Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 41 High School! start up!

September 1st is the first day of school.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan got up early, finished breakfast and went out to report to school together.

There is no need for parents to accompany you, just two people going together.

After all, he is almost 16 years old, and he has enough independence to be able to do so without bothering his parents.

Of course, the most important thing is that the high school of Shanhai Middle School is very close to my home. It is only a few hundred meters away and can be reached within a few minutes' walk.

"Xiaochen, the school is so close, we can't even use our bicycles. What a pity."

Shen Qinghan was wearing a light blue skirt, revealing a pair of white and straight calves. When walking side by side with Lin Zichen on the street, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't help but sigh with pity.

Lin Zichen: "It's okay. I can still ride it on the weekend. It's nothing to regret."

"Then we will go out on bicycles on weekends and I will carry you. My legs are strong now, so it will be no problem to carry you!" Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen with clear eyes and said.

Lin Zichen smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll look forward to your driving skills."

The two of them walked and talked like this.

When he was about to reach the intersection, Shen Qinghan pointed to a barber shop across the road and said with some uncertainty: "Xiao Chen, look at the barber shop across the road. Is that person inside Zhang Kai?"

Zhang Kai?

That boy who was very good at dancing in the martial arts team back then?

Lin Zichen followed Shen Qinghan's direction and saw the Zhang Kai who was in the martial arts team back then.

However, at this time, Zhang Kai is no longer the sunny boy with a short hair, but has become a non-mainstream killer with an earring in his left ear, oblique bangs covering his right eye, and colorful hair.

There was also a ghost-fire motorcycle parked in front of the barber shop, which probably belonged to him.

"My grades in the cultural subjects were too poor and I failed to get into high school, and then I became a non-mainstream will-o'-the-wisp boy?" Thinking of this, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel a little sad and sighing.

But he didn't pay too much attention to it and soon continued to school with Shen Qinghan.

Shanhai Middle School Senior Department.

Welcome hall.

The so-called welcome hall is actually a relatively spacious corridor under a certain teaching building.

There, each freshman class teacher has his or her own desk and chair, where they all sit and wait for the new students in their class to register.

At the same time, there were many senior students around who were volunteering to welcome the new students, which looked quite lively.

Lin Zichen looked around and quickly found the orientation location for his class - the orientation office for Class 1, Grade 1, and immediately walked over with Shen Qinghan.

"Hello, teacher, we two are freshmen here to register."

"Are you here so early?"

In the orientation office of Class 1, Grade 1, the muscular man sitting there responded casually and waited until he finished replying to the WeChat message on his mobile phone before he put down his mobile phone and looked up at the visitor.

When he saw the outstanding looks of Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, he was completely stunned.

Afterwards, while taking out the registration form and asking them to check their names, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "You two are so handsome and beautiful, are you brother and sister?"

"They're not brothers and sisters, they're childhood sweethearts who grew up together." Lin Zichen picked up the pen on the table and put a check mark after his own name on the form, and also checked after Shen Qinghan's name below.

The muscular man glanced at the position of his hook, his eyes widened immediately, and then he quickly turned into a smile and said: "It turns out to be classmate Zichen, I have always heard your name, and today I finally met you. Myself."

Lin Zichen is the most dazzling student in the junior high school of Shanhai Middle School. Many teachers in the high school have heard of his name, but few have seen him in person.

"I wonder what your teacher's name is?" Lin Zichen asked politely.

The muscular man said with a smile: "My surname is Han, you two can just call me Lao Han."

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "It turns out to be Teacher Han. Hello Teacher Han."

"Hello, Teacher Han..." Shen Qinghan also shouted, her voice sounded weak, making people feel a little introverted.

"Haha, everything is fine, everything is fine!"

Han Yuanfeng smiled boldly and looked very approachable.

After speaking, he shouted to a volunteer not far away: "He Xu, please take them around the school and introduce them to various places in the school."

"No need, Teacher Han, the two of us can just go around by ourselves."

With just these words, Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan and left the corridor.

It took more than ten minutes for the two of them to walk around the school.

Then I discovered that the high school section of Shanhai Middle School is actually an enlarged version of the junior high school section.

Whether it is garden style or architectural style, they are all exactly the same.

After walking around for a while, I felt there was nothing interesting to see, so I walked towards the classroom where I was.

The third teaching building.

Class 1, Grade 1.

When Lin Zichen came in with Shen Qinghan, there was no one in the classroom.

The two of them arrived too early, reporting in just after breakfast. It is estimated that many people in the class haven't gotten up yet, let alone entered the classroom.

After all, it's registration time all day long. You can just sleep in at home and come over to report in the afternoon after dinner.

"Xiao Chen, there are photos of teachers from various subjects in the class posted at the back. They look like they were newly posted. Let's go over and take a look!"

Shen Qinghan said and ran to the back of the classroom, curiously looking at the photos hanging on the wall.

Lin Zichen also walked over to take a look and saw that there was a corresponding identity introduction under each teacher's photo. He estimated that this should be posted to facilitate the new students to quickly get to know the teacher.

I have to say that the school is really considerate in this regard, which is a plus.

There are four photos in total, all of them are male teachers, corresponding to the four main courses in high school career.

The first photo: The martial arts teacher and head teacher named Han Yuanfeng.

Second photo: The wilderness survival class teacher named Cheng Bei.

The third photo: The gene fusion class teacher named Liu Deren.

The fourth photo: Mechanical modification class teacher named Cai Yuanfei.

In addition to the teacher's basic information, there are also relevant introductions to the four main courses below the photo.

Martial arts classes: Mainly for physical exercise and learning martial arts techniques, with a focus on practice.

Wilderness survival class: It mainly focuses on learning various survival skills, such as climbing, drilling wood to make fire, how to find water sources, etc., which is more practical.

Gene fusion class: Mainly to learn the relevant knowledge of gene fusion technology. In addition, you also need to understand various alien beasts and understand the attributes and habits of known alien beasts. Basically, they are taught in books and focus on theory.

Mechanical modification class: Mainly to learn the relevant knowledge of mechanical modification technology, to understand various materials and alloy equipment, and to teach in the same way as books, focusing on theory.

"Xiaochen, there are so few courses in high school, there are only four, which is much less than in junior high school."

After reading the course introduction below the photo, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Lin Zichen poured cold water on her and said: "Don't be too happy. The fewer the number of courses, the more difficult the course is. Moreover, this is only the main course, and there are elective courses to be learned later."

"It's okay. The elective courses are all hobbies and cultural courses. They won't trouble me at all." Shen Qinghan said with confidence.

After all, he is a primary school champion who has ranked among the top 100 in the district in cultural examinations. He really has the capital to be proud of this.

Lin Zichen just smiled and said nothing, happy to see Shen Qinghan proud.

He has been shining brightly since he was a child. He is not afraid of Shen Qinghan's pride, but is afraid of Shen Qinghan's inferiority complex.

Because pride can at least mean that Shen Qinghan is living a happy life, while inferiority complex means that she is very unhappy and may become depressed one day.

He didn't want Shen Qinghan to lack self-confidence and feel inferior and autistic because he was too dazzling.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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