Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 48 Everyone likes to show off

In the evening, Lin Zichen took a rest after dinner, and soon went upstairs to hide in his room for high-intensity exercise.

After practicing for more than three hours, I felt that all the muscles in my body were numb, and I stopped to rest while sweating profusely.

He didn't waste time after resting. He sat on the ground and searched for news related to the Rat God Cult on his mobile phone, keeping abreast of the trends of this pagan religion.

After searching, I found that within a day, several more believers had been arrested.

It must be said that the efficiency of the Municipal Public Security Headquarters is very high.

The only fly in the ointment is that we still couldn't catch the giant alien rat.

Not even a shadow could be seen.

It's as if the giant alien rat has never existed in the human world, which is incredible.

After a short rest.

Lin Zichen put away his cell phone, picked up his clothes and walked to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, turn off the lights and go to bed.

Before going to bed, I deliberately set an alarm clock for three in the morning, planning to go out on the street late at night when no one was around to test my physical data.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed.

The cell phone alarm rang.

Lin Zichen woke up after hearing the sound, put on his clothes, took his measuring tools, and quickly left home quietly.

Then, find a monitoring blind spot and start testing.

In less than ten minutes, the test results came out.

It only takes 3.59 seconds to sprint 100 meters.

The vertical jump can reach 7.02 meters.

It can lift a car weighing about 1650kg with one hand.

Compared with the previous test, all three data have improved.

After testing the data, Lin Zichen didn't stay outside for long. He took the measurement tools and trotted home.

While passing by a green belt, he saw a fat rat beside it.

After taking a closer look, I was surprised to find this mouse lying on the ground eating a bird!

What he ate was a sparrow!

The sparrow was still alive, its wings fluttering and struggling to escape from the mouse's mouth, but to no avail.

Lin Zichen was shocked by the scene in front of him.

He has seen cats eating birds.

But what happens when a mouse eats a bird?

How did it catch the bird and eat it?

Lin Zichen frowned, feeling that the scene in front of him was very strange, so he quickly stayed away from the mouse and chose a detour to go home.

On the way back, I picked up my cell phone and called the police station to report the situation.

After the people at the police station learned about the situation, they just told him not to come close. Other than that, they didn't say anything more. They didn't even ask about the location. They seemed very unconcerned.

the next morning.

Lin Zichen had breakfast and stood at the door of his house playing with his mobile phone, waiting for Shen Qinghan to come out and go to school together.

Not long after, Shen Qinghan came out, holding a small bag of biscuits in his hand.

She came to a stop in front of Lin Zichen, took out a biscuit from the bag and brought it to his mouth. She smiled sweetly and said, "Try the biscuits mom made last night."

Xu Meng specially made this for her to take to school as a gift to her classmates. He hoped that she could get along well with every classmate in the class.

Lin Zichen took a bite and said with a smile: "The biscuits made by Aunt Meng are still as delicious as ever."

"of course!"

Shen Qinghan said proudly.

After just chatting for a few words, the two quickly set off for school.

Walking into the school gate and walking on the school road, Lin Zichen suddenly heard someone calling his name from behind.

Looking back, I saw a tall girl.

She looks like a senior classmate.

"Ah, Junior Zichen, it's really you. I said the back looks a lot like you!"

When the girl saw Lin Zichen's extremely familiar handsome face, she immediately ran over and said excitedly.

Lin Zichen looked at the girl and found that he didn't recognize her, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

The girl smiled and said: "Senior Zichen, do you still remember me, senior? When you participated in the school sports meeting in the first year of junior high school, I was always by your side cheering you and shouting until my throat was hoarse. "

Lin Zichen didn't remember it at all, but he still smiled politely and said, "Of course I remember."

When the girl heard him say he remembered, she was so happy.

Lin Zichen didn't chat much with her. After saying goodbye to his senior classmate, he took Shen Qinghan to the classroom of Class 1, Grade 1.

On the way, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but sigh: "Xiao Chen, you are so popular. You can see your little crush everywhere."

Lin Zichen just smiled and said nothing.

After arriving in the classroom, Shen Qinghan gave the biscuits to Li Chuxin and He Yu.

It was the first time for the two of them to eat such delicious biscuits. After learning that it was made by Shen Qinghan's mother, Xu Meng, they were full of praise for Xu Meng.

As Xu Meng's daughter, Shen Qinghan listened happily.

Not long after, the school bell rang.

The students of Class 1, Grade 1, ushered in the first class of their high school career.

The class I took was a mechanical modification class. The teacher was named Cai Yuanfei, a science and engineering man wearing glasses.

The content of the first class is very simple, mainly teaching students some basic concepts and ideas.

Lin Zichen listened for a while and found that it was all knowledge he had learned from reading books when he was a child, so he silently took out the books he brought from home and read them, no longer wasting time listening to lectures.

Except for him, the other students in the class listened very carefully.

After all, not everyone can read as many books as he did since childhood, and still have a photographic memory.

Most people have to follow the teacher's lead.

While Lin Zichen was reading quietly, Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, two top students in Nanguan City, were very active in class.

Every time the teacher asked a question, these two people would immediately answer it, and they could answer it correctly every time. Everyone in the class was shocked and felt that these two people were so strong.

As a teacher, Cai Yuanfei also praised the two of them, saying that they are worthy of being top academics from Nanguan City and have a rich reserve of knowledge.

After finishing the mechanical modification class, the next class is gene fusion class.

The teacher of the gene fusion class is named Liu Deren, who is also a science and engineering man wearing glasses.

The content of the first class also starts with some ideas and concepts.

Lin Zichen listened for a while and found that it was still something he had learned by himself, so he continued to look down at the book he had brought.

Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, on the other hand, performed actively in class as always.

Liu Deren has been teaching for so many years. This is the first time he has met a student with such a rich reserve of knowledge. He couldn’t help but give them a thumbs up and praised:

"It's amazing. The students in Nanguan City are amazing. I have been teaching for so many years and I have never seen such amazing students. It really opened my eyes."

After hearing this evaluation, both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie felt their vanity was greatly satisfied.

Not long after, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

After taking two classes on mechanical modification and two classes on genetic fusion, the whole morning's classes were completed.

"Brother Jie, I heard that you are the top candidate in the high school entrance examination in Nanguan City. Isn't this awesome?"

"Lu Gang, I heard someone said that you can easily lift 300kg with one hand. Is this true?"

"Oh my god, the top academics in Nanguan City are so strong!"

During the lunch break, most of the students in the class stood around the two top students from Nanguan City, marveling at their strength.

When He Yu saw this scene, he was so sore that he couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "Ma De, these two are so good at pretending. They have been showing off themselves in class just now, for fear that others will not know how good they are."

Lin Zichen thought it was normal for those two people to show off and there was nothing objectionable about them.

People usually study so hard and work so hard to achieve such excellent results. If you don't let others show off, that's too much.

In many cases, the biggest motivation for people to be positive is to show off in order to succeed.

This is the reason why wealth does not return to its hometown, just like walking in brocade clothes at night.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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