Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 167 It’s time to take action

The perception that Lin Zichen radiated instantly filled the entire corridor.

Under the increased effect of [Danger Perception], it quickly spread to the entire third floor, providing 360-degree perception without blind spots.

There are four rooms on the third floor.

In the middle of each room stands a heavily armed robot.

Among them, three robots were covered with traces of being attacked.

Bullet holes, punch holes, knife marks... all over his body.

However, there were no fatal injuries, they were all superficial skin injuries.

When his eyes fell on the ground, he saw blood that had not yet solidified, broken teeth, and broken mechanical limbs.

Most likely, someone from the three teams that just failed to clear the level was injured by the robot.

Judging from the marks left at the scene, it looked like the injuries were serious.

It can be seen that the robots in the room not only have extremely strong defense power, but also extremely strong attack power.

"Is everyone resting well?"

Zhao Yuanzhong looked at everyone and said, "After we have rested, we will go in to find out."

Shangguan Yueying: "My body still feels numb and I can't exert any strength. How about I take a little more rest?"

Zhang Kai stood up from the ground, lowered his head to repair his arm, and said with an indifferent expression: "The three ABC teams that are stronger than our team have all been wiped out, and we will definitely be wiped out as well. There is no need to rest, just go in. Done."

Zhao Yuanzhong looked at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan and asked, "Where are you two?"

Lin Zichen: "Go in now."

Shen Qinghan: "I also agree to go in now."

Zhao Yuanzhong: "The minority obeys the majority, so let's go in now."

After making a decision.

All five people got up from the ground, braced themselves, and prepared to enter the room on the third floor.

"I'm going to open the door and go in."

Zhao Yuanzhong walked to the door, put his hand on the door, and made a gesture of pushing the door open and entering.

Lin Zichen: "Let's go."

Zhang Kai: "Don't delay, drive quickly."


Zhao Yuanzhong pushed open the door in front of him.

Immediately, what came into view was a metal room full of bunkers, and a motionless robot standing in the center of the room.

The size of the robot is slightly larger than that of an average adult male.

The height is visually estimated to be about 2.5 meters.

The body is made of pure alloy.

The arms are equipped with machine guns, the feet are equipped with anti-airflow power devices, and a machete is carried on the back.

It looks like the combat effectiveness is very high.

When Zhang Kai saw such a robot, he immediately exclaimed: "Fuck, there are so many cool ones!"

Zhao Yuanzhong felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy: "Is our opponent in the third level this robot?"

"Do you think there will be a driver inside?"

Shangguan Yueying looked at Shen Qinghan beside her and asked.

Shen Qinghan shook his head: "I don't know."

Lin Zichen didn't speak. He quietly looked at the robot in front of him the whole time, using his senses to peek into the inside of the robot.

It's all mechanical parts and electronic parts.

There is no driver inside the robot.

"Click! Click! Click..."

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from inside the robot.

The moment the sound sounded.

The robot's dim eyes lit up with a strange red light.

Then, it raised its arms loaded with machine guns and aimed at the five people and fired.

"Da da da……"

This strafing action happened in a flash of lightning.

Fortunately, all five of them were alert and found cover as soon as the robot raised its arms.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

The bullet hit the metal bunker, making a loud and ear-piercing sound.

In just a short moment, the surface of the indestructible metal bunker was pockmarked, leaving large and shocking bullet holes.

"It's an armor-piercing bullet!"

Zhao Yuanzhong reminded loudly: "Everyone, be careful not to get shot, otherwise your bones will be penetrated!"

He didn't need to remind him, everyone knew this.

They all huddled tightly behind the bunker, waiting for the robot to run out of armor-piercing ammunition.

However, the robots are well-stocked with ammo.

The fire continued for almost half a minute, but the firepower did not weaken at all.

Even more and more fierce.

The metal bunker, which is less than 20 centimeters thick, cannot withstand such a long period of armor-piercing bullet fire, and there is a faint tendency to be shot through.

"That robot has too much ammunition!"

"This can't go on like this!"

"We have to use the bunker's obstruction to take the initiative before it is destroyed!"

Zhao Yuanzhong shouted to several people around him.

He was almost shouting at the top of his lungs.

The sound caused by the armor-piercing projectiles hitting the metal bunker was so loud that others could not hear it unless they shouted loudly.

"How about we give up? The first three teams have all failed and we have no chance of passing."

Shangguan Yueying suggested.

She didn't want to get hurt, she just wanted to end this camp entrance examination quickly.

Zhao Yuanzhong: "No matter how slim your chances of passing the test are, you can't give up, otherwise you will definitely be severely criticized by the instructor after you go out."

Zhang Kai said disapprovingly: "I think we should choose to abstain."

After speaking, he continued: "When encountering an invincible enemy, the first thing we have to do is to save our lives, instead of running to die knowing that there is no chance of survival."

"This is something only a fool would do."

"Only when we are alive can we continue to play a role. When we die, there is nothing. It will only be a waste of the country's cultivation of us."

"To sum up, I think abstaining is the right choice."

“Not only will you not be criticized afterwards, you may even be praised by the instructor.”

What Zhang Kai said was reasonable and convincing.

However, it's a bit of a change of concept.

This is the camp entrance examination, not a real battlefield, and there is no reason to abstain.

Zhao Yuanzhong knew that Zhang Kai was secretly changing the concept, so he directly retorted: "This is the camp entrance examination. The most you can do is get a little injured and give up your rights!"

Zhang Kai ignored him, turned to look at Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, and asked: "Zichen, Xiao Shen, what do you think?"

Lin Zichen: "I listen to Hanhan."

Shen Qinghan hesitated and then said: "How about we give it a try, maybe we can pass the level."

It is 100% passable.

With Lin Zichen here, it would be impossible to fail the level.

However, Shen Qinghan couldn't say that bluntly.

I could only pretend to be hesitant and tell everyone to give it a try.

Seeing Shen Qinghan say he wanted to try, Zhao Yuanzhong raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhang Kai and shouted: "I, Shen Qinghan, and Lin Zichen all agree to try, the vote is 3 to 2, the minority obeys the majority!"

Seeing this, Zhang Kai had no choice but to agree.

Zhao Yuanzhong began to formulate an attack plan and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Lin Zichen and I are in the best condition, so we are responsible for attacking the robot. Zhang Kai is in poor condition, so we and the two girls are responsible for covering. What do you think?!"

"No comment!"

"I don't have any objection either!"


Everyone agreed with the plan of attack.

After everyone agreed, Zhao Yuanzhong shouted in a loud voice:

"start to act!"

The moment he finished speaking, he saw the right moment and approached the robot from the left.

Lin Zichen saw this and tacitly outflanked him from the right.

Zhang Kai, a mechanical engineer, promptly launched special smoke grenades from behind to cover the two of them.

The purple smoke diffused by the smoke bomb can effectively shield the robot's heat induction.

The two girls, Shen Qinghan and Shangguan Yueying, were not idle either.

The former controls the liquid in the robot's body from a distance.

The latter is trying to make noise, attracting the robot's attention as much as possible and defrauding it of its firepower.

Under the cover of three people.

Soon, Zhao Yuanzhong and Lin Zichen successfully approached the robot.

Zhao Yuanzhong signaled to Lin Zichen to come along.

Lin Zichen nodded, expressing understanding.




Zhao Yuanzhong raised three fingers one after another, then made an "up" finger, and rushed out, aiming directly at the robot in front.

Almost at the same time, Lin Zichen also burst out with ordinary eighth-level speed and rushed towards the robot.


Zhao Yuanzhong punched the robot's head violently, causing a crisp impact sound.

Then, there was a sound of "ah".

Zhao Yuanzhong felt that his finger bones were broken, and he screamed in pain, his face full of pain.

The robot's head is extremely hard, and ordinary eighth-level power cannot cause effective damage to it.


Soon there was another sound.

Lin Zichen kicked the robot's waist, causing the robot to move.

But it only moved a little and did not cause any substantial damage.

The strength that has just reached the eighth level is completely insufficient in front of robots, and is no different from a mantis using its arms as a car.

"The strength of this robot is at least the peak of the ordinary eighth level. We can't break through the defense now. We have to recover our strength first!"

Zhao Yuanzhong, who was hiding behind the bunker, shouted loudly to Lin Zichen.

When he was in the second level just now, he was electrocuted too many times and his muscles were damaged. He had not fully recovered yet and could not display his due strength.

His current idea is to deal with the robot slowly first, wait until his physical strength has recovered to some extent, and then try to attack again.

Just when he was thinking about this.

The robot lowered its arms to stop firing, then pulled out the machete behind it and switched to melee mode.


Only a burst of air was heard.

The robot activated the two anti-airflow power devices under its feet, and in a flash, it rushed in front of Zhao Yuanzhong, raised its hand and slashed at him with a knife.


Zhao Yuanzhong cursed and reacted very quickly to avoid the knife.

The metal bunker behind him was not so lucky, and was directly split into two pieces with a knife.

Zhao Yuanzhong broke into a cold sweat on the spot when he saw this scene.


Another burst of air sounded.

The robot changed its target and rushed towards Lin Zichen. It raised its hand and struck him with a knife.

Lin Zichen reacted extremely quickly and dodged before the blade fell.


The robot flashed again and rushed towards Shen Qinghan in front.

Shen Qinghan was not fast enough and couldn't avoid it.

When Lin Zichen saw this, he immediately dodged and rushed over with a flying kick. He kicked the robot back two positions and made it miss.


The adjusted robot immediately rushed towards Shangguan Yueying nearby and chose to attack her.

Its attack focuses on one person being affected by rain and dew, and it will not attack the same person continuously.


Zhao Yuanzhong shouted.

At the same time, his calf exerted force suddenly, and his whole body was instantly ejected like a steel cannon.

Then, with a "bang", the robot hit the robot hard, knocking the robot several places away, and successfully rescued Shangguan Yueying.

After the robot adjusted, it raised its knife and rushed towards Zhang Kai on the other side.

Zhang Kai was very smart and immediately rolled into the purple smoke not far away, blocking the robot's heat induction and making it lose its target.

"Captain, if we can't pass the level, we should give up!"

Shangguan Yueying didn't want to play anymore and wanted to surrender.

Zhao Yuanzhong felt a little scared when he recalled the scene where the robot split the bunker in two with a knife.

But after thinking about it, he was unwilling to give in, so he shouted to Shangguan Yueying: "Try one last time. If it still doesn't work, then we will give up!"


Shangguan Yueying reluctantly agreed.

The other three people had no objections and agreed to try this one last time.


The five people cooperated tacitly again.

Launch an attack on the robot.

However, before they could organize themselves, the robots attacked them first.

The robot's chest suddenly opened a valve, revealing an inhalation device, which instantly sucked in all the surrounding purple smoke.

Without the obstruction of the purple smoke, the robot's thermal sensing was fully restored.


Just listen to such a sound breaking through the air.

The robot burst out at an unprecedented speed and wielded a knife to kill Shen Qinghan, who was the greatest threat to it.

It can clearly sense that Shen Qinghan can control various liquids in its body, causing considerable trouble to its operation.


Zhao Yuanzhong shouted a reminder.

While warning, he suddenly stepped out and rushed towards the robot as quickly as possible to prevent it from attacking Shen Qinghan.

However, the robot was too fast and he had no time to save him.

"It's over!"

Zhao Yuan thought centrally.

Zhang Kai and Shangguan Yueying felt the same way.

Just when the three of them thought that Shen Qinghan was going to be slashed by the robot.

Lin Zichen appeared next to Shen Qinghan in time, stretched out his hand and pulled her away, allowing her to escape the knife with no risk.

The three people who saw such a scene were all shocked. Lin Zichen was actually so fast?


The familiar crackle of air sounded again.

This time, the robot shifted its target to Lin Zichen, jumped up high on the spot, raised the machete in its hand in the air, and slashed at him.

Facing this explosive sword, Lin Zichen didn't even dare to dodge, he raised his hand and punched out violently.

He felt it was almost done.

It's time to complete the level.


Just listen to such loud noises.

Lin Zichen's fist hit the robot's chest hard.

Just punch it away.

Make it hit the ceiling with a thud.

Make a hole in the top.

His head hit the ceiling, and half of his body was stuck on it, teetering precariously.

Under the ceiling.

Zhao Yuanzhong, Zhang Kai, and Shangguan Yueying were all stunned.

Everyone's eyes widened with shock on their faces.

what's the situation?

Just a simple punch and knocked the robot away?

How can this be? !

Hallucination, must be hallucination!

Or you are just dreaming!

None of the three people wanted to believe the scene in front of them.

PS: There is one more update, about three o'clock.

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