Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 141 The actions of Shenzhi Cult

"You, why are you so strong today?"

"I am so strong every day."

"I can't do it anymore. Let me rest for a while to regain my strength, otherwise I will faint."

Anemone Community, inside a certain owner's house.

A well-built middle-aged man had just ended his love affair with a young woman with an extremely obscene figure.

The young woman lay on the bed for a while and felt very thirsty, so she got out of bed and went to the living room to fill up on water and prepare for another fight later.

Looking at the graceful back of the young woman leaving, the middle-aged man couldn't help but sigh: "The aphrodisiac effect of this magic flower is so strong that it almost drained my energy."

"But what I have to say is that the effect of improving strength is also powerful. It feels like the biological level is about to evolve to the next stage."

"I hope I can evolve after tonight..."

After saying this, the middle-aged man took out his pocket watch and checked the movements of Lu Gang and Wang Shujie.

Seeing that the two of them were still in the dormitory, they couldn't help but frown slightly.

Just when he was about to supervise the two of them, there was a dispute in the living room outside.

"Damn it, bitch, I knew you were stealing men behind my back!"

"Husband, calm down."

"Calm down mom!"

As the sound gets closer.

Soon, a mechanical transformation man rushed into the room.

As soon as he saw the middle-aged man on the wedding bed, the mechanical transformation man angrily raised his alloy arm equipped with a gun barrel, pointed the muzzle at the middle-aged man, and shouted with bloodshot eyes:

"You stupid bitch, you dare to steal my wife in my wedding room, believe it or not, I will kill you with one shot!"

"Kill me with one shot?"

The middle-aged man smiled, not afraid of the gun in the alloy arm in front of him. He stood up and walked to the mechanical transformation man and stopped in front of him.

Then, he looked at the other person calmly and asked: "How much did you spend on this alloy arm?"

"It cost 3 million!"

The mechanical engineer said proudly.

The middle-aged man asked again: "What about the alloy calves underneath?"


"Very good. You also know how much it cost to renovate."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man reached out and slapped the mechanical transformation person on the face, and said with a provocative expression: "Ever since your wife followed me, you, a loser, have never been short of money for mechanical transformation. In all conscience, you have no excuse for me. Are you angry in front of me?”

Upon hearing this, the mechanical transformation man's aura instantly weakened, which was in sharp contrast to his hard alloy arm.

Middle-aged man: "If you want anything, say it now. If you miss it today, you won't have the chance."

The mechanical engineer struggled after hearing this.

Should I be a tough guy without money or a coward with money?

About three seconds later.

The Cyborg made a decision.

He chose to smile flatteringly and said: "Brother, I still need an anti-airflow power device. I want to experience the feeling of flying."

The middle-aged man picked up his mobile phone from the bedside, opened the screen and pressed a few times. Then he looked at the mechanical transformation man with contempt and said, "10 million has been transferred to your wife's bank card."

10 million? !

The mechanical cyborg was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body trembled with excitement.

He stabilized his mind and shouted to the two of them with excitement:

"Thank you, brother!"

"Thank you sister-in-law!"

"This is your battlefield tonight. You can stay as long as you want, and I won't disturb you."

He said such words very sensibly, and the mechanical transformation person turned around and left without looking back.

Middle-aged man: "Stop."

"Brother, do you have anything else to do?"

The mechanical engineer stopped and turned around with a flattering smile.

Middle-aged man: "You called her sister-in-law, which killed my interest. She is your wife, so you should call her wife, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand!"

The mechanical reformer nodded with a smile on his face, then looked at the young woman aside and warned: "Wife, you must serve me well and don't let me down."

After saying that, he turned and left again.

"Who asked you to leave?"

The middle-aged man's voice was extremely strong: "Tonight, you have to stay and watch the whole thing, understand?"


"I'll transfer another 10 million to your wife."

"Dad, I will listen to you!"

The mechanical engineer decisively chose to recognize the thief as his father.

The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he took out a red seed as big as a peanut and handed it to the other party, saying with a smile:

"Okay, I like talents like you who have a flexible bottom line. I will reward you with this spiritual fruit. Eating it can greatly increase your vitality and blood."

"Thanks dad!"

The cyborg excitedly took over the demon seed.

A blink of an eye.

The next day came.

It was just dawn.

The middle-aged man walked out of the room slowly while wearing his belt.

Although he didn't sleep all night after fighting last night, his face was still full of energy at this moment.

He took a deep breath, feeling the evolved and stronger body, and sneered: "Yuan Dongzhi, sooner or later I will trample you under my feet and severely humiliate you. Let's see if you can still be arrogant."

Said this to himself.

Soon, he left the house, took the elevator to the underground garage, and drove a luxury car worth tens of millions straight to Shanhai University.

He lives on the inner campus of Shanhai University.

the other side.

Dormitory 603, Building 8, Zhongyuan.

Lin Zichen got up early and concentrated on the second tempering on the balcony.

After tempering for more than two hours, he felt that the energy and blood in his body were almost exhausted, so he suddenly called up his body tempering attribute bar to check the progress of the second skin tempering.

[Second quenching: 45%]

The progress bar is almost halfway through.

According to the current tempering speed, the second skin tempering should be completed in another week.

It can only be said that with the assistance of the Blood Resurrection Pill, the tempering efficiency has been greatly improved.

"Xiaochen, when did you wake up?"

Shen Qinghan, who had just woken up, was wearing a light pink nightdress, standing at the balcony door with bare feet, rubbing her eyes, looking at Lin Zichen with a sleepy look on her face and asked.

Lin Zichen stood up from the ground, and while packing the yoga mat under his feet, he said: "I woke up relatively early today, before 5 o'clock."

"You get up so early. I feel so lazy compared to you."

"It's only 7 o'clock now. A college student can get up at this hour without being lazy at all."

"But you got up before 5 o'clock..."

Shen Qinghan doesn't want to compare with ordinary college students, but with Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen walked to her and stopped, carefully arranging her hair that was messed up by sleeping with his hands, and said in a gentle voice: "That's different. My superpower is that my body is strong, my energy and blood are full, and my need for sleep is greater than The average person has less, so there’s no need to compare with me.”

"Everyone has their own advantages, just like your special physique. Your skin is supple and smooth, and your sweat is fragrant. Also, you have been exercising at high intensity and your strength is getting stronger day by day, but your muscles are not. She will become thicker and stronger, and her figure will remain slim and graceful, making other girls envious and jealous.”

"If you really want to get up early, then go to bed early and go to bed at 10 p.m. Go to bed early and get up early."

"Then it's better not to do it. I prefer sleeping with you than getting up early with you." Shen Qinghan said in a lazy voice.

After saying that, she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Lin Zichen on the mouth. She smiled sweetly and said, "This is my good morning kiss. I will kiss you like this every day from now on."

Lin Zichen smiled, pinched her butt with his hand, and urged: "Go and brush your teeth quickly, otherwise you won't have enough time later and you will have to run to class again and be sweating all over because of the heat."

"It's okay, it's still early."

Shen Qinghan said that, but he still went back to the room to put on his slippers, and then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Half an hour later.

After finishing breakfast, the two went out together.

When they arrived at the dormitory downstairs and were about to leave separately, two familiar figures blocked their way.

They are classmates in high school - Wang Shujie and Lu Gang.

Among them, Lu Gang, who was tall and thick, was the first to speak: "Lin Zichen, can you take a moment of your time? I have something to ask you..."

"Say it."

Lin Zichen said lightly.

Lu Gang clenched his fists and said with an unspeakable look on his face: "There is a junior who doesn't like Wang Shujie and I. He relies on his strength to be stronger than us. He targets us two every day, which makes us a little breathless. Can you Could you please stand up for us?"

"You are the new king of this class. That old student will definitely not dare to offend you and will give you face."

"Of course, we won't let your help go in vain."

Lu Gang handed over a bag he was carrying, and then said: "There are several kinds of spiritual fruits in the bag. Some can beautify the skin, some can soothe the mind, and some can replenish blood and aphrodisiac. They are specially made by my father. All the evolutionary resources sent to me are now given to you. I hope you can help us with this."

After he finished speaking, Wang Shujie on the side also put aside his pride and begged very humbly: "Lin Zichen, although our relationship is very ordinary, but since we are classmates in high school, you can reluctantly help us once." Bar!"

Seeing that they were classmates and had a bag of spiritual fruits, Lin Zichen felt that he could agree to this matter.

However, he did not rush to agree, but asked: "What is the strength of the junior and senior student?"

"What we learned is that that person's strength is about the same as yours, he's like an ordinary sixth-level person."

Wang Shujie replied.

Ordinary sixth level?

Then there will be no pressure to help...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen said: "Okay, wait for me at the entrance of the Pure Human Research Institute at 5:30 pm, and I will help you solve this matter."

Seeing that he agreed, Lu Gang clenched his fists and patted his chest, and said with a serious face: "Lin Zichen, if you need my help in the future, I promise to be there at your call."

Wang Shujie: "Me too."

Lin Zichen: "It's just a little effort."

Lu Gang handed over the bag he was holding and said, "Lin Zichen, just accept this bag of spiritual fruits."

"Then I won't be polite."

Lin Zichen reached out and took the bag handed over by Lu Gang.

Lu Gang reminded: "By the way, this bag of spiritual fruits has three different types."

"The white peel can beautify the skin, the blue peel can soothe the mind and refresh the mind, and the red peel can nourish blood and aphrodisiacs. Don't eat the wrong ones, you two."

"Especially the red spiritual fruit with a wriggling skin inside. It has a particularly strong blood-enhancing and aphrodisiac effect. Women may have adverse reactions after eating it."

After Lu Gang finished speaking, he added: "Also, don't eat too many red-skinned spiritual fruits. Eat no more than one a day, otherwise you will easily get angry."

Lin Zichen: "Okay, I understand."

"That's okay. Wang Shujie and I will leave first. We'll see you at 5:30 p.m."

After saying this, Lu Gang and Wang Shujie turned around and left.

Seeing the two of them walking away, Shen Qinghan immediately said to Lin Zichen with curiosity on his face: "Xiao Chen, quickly open the bag and take a look at the spiritual fruit inside. I have never eaten spiritual fruit in my life."

"Then take one and eat it on the way."

As he spoke, Lin Zichen opened the bag and wanted to pick a white or blue fruit for Shen Qinghan to eat.

Shen Qinghan leaned over and looked at the bag and said, "Choose a smaller one. If it's too big, I won't be able to finish it."

"Okay, I'll pick a small one for you."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he put his hand into the bag and started rummaging around.

After rummaging through it twice, a red spiritual fruit at the bottom of the bag caught his attention.

It's about the size of an egg, and the peel is covered with peristaltic blood vessels, making it look like an animal heart.

Shen Qinghan also discovered this strange-looking spirit fruit, and immediately frowned slightly and said: "Xiaochen, that red spirit fruit at the bottom is so disgusting."

Although Lu Gang specifically mentioned this spirit fruit just now, she never thought that the appearance of this spirit fruit would be so disgusting.

The peel is constantly squirming.

It looks like the long worm is broken.

Very stomach-churning.

Lin Zichen also felt that this weird-looking spiritual fruit was disgusting.

But out of curiosity, he took the spiritual fruit out of the bag and looked at it carefully.

Just when he was about to smell the smell of this weird spiritual fruit.

Suddenly, the [Danger Perception] in his consciousness jumped suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, a prompt message slowly emerged from the void.

[Would you like to swallow the high-level tree demon Gu species? 】

Tree demon? Gu species?

Can it be swallowed?

What's going on?

Divine religion?

Lin Zichen was stunned for a moment, and then when he thought about the sudden jump in [Danger Sense] just now, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

At this time, neither Lu Gang nor Wang Shujie had gone too far, only walking more than two hundred meters.

Lin Zichen did not hesitate, and immediately took a step forward, rushing in front of the two people and stopping them.

"You two don't leave yet."

"What's wrong?"

Wang Shujie was a little confused.

Next to him, Lu Gang had a fleeting look of panic in his eyes.

Lin Zichen did not answer his question, but shouted to Shen Qinghan who was trotting over: "Hanhan, contact your master and ask her to come over!"

"Okay, I'll contact you now!"

Shen Qinghan responded, then stopped and took out his mobile phone to contact Yuan Dongzhi.

She didn't understand what was going on now, but that didn't matter. She only knew one thing, just listen to Lin Zichen.

Underground in Shanhai City.

Twenty thousand meters deep.

In the huge and empty underground palace.

An elderly masked man with a somewhat stooped figure was standing in front of a blood-red crutch stuck in the ground, muttering a strange spell in a low voice.

Behind him stood a tall three-eyed giant and a giant alien rat lying on his back.

Whether it is the three-eyed giant or the giant alien rat, they are very quiet at this moment and do not make any sound, for fear of disturbing the elderly masked man.

I do not know how long it has been.

The elderly masked man stopped chanting the incantation, slowly opened his closed eyes, and said in a hoarse voice:

"It's done."

The moment he finished speaking, the blood-red crutch in front of him suddenly plunged into the ground and disappeared.

The next second, the ground cracked with large and shocking spider web cracks, and then the ground subsided with a "rumbling" sound, and a huge hole was dug out.

It was pitch black in the cave and nothing could be seen.

"The biological coordinates on both sides have been connected, and this biological passage has been successfully opened."

"Next, we just need to wait for this biological passage to stabilize, and this side will be completely connected to Source No. 36."

"At that time, the creatures in the source area will continue to be transmitted to the earth."

The old masked man said with an increasingly hoarse voice.

PS: Just one chapter today, I will update it early tomorrow.

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