Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 55 Being Disliked in the Class

"Who else!!!"

On the martial arts stage, He Yu was invincible and invincible. He defeated seven opponents in a row and was extremely confident.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Lu Gang in the audience and shouted:

"Lu Gang!!!"

"I've finished warming up. Now my body is at its peak. How dare you come up and fight me!!!"

"Come up here!!!"


Seeing He Yu being so arrogant, Lu Gang was also laughed out of anger. If he's not sure he can beat Lin Zichen, how can he not be sure he can beat you?

Soon, he jumped up and landed on the martial arts platform, looking at He Yu with disdain and saying:

"Half a minute, I can knock you down in just half a minute!"


He Yu shouted loudly, and then rushed forward with a lunge, wanting to strike first and gain the advantage.

Lu Gang did not hide, relying on his strong physical fitness to resist He Yu's attack.

Then, seizing the opportunity, he reached out and grabbed his kicking foot!

Then, with her strong arm strength, she lifted him up and kept spinning him in the air!

It went on for dozens of times in a row.

When He Yu was put down, his head felt dizzy and he was lying on the edge of the martial arts platform, vomiting in pain.

"He Yu, among the people I have fought against, your physical skills are the most powerful. In terms of physical skills, I would like to call you the strongest in the class."

After saying that, Lu Gang grinned and said, "Unfortunately, I am still better."

At this time, Lin Zichen on the other side had just killed an opponent in seconds.

Seeing that Lu Gang's martial arts platform happened to be empty, he jumped onto his martial arts platform and said calmly:

"Come, let's have a spar."

"Come on, come on!"

Seeing that Lin Zichen had jumped over on his own initiative, Lu Gang gritted his teeth, exerted force on his calves, and rushed towards him, trying to give him a hard rock.

But the next second, he was grabbed by one foot by Lin Zichen who was leaning over, and then his whole body was thrown up, spinning in circles at high speed in the air.

When he was thrown dozens of times and put down, he was so dizzy that he couldn't tell the north and south. He lay next to He Yu and vomited.

Seeing this scene on stage, a girl in the audience felt her heart beat faster and her face turned red as she said, "Ah, I'm dying. Lu Gang was knocked unconscious by Lin Zichen, and I was also stunned by Lin Zichen's handsomeness!"

Immediately afterwards, someone in the class shouted loudly:

"Wang Shujie, your brother Lu Gang was tortured so badly, why don't you go up and take revenge!"

"That's right, the glory of being the top student in Nanguan City needs you to protect it!"

"Wang Shujie, don't be afraid, come on!"

The Shanhai City locals in the class are disgusted with Wang Shujie and Lu Gang, and they can't stand the sense of superiority they have. Now, whenever they get a chance, they will immediately disgust them.

Being coaxed on stage by so many people, Wang Shujie had no choice but to go up and get beaten.

Then within half a minute, he was lying next to Lu Gang and vomiting.

At this moment, both top students from Nanguan City felt like clowns.

At the same time, I realized with hindsight that Lin Zichen was so insidious!

He is obviously very strong, but he hasn't shown anything since school started for so long. He just silently watches others show off!

Then wait until the exam time, and then jump out and crush others.

In this way, all the pretentiousness that others used to pretend to be has become his wedding dress for pretending to be awesome now!

Oh shit! There is the sixth child!

Seeing three people lying on the stage vomiting, Lin Zichen felt that the martial arts platform was dirty and could not be taken, so he jumped back to the clean martial arts platform on the other side.

Then, he looked at the girls in the audience with a very frantic look and said, "Girls in the audience, do you want to come up and compete with me?"

He had already tortured the boys in the class. If he wanted to continue to improve the achievement of Natural Selection, he could only focus on the girls.

"I'll come, I'll come!"

Soon, the girls in the class came on stage to compete with him.

Other girls were also lining up to get on stage to compete with him.

He is so handsome that the girls in the class are very happy to go up and compete with him and want to have physical contact with him.

Even if you go up and get beaten, you won't hesitate.

Some nymphomaniacs are so mentally twisted that they even wish to be beaten more. The more spankings, the better. It is best to be spanked all over the body, with all physical contact.

It's only a short ten minutes.

Except for Shen Qinghan, all the girls in the class were fucked by Lin Zichen.

After that, he didn't even let Shen Qinghan go. He looked at Shen Qinghan in the audience from a distance and shouted:

"Hanhan, come on stage and compete with me!"

"Ah, do I want it too?"

Shen Qinghan was a little confused and didn't understand why Lin Zichen wanted to compete with him.

But it doesn't matter whether he understands it or not, just listen to Lin Zichen's words.

So, she quickly walked up to the martial arts stage to compete with Lin Zichen, and became a bit of experience for Lin Zichen in completing the achievement of natural selection.

"Okay, everyone, come and gather!"

Seeing that it was almost time to finish class, Han Yuanfeng called everyone in the class over to summarize and comment on their performance in the competition just now.

Only praise, don't criticize.

Focus on praising Lin Zichen, saying that he is the hope of the whole class.

Wang Shujie and Lu Gang felt very sad. Han Yuanfeng had said these words to them before.

After some summary comments.

Han Yuanfeng raised his voice slightly and said to everyone in the class:

"Today, our class had a full in-class competition. I believe everyone now understands each other's strengths."

"Next, as top students in the top class, you must set your sights higher and learn to challenge higher."

"In one month, our class will challenge the strongest ordinary class in the second grade of high school. Everyone must train well and be prepared for this!"

"This is the tradition of the top class of Shanhai Middle School. As a top student, as a genius, you should go to the next level to challenge powerful opponents!"

"Our goal is to defeat the strongest ordinary class in the second grade of high school!"

"Leap level challenge, do you have confidence!!!"

When he said the last sentence, Han Yuanfeng's voice suddenly increased a lot.

The students in the class have been the top academics in their respective schools since they were young. They have always been confident since they were young, and they immediately replied loudly: "Confidence!!!"

Listening to these shouts, Lin Zichen became excited.

He was worried that there was no competition to play and he could not quickly increase the completion progress bar of the Natural Selection achievement, so the competition came to his door just in time.

It's really a timely help.

Not long after, the get out of class bell rang.

The sophomore class in the gym was disbanded before Lin Zichen's senior class 1.

Some seniors in that class said with smiles on their faces when they passed by:

"The juniors and girls in the top class of the first grade of high school, please work hard for the leapfrog challenge next month. Don't embarrass our top class."

"First you will be admitted to the ordinary classes of the sophomores, then the key classes of the sophomores, and finally the top classes of the sophomores. I hope you can successfully enter the top classes of the sophomores, and let the seniors and sisters torture you!"

"Handsome junior, you have a lot of little fans. The senior is very jealous. I hope you can lead the class to the top class of the second grade. The senior will push you on the martial arts platform and rub you hard in front of your little fans. !”

A tall and strong senior walked past Lin Zichen and said to him with a smile on his face.

Lin Zichen smiled back at the other party, but just smiled and said nothing.

Soon, Class 1, Grade 1, was also disbanded.

Lu Gang came over and said to Lin Zichen: "Before, I was worried that I would have no rivals when I came to Shanhai Middle School. It seems that I underestimated Shanhai Middle School. From now on, you will be my old enemy, Lu Gang, for the three years of high school!"

Wang Shujie also came over and said dissatisfied: "Lin Zichen, losing now does not mean losing in the future. I will definitely avenge my shame before graduation!"

Lin Zichen was too lazy to care about these two guys and was about to leave with Shen Qinghan.

At this time, He Yu and Li Chuxin walked over.

Among them, He Yu said with a smile: "Zi Chen, you made four 888 yuan in one day. In total, you made more than 3,000 yuan. Do you need to treat me?"

Lin Zichen was happy after making money, so he readily agreed: "Okay, today happens to be Thursday, so I'll treat you to a meal of German chicken."

When He Yu heard this, he was so happy that he immediately knelt down on one knee and cupped his hands and said, "Father, please accept your respects from me!"

Li Chuxin also smiled and said: "Thank you, Boss Lin, for the treat!"

"Let's go and eat now."

After saying that, Lin Zichen took the three of them out of the gymnasium and went to have a big meal at the Chi De Chicken restaurant outside the school gate.

When a few people just walked to the door of the stadium.

Shen Qinghan suddenly tightened his legs, feeling very urgent to urinate, and wanted to go to the bathroom.

So she asked the three of them to wait for her at the door. She went back to the library to use the bathroom and would be back soon.

In the bathroom.

Shen Qinghan had just finished using the toilet and was about to come out of the cubicle when he suddenly heard someone talking outside.

The voice was very familiar, it was the girl with the round head who kicked her off the martial arts platform during the previous sparring session.

At this time, the girl with a round head was washing her hands and chatting with a girl next to her.

"Then Shen Qinghan ranked last in the class in the three physical tests. He was also defeated in the martial arts competition. How did he get into the top class with such strength?"

"She and Lin Zichen are childhood sweethearts. They grew up together and have a very good relationship. Do you think she came in through the back door relying on Lin Zichen's relationship?"

Hearing what the girl with a round head said, another girl smiled and said, "It must be, otherwise, how could she get into the top class with her level?"

The girl with a round head complained: "It's really disgusting. We have studied so hard since we were young, and we finally got into the top class."

"As for her, all she needs is a great childhood sweetheart, and she will be in the same class as us without any effort."

"No, the more I think about it, the more disgusting it becomes!"

The girl with the round head frowned as she spoke, and said in a very unhappy tone: "When I meet her on the martial arts stage in the future, I will definitely torture her!"

In the cubicle.

Shen Qinghan pursed her lips as she listened to the conversation outside the door, feeling very uncomfortable.

The fact that he was a well-connected person was eventually noticed by the people in the class, and he was disliked by them.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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