Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 145 Controlling other people’s energy and blood from a distance

In the days to come, whenever she is free, Shen Qinghan will go to Yuan Dongzhi's office on time at 8 p.m. to study her genetic enslavement ability with this cheap master.

I studied it for almost half a month.

During this period, Shen Qinghan's body showed no abnormalities.

The Blue Jellyfish King gene in her body is tightly controlled by her genes.

As soon as the Blue Jellyfish King's genes change, she will be strangled by her genes in an instant.

The remaining Blue Jellyfish King genes are all serving as slaves.

As long as Shen Qinghan has thoughts, he can express them if he wants to express them, and sleep if he wants them to sleep.

The gene fusion people cried with envy when they saw it.

Like gene fusions, there will be a period of instability every time after fusing the genes of alien beasts.

During this period, drugs need to be continuously injected to help stabilize and avoid alienation.

And Shen Qinghan, who has the ability of genetic slavery, does not need to worry about this at all, as he has the ability to use the genes of alien beasts for free throughout the process.

Administration Building.

In the principal's office.

The lights are bright.

Yuan Dongzhi was wearing a light white cheongsam, sitting on an office chair with her legs crossed. Her posture was sexy, seductive and elegant, giving her the air of a lady, like a veteran in love.

Compared with her, Shen Qinghan, who was sitting opposite her and wearing a light blue dress, looked a bit pure and reserved.

He sat upright the whole time, looking like a primary school student sitting in the front row of the classroom.

Although Shen Qinghan and Yuan Dongzhi have a master-disciple relationship, their relationship is not particularly deep.

For most of the time we spent together, it looked like an ordinary teacher-student relationship in elementary school, full of the words "serious" and "reserved."

"Come on, Qinghan, follow what I just taught you and try to use your mental power to slowly pull the water from the cup on the left into the cup on the right."

Yuan Dongzhi, who has always been cold and cold, said in a rare gentle voice.

She attaches great importance to her little apprentice, who is a good girl, and wants to deepen the relationship with her as a master and apprentice and train her well.

"Well, I'll try."

Shen Qinghan nodded with a soft voice.

Then, with a thought, she activated the Blue Jellyfish King gene in her body, making her hair blue and shiny.

Immediately, another thought occurred to him, and with a somewhat unfamiliar mental energy, he slowly pulled the water from the cup on the left into the cup on the right.

Her mental strength is not strong and she is far from meeting the requirements for controlling objects in the air.

Logically speaking, water from a cup cannot be pulled into another cup.

However, with the blessing of the attributes of the Blue Jellyfish King gene, she could do this easily.

And it was done perfectly.

The water flowed out was extremely smooth and flowed into another cup without a drop of water falling on the table.

Yuan Dongzhi witnessed the whole process and was shocked in his heart.

She asked herself that she was a genius among geniuses, but compared with Shen Qinghan in front of her, she seemed extremely mediocre.

As for the silky water control ability that Shen Qinghan showed just now, she spent three months practicing hard before she could barely do it.

And Shen Qinghan managed to do it in less than half a month.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the difference in comparison is a day or a day.

Thinking in his mind, Yuan Dongzhi looked satisfied and spoke highly of it without hesitation: "Yes, your ability to control water is much better than mine back then. You are better than your master."

"Master, thank you for your praise."

Shen Qinghan said modestly.

She was a little embarrassed to be praised by Yuan Dongzhi, and kept playing with the smooth hair on her shoulders with her fingers, very shy.

The more Yuan Dongzhi looked at her shy little girl appearance, the more she liked her.

Then he said: "The mental training method I taught you last night, you must practice it one hour before going to bed every night."

"In one month's time, your weak mental strength will be raised to the level required to enter the mental training room."

"Practice in the spiritual training room, and your spiritual power will improve very quickly. When your spiritual power is high enough, you will not only be able to control water from a distance, but you can also control the qi and blood in other people's bodies from a distance."

"Being able to control the Qi and blood in other people's bodies from a distance, do you know what this means?"

"This means that when you fight with others, you can at least make the opponent's energy and blood confused, and at worst, you can make the opponent's blood explode and die."

"Kill the enemy with just one thought!"

When he said this last sentence, Yuan Dongzhi's tone became more intense and very imposing.

I can only kill the enemy with a single thought...

Listening to Yuan Dongzhi's words, Shen Qinghan felt a little unreal.

A few months ago, in the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination, just to hunt a wild boar, I had to set up a trap in advance and hold a sharpened bamboo in my hand, and then I dared to go up and fight, for fear of being beaten by the pig.

And only a few months have passed, has it reached the point where you can kill someone with just a thought?

Progress is so fast...

Shen Qinghan felt emotional in his heart.

Yuan Dongzhi didn't know what she was thinking, and soon spoke again: "I mastered the skill of controlling other people's energy and blood through the air one year after fusing the Blue Jellyfish King gene, and your talent is more than I’m better, I want to master it before the end of this semester, are you confident?”

"Yeah, I'm confident."

Shen Qinghan nodded confidently without any hesitation.

Yuan Dongzhi was surprised by this, then felt relieved, and then smiled and said: "Yes, top geniuses should have top confidence. Geniuses who are not confident will sooner or later disappear from everyone. Geniuses should be proud and proud. Feisty."

Shen Qinghan nodded after hearing this.

Nodding in front of Yuan Dongzhi has almost become her signature move.

"By the way, Master, when you were testing your gene fusion suitability in the college entrance examination, the scene where you walked on the waves to the scientific research base was so shocking. If I want to walk on the waves, how long will it take at least?"

Shen Qinghan asked with a longing look on his face.

Yuan Dongzhi smiled and said: "I was only able to ride the waves as well as I did that day when I was almost forty-five years old. As for you, I think you can do it before you are thirty. I am very optimistic about you."

Can you do it before you turn thirty?

Hearing what Yuan Dongzhi said, Shen Qinghan was a little flattered.

This is the first time in her life that someone thinks so highly of her, and it feels very strange.

Seeing her flattered look, Yuan Dongzhi couldn't help but smile, feeling that his little apprentice was inexplicably cute.

Unlike the great disciple in the origin, who was expressionless and taciturn all day long, neither happy with things nor sad with himself, like a piece of ice without emotion.

Thinking about it, Yuan Dongzhi said to Shen Qinghan: "Qinghan, at the end of the semester, I will inject genes from other alien beasts to further study your gene enslavement ability."

"Well, I understand, Master."

"It's quite late. If you have nothing to do, you can go back and have a rest early."

"Okay, thank you, Master."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he quickly left the office.

She missed Lin Zichen and wanted to go back and take a bath with him in the bathroom to enjoy the world between them.

Dormitory 603, Building 8, Zhongyuan.

In the balcony.

Lin Zichen sat cross-legged on the yoga mat, sweating profusely and exercising his muscles for the second time.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his clear eyes, exhaled a deep breath, and then a relieved smile appeared on his face.

The twice-quenched meat is done!

Next, it’s time to temper the bones for the second time!

With the effect of the Blood Replenishing Pill, set a small goal and strive to complete it within two months!

By the way, the mental training method I learned from Hanhan last night has not had any effect yet.

Now that you have some free time, let’s give it a try...

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen closed his eyes, calmed down to adjust his breathing rhythm as Shen Qinghan taught him last night, and then freed his mind to meditate.

About half an hour later.

A prompt message slowly emerged in the void.

[Spirit +1]

That's it?

Lin Zichen was a little disappointed. After meditating for half an hour, he only gained 1 point of mental power. It was not as much as doing a few more math problems.

This so-called mental training method is not suitable for cheating people.


There was a sound of opening the door from the living room.

It's Shen Qinghan who's back.

She quickly put on a pair of pink slippers that she wore in the house, and then walked quickly to the balcony.

Within a moment, she came to a stop in front of Lin Zichen, smiled sweetly and said, "Xiaochen, I have good news to tell you."

"What good news?"

Lin Zichen looked up at her and asked.

Shen Qinghan put his hands behind his back and said with a mysterious smile: "I won't tell you yet. When you finish tempering, we will take a bath in the bathroom together and we will tell you then."

"Then go take a bath now."

Lin Zichen stood up and picked up Shen Qinghan, not even bothering to clean up the yoga mat on the floor, and walked straight to the bathroom.

He wouldn't accept being tempted and wanted to know the good news now.

In the bathroom.

It took the two of them more than ten minutes to finish the bath, and they sat face to face in the large bathtub, enjoying the moistness of the warm water comfortably.

After soaking for a while, Lin Zichen couldn't wait to ask Shen Qinghan: "I'm already taking a bath now, what's the good news?"

"The good news is..." Shen Qinghan let it slip mid-sentence, paused for a while and then said with a smile: "I can control water!"

Lin Zichen raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised. He didn't expect Shen Qinghan to learn to control water so quickly.

It seems that the little dirty girl is quite talented when it comes to playing with water.

You can’t watch it as an ordinary person.

Thinking about it, he said to Shen Qinghan: "Come and take a look."

"Then you have to take a good look at it, it will definitely amaze you."

After saying that, Shen Qinghan began to show off his ability to control water, levitating part of the water in the bathtub and floating it in front of Lin Zichen.

Then, with his weak mental power, he transformed the water into various shapes.

There are cubes, cuboids, spheres, cones, etc.

After that, even the basketball with clear stripes and full of particles on the surface was transformed.

"Are you awesome, Sister Han?"

Shen Qinghan said with a little pride while controlling the water basketball to rotate slowly in the air.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Zichen was really shocked and said in disbelief: "You have just learned to control water, and you can control it so smoothly. Your talent is so powerful that it is a bit exaggerated."

"There is something even more powerful."

"Please begin your performance."

"Then I'm going to start the show, so don't blink."

"Well, my eyes are already wide open."

Lin Zichen said as he opened his eyes as wide as possible.

Just when he opened his eyes as wide as possible, the water basketball floating in front of him suddenly transformed into a thin water column, spraying on his face as accurately as urine.

"Haha, you must have been fooled."

Shen Qinghan's mischievous laughter came from the front: "Xiao Chen, you are like the old father who was peed on by his baby in the funny video. He was completely confused, haha."

Lin Zichen wiped the water from his face and said speechlessly: "Shen Zuhan, you are getting more and more stupid."

"It's very good. The sand sculpture girl is very happy."

After saying this, Shen Qinghan laughed for a while, then stopped smiling and said, "I was just joking with you. In fact, what I said is even more powerful is that I can control the qi and blood in other people's bodies from a distance."

"Really or not, can you control the energy and blood in other people's bodies from a distance?"

Lin Zichen was not stunned this time, but shocked, with a face full of disbelief.

"Of course it's true!"

Shen Qinghan said seriously: "Come here, I will control your blood and energy from the air to show you."

Lin Zichen said nothing, waiting for her to control.

3 seconds passed...

6 seconds passed...

9 seconds passed...

Lin Zichen didn't feel that his energy and blood were being manipulated, so he asked, "Are you okay yet?"

"No, I can't control it."

Shen Qinghan looked frustrated and said: "The strength of the qi and blood in your body is too high, and my mental power is not strong enough to control it at all."

"Is that so?"

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he thought about it and restrained the strength of the qi and blood in his body, and then said to Shen Qinghan: "I just restrained the strength of the qi and blood in my body. You can try again now."

"Let me try."

Shen Qinghan responded, and immediately used his mental power to control the energy and blood in Lin Zichen's body from a distance.

Then I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could control it!

"Xiaochen, it's okay. I have control. Do you feel it?"

"Yeah, I feel it."

Lin Zichen nodded, and he could clearly feel that the energy and blood in his body was being controlled by a weak mental power from across the air.

Shen Qinghan carefully controlled a small part of the blood in Lin Zichen's body, and curiously explored the flow in his body, finding it quite fun.

Controlling and controlling, she suddenly had a bold idea, so she slowly pulled the part of Qi and blood she controlled to places where it shouldn't be pulled.

"Shen Dirty Han, you are getting dirtier every day."

Sensing the direction of the energy and blood in his body, Lin Zichen immediately noticed Shen Qinghan's thoughts, and was immediately speechless.

Shen Qinghan looked disapproving and said, "It's not dirty, it's fun."

"Okay, okay, it's fun."

Lin Zichen chose to pamper her and let her play as she wanted.

Anyway, this little dirty girl only does dirty things at home, so it’s not a bad thing.

And I have to say that it is indeed quite interesting to let her get dirty once in a while.

After playing for a while, Shen Qinghan had enough.

Soon, with a thought, she took back the mental energy she had radiated away from Lin Zichen, and said with a face begging for praise: "Xiaochen, am I very good at playing with water?"

Lin Zichen: "It's really amazing. I feel invincible."

Shen Qinghan felt happy when he heard this.

But the next second, Lin Zichen smiled and joked: "Similarly, you are invincible even when you play with urine."

"Oh, you're so annoying!"

Shen Qinghan pursed her red lips and slapped Lin Zichen with a dissatisfied look on her face.

Lin Zichen continued to tease him desperately: "I really think you are invincible even when you play with urine. Think about it, since you can control the qi and blood in other people's bodies, you can also control the urine in other people's bodies. Then in the future, you will be able to control the urine in other people's bodies." When fighting, just make the enemy pee their pants with a thought, and increase the lethality immediately. "

"You're so annoying. Don't mention peeing again, or I'll get angry!"

Shen Qinghan puffed up his cheeks and said very dissatisfied.

It was obviously you who first played with water to wet my face, and then mentioned the word "pee"... Lin Zichen cursed in his heart, and nodded repeatedly on the surface:

"Okay, okay, don't mention it anymore."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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