Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 214 The Master of Tianren Pavilion who can satisfy any need

Twisted Valley.

At a glance, there are twisted plants of strange shapes everywhere.

Strange trees with wriggling blood vessels all over the trunk.

Vines winding like snakes.

Strange flowers with a large number of insect corpses attached...

The whole valley is full of weirdness.

"You just guard the periphery and kill the pagans who escape from inside, understand!"

On the periphery of the valley, a man with six wings on his back and feathers on his body said to the young men and women in front of him in a loud voice.

The moment the voice fell, the young men and women immediately responded:




The voices came one after another, and everyone responded with military standard discipline.

Except for a girl with snow-white hair.

She was wearing a white martial arts uniform, holding a red tasseled spear taller than her, standing alone under a tree quietly, without saying a word.

From a distance, she looked like an exquisite wood carving.

The six-winged man glanced at her, and seeing that there was no reaction on her face, he couldn't help shaking his head.

They have all lived in the human settlement for 11 years.

Still silent, like a mute.

Not being able to integrate for so long probably means not being recognized, which means that one day they may rebel.

Those who are not my kind must have different hearts.

Forget it, this is not something I should consider.

The people above have their own ideas.

I am just a small deputy city lord, why do I have to consider so much...

After thinking about it, the six-winged man shouted to the people on the other side:

"Everyone follow me into the valley and kill those beasts of the God Plant Sect!"

As soon as the voice fell, he spread six wings several meters long and instantly soared to a height of 100 meters.

In a way of advancing on both land and air.

With a group of rare-level strongmen under his command, he rushed into the valley with great momentum.

As the No. 1 deputy city lord.

The mission of this trip is to destroy a branch of the God Plant Sect stationed in the twisted valley.

By the way, train the 28 people on the list of alien-level geniuses to accelerate their growth.

After the No. 1 deputy city lord led people into the valley.

The remaining 28 alien geniuses, all armed with weapons, were on standby, guarding the entrance and exit of the valley.

As time went on.

Everyone felt that it was too boring to just guard, so they started chatting to kill time.

"I heard that all the strongholds are now attacked by the alien army, and all the strong men on the earth have entered the source to help resist."

"It is probably the work of the God Plant Church again."

"This God Plant Church is really difficult to deal with, no matter how hard you try, you can't kill them all."

"It must be difficult, God knows how many human high-level people are pagans of the God Plant Church themselves, I won't be surprised if it is revealed that the state lord is a traitor one day."

"Acong, please think before you speak, don't speak without thinking."


Luo Qianxue leaned against a tree, staring at the entrance and exit of the valley silently.

She didn't chat with others, but she was always listening to others chatting.

When she heard that all the strong men on Earth had entered the source, her expressionless and cold pretty face could not help but show a fleeting emotion.

She missed Yuan Dongzhi very much and wanted to meet the master who rescued her from the snowy mountains.

"There is movement, everyone prepare to fight!"

Suddenly, a young man with ears several times larger than those of ordinary people, clenched his weapon and shouted.

He had extraordinary hearing and sensed that there were several high-energy bodies rushing towards the entrance of the valley at a distance of thousands of meters.

Upon hearing this, the others immediately stopped chatting and entered the combat state in an instant.

The blood in the body became extremely full and ready to go.

The most powerful blow could be launched at any time to severely injure or even kill the enemy.

"Watch your feet!!!"

The big-eared young man reminded everyone loudly.

The next second!

Countless thick vines soared into the sky and suddenly attacked the geniuses present.

At the same time.

Several figures flashed out of the valley, and while the geniuses were busy dealing with the vines, they fled as fast as possible.

"Some traitors from the God Plant Church have escaped, don't let them run away!"

Someone saw the pagans escaping from the valley and shouted a warning.

However, it was useless to remind them.

At this moment, everyone was entangled by the vines, and they could not stop them in a short time. They could only watch the pagans escape.

Just when everyone thought that the pagans were going to escape.

Suddenly, a large piece of ice flowers spread under Luo Qianxue's feet.

Once these ice flowers appeared, they rushed towards the pagans at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

In just a blink of an eye, they were frozen into ice sculptures, unable to move.

Seeing this scene, everyone present had a look of surprise on their faces, and a deep sense of powerlessness surged in their hearts.

Too strong!

Mingming is only 19 years old.

Mingming's biological level is only advanced level 5.

Moreover, she has not yet fused with the genes of alien beasts.

However, the strength she has shown is far beyond her age, far beyond her biological level, and far beyond any gene fusion of the same level.

Luo Qianxue, this alien, is really a monster in human skin.

Given time to grow up, I am afraid that she can freeze thousands of miles in a single thought, and her upper limit is sky-high.

Li's mansion.

Garage entrance.

A luxury car worth tens of millions of dollars was driving from a distance at extremely high speed.

As he was about to approach the entrance of the garage, a dragon swung its tail and drifted into the garage, which had remotely raised the railing in advance.


Four people got out of the car.

It was Lin Zichen, Shen Qinghan, Liu Chuanwu and Song Yuyan.

Song Yuyan retched as soon as she got out of the car. She said with a distressed look on her face: "Dean, you drove so fast to reincarnate, you almost made me vomit!"

Liu Chuanwu said: "Just vomit, just think of it as experiencing morning sickness in advance. Anyway, you have reached the age of becoming a mother."

Song Yuyan was convinced and complained: "Dean, can you stop telling me that nine out of ten sentences you say ask me to find a boyfriend, or ask me to be a mother or something like that?"

"I'm not your daughter, so your control is too lenient."

"Do you know how annoying this is?"

The more Song Yuyan talked, the more dissatisfied she became, and she felt like she wanted to punch Liu Chuanwu hard.

Liu Chuanwu didn't care about her feelings at all, he just said: "A yellow-haired girl in her twenties is not yet my daughter. At best, she can be my granddaughter."

"No, it's the great-granddaughter."

"No matter how you say it, I am almost 100 years old."

Liu Chuanwu stroked his white beard to show his age.

He's almost a hundred years old and can still do it seven times a night!

You can also fight fiercely from night to the next morning!

Just asking if you are awesome!

Song Yuyan didn't think he was awesome, she just thought he was old and disrespectful, so she said with a sigh: "Repay it to grandpa, you are more like a bad old man!"

When the two of them were bickering back and forth.

Lin Zichen spread his mental power to the entire Li family mansion, scanning every corner like a horse.

This dilapidated old house looks to be a hundred years old, with a construction area of ​​tens of thousands square meters.

There are gardens, swimming pools, private cinemas, independent training rooms, etc.

But most of them are abandoned.

Dust everywhere.

The walls are covered with various vines.

Finish sensing these places on the surface.

Lin Zichen's mental power spread further and penetrated into the basement beneath the mansion.

In the basement, he sensed a large number of ancient books and artifacts.

The number is far greater than those piled in the corner of the institute.

As the perception continues to deepen.


Lin Zichen saw a coffin at the end of the basement.

The top is oval, the bottom is flat, and the whole body is green.

The surface is engraved with mysterious and unknown runes.

It looks like an emerald round arch with carved patterns in the ancient royal courtyard.

And this is the ancient bronze coffin that Liu Chuanwu kept mentioning.

Lin Zichen had seen this ancient bronze coffin in a photo and recognized it at a glance.

He was very curious about the master of Tianren Pavilion lying in the ancient coffin, and without thinking too much, he spread his spiritual power into the ancient coffin.

I want to see what the legendary Tianren Pavilion Master inside looks like.

It's a pity that after trying several times in a row, it didn't work, and the radiated spiritual power couldn't spread at all.

Every time he touches the ancient bronze coffin, his mental energy will be bounced away.

This can't even be touched, let alone spread inside.

"You are less than 20 years old in bone age, but your biological level has reached advanced level four, and your mental strength and energy and blood strength are synchronized. To be able to do this in a world where resources are scarce, I have to say that you are indeed a rare person. The genius..."

Suddenly, such a gentle female voice sounded in Lin Zichen's heart.

He speaks modern Kyushu dialect.

The voice sounded a little weak.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this sudden voice.

Then he quickly realized that it was the Master of Tianren Pavilion in the ancient bronze coffin who was speaking.

To be more precise, it is telepathy!

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen looked at Liu Chuanwu on the side and said, "Dean, the master in the ancient bronze coffin just sent me a spiritual message."

"Psychic transmission?"

Liu Chuanwu looked surprised, and then asked: "What did the Pavilion Master tell you?"

Lin Zichen briefly summarized: "To say that I can still be so strong on an earth with scarce resources is a rare genius."

Liu Chuanwu was even more surprised after hearing this: "She told you so much?"

Lin Zichen: "Yes."

Liu Chuanwu looked incredulous: "I remember that the state of the pavilion master was very bad. When he talked to me, he basically just said 'hmm', and then he had to fall asleep and rest."

Song Yuyan interjected: "The pavilion master must have sensed the strength of Qi and blood in Zichen's body, and he immediately became energetic."

"As for the fact that I always fall asleep after saying 'hmm' when talking to you, it's probably because the pavilion master feels that talking to you is too tiring and doesn't want to talk to you."


Liu Chuanwu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly when he heard this.

Yuyan is really stingy.

Didn't he just say a few words to her and ask her to quickly find a man to get married? As for letting go of this strange charade?

I don’t know how to be more generous like me...

After complaining about these words in his heart, Liu Chuanwu said to Lin Zichen: "Come on, Zichen, let's go see the pavilion master quickly, lest the pavilion master consume too much and fall into a deep sleep later."

After saying that, he walked quickly towards the basement.

Lin Zichen saw this and quickly followed.

Shen Qinghan and Song Yuyan followed closely behind.

Just a moment.

Everyone came to the basement where the ancient bronze coffin was located.

The basement at this time was dark and silent.

But it's full of vitality.

Gives people a sense of wonder that everything is revived.

Liu Chuanwu took a step forward and said to the bronze coffin in a very respectful voice: "Pavilion Master, can you hear my voice?"


A weak female voice came from the bronze coffin.

With a bit of fairy spirit, it sounded very pleasant.

Lin Zichen listened to this voice and compared it with the voice that just sounded in his mind, and found that it was exactly the same, without any difference.

This proves that it was indeed the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion who was transmitting his mind to him just now.

"Telepathic transmission... What kind of method is this?"

"Is it a spiritual method?"

"When the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion is completely revived, I should be able to ask her for advice..."

Lin Zichen thought to himself.

At this time, Liu Chuanwu in front of him spoke again respectfully: "Master, these three are the three young geniuses I mentioned to you before."

"This is Song Yuyan, 29 years old, second-time body tempering, and ordinary ninth-level biological level."

"This is Shen Qinghan, 19 years old, third-time body tempering, and advanced first-level biological level."

"This is Lin Zichen, 19 years old, fifth-time body tempering, and advanced fourth-level biological level."


There was silence in the bronze coffin.

There was no response.

Liu Chuanwu waited for a while, and seeing that the bronze coffin was still dead silent, his face changed slightly.

It's bad!

Could the master of the pavilion fall into hibernation?

Just then,

The voice of the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion sounded again in the bronze coffin:

"Lin Zichen, my body is extremely weak now, and I need you to transfer some blood and energy to help me recover."

"In return, I will do my best to meet any needs you put forward."

"Are you willing to transfer blood and energy to me?"

This was said very politely, without any intention of forcing.

It doesn't seem like the style of the Pavilion Master.

When listening to the words of the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion.

Lin Zichen's attention was almost entirely on [Danger Perception], always paying attention to the state of this biological attribute.

This biological attribute that can predict danger has no reaction from beginning to end.

This means that the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion has no ill will towards him.

Thinking of this.

Lin Zichen retracted all his thoughts and said without hesitation: "As a member of Tianren Pavilion, I am willing to unconditionally provide the Pavilion Master with blood and energy!"


It's just a rhetoric to win favor.

Free is the most expensive.

"Very good, after I recover, I will keep my promise to meet any of your needs."

The voice continued to sound in the bronze coffin: "Now you come to the ancient coffin, I will teach you how to transport blood and qi for me to help me recover."


Lin Zichen responded.

Then he walked slowly towards the bronze coffin.

While walking, he always focused on [Danger Perception].

If the situation is not right, he will leave immediately.

"Pavilion Master, Shen Qinghan is also a high-level creature, she can also transport blood and qi for you."

Liu Chuanwu reminded.

A voice came from the bronze coffin: "Her blood and qi are not necessary."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghan's long eyelashes could not help but move slightly.

I seem to be disliked.


While Shen Qinghan was uncomfortable, Lin Zichen had already walked to the bronze coffin and stopped.

During this period, [Danger Perception] still had no reaction.

Very reassuring.

"Put your hand in the center of the cover, and then release the blood and qi."

The Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion in the ancient coffin said slowly.

It's that simple?

Lin Zichen raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

But he didn't hesitate too much, and quickly reached out and pressed the center of the coffin cover.

Then, he began to release his blood and qi according to what the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion said.

PS: Put the bowls, and ask for monthly votes and recommendation tickets! (End of this chapter)

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