Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 169 Yuan Dongzhi’s shock

"That's...the robot's head?"

"The position of this head seems to be the direction where Team D is located."

"What's going on?"

"Did the robot's anti-airflow power device malfunction and break the ceiling?"


At this moment, everyone on the rooftop was looking at the robot head on the ground, wondering what was happening below.

Most people speculated that the robot was malfunctioning.

"Brother Yu, do you think it was Brother Chen who kicked the robot away and then crashed through the ceiling?"

Luo Yongjian boldly guessed.

He had personally experienced Lin Zichen's power and witnessed the terrifying strength displayed by Lin Zichen. He seriously doubted that the robot crashing through the ceiling in front of him was caused by Wang, the strongest freshman in the history of Shandong University.

Li Moyu also thought of such a possibility.

But when I calm down and think about it, I still feel that it is a bit too exaggerated and unrealistic.

Lin Zichen is strong.

However, the strength of that robot is as high as the peak of ordinary eighth level, and its whole body is made of alloy, and its defense power is full.

Without the strength of an ordinary ninth level, it would be impossible to deal with this robot.

No matter how strong Lin Zichen is, can he still be strong enough to have the strength of an ordinary ninth level?

Don't even think about it, it's impossible.

Lin Zichen is still a freshman now.

It has not been fused with alien gene.

No mechanical modifications have been made.

No matter how exaggerated his physical talent is, his strength is only an ordinary eighth level, and cannot be any higher.

No matter how high it is, it is unscientific, and you will be arrested and sliced ​​for study.

But what if?

What if Lin Zichen really did it?

This guy is a habitual offender who often shows incredible strength. Maybe he will do the same thing this time...

Thinking of this, Li Moyu walked towards instructor Lu Tianrong to watch the surveillance record playback.

However, before he could walk over, Lu Tianrong murmured in disbelief:

"Really knocking the robot away with one punch?"

"How can this be?"

"No, I have to go down and check the situation."

After saying that, Lu Tianrong immediately turned off the surveillance replay that he had watched several times, got up and rushed to the room where Team D was downstairs.

Everyone present heard his muttering, and everyone looked shocked.

Knock the robot away with one punch?

real or fake?

how did you do that?

Everyone was very puzzled by this, and quickly followed Lu Tianrong's footsteps and walked quickly downstairs to the room where Team D was located.


The room where Team D is.

Zhao Yuanzhong, Zhang Kai, and Shangguan Yueying stood motionless, looking up at the crumbling robot stuck on the ceiling, with shock on their faces.

The three of them couldn't imagine that Lin Zichen, whose strength seemed to be nothing special, could actually knock away a robot with a peak strength of the eighth level with one punch?

This is so shocking!

This is incredible!

Simply unscientific!

"Zi Chen, what's wrong with your strength? Why are you so strong?"

Zhang Kai came back to his senses, looked at Lin Zichen with doubt on his face, and asked him such a puzzling question.

Zhao Yuanzhong and Shangguan Yueying also looked at Lin Zichen after hearing this, waiting for his answer.

Among them, Shangguan Yueying looked at Lin Zichen's handsome face, and then thought about the scene where Lin Zichen had just punched the robot away, and she couldn't help but feel her heart beat, and she felt a strange emotion.

Before that, she simply thought Lin Zichen was handsome and had a good impression of him.

At this moment, after seeing Lin Zichen's exaggerated strength that made people feel unreal, she fell directly in love with Lin Zichen.

Deep in my heart, I had thoughts that I shouldn't have.

Even if you are a married man, it is not impossible.

Facing the looks cast by the three people, Lin Zichen calmly explained:

"Although my biological level is only an ordinary eighth level, I have natural divine power, plus a pure-blooded human who specializes in strengthening my body. If I find a good angle to exert my force, it is not difficult to blow away an ordinary eighth-level peak robot with one punch."

This is nonsense.

However, it sounds reasonable, has no obvious logical loopholes, and is convincing.

"Can a pure-blooded human being be so strong?"

Zhao Yuanzhong felt that his cognition was broken, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

He has always felt that people who follow the path of pure-blooded humans are mentally ill.

When he learned yesterday that Lin Zichen was not pursuing gene fusion, but instead pursuing pure-blood humans, he was prejudiced against Lin Zichen, thinking that this mountain genius must have lost his mind.

But now, he was beginning to doubt himself.

Realized that Lin Zichen was not mentally ill.

But I am short-sighted.

If you don't understand what's special about pure-blood humans, you'll just follow the crowd and follow others' opinions without any independent thinking of your own.

Zhang Kai on the side, like Zhao Yuanzhong, fell into deep self-doubt at this moment.

When he saw Lin Zichen yesterday after several years, all he could think about was how to show off in front of Lin Zichen and shock Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen should open his eyes and take a good look at how awesome the useless senior he was back then has become, so awesome that he can beat all the top geniuses.

But the reality is that Lin Zichen is still the same Lin Zichen as before.

No matter what occasion he appears on, he can always win the first place without any suspense, eclipsing the peers around him and having no idea of ​​competing with them.

The gap is too big to compete...

Thinking of this, Zhang Kai looked at Lin Zichen and said with emotion in his voice:

"I'm just telling you, you are such a top genius, why would you ignore genetic fusion and choose to go with pure-blooded humans who can't see the future?"

"It turns out that you have already made a name for yourself on the path of pure-blood humans. Your development on the path of pure-blood humans is no worse than that of genetic fusion."

"To be honest, Zichen, your physical talents are so enviable."

Zhang Kai said with envy on his face: "If you go through mechanical transformation, you have to give up part of your body. If you go through genetic fusion, you will be invaded by foreign genes. Only by going through pure-blood humans can you completely own your own body. I'm really envious." you."

"No need to be envious."

Lin Zichen said calmly: "Pure-blood humans can't see the future now. Maybe I will be stuck at the ordinary ninth level and unable to evolve."

Xiaochen is deceiving people again... Shen Qinghan muttered in his heart.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside.

"Da da da……"

Lin Zichen immediately spread his senses and found that the instructor and the other three teams were coming.

In addition, there were several military doctors carrying medical kits.

You don't need to think about it to know that the robot must have made too much noise when it crashed through the ceiling, attracting all the people on the rooftop.

As the footsteps became louder and louder.

Soon, a large group of people, led by instructor Lu Tianrong, poured into the room.

When they saw the shaky robot stuck on the ceiling, everyone in the group had expressions of disbelief on their faces, feeling very unreal.

Although I had foreseen this scene as early as on the rooftop.

But now that I saw it with my own eyes, I was still shocked by the astonishing scene in front of me.

Especially when I saw that the entire ceiling was covered with spider web cracks and looked like it was about to collapse at any time, I was deeply shocked.

How terrifying is this force to be able to knock the robot away with one punch, causing it to hit the ceiling and cause large and shocking cracks in the wall?

"Instructor, can you let us watch the surveillance replay? We want to know what happened here just now."

The lame military commander looked at Lu Tianrong and said.

Lu Tianrong didn't say anything, just handed him the tablet in his hand, and then walked quickly towards Lin Zichen.

"Classmate Lin, what is your current biological level?"

Lu Tianrong stopped in front of Lin Zichen and asked curiously.

Lin Zichen briefly repeated what he had just said to Zhang Kai:

"It's an ordinary eighth level, but I have natural divine power, and together with a pure-blooded human, I have been strengthening my body. If I use full firepower, I can easily explode with power comparable to an ordinary ninth level."

Comparable to ordinary ninth level power?

Hearing this, Lu Tianrong was shocked.

The Shandong University genius in front of him was less than 20 years old, and had not undergone mechanical transformation or genetic fusion.

However, it can explode with power comparable to ordinary ninth level.

Is this a strange beast in human skin?

Or a stranger from the origin?

How could it be so outrageous?

The more Lu Tianrong thought about it, the more unreal it became.

He has lived for more than fifty years and has been in the military region for more than thirty years. This is the first time he has seen an alternative genius like Lin Zichen.

The physical talent is incredibly powerful, and one does not need to rely on genetic fusion or mechanical modification to possess extremely strong strength.

To be honest, the perception is a bit broken.

When Lu Tianrong was doubting his life.

On the side, people gathered around to watch the surveillance replay, and they kept screaming.

"Holy shit! I really blew the robot away with one punch. What kind of monster is this man? Why is his power so terrifying?!"

"Is this really a new student at Shandong University?"

"Without integrating the genes of alien beasts or carrying out mechanical transformation, pure-blooded human beings can erupt with such terrifying power. Are pure-blooded humans really the future of mankind?"

A series of exclamations followed.

Soon, everyone at the scene turned their attention to Lin Zichen one after another, looking at him seriously with three parts of disbelief, three parts of disbelief, and four parts of curiosity.

Let's see what is so special about this mountain genius who is a pure-blooded human being that makes his body so powerful.

Facing the looks from everyone, Lin Zichen felt a little uncomfortable, feeling like he was being looked at like a monkey.

Just when he wanted to take Shen Qinghan away.

On the other side of the corridor, two tall figures appeared.

It's Yuan Dongzhi and the female officer here.

As soon as Lu Tianrong saw the female officer, he immediately straightened his back and shouted, "Commander Yao."

The female officer didn't respond. When she came in, her eyes fell on the robot stuck in the ceiling, her eyes full of disbelief.

She saw a depression several centimeters deep on the robot's chest.

It's a boxing pit.

It was a crater created by Lin Zichen's punch.

If you want to punch such a punch hole in a robot made of B-grade alloy, your strength must reach at least the ninth level.

Can a freshman who comes to participate in special training burst out with ordinary ninth-level power?

This is too exaggerated!

Thinking about it, the female officer looked at Lin Zichen and asked curiously: "Your biological level is obviously only the ordinary eighth level, why can you explode as high as the ordinary ninth level?"

Lin Zichen was tired of answering this question.

He had to explain it to every person who came over.

Although it was annoying, the person who asked this question at the moment was a big leader in the military region. He could only answer patiently: "I am born with supernatural power, and the blood tempering technique can increase the explosive power, so I can explode with a power comparable to the ordinary ninth level. ”

Can blood quenching improve explosive power?

The female officer raised her eyebrows, knowing this for the first time.

On the side, Yuan Dongzhi first glanced at the robot on the ceiling, and then looked at Lin Zichen, unable to help but fall into a burst of self-doubt.

Is Liu Chuanwu's philosophy right?

Are pure-blooded humans really the future of humanity?

Is there really someone who can break the shackles of ordinary creatures with the help of a pure-blooded human body?

Thinking of this, Yuan Dongzhi said to Lin Zichen with a complicated mood: "Zichen, come with me."

After saying that, she turned around, left the room, and walked out of the building.

Lin Zichen saw this and followed him.

Shen Qinghan followed closely behind.

The female officer didn't stay in the room either, and soon followed out.

There is only a group of people left. You look at me, I look at you, and then you look at the cracks on your head and the ceiling that is about to collapse at any time. It feels very unreal.

Lu Tianrong looked at everyone and said, "Okay, let's all disperse. Let's go to the dining hall to eat."

"The rest of the day is for you to rest. After eating, go to the medical building for treatment."

"Treatment is free. Eat well and go get treatment quickly. Don't delay, lest you delay tomorrow's special training."

"Tomorrow morning, we will meet at the playground at the same time."

After saying these words, Lu Tianrong jumped up and took down the robot stuck in the ceiling, then quickly left the room and went to find someone to deal with the damaged robot.

After he left, everyone in the room started talking again.

Everyone was talking about Lin Zichen.

Many people gathered around Li Moyu, Luo Yongjian, and Ma Xiwei, wanting to learn more about Lin Zichen from the three of them.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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