Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 200 Bai Xue? Luo Qianxue? Alien?

Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

The winter vacation at Shanhai University is coming to an end, and the new semester will begin tomorrow.

In the past half month.

Lin Zichen spent most of his time at home or in the research institute, practicing the blood quenching technique with Shen Qinghan every morning, noon and evening.


Yuan Dongzhi and Liu Chuanwu, the divorced ex-husband and ex-wife, gave Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, who were in the period of passionate love, a lot of resources to replenish their qi and blood, and helped them practice the blood tempering technique.

Liu Chuanwu was so poor that the most he could do was give him some blood rejuvenation pills.

Yuan Dongzhi is different.

She relies on the Yuan family in Nanjiang, which has a large business and is filled with all kinds of great things.

She took out all kinds of precious exotic flowers and fruits, such as century-old blood ginseng, six-flavored rehmannia fruit, blood-sucking devil flower, etc., and stuffed them into Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan's arms as if they were free of charge.

People who didn't know looked at it and thought that this cool and beautiful woman in cheongsam was the biological mother of these two people.

With the support of so many resources.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan's body tempering efficiency has been greatly improved, and they both succeeded in breaking through before the start of school.

The former has completed four times of body tempering, and the qi and blood in his body have become thicker, comparable to that of an advanced third-level powerhouse.

The latter's second body tempering was completed, and the biological level evolved from the peak of the ordinary sixth level to the ordinary eighth level, directly upgraded two levels in a row.

The night before school starts.


Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan walked leisurely on the school road, heading to the principal's office in the administration building to find Yuan Dongzhi.

Shen Qinghan's biological level has evolved to the ordinary eighth level, and his mental strength has also increased a lot. He can try to enslave the third water attribute beast gene.

For this reason, Yuan Dongzhi specially prepared an extremely precious "water butterfly" genetic reagent for her.

The water butterfly is a strange animal that lives in the water.

It is not a butterfly in nature, but its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a butterfly, so it is called a water butterfly.

The characteristic of this strange beast is that its mental strength is much higher than that of creatures of the same level.

In addition, it can also perform illusion attacks.

It is an extremely rare spiritual water attribute beast.

Far rarer than the Blue Jellyfish King gene.

Even a large family like the Yuan family in Nanjiang only has a few water butterfly gene reagents on hand.

In addition to being rare, the fusion of water butterfly genes is also difficult.

It is so high that few people on earth can meet the standards for integration.

Even a strong person like Yuan Dongzhi cannot meet the standard of integrating water butterfly genes.

However, Yuan Dongzhi felt that Shen Qinghan's physique was so special that he would definitely be able to enslave the water butterfly's genes.

Therefore, a priceless water butterfly gene reagent was specially prepared for her.

"Xiaochen, the quality of my tempered body is so poor."

"You have already completed the second tempering of your body, and your biological level is only an ordinary eighth level."

"Sister Yan has also achieved the second level of body tempering, but she is evenly matched with the first-level experts."

On the school road, Shen Qinghan frowned slightly and complained to Lin Zichen who was standing aside.

Lin Zichen said as he walked: "Sister Yan has been practicing the blood tempering technique for ten years. After going through a lot of hardships, she finally reached the completion of the second body tempering."

"As for you, you have only practiced for less than half a year, and you have reached the stage of Second Tempering Body."

"You still envy Sister Yan like this. If Sister Yan hears this, she will probably faint on the yoga mat."


Shen Qinghan: "Sister Yan won't be angry. She will only be happy for me and praise me for my awesomeness."

Lin Zichen: "Sister Yan praises you on the outside, but scolds you on the inside."

Shen Qinghan: "Sister Yan is not that kind of person."

Lin Zichen: "Unless Sister Yan is not a human being, she will definitely scold you."

Shen Qinghan: "You use the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman!"


The two of them just quarreled with each other, and soon they arrived at the door of the principal's office.

Lin Zichen raised his hand and knocked on the door and said: "College Yuan, we are here."

"come in."

A cold voice came from the office.

Lin Zichen pushed open the door and entered, and Shen Qinghan followed him obediently.

At this time, Yuan Dongzhi was leaning back on his office chair, closing his eyes and relaxing.

Seeing the two people coming in, she did not open her narrow eyes, but said to Shen Qinghan calmly:

"Go drink water. After you finish drinking, lie on the bed and I will inject you with the water butterfly gene."

"Well, I'll trouble you later, Master."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he went to the tea table to drink water.

Drinking glass after glass.

After drinking until you can no longer drink it, you can start injecting the water butterfly gene with water properties.

When fusing the genes of water attribute beasts, the more water in the body, the easier it is to fuse.

Although Shen Qinghan is not integrating, but enslaving.

But there's no harm in drinking it.

If you don’t drink it, you won’t drink it.

Maybe having more water in the body would also help with the gene for enslaving alien beasts.

"Master, I'm full."

Shen Qinghan touched his bloated belly and said with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

Yuan Dongzhi said: "When you are full, come up and lie down."


Shen Qinghan responded and lay down on the bed obediently.

Yuan Dongzhi didn't waste any time and directly reached out to lift Shen Qinghan's shirt.

Then he took a cotton swab, put it on her chest with alcohol, and gently applied it on her chest to disinfect it before the injection.

While applying.

Yuan Dongzhi noticed that Shen Qinghan's breasts looked much fuller than last time, and couldn't help but said in surprise: "It has only been so long, how come your breasts are so big?"

"How can there be..."

Shen Qinghan's pretty face turned crimson and she felt embarrassed.

Seeing the young apprentice's pretty face turn red to peach, Yuan Dongzhi also smiled and said: "You are a big girl who has been living with your fiancé for half a year, why are you still so shy?"

"I'm not shy..."

Shen Qinghan said weakly.

She said no, but her increasingly red face had betrayed her.

Principal Yuan saw that she was so thin-skinned and blushed with embarrassment, so he stopped talking about her breasts.

Lest her mood swings be too great and affect the genetic enslavement that will be carried out next.

After disinfection.

Yuan Dongzhi took a syringe filled with water butterfly gene reagent, pointed the sharp needle at Shen Qinghan's chest, inserted it gently and started injecting.

In just a few seconds, all the water butterfly genetic reagents were injected.

During this period, Shen Qinghan lay quietly without even frowning.

Yuan Dongzhi put the empty syringe away and said to her: "If you feel any discomfort later, speak up as soon as possible. Don't hold back and remain silent."

"Well, I understand, Master."

Shen Qinghan said softly.

Yuan Dongzhi said no more, but quietly put his hand on Shen Qinghan's chest, using his mental energy to observe the genetic enslavement process in her body.

While observing, the full feeling on her hands made her very envious.

This little disciple of mine not only has an outstanding talent for evolution, but he is also equally talented at feeding children.

In just a few months, her breasts have become so much fuller. She is truly gifted.

All I can say is that my little disciple will be blessed in the future.

A few minutes later.

Yuan Dongzhi took his hand away from Shen Qinghan's chest and said to her: "The enslavement was very successful. The genes of the water butterfly have been completely controlled by your genes."

"After a while, when you become familiar with the control of water butterfly genes, you can try it and see if you can use illusion attacks."

"But don't have high expectations. The water butterfly can use illusion attacks in the normal stage. It doesn't mean that you can control the water butterfly gene."

"After all, genes are only part of the material in the body of a water butterfly, not all of it."

"You who just control the water butterfly gene are definitely not as good as the water butterfly itself."


"Well, I understand, Master." Shen Qinghan nodded.

She had said the same thing countless times.

This phrase "Well, I understand Master" basically became her mantra in front of Yuan Dongzhi.

in the coming time.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan stayed in the office chatting with Yuan Dongzhi.

Talk about the place of origin.

Talk about God planting religion.

Let’s talk about pure-blood humans.

Talk about whatever comes to mind.

The reason why she stayed to chat was because Yuan Dongzhi wanted Shen Qinghan to stay for half an hour to observe the genetic slavery in her body at all times to avoid any emergencies.

During this half hour, Lin Zichen was mainly chatting with Yuan Dongzhi.

Shen Qinghan sat quietly aside, using her mental power to fiddle with the water butterfly gene in her body.

Activate, sleep, activate, sleep...

Keep repeating the operation.

I want to master the water butterfly gene as soon as possible.

It was controlled like this for a while.

Before long, Shen Qinghan was able to skillfully control the water butterfly gene in his body.

Then, I tried to use the genes of the water butterfly to see if I could perform an illusion attack.

Tried several times but failed.

While Shen Qinghan was tinkering with this.

Lin Zichen and Yuan Dongzhi talked about Luo Qianxue and asked, "Xiao Yuan, can you tell me about your big apprentice in the origin? I'm quite curious about her."

Ever since he saw Luo Qianxue's record on the list of alien-level geniuses that night, he had been curious about Shen Qinghan's cheap senior sister.

I want to know how talented Shen Qinghan's cheap senior sister must be to be able to single-handedly kill a high-level fifth-level powerhouse at the age of 19.

Yuan Dongzhi did not answer in a hurry, but asked calmly: "Are you curious about her after seeing her record on the list of alien-level geniuses?"

"Yes." Lin Zichen nodded.

Yuan Dongzhi recalled quietly for a moment, and then said: "Actually, I don't know much about my great disciple."

"I picked her up on a snowy mountain in the origin 11 years ago."

"She was only 8 years old at the time. She was curled up alone under a tree and dying. Her lips were black and her face was unusually pale. She was suspected of being poisoned. She was expected to die soon."

"I saw how pitiful she was, so I rescued her and took her with me."

"After getting along with her for a while, I felt that she was quite sensible, so I took her in as my apprentice."

"After raising her for about three months, when it was time to return to Earth, I took her to the base of the origin and settled her down, letting her live there."

"From now on, when I go to the source land, I will visit her and bring her some gifts."

"As for her life experience, I don't know anything about it."

"Because every time I asked, she would just shake her head and say she couldn't remember anything. She seemed to have lost her memory."


Was this Luo Qianxue picked up from the source?

Lin Zichen was a little surprised by this, then he thought of something and asked, "Principal Yuan, is your eldest disciple an alien?"

"Yes, an alien."

After saying this, Yuan Dongzhi said, "It is precisely because she is an alien that she can only live under surveillance in the source base and cannot come to Earth to live with me."

Lin Zichen: "Can't aliens come to Earth?"

Yuan Dongzhi shook her head: "No, the military district will never let aliens into Earth."

After hearing this, Lin Zichen fell into deep thought.

Since aliens cannot come to Earth, does that mean that this Luo Qianxue is not the transfer student Bai Xue in the second grade of elementary school?

However, these two people have too many similarities.

Both names contain the word "Xue".

Both have white hair.

The ages match.

The most important thing is that Bai Xue was 8 years old when she dropped out of school 11 years ago, and Luo Qianxue, who Yuan Dongzhi found in the snowy mountains 11 years ago, was also 8 years old. Isn't this too coincidental?

Thinking in this way, did Bai Xue drop out of school and go to the source?

Lin Zichen carefully recalled the details of Bai Xue's withdrawal from school.

He clearly remembered that the adult who brought Bai Xue to handle the withdrawal procedures was a male mechanical cyborg with a pair of mechanical arms.

Strange, they were all going to the source, so why bother to go to the school to handle the withdrawal procedures?

Are they so obedient?

Also, mechanical cyborgs cannot go to the source. If Luo Qianxue is really Bai Xue, then the one who took her away should not be a mechanical cyborg, but a gene fusion.

In addition, if Bai Xue is really Luo Qianxue, then how did she, as an alien, come to Earth to attend elementary school?

What's the point of coming to Earth to attend elementary school?

Like the fox-eared girl, the daughter of the source came to Earth to experience life?

No, it's too messy, there is no logic at all, and it's impossible to sort it out.

Lin Zichen chose to stop thinking and no longer think about Bai Xue and Luo Qianxue.

He stopped thinking, but Yuan Dongzhi took the initiative to bring it up.

Yuan Dongzhi looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "You told me before that there was a transfer student in your second grade who looked very similar to your senior sister, and you suspected that your senior sister was that transfer student."

"I said it was impossible at the time because your senior sister is an alien and it is impossible for her to appear on Earth."

"The reason why you think they look alike is probably because they both have white hair, and you were still young at that time, so your memory is not clear enough, and then you thought they were the same person."


"Then I must have made a mistake." Shen Qinghan nodded and said.

Lin Zichen fell into deep thought again.

He thought that since the fox-eared girl could sneak into Earth, aliens must be able to do so.

Maybe the stinky Bai Xue in the second grade of elementary school is Luo Qianxue in the source land now.

But if you think so, why would the other party come to Earth to study in elementary school and then suddenly go back? This is indeed a bit unreasonable.

Forget it, there is nothing to think about.

It's just a transfer student classmate in the second grade of elementary school.

It doesn't matter whether she is Luo Qianxue.

It doesn't matter whether she is an alien.

There is no need to waste time thinking about her.

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