Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 83 The twists and turns before success

"Zi Chen, Zi Chen, it's my turn, help me put on makeup!"

Seeing that Lin Zichen had finished putting on Shen Qinghan's makeup, Li Chuxin, who had just been watching other contestants singing from the front, immediately turned around and ran over and said with a smile.

Lin Zichen: "Come on, come and sit down."


Li Chuxin walked to the mirror and sat down with a smile.

After she sat down, Lin Zichen quickly and skillfully helped her put on makeup, while Shen Qinghan stood aside and was responsible for doing it.

Only ten minutes.

Makeup is done.

He just used less than 50% of his strength, not as wholeheartedly as when he helped Shen Qinghan put on makeup.

For Lin Zichen, he would only give the best things to his parents and Shen Qinghan.

As for everyone else, they have to cut back on quality.

But even so, the makeup he put on Li Chuxin still made Li Chuxin happy with a smile on her face.

"It looks good, so beautiful!"

"Zi Chen, your makeup skills are so amazing, even better than my mother's!"

"No, I feel like I look better than many professional makeup artists!"

Li Chuxin stood in front of the mirror and felt that she was extremely beautiful in the mirror. She kept making various exclamations from her mouth and praised Lin Zichen who helped her put on makeup.

Lin Zichen said with high emotional intelligence: "The main thing is that you are beautiful."

When Li Chuxin heard this, she felt very beautiful, and then she smiled and said with a rare high emotional intelligence:

"That's right, I've been a class beauty since I was a child, but compared to your Hanhan, I'm still a little behind."

After saying that, he stared at Shen Qinghan aside, keeping his eyes on Shen Qinghan's delicate and pretty face, and then couldn't help but praise:

"I really can't understand how there can be such beautiful fairies in this world!"

"My childhood sweetheart is also super handsome!"

"You two are destined to be a perfect match. I, Li Chuxin, have decided!"

Li Chuxin's stance has changed. In the past, she was only obsessed with Lin Zichen, but now she is also obsessed with Shen Qinghan, and she is very dissatisfied with this pair of good-looking childhood sweethearts.

"No, you said that too much..."

What Li Chuxin said was so straightforward that Shen Qinghan was embarrassed and quickly told Li Chuxin to stop talking with a blushing face.

However, she was just shy, and she was actually very happy.

She did not resist what Li Chuxin said.

On the contrary, she likes others to bind her and Lin Zichen together.

While the two were laughing, the host's loud voice came from the stage in front.

"Thank you to contestant No. 18 Huang Li for giving us a wonderful concert!"

"Next, we invite Contestant No. 19 Gao Guang to come on stage and sing a foreign song for us - Song of Yesterday!"

"At the same time, please prepare No. 20 contestants Li Chuxin and Shen Qinghan in the audience!"

"Pah! Pah! Pah..."

The audience in the audience was applauding the contestants who were playing, and the atmosphere was very high.

After hearing what the host just said, Li Chuxin looked at Shen Qinghan with excitement and said:

"Hanhan, come on, come on, it's finally time for us to go on stage to sing. We must surprise everyone later and win the championship in one fell swoop!"

"Ah, okay, win the championship."

Shen Qinghan responded with a trembling voice.

At this time, her whole body was very nervous, and her hands and feet couldn't help but tremble.

Especially the pair of slender and slender legs hidden under the skirt are so weak that they are a little unsteady and may collapse to the ground at any time.

Lin Zichen noticed her nervousness and immediately reached out to hold her hand, telling her to relax.

However, this didn't work.

The next moment, Shen Qinghan's expression suddenly changed. He felt a heat between his legs, and he peed uncontrollably.

In just a moment, the skirt she was wearing became wet.

"Xiao, Xiaochen..."

Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen beside him with a bewildered face. His eyes were already red, with tears rolling around them, and he looked like he was about to cry.

Lin Zichen reacted very promptly and immediately took her hand and walked outside.

At the same time, he picked up an open bottle of mineral water on the table and held it downward, letting the water flow down to cover up the traces left by Shen Qinghan.

"Zi Chen, where are you taking Hanhan? It's my turn and Hanhan's turn to go on stage soon!"

Li Chuxin looked puzzled when she saw Lin Zichen suddenly and inexplicably took Shen Qinghan's hand and walked out, leaving a bottle of mineral water all over the floor.

Others in the background were also a little confused looking at the scene in front of them.

"We'll be back soon!"

With just these words, Lin Zichen took Shen Qinghan away from the backstage and completely disappeared from Li Chuxin's sight.

After coming out of the backstage, the two of them came to an unoccupied corner and stopped.

Seeing that there was no one around, Shen Qinghan couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into tears. The tears kept flowing down as if he didn't want money.

"What should we do? What should we do, Xiaochen? Chu Xin and I will go on stage to sing soon."

"I have been practicing with Chu Xin for so long. If Chu Xin loses all our previous efforts because I wet my pants in the end, then I will definitely be hated by Chu Xin."

"Me, why am I so useless..."

At the end of the cry, Shen Qinghan's voice was sobbing so hard that she couldn't even speak fluently.

Since entering high school, she has become timid, introverted, and has low self-esteem. Except for Lin Zichen, she does not dare to communicate with others.

In order to change myself and become more confident, under Lin Zichen's suggestion, I mustered up the courage to sign up for the top ten singers competition on campus.

Unexpectedly, after practicing seriously for so long, I was so nervous that I wet my pants when I was about to go on stage.

Why is it so useless.

It’s really useless!

The more Shen Qinghan thought about it, the more painful it became. Her chest felt very tight and uncomfortable.

She had been mentally exhausted, and this time she peed her pants, which seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing her to completely collapse.

Lin Zichen took out a tissue to wipe her tears and comforted her in a warm voice: "Okay, stop crying. If you cry again, your makeup will be put on."

"I just wet my pants. It's not a big problem. Don't panic."

"Don't be anxious, don't be nervous, I will find a solution for you right away."

While saying these words, Lin Zichen's brain was spinning at high speed, thinking about how to solve the predicament at hand.

At this time, his peripheral vision turned to the curtains in the window in front.

It was a colorful curtain cloth embroidered with various patterns.

There is a solution!

Lin Zichen had a flash of inspiration and told Shen Qinghan to wait here for a while, then ran backstage as fast as possible and found a pair of scissors.

Then, he ran to the closed window, smashed the glass with a punch, and pulled down the curtain inside.

He wanted to use the scissors and the curtain to tailor a skirt for Shen Qinghan on the spot in half a minute.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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