Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 80 The reason why Shen Qinghan wet the bed

Is Shen Qinghan leaking water?

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Zichen couldn't help but widen his eyes and felt very incredible.

Although he had always sworn that Shen Qinghan had super powers, it was mainly to comfort her and prevent her from giving up on herself.

As for whether Shen Qinghan really has superpowers related to water, he actually has no idea.

Unexpectedly, Shen Qinghan actually showed that he has super powers now!

Water can pass directly through the body. What else can this be but a superpower?

"Xiaochen, it's so strange, why are my hands leaking?"

Shen Qinghan swam over to Lin Zichen and put her delicate, leaky hands in front of him, looking a little at a loss.

Lin Zichen calmed down and asked, "Besides being penetrated by water, do you feel there are any other changes in your body?"

Shen Qinghan shook his head and said: "No, I have now discovered that only my hands will be penetrated by water. Other than that, I have not noticed any other changes for the time being."

Are only the hands penetrated?

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen quickly asked: "What does it feel like to be penetrated by water?"

Shen Qinghan thought for a while, organized the words in his mind, and then replied: "How to put it, it feels like his hands have melted into the water and become part of the water, and then he can't feel the resistance of the water. I feel more flexible in the water.”

Lin Zichen thought for a moment, then looked at Shen Qinghan and said, "Put your hand over here and show me."

Shen Qinghan obediently stretched out his hand, his right hand.

Lin Zichen took the hand she extended and studied it carefully.

The fingers are slender and slender, the skin is fair and smooth, soft to the touch, feels particularly good, and the overall look is very delicate.

And it is natural, without any post-maintenance. It is an innate genetic advantage that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Shen Qinghan's hand was used as a hand model in advertisements to promote rings, bracelets, manicures, nail polish, etc. The effect was absolutely amazing.

However, Lin Zichen had no intention of admiring how beautiful Shen Qinghan's hands were at this time.

Instead, he experimented with her hands and asked her to hold some water in her hands to observe how the water drained through her palms.

Then she noticed that the water would stay on her palm for a moment, and then quickly fall back into the pool through her palm.

During this process, the water drained away very quickly, and it looked like the plug in the pool had been pulled out, and it was all gone in one go.

After observing several times in this way, Lin Zichen did not make any useful discoveries.

So, he turned to study Shen Qinghan's palm.

First look, then touch, and finally poke.

During this period, Shen Qinghan's palms were itchy and felt very uncomfortable. However, seeing that Lin Zichen was very focused on his research, he endured it and let him study slowly.

After careful research, Lin Zichen found that Shen Qinghan's palm was normal.

Except for the ability of water to pass through, other characteristics, including touch, temperature, color, etc., all look the same as ordinary people.

"Are only your hands going to be penetrated by water?"

"Well, it's just my hands that feel strange."

"Come on, let's go up there. I'll help you check your body carefully to see if there are any other places that can be penetrated by water."


The two exchanged a few words and soon swam ashore together.

Lin Zichen found a few chairs and put them together, and asked Shen Qinghan to lie on them to check his body.

After that, he took out a water bottle from his schoolbag, filled it with water and slowly poured it on Shen Qinghan's body to see if other parts could be penetrated by the water.

With Lin Zichen carefully observing her body at such a close range, Shen Qinghan's entire face turned red. She quickly closed her eyes to divert her attention, looking shy.

Lin Zichen didn't care about this, and focused all his attention on researching super powers.

About ten minutes later.

The inspection is over.

Checked three times in total.

The final conclusion was that only Shen Qinghan's hands would be penetrated by water, and other body parts were normal.

"Xiaochen, have you found anything in your research?"

Shen Qinghan sat up from the chair soaked all over and looked at Lin Zichen expectantly and asked.

Lin Zichen shook his head: "Except for knowing that your hands can be penetrated by water, I know nothing else."

"That's it..."

Shen Qinghan felt a little disappointed when he couldn't get the answer he wanted.

Lin Zichen comforted him in a warm voice: "It's okay, the days are long. We will have plenty of time to study slowly in the future. There is no need to rush it."


Shen Qinghan curled her beautiful eyes and said with a sweet smile: "Anyway, at least now I can confirm that I do have superpowers, but I haven't fully discovered them yet."

After she finished speaking, she thought of something, her cheeks turned crimson, she lowered her head and played with her fingers, then hesitated for a moment, and said in an embarrassed voice:

"Xiao Chen, you said that I haven't been able to hold back my urine since I was a child. Could it be that some parts of my palms can't hold water like my palms now, and the water penetrated it and flowed out..."

"If nothing else, this should be the reason."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zichen added another sentence: "Next time you have an urgent need to urinate and feel that you can't hold it in, you can do some research on your own to see if there are some parts of your body that have the same problem as your current hands. Strange feeling"

In fact, what he originally wanted to say was, remember to notify me next time you have an urgent need to urinate, and I will go over and do some research.

But before he could say it, he realized that something was wrong with what he said. It seemed like something only a pervert would say. Then he swallowed it back in time and changed it to what he said now.

But even so, Shen Qinghan across from him was still blushing, feeling embarrassed to talk about this topic.

"By the way, Xiaochen, what should I do with my hands now?"

Shen Qinghan looked at his leaking hands, with a hint of worry on his face.

Lin Zichen comforted him: "It's okay. Don't worry too much. The current condition of your hand is probably not normal. It will probably return to normal soon."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have encountered this situation for the first time in your life."

After finishing speaking, he added: "When superpowers are further developed in the future, you should be able to control whether your body is watertight or not. Just like those superpowers in the movie, you can elementalize and materialize at any time. , when it enters water it transforms into water, and when it comes out it transforms into human beings.”

"That sounds awesome."

Shen Qinghan's eyes were filled with anticipation, and he couldn't wait to see this day come.

At this time, Lin Zichen asked: "By the way, when you were walking under the swimming pool just now, did you do anything you never did before?"

After asking, he continued to explain: "I think the reason why your hands are in the condition they are now is because you did something special at that time."

Shen Qinghan thought carefully about it.

After a moment, she said with certainty: "I didn't do anything special. I was just walking when I suddenly felt something strange in my hands. Then I looked at it and found that water could pass through my hands. ”

Lin Zichen nodded after hearing this and said nothing more.

In the following time, the two were exercising in the swimming pool while chatting about super powers.

They are all fantasizing about what kind of superpower they will be based on the movies, TV shows, novels and comics they have watched.

For example, water magicians, water elementalists, water elves, water gods, and even water spiritual root monks, etc.

When talking about this, Shen Qinghan was very excited throughout the whole process, and her pretty face turned red.

After living for so many years, she finally realized that she was no longer a good-for-nothing girl, but a person with superpowers related to water.

She thought that when she fully developed her superpower, no one would say that she was Lin Zichen's maid.

Rather, they would say that the two of them are a match made in heaven, a match made in heaven, and a match made in heaven.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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