lead the earth's people to ascend in flesh and blood!"

Liu Chuanwu said these words very excitedly.

But from beginning to end, there was no response from the pavilion master in his mouth.

The scene was a little weird for a while.

He looks like a mentally ill person talking to himself in a cramped and dark basement, which is very scary.

Seeing the other party's delay in responding, Liu Chuanwu couldn't help but frown slightly.

But he just frowned and made no other unnecessary movements.

He stood quietly in front of the coffin the whole time, waiting for the person in the ancient bronze coffin to respond.

About three minutes passed.

Finally, a weak female voice faintly sounded from the ancient bronze coffin:


He only responded with one word.

Then, it completely quieted down and fell into a dead silence.

The woman in the ancient bronze coffin fell into a deep sleep again.

The word "um" she just said had exhausted all her energy for the day, and she was unable to make any more sounds.

In response, Liu Chuanwu frowned.

The woman in the ancient bronze coffin was getting weaker day by day.

When this ancient and weathered bronze coffin was discovered in the ruins decades ago, the woman inside could still speak intermittently.

Today, decades later, women are so weak that it takes up to half a minute to pronounce a simple word.

In this state...it feels like death is coming.

Thinking of this, Liu Chuanwu couldn't help but shook his head.

Then he quickly left the basement, leaving a quiet environment for the woman in the ancient bronze coffin to sleep well.

Wait until you get out of the basement.

Liu Chuanwu couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, it would be great if we could have a normal conversation."

"This way, I won't have to waste so much time studying the opening chapter of the blood tempering technique."

"You can directly ask the Pavilion Master, who is the founder of pure-blood human beings, for tips on how to practice blood tempering. It is simple and efficient."

The more Liu Chuanwu talked about it, the more regretful he became.

When the ancient bronze coffin was first moved to the basement of the house, the woman in the coffin was still conscious and energetic enough to communicate with the outside world.

Unfortunately, at that time, it was difficult to communicate because of the language barrier.

Wait until you can understand each other's language enough and can communicate more smoothly.

The woman in the coffin suddenly became unconscious and became increasingly weak.

Until he was so weak that he fell into a deep sleep just by pronouncing a single word, unable to communicate at all.

"I hope Zichen can successfully evolve into a high-level creature with the flesh and blood of a pure-blood human before the Pavilion Master completely dies."

"Then, deliver Qi and blood to the Pavilion Master to maintain her life and keep her conscious."

"When the Pavilion Master takes action, the Blood Tempering Technique will definitely become more popular and the upper limit can be developed higher."

Liu Chuanwu murmured to himself.

the other side.

graduate School.

Lin Zichen and Song Yuyan had just finished their discussion and were sitting on the sofa chatting.

"Zi Chen, your Blood Tempering Technique has completed the body tempering process. Now you can try to open the acupoints. I will teach you the latest method of opening the acupoints. You can try it and see if you can succeed."

"Okay, I'll try."

"Come on, I'm telling you, listen carefully."

Song Yuyan started the teaching session and spoke clearly: "The human body has a total of 366 acupoints, which are located in various locations in our body."

"According to the records in "Blood Tempering Technique", the easiest acupoints to open are the four acupoints located around our heart."

"What you have to do now is to first sense the four acupoints around the heart, and then control the energy and blood to impact them at a frequency of 10 times a second."

"The force of the impact should be bigger, the better, but be careful not to hit your heart, otherwise it will hurt so much that your heart twitches, and you may even die on the spot."

"Also, we should pay attention to these points..."

"The first point……"

"Second point……"


Song Yuyan told Lin Zichen in detail all her experience in trying to open acupuncture points over the years, and it took almost half an hour to finish.

When she felt that nothing was missing, she said to Lin Zichen: "Well, that's all. Now try to sense the four acupoints around the heart."

"No need, I already sensed it during the summer vacation. I know the locations of the 366 acupoints in the body. I can start hitting the acupoints directly according to the method you mentioned."

After saying that, Lin Zichen had a thought and controlled his energy and blood to attack the four acupoints around his heart.

With a frequency of 10 beats per second, press as hard as you want.

I sprinted with high intensity for more than ten minutes.

However, the four acupoints around the heart were not moved at all and could not be opened at all.

The only feeling on the orifice is pain, very painful.

My teeth were clenched in pain, and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

After a while, I tried a few more times.

But the result remains the same, it still doesn't work, it can't open the acupoints at all.

"It's okay. It's normal for there to be no movement. After all, you have only completed your body tempering. Maybe your physical body is not strong enough to support you to open the acupoints. Of course, it may also be that the method I taught you is wrong. In short, there is still a lot of time. It’s necessary to be in a hurry.”

Song Yuyan was worried that Lin Zichen would be frustrated because of this, so she tried to comfort him as a close sister.

After all, Lin Zichen's talent is astonishing. He has had a smooth journey since joining Tianren Pavilion. If he suddenly encounters a setback, his mentality may be unbalanced.

However, Lin Zichen had no fluctuations in his heart and did not need comfort at all.

He knew very well in his heart that failure was normal and success was strange.

How long have you been practicing the Blood Tempering Technique?

Less than three months.

I am very satisfied with the current progress.

As for the acupoints, I will study them slowly in the future and it will work out.

It doesn't matter even if he fails, after all, he doesn't have to practice the blood tempering technique.

The worst thing is to grind it slowly by using [use it or lose it].

As long as the training time is long enough and the intensity of training is high enough, you can grind it into a high-level creature.

As for the "Blood Tempering Technique", if you can successfully temper your body five times in the end, the time spent practicing the Blood Tempering Technique will be enough to repay the money, and it can even be said to be a big profit.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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