Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 211 The acupoint is opened! The Divine Plant Cult conquers Shanhai City!

The daughter of the dean of the Evolution Academy betrayed to the Tianren Pavilion.

Liu Chuanwu arranged her to Song Yuyan and asked Song Yuyan to take her in, and then he couldn't wait to leave the institute and go to the Evolution Building.

He was narrow-minded and wanted to make fun of Ma Zhenhe now.

Song Yuyan knew what he was thinking. Looking at his departing back, she was a little speechless and said, "Dean, you are such a big man, but you are still so stingy."

After that, she looked at Ma Xiwei beside her with a smile on her face, and her voice was particularly intimate: "Weiwei, what's your full name?"

"Ma Xiwei, Xi of morning light, Wei of breeze."

"It sounds so nice. Dean Ma is really good at naming."

Song Yuyan took Ma Xiwei's hand and said intimately like a big sister next door: "You can call me Sister Yan like Zichen and Hanhan in the future."

"Okay, I know Sister Yan."

"Come, I'll take you around the research institute to familiarize yourself with the environment. After the tour, I'll show you the research results of pure-blooded humans so that you can have a preliminary understanding. Then I'll teach you to practice blood quenching in two days."

"Thank you, Sister Yan."


The two chatted briefly and soon started to walk around the research institute.

After seeing the two people walk away,

Shen Qinghan quietly leaned into Lin Zichen's ear and said, "Did you see that Sister Yan just took Xiwei's hand? I feel that Sister Yan's sexual orientation is wrong."

Lin Zichen disagreed: "She just likes to get close to beautiful girls. To say that her sexual orientation is wrong is not quite right. I saw her looking at the male stars in the online drama a few days ago."

"Do you think Sister Yan is bisexual?" Shen Qinghan asked.

Lin Zichen: "Then I don't know."


In a blink of an eye.

More than half a month has passed.

This morning, after Lin Zichen had breakfast, he tempered his body with Shen Qinghan on the balcony.

Tempering until 11 o'clock in the morning.


Lin Zichen's progress in tempering his body has gone from the fourth tempering to the fifth tempering, and he has successfully tempered his body to the perfect state.

To be more precise, he has cultivated the blood tempering technique to the perfect state.

The perfection of the blood tempering technique does not mean the perfection of the body.


Lin Zichen slowly opened his eyes, exhaled deeply, and then a gratified smile appeared on his face: "Finally, the fifth body tempering is complete."

At this moment, he could clearly feel that the blood in his body became extremely strong, and the strength was comparable to that of a high-level fourth-level gene fusion.

Before, to kill Zhou Xuehong in seconds, he needed to punch him through the air.

Now, he felt that he didn't even need to raise his hand, just a thought, he could rely on the biological pressure he released to suppress Zhou Xuehong to the ground and make him unable to move.

"It's so fast. It's only been less than a year and you've perfected the Blood Tempering Technique."

Shen Qinghan next to him opened her eyes and said excitedly, "If the dean and Sister Yan knew about this, they would be so shocked that they would doubt their lives!"

Lin Zichen smiled and said, "They are used to being shocked by me. I guess they won't react much knowing that I have perfected the fifth body tempering."

Shen Qinghan suppressed the excitement on her pretty face and said with some sorrow, "You evolve too fast. I feel like I have no hope of keeping up with you in this life."

Lin Zichen was speechless, "You sound very slow. You have only been practicing the Blood Tempering Technique for a short time. Now you have perfected the third body tempering. Are you not satisfied?"

Shen Qinghan perfected the third body tempering last week, and her biological level evolved to the ordinary ninth level, the same level as the other three people in Tianren Pavilion.

This evolution speed is comparable to riding a rocket.

Anyone who sees it will be envious.

"You are talking without any pain."

Shen Qinghan pouted and said, "My progress in body tempering is exaggerated. Others can reach the ordinary ninth level after one great body tempering, but I need three great body tempering to reach the ordinary ninth level. How can we confuse them?"

Lin Zichen: "Your mentality is wrong. You can't be so ambitious. You have to be down-to-earth and take it step by step."

"No, I want to be ambitious."

Shen Qinghan said, got up and walked to Lin Zichen and sat on his thighs, holding his neck with both hands, and said with a firm look:

"I don't compete with others, I only compete with you."

"I will always follow you closely and not be left behind by you."


After listening to Shen Qinghan's words, Lin Zichen's heart was slightly touched.

He relaxed his expression, kissed Shen Qinghan on her lips, and said gently: "We will always go hand in hand in the future, and no one can get rid of the other."

"Yeah, I'm sure you can."

Shen Qinghan took the initiative to kiss Lin Zichen, and hugged and kissed him on the balcony.

Lin Zichen felt it as he kissed, and his hands began to wander around Shen Qinghan's body restlessly, kneading Shen Qinghan and making her moan from time to time.

"Don't, I'm going to pee."

"What are you afraid of? Change your pants when you pee."


Only a seductive moan sounded, and the two quickly kissed each other tightly again, not afraid of being seen by the mechanical modified people who occasionally flew over the sky.



After lunch, Lin Zichen sat on the sofa and read the news on his mobile phone.

After a while, he habitually opened the school app to check the credit mall to see if there was any new exotic meat on the shelves.

After a scan, he didn't see any new exotic meat.

It was all pretty standard meat from a ragtag eagle, a living dead slug, a ghost squid, etc.

No surprises at all.

Just when Lin Zichen was about to exit the mall.

With sharp eyes, he saw the dimensional rat meat that he was longing for in the best-selling products column at the top.

It just came on the shelves a minute ago.

It weighs more than 100 kilograms.

Without thinking much, I placed all the orders immediately without leaving a pound behind.

After placing the order.

Lin Zichen murmured: "The first two times, at most, I put more than ten kilograms for sale. This time, there are so many. Is this a rip-off of the Dimensional Rat's nest?"

"What fuck?"

Shen Qinghan, who was watching the show on the side, vaguely heard his murmur, raised his head and asked curiously.

Lin Zichen explained: "No, I just saw a lot of dimensional rat meat suddenly put on the shelves in the credit mall, and I wondered if I had copied the dimensional rat's nest."

"Oh, that's it."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued watching the show.

4:30 p.m.

The dimensional rat meat ordered a few hours ago was delivered to your door.

A total of 104 pounds.

Lin Zichen unpacked it and took out 15 pounds of it and put it in the freezer.

The remaining 89 kilograms were swallowed up in a single thought.

[You have swallowed a large amount of the life source of "Dimensional Rats\

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