Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 87 Eighteen-year-old Coming of Age Ceremony

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan's campus careers have reached their fifteenth year.

That is the third year of high school.

Over the past year or so.

Lin Zichen's biological level has successfully evolved to the ordinary sixth level, and all physical data have been greatly improved.

It only takes 2.87 seconds to sprint 100 meters.

The vertical jump in place can reach 8.32 meters.

Can lift 2450kg with one hand.

During the summer vacation of the second year of high school, he once again brought a championship trophy to Shanhai Middle School, completing an unprecedented second consecutive championship, breaking school history, and becoming the unprecedented number one player in Shanhai Middle School.

Shen Qinghan is not as outstanding as him, but he has gained a lot in the past year or so and has been making progress in his studies.

After working hard day after day, her martial arts performance in the class successfully broke through the top 10 and reached the 12th place from the bottom.

Counting right, he is ranked 34th in the class, ranking among the top ten girls in the class.

To achieve such relatively good results, even if she had a backdoor connection, no one would use this matter to attack her again.

Thanks to this, her personality has become more cheerful and outgoing day by day. She feels like she has returned to the childhood period before going to school, and she loves to laugh every day.

As for the research on superpowers, there has still been little progress in the past year or so.

Today, October 14th.

Shen Qinghan celebrated his 18th birthday.

Lin Zichen is only one day older than her, and he just celebrated his birthday yesterday.

So, the two families got together in the evening and arranged a simple celebration at home to hold an 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony for the childhood sweethearts who had grown up together.

"Okay, now that the candles have been blown out, it's time to give each other gifts."

"You two handsome guys and beautiful ladies, please take out the carefully prepared gifts and give them to each other. I will take photos for you."

"I'll be in charge of recording."

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin were husband and wife. The former took the video with his mobile phone, and the latter took the photo with the camera.

As for the couple Shen Jianye and Xu Meng, they were relatively quiet, and they just sat there with smiles on their faces and witnessed the moment when their two children gave each other adult gifts.

"Xiaochen, this is my gift to you."

Shen Qinghan picked up a photo frame covered with cloth from behind, carefully put it upright on the table, looked at Lin Zichen with a sweet smile and said.

The photo frame was very large, almost one meter long and wide.

I don’t know what kind of painting is inside, but it needs such a big picture frame to hold it.

"Hurry up and lift the cover. You will definitely be surprised to see the painting inside."

Shen Qinghan said with a confident smile.

Zhang Wanxin, who was in charge of taking photos in the front, couldn't help but joke after hearing this: "Hanhan's words sounded like the bride was urging the groom to take off the red hijab."

Lin Yansheng echoed: "Haha, indeed, I don't know when my son will be able to take off the red hijab."

Shen Qinghan blushed at the teasing, and shyly looked away from Lin Zichen, embarrassed to look at him.

Lin Zichen was calm, but the corners of his mouth naturally raised to reveal a slight smile. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed a corner of the cloth, and lifted it up with some anticipation.

The next moment, a colorful portrait came into his eyes.

It's a watercolor painting.

Draw three people standing together.

One is him, the other is him, and the remaining one is still him.

However, these three have different shapes.

The one on the left, behind him, is in the form of a gene fusion with wings on his back, and his eyes reveal wildness.

The one in the middle, in the front, is in a normal human form wearing a school uniform, looking harmless to both humans and animals.

The one on the right, behind him, is in the form of a mechanically modified human with most of his body covered in alloy, exuding a ruthless aura.

The three forms stand together, and it feels like angels and demons are always accompanying an ordinary person. It is full of contrast and has a very artistic flavor.

As soon as this painting was unveiled, before Lin Zichen could express his feelings, Zhang Wanxin in front of him exclaimed:

"Hanhan, you are great, and this painting is so beautiful. Aunt Xin is really shocked by you!"

"This watercolor painting took Hanhan a whole year to create, and it was finally completed the day before yesterday. The scraps of painting paper before it was completed could fill a school bag."

Xu Meng said with a smile.

Shen Qinghan had put so much effort into this painting, and she had seen it all over the past year.

As a mother, she must fully convey her daughter's feelings to Lin Zichen and further deepen the relationship between the two.

Looking at the three selves in the painting and listening to the conversation between the two mothers, Lin Zichen looked up at Shen Qinghan in front of him, looked into her eyes, and said with true feelings:

"This is the best gift I have ever received and I will treasure it for the rest of my life."

"That is required."

Shen Qinghan's eyes curved into crescent moons, and a smile filled her pretty face.

After hearing Lin Zichen's answer, at this moment, she felt that all the efforts she had spent on this watercolor painting in the past year had paid off.

Lin Zichen put away the watercolor paintings on the table and carefully placed them on the sofa nearby.

Then he picked up a bag from the sofa and handed it to Shen Qinghan, saying in a gentle voice:

"This is a gift from me. They are all made by me. I hope you will like it after reading it."

"I'll definitely like it."

Shen Qinghan took the bag with anticipation and smiled softly.

Then I couldn't wait to open the bag and found that the gift inside was also a photo frame.

It's just that this photo frame is smaller, and the length and width look about the same as a student certificate.

But it's very thick, as thick as a dictionary.

Inside the frame are not paintings, but specimens of as many as 20 species of small flowers.

There are baby's breath, morning glories, plum blossoms, orchids and so on.

Among them, the small flower located in the middle of the photo frame is her favorite dandelion.

At this moment, these small flower specimens are fixed in the interlayer of the photo frame with special soft glue filling materials. They look lifelike and very beautiful.

"Xiaochen, I like this gift so much!"

Looking at the flowers in the specimen photo frame, Shen Qinghan's eyes were full of joy, and she couldn't put it down for the birthday gift from Lin Zichen.

Seeing that the gifts from both of them were photo frames, Zhang Wanxin couldn't help but asked curiously: "The gifts are both photo frames. Did you two agree in advance to give each other this?"

Shen Qinghan replied: "I didn't agree, it just happened to be a coincidence."

Zhang Wanxin smiled and said: "As expected, we are childhood sweethearts who grew up together. We have even thought of what gifts to give each other. I am afraid that a bond of spiritual connection has evolved."

After saying that, she continued: "Come, sit together with your gifts, and I will take photos for you."

Hearing this, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan both took the gifts they received and sat down on the sofa nearby.

The two of them sat very close to each other, with their legs touching and their shoulders touching. They looked particularly intimate.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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