Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 160 Military Region Mecha

After the freshman game, the freshmen all went on winter vacation.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were not in a hurry to go home and planned to stay in the dormitory for a day before going back.

"Xiaochen, what do you think I should use my more than 400 credits to buy?"

In the living room, Shen Qinghan looked at the hundreds of credits on the school app and asked Lin Zichen beside him with some uncertainty.

Lin Zichen thought for a while and suggested: "Bring it to buy the Blood Resurrection Pill, which can improve the body tempering efficiency. You can also buy some gifts for your parents."

"Then just buy the Blood Resurrection Pill, and use the remaining credits to buy some gifts for your parents. Well, I also need to buy some for Aunt Xin and Uncle Sheng."

Shen Qinghan accepted Lin Zichen's suggestion and started placing orders in the credit mall.

Lin Zichen also opened the credit mall and placed orders for the same things, including blood rejuvenation pills and gifts for his parents.

However, the order was placed for a high-level blood replenishing pill.

The effect of the advanced Blood Resurrection Pill is 10 times that of the ordinary Blood Resurrection Pill.

The price is also a lot more expensive, but within the acceptable range.

Lin Zichen plans to practice the body tempering process to the third level of body tempering during the next winter vacation.

If you want to do this during the winter vacation, which is only more than a month, krypton gold is essential.

You have to spend a lot of money to buy the Blood Resurrection Pill.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang inside.

Shen Qinghan went to open the door and saw a tall girl.

The other party claimed to be the vice president of the student union and came to invite Shen Qinghan to join the student union, promising to train her as the president's seed.

In addition, there are many supporting benefits.

For example, you can get personal guidance from the president of the student union at least once a week, you can lead a department to exercise your leadership skills, you can get a certain credit subsidy every month, etc.

Shen Qinghan didn't like the student union. After patiently listening to what the other party said, he politely smiled and declined, saying that he didn't plan to join any organization for the time being.

The vice president smiled and said: "Student Shen, there is no need to reject it so quickly. You can think about it carefully during this winter vacation and make a decision when school starts next semester."

"Yeah, I will."

Shen Qinghan nodded perfunctorily.

After the other party left, she immediately complained to Lin Zichen: "This student union is so arrogant. It seems that as long as she comes to recruit, I must join. If I don't join, it will be my loss."

Lin Zichen: "That's it. The student union is the official in the school. It's normal to be arrogant."

Shen Qinghan hesitated for a moment and then came up with a bold idea: "Xiao Chen, the school's current climate is so bad. You are so strong, why don't you become the president?"

"I will be the vice president then and run the school with you."

"It just so happens that there is a credit subsidy for being the president, and I can get 500 credits a month. If I become the vice president, I can get 100 credits a month. Then we won't have to worry about credits, and we can get credits directly!"

Shen Qinghan became a little excited as he spoke, as if he saw a bright future.

Lin Zichen smiled: "It's good, I have this idea too, but let's take a look first before talking."

Early the next morning.

The two of them packed up their luggage and went out to live with their parents on another campus.

In the evening, the two families went to a nearby hotel on the outer campus to have a private dinner party.

During the meal, the parents of the two families teased Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan a lot, smiling and asking them to have children for them as soon as they graduated.

Lin Zichen just smiled and said nothing.

Shen Qinghan was relatively thin-skinned and was embarrassed by being teased. She blushed the whole time.

After dinner, each family went back to their respective homes.

As soon as she entered the house, Zhang Wanxin beat her shoulders and said with a sad face: "As I get older, my body has more and more problems. My shoulders feel stiff every time. It's really torture."

When Lin Zichen heard this, he immediately said sensibly: "Mom, you lie down on the sofa and I will press your shoulders."

When Zhang Wanxin heard this, she suddenly smiled: "My good son, my mother has been waiting for you to say this!"

Lin Yansheng came over and said, "Xiaochen, after you finish pressing your mother's hair, please press it for me too."

"It should be." Lin Zichen smiled and said: "I will help you press every day during the winter vacation, morning, noon and night. Master Lin will be on call at any time."

"Haha, you are indeed our great boy!"

Lin Yansheng smiled from ear to ear, thinking that he could have such a confident and sensible son, he really saved the galaxy in his previous life.

While the two father and son were talking, Zhang Wanxin had already taken off her shoes and was lying on the sofa with her hands folded together to rest her head.

Upon seeing this, Lin Zichen immediately went over to sit aside and massaged Zhang Wanxin's shoulders skillfully.

During this period, mother and son kept chatting, mostly with Zhang Wanxin expressing emotion.

"Oh, time is so unforgiving. Mom feels a lot older in the past few years. The wrinkles at the corners of her eyes are particularly obvious when she smiles."

"Mom, you are not old at all. You look no different from a young woman who has just turned thirty. If you go out and tell others that you are my sister, no one will doubt you."

"My son is still sensible and knows how to make his old mother happy, but he can talk much better than your father."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Wanxin continued: "But Mom is now in her forties, and she is almost old enough to be a grandmother. She is just waiting to have grandchildren. Mom hopes that you and Hanhan can get married and have children as soon as you graduate."

"Otherwise, without the little one in the family, the family will always feel incomplete and lack vitality."

Saying that, Zhang Wanxin added: "It's not enough to have one child. It's best to have two children. Three are also fine. No mother is too many to have many children. I'll take care of them all for you."

Lin Zichen: "Well, I'll try my best to graduate from college and let you have your grandson."

Zhang Wanxin: "Then it's settled. Don't go back and say you don't want to have children when the time comes. Today's young people love freedom and will always say that they don't want to have children."

Lin Yansheng disagreed: "It's not that young people love freedom and don't want to have children, but they are under great pressure and can't have children. If they are rich, who doesn't want to have children and grandchildren?"

Zhang Wanxin rolled her eyes at him: "Okay, I know you are smart, please shut your mouth, I feel a little annoyed."

Listening to his parents' conversation, Lin Zichen couldn't help but smile.

My parents still like to talk and bicker with each other as they did when they were young, nothing has changed.

There is a feeling of being a happy enemy.

More than an hour later.

Zhang Wanxin felt comfortable and got up from the sofa with satisfaction.

When Lin Yansheng saw this, he immediately walked to the sofa and lay down, and then said:

"Xiao Chen, please press your waist for me. My waist has been a bit sore recently and it's hard to stand up straight."


Lin Zichen responded and quickly lifted Lin Yansheng's waist.

Lin Yansheng sighed while enjoying it: "When this person reaches middle age, his body begins to decline, and his energy becomes less and less day by day. He must take good care of his health in the future."

Lin Zichen said nothing, but took his father's words into his heart.

More than an hour later.

The massage is over.

Lin Zichen took out his mobile phone and opened the credit mall to buy various expensive supplements for his parents.

Beauty and beauty.


Soothing and refreshing.

As long as it's good for your parents' health, just place an order with your eyes closed, without looking at the price at all.

When I finally settled the bill, I spent nearly 100 credits, which is almost equivalent to 1 million yuan.

No matter how much money you spend on your parents, it is worth it.

Lin Zichen just hopes that his parents can grow old slowly, and preferably stay young forever.

This is a world of extraordinary power.

There are all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth.

As long as you evolve strong enough, there will definitely be a way to make your parents immortal.

The only uncertainty is whether my parents will survive until then.

"I hope I can evolve faster..."

Lin Zichen hoped in his heart.

over the next few days.

Except for going to Shen Qinghan's house, Lin Zichen spent the rest of his time at home tempering his body.

Even if he went to Shen Qinghan's house, he would stay in the room with her to temper his body.

Time passes like this day by day.

On the night of the 23rd, Lin Zichen finally succeeded in tempering his body three times, and his physical body strength reached a new level.

[Name: Lin Zichen]

【Age: 19】

[Creature Level: Ordinary (Level 9)]

[Biological attributes: use or lose, wisdom from heaven, the weak can eat the strong, the luck of melting water, natural selection, eye in the sky, social animals, natural camouflage, danger perception, rapid self-healing, invulnerability to all poisons]

[Body Tempering: Skin Tempering (3 times), Flesh Tempering (3 times), Bone Tempering (3 times)]

It was only during the winter vacation of my freshman year that I had already completed the body tempering process three times.

Based on such a body quenching efficiency, as long as enough resources are managed later, I am afraid that I will be able to complete the body quenching five times in the first semester of my freshman year.

When the fifth body tempering is completed, perhaps the acupoints can be opened...

Thinking of this, Lin Zichen felt slightly excited.

the next day.

January 24, 7 a.m.

Lin Zichen had breakfast and went out with Shen Qinghan to gather downstairs in the administration building of the inner campus.

When the two arrived, they saw Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian waiting downstairs.

Lin Zichen noticed that Ma Xiwei's nose had healed and its appearance was intact. There was no sign that the nose bridge had collapsed nine days ago.

The medical field in this world is very developed.

As long as the person is alive and has enough money, any serious injury can be healed quickly.

"I will surpass you next semester."

Seeing Shen Qinghan coming, Ma Xi raised his head slightly and looked at her and said.

Shen Qinghan didn't know how to respond, so he nodded slowly and said "Yeah".

It didn't take long.

Yuan Dongzhi came down from the administrative building.

Without taking the stairs or taking the elevator, he floated directly out of the window and slowly fell to the ground under the watchful eyes of the five people.

The faces of the five people were full of yearning, and they all wanted to be able to fly in the air like Yuan Dongzhi.

However, this is too far away for them now.

Unless it is a mechanically modified person equipped with an anti-airflow power device, or a gene fusion person who has fused the genes of a special alien beast.

Otherwise, if you want to fly in the air, the creature level must at least start at the rare level.

The five of them are not even high-level creatures now, and it is out of reach to evolve into rare-level creatures.

Evolving into a rare creature requires not only talent, but also a large amount of evolutionary resources.

It is almost impossible to obtain evolutionary resources of this magnitude on earth. You have to enter the source area to have a chance to achieve it.

"The five of you will be staying in the military area for a month. Have you brought all your luggage?"

Yuan Dongzhi was wearing a purple cheongsam and a pair of ten-centimeter high heels. He glanced at the five people coldly and asked.

All five people said they had brought them all.

Yuan Dongzhi nodded and said no more.

Not long after.

A military helicopter appeared in the sky and hovered on the rooftop of the administrative building.

Yuan Dongzhi said to the five people: "Originally, I planned to drive you there in person, but my friends in the military region heard that I was coming, so they specially sent a helicopter to pick you up."

Master is so awesome... Shen Qinghan looked at Yuan Dongzhi with admiration.

The remaining four people felt nothing, and all looked calm.

Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian are all children of aristocratic families. Their families are rich and powerful, so they are not surprised by the scene in front of them.

As for Lin Zichen, his personality is a bit simple and he doesn't like things or feel sad about himself, and his heart is not very volatile.

"Get your luggage, I'll take you guys up now."

Yuan Dongzhi said to the five people.

The five people heard the sound and picked up their luggage, with a flash of anticipation in their eyes, wanting to experience the feeling of flying in the air.

Even if I am not controlling myself, but being controlled by others, I still want to experience it.

Soon, as Yuan Dongzhi thought, the five people carrying luggage in their hands were all suspended in the air with their feet off the ground.

Then, it suddenly accelerated, flew to the rooftop, and finally floated slowly into the cabin of the helicopter.

Is this what flying feels like?

Shen Qinghan had a look of recollection on his face, with some unfinished thoughts.

"Xiao Yuan, is there anyone else?"

the pilot asked with respect in his tone.

Yuan Dongzhi: "No, everyone is here, let's go."


The pilot responded.

Immediately control the helicopter and fly to the location of the military area.

About two hours later.

The helicopter flew over a base and landed slowly on the parking lot below.

This is the military headquarters of Nanjiang Province, a giant fortress made of special alloy.

At first glance, there are all kinds of high-tech weapons with no names everywhere, with a cyberpunk style.

"Damn it, mecha!"

Luo Yongjian pointed in a direction to the right and shouted with excitement and excitement.

Lin Zichen looked along his direction and saw a giant humanoid thing.

It is a mecha about ten meters high.

The body of the armor is gray and blue with a metallic sheen, and its limbs and chest are loaded with huge heavy firearms.

He was standing quietly by the wall.

Calm as a mountain.

It seems that nothing in this world can shake it at all.

Seeing several people staring at the mecha, the helicopter pilot took the initiative to introduce it: "That's Shanhai. It's a mecha that represents Shanhai City. Its combat power is comparable to that of rare creatures."


Lin Zichen was curious: "Are there also Qianzhen, Changzhou, and Nanguan?"

Pilot: "Yes, each city has a mecha named accordingly."

Lin Zichen asked: "Can I experience driving this mecha?"

"This is not allowed."

The pilot first shook his head and refused, then added: "Even if you are allowed to fly, you can't fly it. This is a mecha specially designed for mechanical transformation people. Non-mechanical transformation people cannot activate it."


Lin Zichen nodded, feeling a little pity.

When he was a child, he often saw introductions about mechas in books, and he always wanted to experience the fun of driving mechas.

Now it seems that there is no chance of realizing it.

"Toshiba, here we come!"

A strong female voice sounded from the front.

Lin Zichen looked up following the voice, and what came into view was a heroic woman.

The other person was wearing a military uniform and had smart, ear-length hair. He looked to be in his thirties. He didn't have the slightest hint of femininity, and exuded a tough and murderous aura all over his body.

Try to sense the opponent's biological pressure and infer the opponent's biological level.

However, it is completely imperceptible.

The difference in biological levels is too great, beyond the range of perception.

"Toshiba, let's go sit in my office."

The woman in military uniform stopped in front of Yuan Dongzhi and said with a hearty smile: "I brought a few ginseng plants from the source the day before yesterday. Let's taste them together."

"Okay, let's go."

After Yuan Dongzhi finished speaking, he left with the woman in military uniform.

Watching the two people leaving, Li Moyu muttered in a daze: "What the hell? Are you just leaving the rest of us here like this?"

As soon as he finished muttering, a young man in military uniform came from ahead.

The opponent walked with his head held high and full of momentum.

"Come with me, I'll take you to the dormitory."

The young man in military uniform stopped in front of the five people and said in a spirited voice.

When he said this, he couldn't help but glance across the faces of Shen Qinghan and Ma Xiwei.

These two girls were so beautiful that they attracted attention in the military area where almost all men were there.

Soon, the five people took their luggage and went to the dormitory with the young man in military uniform.

"This year's freshmen from Beijing University, as well as members of similar age from the Machine God Group, are here, and they are our competitors."

"However, I feel that people on both sides are far from our opponents."

"Our real opponents are the younger generation of the same age in the military region."

"I heard that the younger generation in the military region are all ruthless people who have been trained in the original place. I don't know their specific strength."

"I really want to fight them now."

On the way, Li Moyu kept talking to the other four people.

Everything in his words revealed that he couldn't wait to show off, wanting to impress the younger generation in the military region and show his sage in front of everyone's eyes.

Lin Zichen didn't speak, and kept listening to his talk in silence.

When he heard that this special training camp would be attended by young people from the military, and that they were also young people who had been to the country of origin, he immediately became interested.

Anyone who can go to the origin must be a ruthless character.

I don’t know how I compare with these ruthless characters.

Will it be the same dimensionality reduction attack as always?

Lin Zichen was very curious about this.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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