Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 153 Paid Fighting

The second floor of the gymnasium.

Advanced training room.

Under the guidance of the class teacher, everyone in the freshman class used various high-tech training equipment such as gravity chambers, mental chambers, and reaction chambers to conduct ultra-high-intensity intensive training.

"Li Moyu is so strong that he can even withstand the seventh level of gravity!"

"What an exaggeration. Luo Yongjian has been in the mental cabin for almost a minute, and he can still hold on!"

"Ma Xiwei is so awesome, he's already got an S-level rating in the reaction chamber!"

The three phantom gods in the genius class, Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian, performed very well in the advanced training room, causing the classmates in the class to exclaim again and again.

Seeing that the Three Fantasy Gods had made such great progress in less than one semester, many people thought of Lin Zichen.

This freshman king, who is known as the strongest in school history, was so fierce in the opening trial that he directly crushed Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, Luo Yongjian and others at that time.

Now that almost a semester has passed, I don’t know what his current strength is or how much he has improved.

Most likely there will be no progress.

After all, they were pure-blooded humans and did not undergo genetic fusion.

Thinking of this, many people shook their heads.

"Lin Zichen has not yet carried out gene fusion, so he is probably far behind the three of them in terms of strength."

"That newcomer king has a bad mind. He obviously has a high degree of adaptability to genetic fusion, but he still wants to go with some pure-blooded human. Isn't he a fool?"

"Well, to be honest, it's a pity that everyone's words are lost like this."

Everyone in the genius class was either mocking or feeling sorry.

But without exception, everyone thought Lin Zichen was stupid.

One girl didn't understand and said, "I don't know what Shen Qinghan is thinking. If I were her, I would definitely advise Lin Zichen to change his major to the School of Evolution as soon as possible. Don't be a pure-blood human. It's a waste of talent."

At this time, Ma Xiwei came out of the reaction chamber. When he heard what the girl said, he immediately looked at her with cold eyes and said, "Everyone has his or her own ambitions. Don't judge others at will."


The girl smiled awkwardly.

Ma Xiwei is the daughter of dean Ma Zhenhe. Except for a few young masters and young ladies from rich family backgrounds, everyone in the class is quite afraid of her.

He was very cautious when dealing with her, for fear of offending her.

After all, the dean's daughter has a somewhat withdrawn personality and is not easy to get along with.

"Teacher, why didn't Shen Qinghan come to class?"

Ma Xi looked at the head teacher slightly and asked.

Shen Qinghan is a good student and has never been late even once since school started.

Today is the first time the whole class has come to the advanced training room for class, and Shen Qinghan is absent, which is a bit unusual.

The head teacher said: "Qinghan said she had something urgent to deal with and asked me for leave today."


Ma Xi nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

It didn't take long.

Li Moyu in the gravity cabin and Luo Yongjian in the spirit cabin both walked out of the warehouse and ended their training.

Both of them were sweating profusely and panting heavily, so they found a place to sit down and rest.

The training just now was intense and consumed a lot of energy.

Seeing that no one in the class was training anymore and were all gathering in the hall to rest, the head teacher said:

"I just received a notification from the Academic Affairs Office, saying that your freshman competition has been moved forward to the end of this semester, and is scheduled for January 18th."

"So sudden?"

Some people were caught off guard.

At the same time, some people are excited.

The most excited one among them is Li Moyu.

“Well done in advance!”

Li Moyu said with a smile on her face, "I can't wait to beat Lin Zichen!"

Although he was crushed by Lin Zichen during the trial at the beginning of school, that was several months ago.

Now, after being strengthened by several gene fusions, his strength has been greatly improved to the ordinary sixth level, close to the ordinary seventh level.

He believed that Lin Zichen, who had not undergone genetic fusion, would definitely be far inferior to him.

As for pure-blood humans?

Song Yuyan, who was ranked second in Kyoto that year, is a bloody example.

Not only Li Moyu thought so, but Ma Xiwei also thought so.

She felt that it was a pity for Lin Zichen and that there was something wrong with his thinking.

Without genetic fusion or mechanical transformation, she is destined to disappear into the world and become the second Song Yuyan.

Although it is a pity, we can only respect the fate of others.

"Damn it, there's a fight downstairs!"

A boy who came back from going to the bathroom shouted excitedly to everyone: "Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan to cause trouble and beat up the beauty of the sophomore evolution college downstairs!"

"I also beat the roommate who was the beauty in the courtyard. Their faces were swollen until they were as swollen as a pig's head, and their faces were disfigured!"

"Now the boyfriend of the courtyard beauty has come directly to confront Lin Zichen!"

Beat up the sophomore college beauty?

Confronting the student union disciplinary inspector?

real or fake?

Is Lin Zichen so crazy?

Everyone in the genius class was shocked and in disbelief.

"Let's go down and have a look!"

I don't know who shouted this.

The next second, everyone in the genius class rushed out of the training room and ran downstairs, eager to go down to watch the show.

Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, Luo Yongjian and others went to the corridor to watch.

at the same time.


Lin Zichen was still standing on the martial arts stage, quietly looking at the man and woman in the audience.

The girl is red-haired senior Li Ziqi.

The man is the disciplinary inspector of the student union and Li Ziqi's boyfriend, named Jin Mingyu.

Jin Mingyu looked at the swollen face of his girlfriend, the beauty in the courtyard, clenching his fists in anger and gritting his teeth.

"Take care of her for me."

"Oh, oh good."

After asking a girl next to me to help take care of my girlfriend.

Jin Mingyu jumped up and landed on the martial arts platform with a "dong" sound.

He looked at Lin Zichen with cold eyes and said with a hint of anger in his voice:

"Junior, is it too much to be so cruel to a girl's face?"

He didn't know that his girlfriend was beaten like this by Shen Qinghan.

Seeing Lin Zichen standing on the martial arts stage, he subconsciously thought that the new king was the culprit.

Lin Zichen did not explain, but said calmly: "I think it is too much for your girlfriend to bully the freshmen."

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence."

Jin Mingyu said with a gloomy expression.

To be honest, he didn't want to conflict with Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen is the strongest freshman in the history of the school. Although he cannot think of choosing a pure-blood human, as long as he changes his major to the School of Evolution, his future will still be bright.

In comparison, he is just a small student union disciplinary inspector and cannot be compared with Lin Zichen.

Now that there is a conflict with Lin Zichen, if Lin Zichen holds a grudge, it will definitely be difficult for him in Shandong University in the future.

But he had no choice now. His girlfriend was beaten like this, so he had to bite the bullet and get out of his way.

"Brother, your girlfriend often bullies the freshmen in the freshman class. I have seen it many times. How can there be no evidence!"

Such a voice came from the corridor on the second floor.

It was Luo Yongjian, who was in the freshman class.

At this time, he was standing steadily on the railing of the corridor, with his arms folded across his chest, looking down at the martial arts platform on the first floor.

"This classmate, you'd better take back what you just said, otherwise I can arrest you as a volunteer in the student union at any time for spreading rumors."

Jin Mingyu looked up at Luo Yongjian, his tone full of threats.

Luo Yongjian smiled and started to retaliate: "Threatening me? You are so shameless and invincible! You are protecting your own people and helping others to do evil. Are you worthy of being a disciplinary inspector?"

These words hit home, leaving Jin Mingyu speechless.

After being speechless, there was a burst of anger.

The newbie king denounces me, but I tolerate it.

But what are you?

I'm just a new student, but you dare to attack me?

court death!

Jin Mingyu's anger reached the extreme, and he immediately had the idea to activate the alien gene in his body, and dense golden hair grew on his body surface, and wanted to deal with Luo Yongjian as a disciplinary inspector.

Just when he was about to jump to the corridor on the second floor and attack Luo Yongjian.

Lin Zichen, who was standing opposite him, didn't want to waste time on the martial arts stage, so he looked at him and said:

"If you want to seek justice for your girlfriend, then fight with me now, otherwise I will go back and won't have that much time to fight with you here."

"Okay, you said so!"

Jin Mingyu didn't care about offending him. He just wanted to end this farce and leave. He looked at Lin Zichen and asked, "How many credits do you want to bet?"

Lin Zichen: "I'll bet as much as you have."


This new king is too crazy!

The people in the audience were all crazy about Lin Zichen. They didn't expect him to be so confident and dare to say such words even if he had many credits.

You know, this Jin Mingyu is the disciplinary inspector of the student union!

The biological level has reached the ordinary seventh level!

Very powerful!

As for Lin Zichen, he is very talented, but because he chose to be a pure-blood human and has not undergone genetic fusion, his current strength is probably about the same as when he started school.

But even so, he still dared to go to the martial arts stage with Jin Mingyu.

Is it possible that his strength when he started school was already at the level of an ordinary seventh level?

Are you just hiding your strength?

But how is this possible!

Everyone was puzzled.

Jin Mingyu was also puzzled by this and felt very confused.

No matter how you think about it, Lin Zichen's strength cannot reach the ordinary seventh level.

The only explanation is that Lin Zichen is very conceited.

Most of them have never lost since they were young and have always crushed their peers, so that their character has become ignorant of the world.

Thinking of this, Jin Mingyu pointed out three fingers to Lin Zichen and said expressionlessly:

"I bet 300 credits, do you have it?"


Lin Zichen said calmly.

Jin Mingyu raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Lin Zichen to have so many credits.

He had doubts about this, but he wasn't too entangled.

Instead, he took out his mobile phone, opened the school app, and challenged Lin Zichen on it.

The stake is 300 credits.

When Lin Zichen saw the challenge message sent, he clicked on it without hesitation and chose to challenge.

Seeing that he really accepted the challenge, Jin Mingyu couldn't help but laugh.

I'd bet on 300 credits.

This new king is really arrogant.

Doomed to be deflated.

In the corridor on the second floor.

Ma Xiwei was surprised when he saw that Lin Zichen actually accepted the challenge, and the stakes were as high as 300 credits.

How dare you?

Lin Zichen, how dare he?

That Jin Mingyu is not weak, he is a sophomore genius class student, and his biological level is as high as ordinary seventh level!

Is Lin Zichen too arrogant?

"Damn, it looks so cool. Why can't I think of this way to show off?"

Luo Yongjian on the side was full of admiration.

He has painstakingly studied the art of showing off for many years, thinking about how to show off every day.

Starting from various aspects such as image, posture, speaking style, etc., we strive to improve our personality.

After so many years, we have indeed achieved some achievements.

Now in school, being able to have the title of Sword Immortal in White is very satisfying.

However, compared with Lin Zichen's title of the strongest rookie in school history, his performance is far inferior. It is not on the same level at all.

"Alas, I'm still not strong enough after all."

"Otherwise, I will be the one standing on the stage to challenge the student union disciplinary inspector, and all eyes will be focused on me."

"I really want to become stronger..."

Luo Yongjian said with eagerness on his face.

Now, he deeply understands that the best way to show off is to use strong strength to crush your opponent and show your arrogance.

When he longs for it.

Next door, Li Moyu looked at Lin Zichen on the martial arts platform below with admiration in his eyes.

Lin Zichen was not afraid of anyone and had absolute confidence in everyone.

This is the attitude that a strong person should have.

What happened to the ordinary seventh level?

As long as you are strong enough, it is not impossible to kill by leapfrogging.

"Only a strong man like Lin Zichen is worthy of being my opponent. In the next four years of college, he and I are destined to become evenly matched rivals."

After finishing speaking, Li Moyu added: "The premise is that he is willing to change his major to the School of Evolution and pursue genetic fusion."

Ma Xi glanced at Li Moyu after hearing the sound, feeling a little unhappy.

Li Moyu's words "Only Lin Zichen is worthy of being my opponent" deeply hurt her.

She felt a sense of humiliation of being looked down upon in her heart, and she clenched her fists involuntarily.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young girls into poverty!

Off stage.

Seeing that the challenge had been established, the bald teacher shouted to the two people on the stage:

"Both of you, are you ready?"

"Okay." x2

The two said in unison.

The bald teacher nodded, and then said in a loud voice: "The challenge begins!"

The moment he finished speaking, Jin Mingyu erupted with an ordinary seventh-level biological pressure, which made the hair of the students who were close to him under the martial arts platform fly.

So strong!

Is this the value of being a student union member?

How does Lin Zichen win? !

Feeling the power of Jin Mingyu's biological pressure, the students in the audience felt nervous for Lin Zichen.


A sound broke through the air suddenly.

Jin Mingyu takes action!

Just rush out with one lunge!

The body turns into an afterimage!

Instantly approaching Lin Zichen!

Then, he waved his thick unicorn arm and punched Lin Zichen in the face!

His girlfriend's face was smashed and swollen.

Now, he wants to retaliate with tooth and smash Lin Zichen's face!


Just listen to the sound of "bang"!

Jin Mingyu's fist hit Lin Zichen's face hard.

However, Lin Zichen did not move at all and was not punched out of the martial arts arena.

On the contrary, it was Jin Mingyu who was punching, and his face suddenly changed drastically. He knelt on the ground with a "plop", clutched his right hand tightly, and said with pain on his face:

"Ah! Hand! My hand!"

His fist that hit Lin Zichen's face was shattered and fractured.

Lin Zichen looked at him condescendingly, silently raised his leg, struck his face with a "bang", and swept him out of the martial arts arena with one kick.

what's the situation?


The disciplinary inspector of the student union was killed instantly like this? !

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

No one expected that this duel would end so quickly.

Incredibly fast!

After a moment of reaction, everyone looked at Lin Zichen as if they were looking at a monster.

too exaggerated!

Why is this new king so strong? !


at the same time.

Li Moyu, Luo Yongjian, Ma Xiwei and others in the corridor on the second floor were all frightened.

Lin Zichen has obviously never undergone gene fusion, so how can he be so strong? !

This is not scientific at all!

Among them, Ma Xiwei's face showed doubts about life.

There was a brief wavering.

Is it possible that pure-blood humans together are the future?

No! impossible!

There is no future for pure-blooded humans!

Lin Zichen can only be strong in the early stage, but in the later stage, he will definitely lose everyone, and he will regret it!

the other side.

Li Moyu looked at Lin Zichen on the stage, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

He recalled the painful scene in which he punched Lin Zichen in the face during the previous school trial. Lin Zichen was not injured, but his entire hand was shattered and fractured.


I want to fuse again!

Increase the dose of fusion!

I must not lose in the freshman competition!

Must win!

Li Moyu murmured in his heart for a while.

Then he quickly took out his cell phone and called his family in Kyoto.

After a while, the call came through.

A deep male voice came from inside: "Mo Yu, why did you call grandpa all of a sudden?"

Li Moyu: "Grandpa, I want to fuse the gene of the second alien beast, and I will do it tomorrow!"

On the martial arts stage.

He killed Jin Mingyu instantly with one kick and kicked his face into a pig's head.

Lin Zichen did not rush to leave the stage, but looked around the audience and calmly announced:

"From today onwards, I will accept commissions for a fee."

"Whether you are a freshman, an old student, or a student council member, as long as you give me credits, I can help you challenge him."

"The selling price depends on the opponent's strength."

"As long as you have enough credits, I can be the president of the student union."

After leaving these few words.

Lin Zichen jumped down to the stage, and left the gymnasium with Shen Qinghan and Li Chuxin under the shocked gazes of everyone.

Just relying on off-campus tasks to earn credits is not enough.

Tasks are limited and will not be available every day.

Even if there is, it may not be suitable.

It's good to play contemporary games at a nearby school and make some extra money.

Not long after Lin Zichen left.

The gymnasium instantly became excited.

"What did he say? He actually wants to beat me on behalf of others? He even dares to beat the president of the student union?"

"Are you kidding! The student council president is a senior creature, how dare he, a freshman, dare!"

"So crazy, this new king is so crazy, he doesn't even know how high the sky is!"

"It must be a blowjob!"

"Damn, you can really pretend. If the student council president appeared in front of him now, he would probably be scared to the point of weakness!"

Everyone was discussing and felt that Lin Zichen must be crazy.

Otherwise, how could you say such a thing?

In the corridor on the second floor.

Li Moyu was dumbfounded. He looked at Ma Xiwei aside with a dull look and asked, "I must have heard you right just now, right? If Lin Zichen wants to fight a contemporary, how dare he fight even the president of the student union?"

Ma Xiwei was completely stunned at this time and did not respond to him.

Only Luo Yongjian on the other side became short of breath and flushed.

The King of Forces, this is the King of Forces!

I want to worship him as my teacher!

I want to learn from him the skills of appearing holy in front of others!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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