Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 165 Intelligence Level

After all four teams were disrupted and reorganized.

Instructor Lu Tianrong led everyone to a regular building and stopped.

I say regular because the building is a cube with the same length, width and height.

"This building has three floors, and there are checkpoints on each floor. If you clear all the checkpoints and get to the rooftop within three hours, you will be considered qualified."

"It is now 7:23, and the camp entrance examination will begin in 7 minutes."

"There is a door in the middle of each of the four walls on the first floor. Once the entrance examination begins, the door will open automatically."

"At that time, you will take the team as a unit and enter through different doors to take the assessment."

"That's all I have to say. I hope all four of your teams can pass the level smoothly."

After explaining this, Lu Tianrong jumped up to the rooftop of the building and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After he left, a young man from the military region said to the people of the other three teams:

"Our team enters through door A, you can go to other doors."

The young man in the military region said this very matter of factly, full of the aura of a superior.

When people from other teams heard this, they immediately became unhappy.

Among them, a young man from the Meishen Group said:

"We can go if you ask us to. Why doesn't your team go to the other door?"


The young man from the military area smiled and said with contempt in his eyes: "Because I am the strongest and have a big fist. If you don't accept it, you can decide the outcome now."

"Whoever is afraid of whom, come on!"

"I'm coming too, whoever is stronger will choose the door first!"

"I, Mo Yanwei, have never been afraid of anyone!"


Except for Lin Zichen's team, the other three teams all started fighting.

He is very competitive and refuses to submit to anyone.

"Let's go to Gate D." x2

In Lin Zichen's team, Zhao Yuanzhong and Zhang Kai almost said in unison.

The strength of the two of them was that one was at the bottom among the five members of the Military Region and the other was at the bottom among the five members of the Meishen Group. At this moment, both of them were too strong to compete with other teams.

In addition to the fact that the two are not strong enough, there are also two girls in the team, which is a serious hindrance and they will definitely not be able to compete with the other three teams.

Lin Zichen had no objection to the two people's suggestions and said calmly: "Let's go, let's go to Gate D."

The two girls had no objection and silently followed the three boys in the team to Gate D.

Come to door D.

Zhao Yuanzhong turned to face the four people and said:

"The five of us are now a team, and a team must have a backbone and coordination to play its greatest role. Therefore, I think one of us should choose to be the captain. What do you think?"

"I feel very good."

Zhang Kai expressed his support and then asked: "The question is, how do we choose the captain?"

Zhao Yuanzhong recommended himself: "I have several years of experience as a team leader, and my biological level is as high as ordinary eighth level. How about I be the captain?"

"I have no opinion."

Lin Zichen said lightly.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan and Shangguan Yueying also said:

"I don't have any objection either."

"Me too."

Both girls' biological levels are only ordinary sixth level. Seeing that a strong man with a biological level as high as ordinary eighth level wants to be the captain, there is no reason not to support them.

Shen Qinghan originally wanted to support Lin Zichen, but Lin Zichen had no intention of becoming the captain.

"I object!"

After all three people agreed, Zhang Kai jumped out to object.

He looked at Zhao Yuanzhong and said, "I lead a team of 100 people in the Machine God Group. I have very strong leadership skills."

"Furthermore, I am also extremely strong. I killed an ordinary eighth-level beast by myself two weeks ago."

"To sum up, I think I am more qualified to be the captain."

For a moment, the scene was a bit frozen.

No one expected that anyone would compete for the captain's position.

Zhao Yuanzhong: "In a fight, who is stronger and who will be the captain?"


Zhang Kai fought directly.

Shangguan Yueying felt that this was not good and quickly dissuaded her: "Don't, if you get injured, it will affect the camp entrance examination later."

After saying that, she suggested: "How about voting to decide? I, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan will vote. Whoever gets more votes between you two will be the captain."


"I have no opinion."

Zhao Yuanzhong and Zhang Kai said successively.

Among them, Zhang Kai immediately looked at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan after saying this, and said, "Zichen, Xiao Shen, the three of us have known each other for so long, we must vote for me!"

When Zhao Yuanzhong heard this, he immediately became unhappy and objected: "No, it's not fair. There are two acquaintances in his team. I will lose the vote."

"For the sake of fairness, let's compare, compare speed."

"From here, run to the old banyan tree a few hundred meters away. Whoever runs there first will be the captain."

Zhao Yuanzhong pointed to a century-old banyan tree hundreds of meters away and said with a little confidence in his voice.

Zhang Kai: "Okay, then I'll do as you say."

Zhao Yuanzhong looked at Lin Zichen and said, "Lin Zichen, please be the referee."


Lin Zichen nodded.

After they both stood in position and took the starting position, he shouted loudly: "Run!"

As soon as this sound came out, Zhao Yuanzhong and Zhang Kai rushed out instantly.

The speed of both of them was so fast that their bodies turned into an afterimage, causing a blast in the air that shook their eardrums.

"So fast!"

Shangguan Yueying looked shocked.

She is the fourth-ranked talented freshman in Beijing University. She is extremely powerful and attracts much attention.

However, seeing the speed of Zhao Yuanzhong and Zhang Kai at this moment, she was immediately shocked.

Zhao Yuanzhong and Zhang Kai broke out faster than Qin Chuan, the strongest player in Beijing University.

Moreover, it is one level faster, and the difference is quite obvious.

"Unfortunately, I thought the students from Beijing University were the strongest. I didn't expect that the people from the Military Region and the Meishen Group were the strongest. I am a frog in the well."

Shangguan Yueying shook her head and smiled bitterly.

When Shen Qinghan heard what she said, she really wanted to tell her:

——The people in the Military Region and Meishen Group are far stronger than those in Beijing University, but they are not the strongest. The strongest person is Lin Zichen, standing next to you.

Soon, the speed competition ended.

Zhao Yuanzhong rushed to the banyan tree first with a slight advantage and won the speed competition.

Zhang Kai was a little dissatisfied: "Don't think that your speed is really faster than mine. It was just my reaction at the start that was slow, otherwise it is not certain who will win."

Zhao Yuanzhong also smiled: "The starting reaction is part of the game and part of the ability. If you lose, you lose. Where are there so many excuses?"

Zhang Kai didn't say anything else, otherwise he would really look like he couldn't afford to lose.

Zhao Yuanzhong became the captain as he wished.

"Captain, you are from the military area, so you should be familiar with this building. Please tell us about the levels inside."

Shangguan Yueying said to Zhao Yuanzhong.

Zhao Yuanzhong shook his head: "I'm overthinking it. I am also a member of the special training. I must not be clear about the levels inside, otherwise the special training would be meaningless."

"That's it..."

Shangguan Yueying felt it was a pity.


The time came to 7:30.

The No. D door in front of the five people slowly opened.

"Come on, let's go in."

Zhao Yuanzhong rushed in first.

Lin Zichen was not as anxious as he was, and followed in slowly.

After entering, he was greeted by a room made of steel.

The floor is steel.

The walls are steel.

At a glance, there is steel everywhere.

Lin Zichen looked around and found that the wall was full of holes of the same size.

It looked like a black muzzle, and bullets would be fired at any time.

Others also noticed the holes.

Shangguan Yueying said: "Aren't those all gun muzzles?"

Zhang Kai: "Most likely."

Zhao Yuanzhong did not speak, but with a thought, he activated the alien gene in his body, and his body was instantly covered with a layer of hard scales.

At the same time, his eyes became fierce and sharp, as if he could see through everything in the world.

The secondary gene fusion person combines the armored earth dragon gene and the violent eagle gene...

Lin Zichen glanced at Zhao Yuanzhong and quickly came to this conclusion.

"I'll charge first, you guys follow me!"

After saying these words, Zhao Yuanzhong stepped out and rushed towards the iron gate in front of him as fast as he could.

When he rushed through a beam of infrared rays, the holes in the surrounding walls immediately fired out a large number of bullets with gunpowder smoke, pouring towards him densely.

"Da da da……"

There was a burst of machine gun fire.

The scales on Zhao Yuanzhong's body were easily broken and penetrated by the bullets.

The body was riddled with bullet holes.

I can't bear it at all.

Zhao Yuanzhong did not show off and immediately retreated to a safe position.

"It's an armor-piercing bullet, I can't stop it."

Zhao Yuanzhong said with a slight frown while checking the bullet holes on his body.

At the same time, I was glad that the scales on my body were thick enough, otherwise I would have been beaten into a lotus root full of holes.

"let me!"

Zhang Kai raised his arms, revealing a row of black muzzles.

Then, aim at the holes on the wall and shoot wildly.

The bullets fired from his arms were no less powerful than the bullets fired from the wall.

In less than half a minute, the bullets fired had blocked most of the holes in the wall and jammed the gun barrel inside the wall.

"Okay, let's rush!"

Zhang Kai put away the guns on his arms and quickly rushed towards the iron door in front.

Several people behind him quickly followed.

Lin Zichen deliberately walked slowly behind Shen Qinghan, protecting her all the way to prevent her from being hit by armor-piercing bullets.

"Da da da……"

The few holes in the wall that were not blocked by bullets were dutifully firing armor-piercing bullets, constantly shooting at everyone.

Unfortunately, the amount is too small and not enough to see.

Several people easily dodged and soon succeeded in stopping in front of the iron gate.

"There is no door handle, no keyhole, and no combination lock. How do you open this door?"

Shangguan Yueying frowned.

Zhao Yuanzhong: "How else can I open it? It must be a violent demolition of the door."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his leg and kicked hard, hitting the door hard.

Just listen to a "bang" sound.

The iron door didn't move at all, it was so strong that it couldn't be kicked open.

"I'll try!"

Zhang Kai activated the hydraulic devices on his arms and punched the iron door violently.

The same "bang" sound sounded.

This time, the iron gate moved.

There is a clearly visible fist mark on it, indicating that the iron door has suffered considerable damage.

"it works!"

Shangguan Yueying looked happy.

Zhang Kai hydraulically charged up again, and hit the iron door again with a "bang", accurately hitting the fist mark just now.

In an instant, the fist mark turned into a punch pit, the damage was even greater, and he was one step closer to breaking through.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Zhang Kai punched the iron door one after another.

Ten punches, twenty punches, thirty punches...

He punched thirty-five times in a row, completely deforming the iron door.

At this time, Zhang Kai couldn't withstand it anymore, and his arms were deformed by the force of the shock when the door was smashed, causing the hydraulic device to be damaged and unable to start.

Fortunately, the iron door had deformed by this time and was not as strong as before.

Zhao Yuanzhong took Zhang Kai's place and kicked the iron door hard with his leg.

When you are tired from kicking, take a rest and let someone else take over.

Lin Zichen could kick the iron door away with one kick, but he didn't kick it hard enough.

Instead, he used the strength that had just reached the ordinary eighth level to kick the iron door slowly.

The reason why he held back was because he wanted to give Shen Qinghan a sense of participation.

Otherwise, if he clears the level in one go, the entry test will be meaningless to Shen Qinghan, and it will just be a waste of time.

After kicking for less than a minute, Lin Zichen pretended to be tired and moved out of the way.

Shen Qinghan understood it and immediately picked it up, kicking the iron door with all his strength.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Feeling that her legs were numb from kicking, she retracted her legs and moved out of the way, allowing Shangguan Yueying to take over.

No one just divides the work and cooperates.

I kicked him for about half an hour.

Just listen to the sound of "boom".

Finally succeeded in knocking down the iron gate.

It was Zhao Yuanzhong who kicked him down.

He rubbed his numb right leg and said with a troubled face: "It's numb. The first level is so difficult. How are we going to do the remaining two levels?"

Zhang Kai: "Take a step and see."

After saying that, he crossed the iron gate on the ground and walked quickly to the second floor.

Others saw this and followed suit.

Lin Zichen also walked at the end of the team, responsible for escorting Shen Qinghan.

Come to the second floor.

Once inside.

Lin Zichen saw a display screen on the wall.

The clearance progress of the four teams is displayed above.

When I stepped forward to take a look, I found that Team A, Team B, and Team C had all reached the third level.

Only his team D had just completed the first level and reached the second level, and the clearance speed was pitifully slow.

"Damn it, why are those idiots clearing the level so fast? We have just reached the second level, and they have already reached the third level. They are a bunch of perverts!"

When Zhang Kai saw the progress bar on the display screen, he was deeply shocked and full of doubts about life.

Zhao Yuanzhong was also a little anxious and quickly urged the four of them:

"Stop looking, let's go in quickly, don't wait any longer."

He knew that his team would definitely be at the bottom, but he didn't want to be too ugly. He would clear the level as quickly as possible to save himself some face.

Soon, everyone entered the second level.

Still a metal room.

But the difference is that there are no bullet holes in the surrounding walls. There are only an iron door with a display screen on the front wall.

Above the door, the word "intelligence" is written.

So...this level is a test of intelligence?

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen walked directly to the door with the display screen in front to test whether he would be attacked.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan quickly followed.


When Shangguan Yueying saw these two people walking straight towards the door, she immediately reminded them.

However, the two of them walked along without being attacked.

Sure enough, as expected, this level tests intelligence, and you won't be savaged by bullets like the first level... Lin Zichen thought to himself.

Behind him, Zhao Yuanzhong, Zhang Kai, and Shangguan Yueying saw that it was safe to walk over directly, so they immediately raised their legs and walked quickly.

Lin Zichen stopped in front of the door and looked at the display screen on the door curiously.

On the display screen, there is a virtual character who is constantly guessing.

Next to the virtual character, there are three text prompts.

[If you win one guess, the iron door will open two centimeters]

[Guess once, the iron door will open one centimeter]

[If you lose a guess, the iron door will close three centimeters and an extremely violent attack will be launched]

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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