Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 205: Instant Kill! Everyone is shocked!

"It's Zeng Xinran, the minister of the External Relations Department!"

"Ranked 38 on the peak list!"

"The biological level is as high as the ninth level, and it is also a three-time gene fusion person!"

"I don't know if Shen Qinghan can win..."

"You can definitely win. It's not like you haven't seen how badly that Guo Haidong was beaten. He was killed instantly just by looking at him. He was covered in blood and it was scary."


The moment the red-haired lady came on stage, there was a burst of discussion among the crowd.

Listening to these voices from the audience, the red-haired Zeng Xinran frowned slightly, with a hint of disbelief in his expression.

In the conference room before, the girl said as soon as she came in that Guo Haidong was defeated by Shen Qinghan in one round. He was bleeding from all his orifices and fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Zeng Xinran listened and thought that the girl must have made a mistake.

Shen Qinghan knew it.

A very pretty junior girl in the freshman class was frequently discussed in school forums and was known as the school beauty.

She didn't think that a weak-looking freshman girl could defeat Guo Haidong, whose biological level was as high as the eighth level.

Not to mention an instant kill in one round.

She felt that Guo Haidong must have lost at the hands of Lin Zichen, and then it was mistaken when it reached the girls' ears, and it became that he lost at the hands of Shen Qinghan.

But now, listening to the voices in the audience, she realized that she seemed to have thought wrong.

The person who defeated Guo Haidong was really the weak-looking elementary school girl in front of him!

"What the hell is going on?"

"How did this school girl, who looks so weak, manage to defeat A Dong in one round?"

Zeng Xinran frowned and looked at Shen Qinghan opposite, extremely confused.

She wasn't the only one confused.

Many people who did not witness Shen Qinghan instantly killing Guo Haidong in the training room felt the same confusion and were puzzled by the explanation.

"Xuemei Shen, I heard that you beat up a deputy director of my external relations department?"

Zeng Xinran looked at Shen Qinghan and asked expressionlessly.

Shen Qinghan cherished the words like gold and said: "Yeah."

Zeng Xinran nodded after hearing this.

Then, he immediately activated the alien gene in his body with a thought, and the hair on his body grew rapidly, and every hair turned fiery red. At the same time, his skin turned red and radiated bursts of heat.

People around the martial arts platform could clearly feel the majestic energy and blood surging in her body, and everyone looked shocked.

What a strong blood!

It feels like your energy and blood are being released!

The minister of the external relations department is probably approaching the level of a high-level creature in terms of physical strength!

"Xuemei Shen, let me experience your strength!"

As the sound fell, Zeng Xinran immediately rushed towards Shen Qinghan, raised his muscular calf and swept out.

Shen Qinghan reacted very quickly and immediately turned his body to the side to avoid the kick that came at a very fast speed.

However, the sideways speed is too slow!

As soon as he turned halfway, Zeng Xinran's legs were already in front of him.

With a blast of air, it went straight to the throat under the neck.

Shen Qinghan, knowing that he could not dodge, immediately raised his arm to block this powerful kick.


Zeng Xinran's strong calf hit Shen Qinghan's arm heavily.

There was a subtle "click" sound.

The bones in Shen Qinghan's arm cracked.

Suddenly, an unbearable pain invaded her brain, making her pretty face turn pale.


Another burst of air sounded.

The moment Zeng Xinran retracted her legs, she immediately raised her hand and punched Shen Qinghan in the face, aiming directly at her small and delicate nose.

He wanted to smash her nose with one punch and make her face covered in blood!


Just when the fist was about to fall.

Zeng Xinran suddenly felt the energy and blood in his body surge wildly.

At the same time, my brain felt swollen and very uncomfortable.

The fist he waved became weak due to the impact, and was easily blocked by Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan, who dodged the punch, did not miss the opportunity to fight back.

The moment she blocked Zeng Xinran's fist, she immediately punched Zeng Xinran on the left chest.

Then, he immediately increased his mental energy consumption to enhance the Blue Jellyfish King's ability. He placed his hand on his chest and controlled all the energy and blood in Zeng Xinran's body to be poured into his heart.

The next second, Zeng Xinran's heart was directly burst by the continuous influx of blood, split several shocking holes, and stopped beating on the spot.

However, she was not dead, but her consciousness became a little blurred, her limbs completely lost control, and she collapsed weakly on the ground, dying.

At the level of ordinary ninth level, as long as the opponent does not pour a large amount of energy and blood into it and crazily destroys it, even if the head explodes, he will not die immediately and can be rescued.

"it's over?"

"The minister of the external relations department actually lost!"

"How can this be!"


Everyone in the audience was shocked.

Shen Qinghan only needed two rounds to defeat an ordinary ninth-level three-time gene fusion user, winning cleanly!

It’s incredible!


"What happened? Why did Sister Han suddenly become so strong?"

On the right side of the martial arts stage, Luo Yongjian looked at the Minister of External Relations lying on the stage, and then at Shen Qinghan standing on the other side, with a look of doubt on his face.

He couldn't understand why Shen Qinghan was so ridiculously strong.

He clearly remembered that Shen Qinghan was chased and beaten by girls from the ordinary class in the opening trial half a year ago.

Only half a year had passed, and Shen Qinghan had become able to kill a director of the External Relations Department who was ranked 38th on the Peak List with one punch.

This was too unreasonable.

"Pure-blooded human, Qinghan must have taken the pure-blooded human path to progress so quickly!"

Ma Xiwei looked at Shen Qinghan on the stage, breathing a little hurriedly, and said: "We shouldn't have taken the gene fusion path directly, we should have tried the pure-blooded human path first!"

She was stimulated by the powerful strength that Shen Qinghan had just shown on the stage, and her mind was full of pure-blooded human paths.

Now, she was extremely eager to change to the pure-blooded human path.

Li Moyu calmly analyzed: "I think Qinghan's strength should have little to do with pure-blooded humans."

"Look at the head of the External Relations Department on the stage. Her chest was not pierced, and there was not even a dent."

"This shows that the punch Qinghan just hit on her chest was very ordinary."

"The reason why the head of the External Relations Department was knocked down by Qinghan's punch is probably because Qinghan used the power of the blue jellyfish to burst the blood vessels or heart of the head of the External Relations Department."


Luo Yongjian nodded after listening: "Brother Yu is right. The reason why Sister Han is so powerful is mainly because she can enslave aliens. The special physique of the beast. "

After saying that, he continued with a puzzled look: "Speaking of which, Sister Han is so awesome because of her special physique. What about Brother Chen, does he also have any special physique?"

"But... I feel that Brother Chen seems to have nothing special except that his physical talent is higher than ours."

"Too strange, I can't figure it out at all."


Li Moyu said: "It's enough to have a high physical talent. Why do you have to have other special features? Haven't you heard of the legendary physical body becoming holy?"

"Physical body becoming holy?"

Luo Yongjian murmured and fell into deep thought.

It is said that there is no future for pure-blooded humans.

But the reality is that among the freshmen of Shanhai University this year, the most dazzling couple is Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, who are on the pure-blooded human path.

Could it be that the pure-blooded human path is the evolutionary path with the highest ceiling?

While Luo Yongjian was thinking about these.

On the other side.

The student union carried Zeng Xinran off the stage and treated her injuries.

The way to deal with it is very simple, just let her eat a Nine-Turn Great Rejuvenation Pill, help her wipe the blood off her body, and then it's almost done.

"President, what happened to Minister Zeng?"

A student union cadre couldn't understand how Zeng Xinran was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Obviously, the punch thrown by Shen Qinghan didn't seem to have much power, but Zeng Xinran couldn't bear it. This was too strange.

Zhou Xuehong explained expressionlessly: "The blood and qi in her body were controlled and controlled to be poured into her heart in large quantities, and her heart burst."

After hearing this, the student union cadre felt unbelievable: "Minister Zeng's biological level is as high as the ordinary ninth level, and the blood and qi in her body are extremely rich. How can Shen Qinghan control Minister Zeng's blood and qi?"

Zhou Xuehong didn't say anything again.

He just looked at Shen Qinghan on the stage quietly.

He fell into a period of thought.

Since he came into the gymnasium, he heard people in the crowd discussing Shen Qinghan from time to time.

They said Shen Qinghan was a pure-blooded human.

She said that the reason why she could use the abilities of alien beasts was because she could enslave the genes of alien beasts to obtain the abilities of the corresponding alien beasts, and she didn't need to fuse with the genes of alien beasts at all.

Genetic enslavement?

Being able to obtain the abilities of alien beasts while still being able to follow the path of pure-blooded humans?

Is there really such a special physique?

Zhou Xuehong felt incredible.


Lin Zichen walked to the edge of the martial arts stage and asked Shen Qinghan who was standing on it with concern: "How does your hand feel? Do you want to come down and deal with it?"

Shen Qinghan had previously raised his hand to block Zeng Xinran's full-strength kick, causing the entire arm to be deformed and swollen.

"It's okay, it will heal itself soon."

Shen Qinghan looked back at Lin Zichen with a faint smile on his face.

Lin Zichen nodded: "That's good."

As he said this, he was thinking back to the scene where Shen Qinghan had just defeated Zeng Xinran in an instant.

He had thought that Shen Qinghan would be in a tough fight.

But the result was that Zeng Xinran only lasted one more round than Guo Haidong, and then was defeated at the speed of light.

Well, the little dirty girl is even better than expected.

"Schoolmate Shen, let me fight you!"

Suddenly, a heroic female voice sounded from the group of students in the student union.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan looked in the direction of the voice at the same time.

Then, what caught their eyes was a bird man covered in feathers.

Under the gaze of everyone on the scene, the bird man quickly flew above the martial arts stage and then slowly landed in front of Shen Qinghan.

"It turned out to be Vice President Tan Wanyi!"

"Good guy, even the vice president has taken action. She is one of the few high-level masters in the school and ranks third on the peak list. Does the student union think so highly of Shen Da's campus beauty?"

"Normal, the entire external relations department of the student union has been blown up. If no strong man is sent to deal with Shen Qinghan, the student union will lose face."


Such a discussion sounded in the crowd.

When Shen Qinghan heard that her opponent this time was a high-level creature, the third-ranked warrior on the Peak List, her old problem came back and she felt a little nervous.

But soon, she took a deep breath and adjusted herself in time.

She kept cheering herself up.

I can do it!

There's nothing wrong with being a high-level warrior!

Xiaochen could kill a high-level sixth-level divine plant by leaps and bounds, so I, who is known as the peerless duo with Xiaochen, can definitely beat this senior sister by leaps and bounds!

"School sister Shen, are you ready?"

Tan Wanyi asked casually while playing with the feathers on her body, not considering Shen Qinghan as an opponent at all.

Shen Qinghan got into a convenient position to attack, and said solemnly, "I'm ready."

Tan Wanyi smiled and said, "Since you're ready, then you can attack, junior sister Shen."

As soon as the voice fell!

Shen Qinghan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately rushed out and killed Tan Wanyi. At the same time, he thought about it and used the abilities of the Blue Jellyfish King and the Water Butterfly to attack her with both blood and spirit.


Before Shen Qinghan rushed out two steps!

Tan Wanyi in front suddenly spread her feathery wings!

The next second——

"Swish! Swish! Swish..."

Dozens of snow-white feathers instantly shot out from Tan Wanyi's wings, shooting at the rushing Shen Qinghan at high speed like arrows.

Shen Qinghan couldn't dodge in time, and her body was directly pierced by dozens of feathers.

The powerful impact from the feathers made her fly backwards.

Then, she hit a pillar in the corner of the martial arts arena with a "bang", and her body was nailed to it tightly, unable to move.

In an instant, a large amount of blood gushed out from the socket of the feathers, soaking Shen Qinghan's whole body, which was shocking to watch.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen jumped onto the martial arts arena in the first time to check Shen Qinghan's injuries.

The limbs were pierced.

The lower abdomen was pierced.

Even the heart was pierced by three little finger-sized holes by the feathers.

The overall situation is extremely serious.

Lin Zichen looked distressed.

But he didn't care about being distressed.

After checking Shen Qinghan's injuries, he immediately plucked the feathers on Shen Qinghan's body.

Only by plucking these feathers can the living dead slug gene in Shen Qinghan's body play the greatest effect and quickly heal Shen Qinghan's wounds.

Lin Zichen plucked very accurately, trying not to cause secondary damage to Shen Qinghan's wounds.

Shen Qinghan endured the pain and said a little disappointed: "It's a pity, I lost after just one encounter."

"Lose, lose, what's the big deal."

While plucking the feathers carefully, Lin Zichen said: "You have performed very well on the martial arts stage just now, far exceeding my expectations."

Soon, all the feathers on Shen Qinghan's body were cleaned up.

Lin Zichen took out a healing pill he brought with him and fed it to Shen Qinghan's mouth gently.

Then he took off his coat and wrapped her bloody body to make her look less embarrassed.

"Go down, let me take over."


With the help of Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan trembled all the way down the martial arts stage.

Wait for Shen Qinghan to get off the martial arts stage.

Tan Wanyi looked at Lin Zichen and said with interest: "The strongest rookie king in school history, I have heard about your experience in the special training in the military area during the winter vacation from the elders at home."

"I am very curious, why do those traitors of the Shenzhi Sect pay so much attention to you, is it because you are a pure-blooded human?"

"Let me see your strength and talent!"


PS: Putting out bowls, asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!

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