Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 173 Sanctification of the Physical Body

On the rooftop of the building.

There are four people there.

They are Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan, Yuan Dongzhi and female officers.

Among them, Yuan Dongzhi looked at Lin Zichen and asked curiously: "Zichen, what have been your living habits since childhood?"

She wanted to fully understand Lin Zichen's living habits to analyze the reasons for his extremely high mental intensity.

Doing math problems that require mental use can indeed increase your mental intensity.

However, rising to the level of ordinary eighth level is too exaggerated and seems unreal.

If you want to have a mental strength as high as the eighth level before the age of 20, you must have other blessings.

Lin Zichen answered honestly: "I have loved reading since I was a child. Before I started going to school, I have already read an average of 10 hours a day."

"Apart from reading books, the rest of the time is spent either exercising, watching the news, or searching for various learning videos online."

"It can be said that learning all the time has been throughout my life."

There is no exaggeration in this statement. He has learned this since he was a child.

Starting from the infancy, he has become invincible at the same level today.

Of course, the blessings of the two biological attributes [Use it or lose it] and [Heavenly Wisdom Root] are indispensable.

"Really or not, do you love learning so much?"

The female officer had an incomprehensible expression and felt that Lin Zichen was exaggerating.

Before starting school, you read an average of 10 hours a day. What kind of person is this?

You know, children’s nature is to play.

It is simply impossible for a child who has not yet gone to school to read for 10 hours a day.

The most important thing is, how many words can a child who has never been to school know?

Isn’t it all about reading illustrated books?

The female officer was full of doubts.

Next to her, Yuan Dongzhi was lost in thoughts.

After a moment, Yuan Dongzhi said: "According to what you said, your strength today should be the result of a combination of talent and hard work."

"Especially when you're not old enough to study, you have such a huge amount of learning, which is extraordinary."

"Being extraordinary is what top geniuses have in common."


A few people chatted briefly on the rooftop for a while.

Soon, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan went downstairs to the special training room to continue training their blood and spirit.

As soon as the two left, the female officer looked at Yuan Dongzhi and said, "You, a student from Shanxi University, seem to be hiding your clumsiness."

Yuan Dongzhi said calmly: "It's good. It's a good habit to hide your clumsiness."

Second floor.

In the special training room.

Not long after Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan came down, it was time to disperse for dinner.

Lu Tianrong said to everyone: "At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, go directly to the third floor of this building to gather. The third floor is where weapons are stored. Everyone can choose a weapon that suits them."

After saying these words, he turned around and left the special training room without talking to anyone else.

The special trainees started discussing, curious about what kind of weapons they had.

Shen Qinghan was also very curious about this and had been chatting with Lin Zichen.

While chatting with her, Lin Zichen walked downstairs to eat in the canteen.

Come to the dining hall.

Made a meal.

The two of them found an empty seat and sat down to eat.

Not long after eating, Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian came over with rice trays and sat down to eat together.

"Do you mind sitting down and eating together?"

Li Moyu asked with a smile on his face.

What's the point of asking this question when you've already sat down... Lin Zichen complained in his heart, but said calmly: "Of course I don't mind."

At this time, Luo Yongjian saw Ma Xiwei who had just finished eating, stood up and waved to her and shouted: "Sister Wei, come and sit with us!"

Ma Xiwei heard his shout and came over and sat down next to Shen Qinghan.

"Lin Zichen, when we were in the special training room before, you said that your high mental intensity was related to the fact that you often did math problems. Is this true or false?"

Li Moyu asked while chewing rice.

The reason why he came to sit with Lin Zichen was because he wanted to know the answer to this question.

"Yeah, really."

After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he added: "In addition to often doing math problems, I also like reading books, which are helpful to improve my mental strength."

When Li Moyu heard this, he shook his head: "You have to do math problems, use your brain, and read books. If your mental power is not improved, it would be more cost-effective to directly fuse the genes of alien beasts related to mental power."

Luo Yongjian agreed: "Indeed, doing math problems and reading books are a waste of time."

"Furthermore, Brother Chen's ability to exercise his mental strength to such a high level by doing math problems and reading books must be inseparable from his talent."

"People like us who don't have outstanding mental talent can't copy it at all."

Li Moyu and Luo Yongjian both knew that Lin Zichen's method of improving mental power was not suitable for them.

Ma Xi looked at Shen Qinghan slightly and asked, "Where's Qinghan, your mental strength is also very high. Do you also like doing math problems and reading books like Lin Zichen?"

Shen Qinghan smiled and said: "I don't really like him, but I have followed Xiaochen since I was a child. Whatever he does, I will do it."

Ma Xi nodded slightly, said no more, and fell into deep thought.


Upstairs of the special training room - the weapons room.

Lu Tianrong said to everyone: "The weapons here are all made of B-grade alloys. Their attack attributes are as sharp as iron and their defensive attributes can block firearm bullets."

"Everyone just look at it, try it on, and try to choose something that is easy to come by. Don't choose based on appearance."

"Ten days later, I will take you outside for special combat training and form a team to fight against alien beasts or cults. Whatever weapons you choose today, you will bring with you to fight."

After Lu Tianrong finished speaking, he added: "Okay, everyone, stop standing and go and choose weapons. After choosing, we will start practicing the corresponding weapon usage."

Upon hearing this, everyone began to choose weapons.

Lin Zichen glanced at the weapons around him and found that they were all close combat weapons, including knives, swords, spears, maces, etc.

He didn't really need these weapons, so he just glanced at them briefly and didn't go up to choose.

First, he doesn't like to use weapons, preferring to hit directly with his fists and kick with his feet.

The second is that the strength of the B-grade alloy is not as strong as his body that has been tempered three times. Carrying it on the body will only have the side effect of increasing the weight.

"Xiaochen, what kind of weapon do you think is suitable for me to use?"

Shen Qinghan couldn't decide after trying it all, so he had to seek Lin Zichen's advice.

Lin Zichen said in a gentle voice: "If you have no particular preference for weapon types, then try to choose weapons with a large attack range."

Shen Qinghan nodded and said, "Okay, then let me see if there are any weapons with a large attack range."

After saying that, she turned around again and followed Lin Zichen's instructions to choose a weapon with a large attack range.

After turning half a circle.

In the end, she chose a 2-meter-long spear.

It was one of the weapons with the greatest range she could find in the weapons room.

Counting the wingspan, he can have an attack distance of about 2.5 meters.

Weapons with a wide attack range like spears, and Guan Gong machetes.

But the Guan Gong machete was too heavy and she felt uncomfortable holding it.

Most importantly, she prefers the stabbing action to the chopping action.

at the same time.

Everyone else has also chosen their weapons.

Li Moyu liked strength and chose a mace full of spikes.

Ma Xi was slightly more flexible and chose a pair of light swords.

Luo Yongjian didn't choose. He had his own sword, which was also made of B-grade alloy. There was no need to choose the weapon here.

"Instructor, don't you have any thermal weapons?" Zhang Kai looked at Lu Tianrong and asked.

As a mechanical engineer, he didn't like the cold weapons here at all, thinking they were too primitive.

Lu Tianrong said: "There are only cold weapons."

After finishing speaking, he added: "This special training is to improve your combat effectiveness in the Origin. In the Origin, due to various restrictions, you cannot use hot weapons at all and can only use cold weapons, so you will be specially trained." Your strength in using cold weapons.”

Zhang Kai: "But I am a mechanical transformation person. I don't have the opportunity to go to the origin, and I don't have the use of cold weapons."

Lu Tianrong disagreed: "Cold weapons are also necessary on earth. When you run out of ammunition and the enemy is not killed, cold weapons are the only weapon you can choose."

After hearing this, Zhang Kai said nothing and went to choose weapons honestly.

He finally understood that the Meishen Group was here to accompany the prince to study, and was a sparring partner for the gene fusion people.

This so-called military region special training is specially organized for gene fusion people.

As for Lin Zichen, a genius who is a pure-blooded human being, he is an exception.

Judging from previous years, the freshmen who joined the pure-blooded human race were very poor in strength and were not qualified to participate in the special military training.

Lin Zichen, however, is stronger than other gene fusions of the same age, so he is qualified to represent Shandong University.

If Lin Zichen can really break the shackles of ordinary creatures with a pure-blooded human body, he will follow a group of gene fusion geniuses into the source to shine.

"Has everyone chosen their weapons?"

Lu Tianrong played with his mobile phone for a while. When he saw that the time was almost up, he looked up and asked everyone.

Everyone responded sporadically, saying they had made their choice.

When Lu Tianrong saw this, he asked everyone to gather under the martial arts platform.

In the middle of the weapons room, there is a standard martial arts platform for people who have chosen weapons to come on the stage and test the weapons before they can take advantage of it.

Soon, everyone gathered under the martial arts platform.

Seeing Lin Zichen's empty hands, Lu Tianrong couldn't help but ask, "Lin Zichen, where are your weapons?"

Lin Zichen: "Tell the instructor, I am used to fighting with bare hands and do not need weapons."

Lu Tianrong: "Weapons can greatly improve your combat effectiveness, so choose one."

Lin Zichen: "No need, instructor."

Lu Tianrong frowned slightly, feeling that the mountain genius in front of him was a little too arrogant.

Most of them passed the camp entrance examination, and now they are very swollen.

It’s not like I’ve never seen such a conceited genius before. Just treat him...

Thinking about it, Lu Tianrong said to everyone: "Now that everyone has chosen their weapons, let's start getting familiar with their own weapons."

"The best way to get acquainted is to fight against others on the martial arts stage."

At this point, Lu Tianrong looked at Lin Zichen and said with a half-smile: "Lin Zichen, you said you are used to fighting with bare hands. I am quite curious. In this way, you will be the first to take the stage and let everyone see what you are like." strength."


Lin Zichen cherishes words like golden roads.

After saying that, he jumped onto the stage and waited for others to come up and challenge.

Lu Tianrong looked at the others and said, "If you want to challenge Lin Zichen on stage, you can go directly."

"I come!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark figure jumped onto the stage from the audience.

It's the genius in the military region - Zhao Yuanzhong.

Zhao Yuanzhong held a machete in his hand and said with fighting spirit in his eyes: "Lin Zichen, are you ready?"

Lin Zichen: "Come on."

The moment his voice fell, Zhao Yuanzhong exerted force on his calf, and in a flash, he rushed in front of him and slashed at his chest with his knife.

This knife was extremely powerful.

The sharp blade rubbed against the air, making a sound of breaking through the air.

If you are hit, you will either die or be injured.

Facing such a terrifying knife, Lin Zichen had no intention of avoiding it.

Just when the blade was about to fall, he calmly raised his hand to block it, using his flesh and blood to resist the iron-cutting blade.


A deafening crash sounded.

The knife in Zhao Yuanzhong's hand hit Lin Zichen's arm hard.

Immediately afterwards, several "clicks" were heard.

The machete made of B-grade alloy was instantly covered with shocking cracks.

Then, under the disbelieving eyes of everyone in the audience, it instantly turned into fragments and scattered on the ground.

"Holy shit, what's going on?"

“Who the hell is a human being who resists a machete made of B-grade alloy with his flesh and blood body?”

"This body is so powerful!"

"It's really too exaggerated. Is this the legendary physical sanctification?"

Everyone in the audience was shocked and exclaimed one after another.

As the opponent, Zhao Yuanzhong was so shocked that his whole body went numb.

There is mental numbness and physical numbness.

When the knife was struck just now, Zhao Yuanzhong felt that he had struck the A-grade alloy, and the tiger's mouth was shattered, and he felt numbness in his arms.

"Why is his body so hard?!"

Lu Taiyuan glanced at Lin Zichen, who was unharmed on the stage, and then looked at the pile of broken blades at Lin Zichen's feet, feeling extremely shocked.

At this time, he finally realized that it was not Lin Zichen who was conceited, but that he had underestimated Lin Zichen and the physical strengthening of pure-blood humans.

"Ah Zhong, come down and let me go up and teach him a lesson!"

Liu Ruihe, who was also a genius in the military region, looked at Zhao Yuanzhong on the stage and shouted.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuanzhong swept away the blade fragments in front of him with one kick, and immediately jumped off the stage to replace Liu Rui.

Liu Ruihe jumped up from the crowd and landed heavily on the martial arts platform with a "dong" sound.

He held a heavy mace, looked at Lin Zichen and asked, "Are you ready?"

Lin Zichen: "Come on."

Liu Ruihe didn't waste any time, he just stepped forward, rushed in front of Lin Zichen in the blink of an eye, swung the mace in his hand and hit him hard.


Another familiar voice sounded.

The mace hit Lin Zichen hard, but it did not hurt Lin Zichen at all. Instead, Liu Ruihe, who was holding the mace, was shocked on the spot until his mouth cracked and blood oozed out.

Then, there were several "clicks".

The mace, which was several times harder than the machete, also had countless cracks on it, and it instantly turned into pieces and fell on the martial arts platform.

Such a strong body... Liu Ruihe looked at the broken pieces of the mace at his feet, his face full of shock.

"Brother Hezi, come down and let me get in!"

There was another military genius in the audience who wanted to challenge Lin Zichen on stage.

Liu Ruihe said nothing and walked off the stage with pieces of the mace lying on the ground.

Just when the genius of the military district was about to come to power.

As an instructor, Lu Tianrong couldn't stand it anymore and quickly stopped him: "Okay, don't challenge him anymore. The weapons here can't hurt Lin Zichen at all. If you break a few more weapons, I, the instructor, will do it today." It's over."

Looking at the machete fragments and mace fragments on the ground, Lu Tianrong's whole body went numb.

Any weapon made of B-grade alloy is worth more than one million.

In just the blink of an eye, two pieces were damaged at once.

If you continue to do such damage, you will definitely be held accountable by your leadership.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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