Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 185 A huge wave is coming! Yuan Dongzhi was defeated!

The other side of the coastal forest.

The battle between Yuan Dongzhi and the rickety masked man entered a fierce stage.

The aftermath of the fight caused the surrounding lands to collapse, trees to break and birds to fly.


Yuan Dongzhi controlled tens of thousands of water jets and shot them towards the rickety masked man with a force that covered the sky and the sun.

With a thought, the man in the ricket mask controlled the thick vines to form a huge protective shield, blocking all the incoming water jets.

Then, he immediately controlled these vines to shoot towards Yuan Dongzhi at high speed, launching a fierce counterattack.

Yuan Dongzhi was not afraid at all. He immediately raised the 40-meter water knife in his hand and slashed it several times, cutting off all the vines that were shot.

At the same time, more water jets were separated from the towering water column under their feet, and they were aimed at the rickety masked man on the top of the tree like machine gun fire, aiming directly at his head.

Unfortunately, in the end, they were all blocked by vines and failed to injure the rickets-masked man at all.

The rickety masked man fought back again.

His eyes narrowed, and the next second all the towering trees in the forest rushed towards Yuan Dongzhi, forming a huge tree cage and closing the door on Yuan Dongzhi.

Yuan Dongzhi frowned and raised all the water in the stream under his feet to form a huge water film to resist the continuous attacks of vines.

At the same time, a large number of water jets are generated on the water film, cutting off all the vines that are shot.

However, there were too many vines.

Kill the old and bring in the new.

The offensive shows no signs of weakening.

On the contrary, Yuan Dongzhi, who is in a defensive posture, is constantly weakening.

The vines controlled by the rickety masked man had many small holes on them.

Each time whipping hits the water film, a large amount of water will be absorbed.

As time went by, the water source Yuan Dongzhi could use was less than half of what it was at the beginning.

"Xiao Yuan, you are too dependent on water."

"As long as there is less water, your strength will be greatly reduced."

"The weakness is too obvious and easy to target."

The rickety masked man controlled the vines to continuously attack the water film, while preaching to Yuan Dongzhi in a tone full of superiors.

Yuan Dongzhi said nothing, frowning and concentrating on resisting the vine attack.

She knew that she was at a disadvantage, and was pulling the water from underground to flow out of the ground to replenish herself with enough water to maintain her fighting strength.

The rickety masked man continued to speak with ease: "College Yuan, you know."

"The power behind Shenzhi Religion is a very important presence in the origin."

"There are a large area of ​​inexhaustible spiritual plant resources in the Southern Territory, and there are all kinds of exotic flowers and fruits."

"With your talent, as long as you are willing to join the Shenzhi Cult, you will be able to obtain inexhaustible resources of exotic flowers and fruits."

"With enough resources, evolving into epic creatures in the future will no longer be a dream."

The rickety masked man extended an olive branch to Yuan Dongzhi and said sincerely: "How about, do you want to accept my recommendation and join the Shenzhi Cult?"

Yuan Dongzhi said in a cold tone: "I am a human being, not a dehumanizing traitor like you. I will never join a pagan religion that persecutes humans."

"Destroying humanity?"

The man in the ricket mask smiled, with a look of disapproval: "On the contrary, the rape you mentioned not only did not destroy humanity, but actually promoted it."

"The essence of human nature is the ultimate egoism that does not serve one's own interests and will be punished by heaven and earth."

"And in today's human society, there are too many rules and regulations that restrict people."

"You can't do this, you can't do that. This is the real loss of humanity."

"After joining the Shenzhi Cult, I seemed to be wearing a mask, but in fact I took off the disguise."

"Under the cover of the mask, I can release the suppressed humanity deep in my heart, be the most authentic human being, and do whatever I want."

"And you, there is no mask on your face, but you always wear an invisible mask."

"It's ridiculous to suppress your human nature every day."

The rickety masked man kept instilling his ideas into Yuan Dongzhi in an attempt to assimilate her.

He is the elder in charge of personnel affairs in Shenzhi Church and is best at attracting people to join the religion.

With his proud and impeccable tongue, he has secretly attracted many strong human beings to join the cult.

Now, he wants to win over Yuan Dongzhi.

It's a pity that Yuan Dongzhi dismissed this and sneered: "Oh, you are deceiving the public with your evil words."

Immediately, the dragon horn on his head emitted light, drawing a huge amount of underground water to flow out of the water, knocking down all the towering trees surrounding it.

"I won't cry until I see the coffin."

Seeing that Yuan Dongzhi was unwilling to join the religion, the man in the rickets mask put away the smile on his face.

Then with a thought, he controlled more vines to rush towards Yuan Dongzhi, consuming her new water source in the same way.

Yuan Dongzhi did not sit still and waited for death. He condensed water arrows all over the sky and shot towards the rickets masked man.

This battle lasted for more than ten minutes.

Just as the war situation intensified.

Suddenly, the two rare-level experts tacitly stopped fighting.

One stands on a pillar of water rising into the sky.

One stands on a giant tree that is 100 meters tall.

At this moment, they all looked in the same direction.

It was in the direction of Lin Zichen.

Ever since the two powerful men appeared in this coastal forest, they had been diverting some of their attention to Lin Zichen, always paying attention to his movements.

Just now, the two rare-level experts sensed that Lin Zichen actually defeated the fox-eared girl.

Everyone was suddenly shocked and felt unbelievable.

"With an ordinary ninth-level body, he can kill a strong man with an advanced sixth-level physical body without any damage, and defeat a fox demon with an advanced mental power..."

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Really from Earth?"

"Are you sure it's not a stranger?"

The man in the ricket mask felt so incredible that he couldn't help but murmur.

Yuan Dongzhi said nothing.

At this moment, she looked calm on the outside, but there was already a turmoil in her heart.

The shock I felt was no less than that of the man in the rickety mask.

She knew that Lin Zichen was physically strong, but she didn't expect that his spirit could be so strong.

Strong enough to defeat a fox demon who has a high level of mental strength and is good at using illusions.

This exaggerated talent, even if placed in the place of origin, is one of a kind.

He is a peerless genius who can make all the major forces in the origin go crazy.

"College Yuan, it's time to end this."

After speaking, the man in the mask had a thought and summoned a large number of vines to rush towards Yuan Dongzhi.

Yuan Dongzhi immediately reinforced the water film to defend.

This time, however, there were more vines than ever before.

Under the crazy absorption of the vines, the water film suddenly became as thin as a piece of paper, and then broke directly.

Yuan Dongzhi, who lost the protection of the water film, was instantly wrapped in vines and unable to move.

At a critical moment, she made a prompt decision to further activate the alien gene in her body.

Then, large pieces of sharp and hard dragon scales instantly grew on the body, cutting off all the vines wrapped around the body in an instant.

But as soon as she escaped, a large number of vines immediately came over and entangled her tightly again.

The forest is the home of the masked man.

Yuan Dongzhi, who had lost the water bonus, was no match for the rickets masked man in the forest, and was suppressed and beaten throughout the process.


There was an explosion accompanied by a harsh sound that broke through the air.

Countless giant thorny vines shot out at high speed.

With the force of covering the sky and the sun, it covered Yuan Dongzhi, shrouding her in boundless darkness.

"Xiao Yuan, please take your time and play with the vines."

After saying this, the rickety masked man quickly flashed and disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already jumping quickly on the tops of the towering trees and flying towards Lin Zichen's direction.

Yuan Dongzhi became anxious when he saw this.

A genius of Lin Zichen's level must not be taken away by the Shenzhi Sect.

Shanda cannot bear such a loss.

Humanity cannot bear such losses.

do my best!

Yuan Dongzhi was cruel and sacrificed part of his blood to feed the alien genes in his body.

The next moment, veins popped out on her forehead, her eyes were bloodshot, and the pair of dragon horns on her head doubled in size, instantly increasing her mental strength to an extremely terrifying level.

Then an idea suddenly occurred to him, and he pulled the water in the sea across a distance of nearly a thousand meters. In an instant, he pulled a sea of ​​waves that covered the sky and rushed towards the forest at a very fast speed.

She wants to fill the lush forest beneath her feet with sea water, turning the forest away game into an ocean home game!


Terrifying waves swept through the entire forest.

Wherever he passed, except for the hundred-meter-towering giant tree, all other plants fell down and were swallowed up by the huge amount of sea water.

What was just a dense forest suddenly became part of the vast ocean.

Moisturized by large expanses of sea water.

Yuan Dongzhi was like a fish in water, and his strength suddenly surged to unprecedented heights.

Her eyes narrowed, and the next second a giant dragon of 100 meters appeared on the water.

Accompanied by a faint roar of dragons.

The huge seawater dragon chased the rickety masked man speeding ahead at an extremely fast speed.

But in the blink of an eye, the giant dragon caught up with the rickety masked man in front of him, knocked him down from the top of the tree with one claw, and slammed him into the bottom of the water.


Just listen to the sound of water breaking.

The drenched man with a rickety mask rose into the sky from the water and landed on a giant tree that was 100 meters tall.

He looked at Yuan Dongzhi and saw that Yuan Dongzhi's dragon horns had grown much larger. He was about to say something, but before he could make a sound, he was knocked into the water by the dragon again.


The rickety masked man quickly rushed out of the water again.

Only this time, he looked much more embarrassed.

As soon as he came out of the water, he couldn't help vomiting a large mouthful of blood, and seemed to have suffered serious internal injuries.

"You actually sacrificed your own essence and blood, you're crazy!"

The rickety masked man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling a little angry.

Yuan Dongzhi said nothing and continued to control the dragon to crash fiercely.

The rickety masked man wanted to get away, but the dragon was too fast.

Before he could distance himself, he immediately chased after him and knocked him into the water.

Then he bit at the bottom of the water like crazy, trying to tear him into pieces alive.

About ten seconds passed.




A large number of bloody vines rose into the sky, striking Yuan Dongzhi in the air like lightning, and wrapped around her like a python in the jungle.

Yuan Dongzhi immediately raised the dragon scales on his body, trying to cut off these vines that smelled of blood.

However, it cannot be cut at all.

It can only leave a shallow mark on it.


The rickety masked man rushed out from the bottom of the water, his body covered in scars and bleeding.

Half of these bleeding wounds were caused by the giant dragon controlled by Yuan Dongzhi, and the other half were caused by the tender buds of plants growing from the flesh.

The hunchback masked man also sacrificed his blood essence, using it to feed the genes of the beasts in his body and summon the blood-red weird vines.

However, he did not sacrifice too much, just a little bit, so that his strength just surpassed Yuan Dongzhi.

Yuan Dongzhi is a rare-level strongman of the same level, and it is unrealistic to want to kill her.

Even if he kills her, it will be a result of hurting himself 800 and hurting the enemy 1,000.

The situation is good now, and there is no need for this.

The most cost-effective way is to increase his strength to suppress Yuan Dongzhi a little.

Then use the vines to delay her for a while, giving himself time to kidnap Lin Zichen.

"Yuan Xiao, you just struggle slowly, I'll go first."

After saying this, the hunchback masked man quickly approached Lin Zichen and ignored Yuan Dongzhi.

Yuan Dongzhi was really anxious this time, and tried desperately to break free from the blood-colored vines on her body.

Under her powerful strength, the blood-colored vines wrapped around her body began to slowly crack, and there were cracks all over them that were visible to the naked eye.

However, the cracking was too slow, and she could not get away in a short time.

She could only watch the figure of the hunchbacked masked man getting farther and farther away until he completely disappeared from her sight.

On the other side, on the road.

Lin Zichen looked at the fox tail in his hand, without any hesitation, and thought directly:


The next second, two prompt messages popped out from the void.

[You swallowed a trace of the life source of the "Nine-tailed Demon Fox\

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