Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 187 Desperate situation! Fight against two rare powerhouses alone!

So fast!

Lin Zichen was led by Yuan Dongzhi as he dashed through the water at high speeds. He could clearly feel that Yuan Dongzhi's underwater speed was more than ten times that of him.

In just a short moment, he rushed hundreds of meters away.

He directly threw away the rickety masked man who was chasing him out of sight.

You know, the rickets masked man is also a rare powerhouse, and his overall strength is stronger than Yuan Dongzhi.

But at this moment, the rickets masked man was completely incomparable to Yuan Dongzhi in terms of speed.

The reason is still a matter of terrain.

If he were on land, the rickets masked man could travel at a speed that could crush Yuan Dongzhi.

Unfortunately, the current location is ocean terrain, which is Yuan Dongzhi's absolute home field.

More than ten seconds later.

Yuan Dongzhi took Lin Zichen to swim a distance of nearly 10,000 meters.

Swimming from deep water to shallow water.

Completely escaped the pursuit of the rickety masked man.


Yuan Dongzhi is in trouble.

She took Lin Zichen out of the water, causing large splashes on the water, and landed on a towering tree soaked all over.

Normally, no matter how fast she went, she could still make the water as quiet as a mirror, with only a faint ripple.

But now, her physical condition is very bad and she cannot control every part of her body accurately.

During her previous battle with the rickety masked man, she overactivated the alien gene in her body, causing her body to become alienated and she lost a certain amount of control.

This is the weakness of gene fusion.

While relying on the genes of alien beasts to gain extraordinary power, you also need to bear the risk of being backlashed by the genes of alien beasts.

"It's safe."

Yuan Dongzhi put Lin Zichen down and said with a pale face.

Lin Zichen was holding on to the tree trunk in front of him, his face was also pale, he felt a little dizzy and felt like vomiting.

The former is caused by the backlash from the genes of alien beasts and makes them feel uncomfortable.

The latter was because the speed he had just traveled underwater was too fast, exceeding the body's endurance limit, causing confusion in Qi and blood, causing dizziness and vomiting.


An anxious voice came.

Lin Zichen slowed down and looked up in the direction of the sound. On a towering tree in front of him, he saw Shen Qinghan, who was longing for him.

In addition, in the sky above Shen Qinghan, he saw more than a dozen mechanical transformation people from the military region, two armed helicopters, and a huge mecha.

It was the military region's rescue that came.

No wonder Colonel Yuan said it was safe. It turned out that rescue from the military region had finally arrived...

Lin Zichen breathed a sigh of relief.


There was a crisp sound of branches and leaves rubbing against each other.

Shen Qinghan found a strong vine from nowhere and swung it over from a distance of tens of meters.

Lin Zichen reached out to catch her and held her in his arms.

Soon, Lu Tianrong, Li Moyu and others also swung over, holding on to the vines.

Several people were all wet, obviously they had just come out of the water not long ago.

It must have been that he just saw the military region's rescue coming, so he stopped escaping in the water and climbed into a tree to wait for the military region's reinforcements to arrive.

"College Yuan, are you okay?"

Lu Tianrong walked up to Yuan Dongzhi and saw that her face was a little pale, so he couldn't help but express respectful concern.

Yuan Dongzhi said calmly: "It's okay."

After saying that, she asked: "Why are there only a few of you? Where are the other special trainees?"

Lu Tianrong looked remorseful and said, "I was attacked by a fox-eared girl earlier, and then they all got separated. I haven't found anyone yet."


Yuan Dongzhi nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

If they got separated, they got separated. It didn't matter to her, as long as her five students from Shandong University didn't get separated.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan came down from Lin Zichen's arms, looked at him with tears in his eyes and said:

"Xiao Chen, I'm really worried. I'm afraid that you will be raped and captured by the Shenzhi Cult. Let's never take part in these dangerous experiences again, okay?"

"Well, I won't participate anymore."

Lin Zichen raised his hand to wipe her tears and nodded in agreement without thinking.

He wasn't sure if he would participate again in the future.

But he knew that Shen Qinghan needed to hear such an answer to comfort him at the moment.

"Xiaochen, are you injured anywhere?"

"It was just some superficial injuries, but they have all healed on their own now."

"Where's the injury? Show me quickly."

"It has healed on its own."

"You should take a look even after you've recovered."

Shen Qinghan said a little persistently.

Lin Zichen was a little helpless, so he could only casually put a hand in front of her and said: "My wrist was injured before, and the skin was torn and bleeding by the vines, but now it has healed on its own, and there is no trace of any injury at all."

Shen Qinghan said nothing, silently picking up Lin Zichen's hand and carefully observing the position of his wrist to see if it had really healed on its own.

Lin Zichen let her observe and looked up at the military reinforcements in the sky.

There is not a single genetic fusion person, only mechanical modified humans, as well as two armed helicopters and a huge mecha.

Just glanced briefly.

Soon, Lin Zichen's eyes fell on the only mecha.

It was the Shanhai that I had seen in the military area before, a behemoth with a height of 10 meters.

The pilot who was responsible for transporting Shandong students to the military area at that time gave a brief introduction to this mecha.

It is said that it is a mecha named after Shanhai City, and its combat power is comparable to that of rare creatures.


There was a burst of noise from the anti-air flow power device.

The Shanhai mecha moved.

From the high altitude in front, he slowly flew to the towering tree where Lin Zichen was, hovering horizontally in front of Yuan Dongzhi.

A few seconds later, a hatch opened on the mecha's chest, revealing a mechanically modified man whose body was mostly made of metal.

He's a bearded man.

"College Yuan, the military region received your distress message more than an hour ago. You said that the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect led a team to attack the special trainees, and you stopped it in time. What is the situation now?"

The man looked at Yuan Dongzhi and asked about the attack.

Yuan Dongzhi did not answer this question, but asked in an extremely cold tone: "You also know that the message was sent more than an hour ago, why did your military region come so late?"

"Something happened in the military area."

The man explained with some apology: "Some heretics who have been undercover in the military area for many years suddenly launched an attack to prevent us from coming to rescue."

Yuan Dongzhi frowned: "How capable a heretic must he be to delay you for so long?"

The man hesitated for a moment and whispered: "You may not believe it, but Deputy Commander Chen is a heretic installed by the Shenzhi Religion in the military region."

"The problem has not been resolved yet. Commander Yao is still confronting Deputy Commander Chen in the military area. The situation is deadlocked."

"It took me a lot of effort to drive the Shanhai to come here for rescue."


Is Deputy Commander Chen a heretic?

After hearing what the man said, Lu Tianrong's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

How could the deputy commander of the military region be a heretic from the Shenzhi Religion?

What's going on?

Also, is Shenzhijiao crazy?

Just to abduct Lin Zichen, he was actually willing to pay such a high price, even exposing the heretic who had been placed in the military region and became the deputy commander. Is it worth it?

Is there any secret behind being a pure-blooded human being?

So much so that Shenzhi Cult wants to take Lin Zichen away at all costs, even if he sacrifices a heretic who is the deputy commander?

Lu Tianrong had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

the other side.

The man driving the mecha, after explaining why he came to the rescue so late, asked again: "College Yuan, what is the specific situation here now?"

Yuan Dongzhi still didn't answer, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone: "Now that the battle is over, you just came to the rescue, and you still asked what the situation is now. Does it make sense?"


The man looked confused and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Yuan Dongzhi didn't talk nonsense to him and said directly: "The military area is still in chaos and we can't go back. I'll lend you an armed helicopter and I'll send my students from Shandong University back first."

The man felt something was wrong: "College Yuan, Beijing University, Jishen Group, and the special trainees from our military region have not been found yet. How about you and I find them all and then leave together?"

"As long as you are here, if the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect comes to visit later, I can join forces with you to easily take them down."

"If you leave, once the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect comes to your door, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist them with just the Shanhai mecha I'm driving."


Yuan Dongzhi disagreed: "Think too much. The purpose of Shenzhi Cult is to capture Lin Zichen. As long as Lin Zichen leaves, the other special trainees will be safe."

The man's face was full of embarrassment: "That's what I say, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst. Mr. Yuan, why don't you stay and act with me."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were faint sounds of breaking through the air in the distance ahead.




Hearing the movement, Lin Zichen and Yuan Dongzhi immediately followed the sound.

The former relied on the [Eye of the Sky], and the latter relied on the rare-level mental strength to see the person coming from a distance of thousands of meters.

It's the rickety masked man!

It is jumping quickly on the towering trees and heading straight towards this direction!

Within a moment, the rickety masked man jumped several hundred meters and entered the field of vision of everyone present.

"College Yuan, the ninth leader of Shenzhi Sect is here!"

The man reminded him nervously.

Then he immediately closed the hatch and controlled the mecha to enter combat mode.

The other mechanical cyborgs also looked at the attacking masked man as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Yuan Dongzhi frowned and looked at the rickety masked man approaching, filled with confusion.

Can't the ninth elder of Shenzhi Sect see such a big mecha?

How could he dare to approach here so quickly when he was alone?

Aren't you afraid of being gang-banged?

You know, the combat power of the mecha is comparable to that of a rare and powerful person.

How could the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect have the confidence to face a large mecha with rare-level combat power and a rare-level strongman of the same level at the same time?

As he thought about it, Yuan Dongzhi's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Immediately, he grabbed Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan next to him, and jumped into the water with the childhood sweethearts. His energy, blood and spirit exploded, and he wanted to escape from here as quickly as possible.

There is an undercover agent among the reinforcements!

There is an undercover agent working with the Shenzhi Cult!

Otherwise, why would the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect dare to chase him alone in front of military reinforcements?

Could it be that he is mentally ill and wants to die in vain?

There's no way he's mentally ill.

The only possibility is that there is an undercover agent from the Shenzhi Cult among the reinforcements, who can join forces with him.

And this undercover agent, if nothing else, is the man driving the mecha.

That man just said so much. He was obviously stalling for time to wait for the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect to arrive, and then join forces to deal with me and snatch Lin Zichen away...

While Yuan Dongzhi was thinking about this, he led Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan to escape quickly in the water.

She also wanted to take the remaining Li Moyu and others with her, but she was really powerless and couldn't take so many people with her.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang..."

The next second Yuan Dongzhi led the two of them into the water, all the mechanical transformations suspended in the air also rushed into the water.

Even the two mechanical modders driving the armed helicopter immediately turned on the autopilot mode and rushed into the water immediately afterwards.

At the same time, the rickety masked man, who was approaching in the distance, and the huge Shanhai mecha also rushed into the water one after another.

These people rushed into the water so quickly for one purpose, and that was to chase Yuan Dongzhi who was leading the two men to escape.

To be more precise, he wanted to chase Lin Zichen who was led away by Yuan Dongzhi.

Yuan Dongzhi realized that it was wrong to have an undercover agent from Shen Zhijiao among the reinforcements.

Because, it is not that the reinforcements are undercover agents mixed with the Shenzhi Cult, but that the reinforcements are all undercover agents of the Shenzhi Cult!

"What's going on?"

On the tree, Lu Tianrong was completely stunned.

Just now, he was thinking that the rickety masked man dared to chase him alone. He was looking for death and was destined to be killed by Yuan Dongzhi and the mecha.

But just as he thought this, Yuan Dongzhi suddenly jumped into the water and ran away with Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, the rickety masked man and all the military reinforcements also rushed into the water.

In just a short moment, almost everyone was gone.

There were only four people left standing in a mess on the tree, looking confused and unable to realize what was going on.

"Could it be that...the reinforcements just now are all members of the Shenzhi Cult?!"

Lu Tianrong suddenly thought of this, and immediately thought about it, he was horrified and felt extremely desperate.

Li Moyu, Ma Xiwei, and Luo Yongjian were all a little frightened when they heard what he said.

Lu Tianrong reacted quickly, looked at the three of them and said, "Let's get out of here quickly. If it happens as I said, we may be affected by the next battle if we stay here!"

The words just fell.

The water surface hundreds of meters away in front of the four people suddenly exploded with water splashing all over the sky.

It was Yuan Dongzhi who led Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan out of the water, soaring into the sky very quickly, bringing up a large amount of sea water.

Immediately afterwards, there were several "bang bang" explosions.

The mechanical transformations who followed Yuan Dongzhi into the water before, the Shanhai mecha, and the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect all rushed out of the water in an instant and surrounded Yuan Dongzhi.

Facing the crowd, Yuan Dongzhi looked extremely ugly.

Can't run!

There's no way you can run underwater!

There are webs of bloody vines everywhere, all roads are blocked, and there is nowhere to escape!

"Xiao Yuan, it is not easy to evolve into a rare creature. There is no need to lose both sides. Leave Lin Zichen to us, and we will not be embarrassed by the rest."

The rickety masked man looked at Yuan Dongzhi and advised him.

Although the current situation is many against one, I have two rare-level combat forces on my side.

However, if a rare-level powerhouse chooses to fight to the death, he will most likely take away a powerhouse of the same level in exchange for his life.

The man in the rickety mask did not want to pay this price and wanted to complete the mission without injury.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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