Evolve, Rascal
Page 1080
Without giving the weirdo time to think, Jiang Ze fought with one enemy five or six people.
After blowing up the monsters countless times, Jiang Ze found that the five monsters always relied on five black beads to restore their bodies. Could it be that the black beads were their weakness.
Jiang Ze's eyes were quick and he caught a bead after blowing up the monster once.
"Bastard, what are you doing? Give it back to me!".
The other four weirdos finally started to panic, shouting incessantly, for fear that Jiang Ze would do something bad.
Although these eccentrics are powerful, compared to the heights that almost all humans cannot reach, their IQs are really not high. Isn't it obvious that they tell others that the black beads are their own weakness?
Jiang Ze squeezed it lightly, the black bead shattered, and the other four eccentrics howled in pain, their momentum weakened a bit.
"So it is!".
The five dragon-level monsters were barely able to fight against Jiang Ze, but the four dragon-level monsters were weaker by a point. They were not Jiang Ze's opponents at all. The most important thing was that his Achilles heel, the black beads were defeated by Jiang Ze. Ze knew.
"Save me!" The geek began to call for help inside the spaceship, but it was too late.
A moment later, Jiang Ze squeezed the last small bead, and the eccentric was not reborn.
Jiang Ze stepped into the spaceship.
At this moment, a strange person was monitoring everything in the spaceship in front of the screen, and he also saw Jiang Ze.
At this moment, Jiang Ze was punching a wall and heading towards the innermost part. After all, Jiang Ze didn't know the way here.
"Warn the intruders! I order you to stop your destructive behavior, leave here immediately, and warn you, or we will do everything in our power to kill you!".
Jiang Ze felt the voice coming from his mind. This warning was not issued by the spacecraft itself, but was directly transmitted to Jiang Ze's head...
"Is this psychic power? Interesting, I didn't expect that aliens also have superpowers with psychic power!".
Jiang Ze closed his eyes and carefully felt the strange person's position, then walked towards the strange person.
At this moment, a dark, tentacled eccentric felt that Jiang Ze was heading towards him.
He is the weird person who warned Jiang Ze just now. He didn't expect Jiang Ze to actually ignore his warning and come to him. How did he know his position?
"Well, since you are so ignorant, let you see how powerful I am!".
Jiang Ze destroyed all the way. He didn't show mercy when encountering strange people. He killed them all, and finally he came to a large hall.
The thought power just now came from here, but now there is no one above the hall, and there is no shadow of strange people.
Jiang Ze began to look around carefully, looking for traces of strange people.
"Thinking Flowing Stone Wave!".
Suddenly, countless rubble scattered from the air, smashed at Jiang Ze, and buried him in the ground.
These rubble are extremely powerful. Obviously, they didn't fall on their own, but after being blessed by psychic power. It hurts to hit Jiang Ze.
However, these attempts to solve Jiang Ze are obviously not enough.
"Certainly!".Jiang Ze also used psychic power to hold the gravel in the air.
A surprised voice suddenly came from the hall: "You can actually use telekinesis? How could someone from such an inferior race use telekinesis?".
The figure of the black monster emerged from the darkness.
"Since you can also have psychic power, then let you inferior races take a look. I am the first psychic master in the universe, the strength of Gruganshup, enjoy the feeling of being ground into minced meat by me!" .
"Psychic strangulation!".
Jiang Ze suddenly felt that the surrounding space was compressed, and a powerful force was blessing him.
Gruganshup seems to want to strangle himself with psychic power, but he is also a psychic superpower.
Gruganshup suddenly realized that something was wrong. The psychic power he had blessed on Jiang Ze was actually being resisted by another psychic power. .
Chapter 1183 The Overlord of the Universe!Poros!
江泽冷笑的看着格鲁甘修普:“这就是宇宙第一念动力大师么?我看也不过如此。”格鲁甘修普这个时候也知道了,江泽正在使用念动力和自己对抗,而且他的念动力强度丝毫不弱于自己。“念动力冲拳!”江泽感受到了无数的能量波正向自己打了过来,肉眼根本见不到,若不是自己也是念动力超能力者,可能还真的无法躲避。江泽闪转腾挪,格鲁甘修普始终无法攻击到江泽,反而被江泽冲到跟前。“念动力护盾!”格鲁甘修普身上支起一层淡淡的光盾,江泽一拳居然没能破防。“哈哈,放弃吧,物理攻击根本无法击破我的念动力护盾,哪怕你累死都无法伤到我一根汗毛。”江泽知道,并不是物理攻击无法破除他的护盾,而是自己的攻击还是不够强大。既然如此,只能用念动力击败念动力了。江泽意念一动,直接在格鲁甘修普身上的念动力护盾上开了一个大口。格鲁甘修普大惊,连忙修复,不过江泽可不会给他这个机会,冲上前去,一脚将他的一只触手打断,疼的他哇哇直叫。格鲁甘修普今天算是知道了什么叫天外有天人外有人,眼前的人念动力不比自己差,战斗素质更是强于自己,根本就是全方位的碾压,只有叫帮手了!他连忙呼救道:“格洛里巴斯!你还不出来帮忙么?你想看我死在这里么?”“诶呀诶呀,我们的宇宙第一的念动力大师怎么在呼救啊?你不是说自己可以解决这个弱小的人类么?”“哼,这个时候你就别说风凉话了,他可不是普通的人类,如果不小心我们俩个都要死在他的手中。”“我可和你不一样,你只是一个在后面控制的辅助罢了,我才是真正的战25士!”江泽看着眼前新出现怪人,除了整个脑袋都是一张大嘴外,两只手上也是一张大嘴,大嘴中皆布满尖牙,让人看了毛骨悚然,这外星怪人都那么丑的么?“双钳撕咬!”格洛里巴斯瞬移到江泽身前,两只手上的大嘴忽然张开,一口咬在了江泽的肩膀上,一下就刺穿了江泽的锁骨,鲜血直往外流。虽然同为波罗斯的手下,格鲁甘修普和格洛里巴斯一向不对付,他总是嘲笑格洛里巴斯为莽夫,而他嘲笑自己为懦夫,不过格鲁甘修普对于他的战力还是很相信,单纯从战斗力上来说,他可以算是波罗斯手下第一战士。江泽感受到肩膀传来的剧痛,接着麻痹感袭来,左手瞬间失去了知觉,这怪人的唾液里还有毒!江泽不敢怠慢,面对两个龙上的怪人,要拿出一点真本事了。“真·阿修罗模式!”江泽的气势瞬间暴涨,抓住咬着自己肩膀的格洛里巴斯,用力一扯,直接将他的一只手给扯了下来。“啊,我的手!”格洛里巴斯没想到这弱小的人类怎么可以爆发出怎么大的能量,一下子就费了自己一只手。接下来就是江泽的单方面虐杀时间,格洛里巴斯根本不是变身后的江泽对手,被打得节节败退,最后干脆不敢应战,到处逃窜。江泽也不会放过这个让自己受伤的人,敢对自己出手只有一个下场,那就是死!就在江泽即将一拳打爆格洛里巴斯的时候,一旁的格鲁甘修普出手了。“念动重力波!”一瞬间江泽感受到了身上似乎有万斤压力加持,这样的不适感让江泽一时间跪倒在地。“滋!”格洛里巴斯见此机会,也从嘴巴中喷出酸液,江泽此刻动弹不得,被这酸液喷到了身上。“哈哈,无论什么东西,被我的酸液吐息喷到,就会被一直腐蚀,直到化为一滩血水,等着死吧。”格洛巴里斯说得没错,江泽的皮肤传来剧烈的疼痛,那酸液已经开始腐蚀自己的身体了,自己的半只手即将被腐蚀完,而且这酸液还能够极大的抑制本体的恢复能力,让江泽无法修复身体。“毒液!”听到了江泽的召唤,黑色的液体开始爬满江泽全身,也阻止了酸液的腐蚀,甚至开始吞噬那些酸液。没了酸液的腐蚀和抑制,江泽的身体也开始慢慢的修复,不一会儿就恢复了原样。江泽拥有饿狼本体的特性——适应性,在与无数强者对战后,逐渐适应大部分攻击模式,不会惧怕各种稀奇古怪的特殊能力。他开始慢慢的适应加持在自己身上的重力波,缓缓的爬了起来,他试着活动了一下手脚,虽然比起先前还是有些迟钝,好在是可以战斗了。而且他被麻痹的左手也开始渐渐适应了毒素,正在恢复知觉。“这怎么可能!”格鲁甘修普加持在江泽身上的可是十倍重力波,普通的人被这重力加持会瞬间被压缩而死,哪怕是强者也会动弹不得,为什么眼前的人类像一个没事人一样。江泽冷笑的看着两个怪人:“猎杀开始了!”两个怪人对视了一眼,都看出对方脸上的恐惧!此刻舰船的内部,波罗斯正在和眼前的一个光头对峙着,两人正在交谈些什么。忽然波罗斯有些惊讶:“没想到你们人类那么弱小的种族居然还出现那么多的强者,连格洛巴里斯都死在了你们的手上!”光头歪了歪脑袋:“谁是格洛巴里斯?”“我的一个最强部下罢了,不过无所谓了,那并不会打扰我们俩之间的战斗,琦玉君!”江泽此刻看着脚下身体已经四分五裂的两个怪人,松了一口气,这两个怪人还真是难缠,自己完全状态下费了很大的劲才把两人解决。最主要两个怪人也是配合很默契,若是单独一个,恐怕江泽瞬间就能秒杀。就在这个时候,巨大的飞船忽然大幅度的倾斜了起来,而且飞船的深处传来打斗的声音!已经有人和波罗斯在战斗了么?江泽连忙向打斗的方向而去,波罗斯可是他的目标。1191初见琦玉!宇宙霸主陨落!飞船控制室内,一个怪人看着屏幕上的情况。飞船外部,他们宇宙暗物质海贼团派出去的成员几乎被人类的强者们屠杀殆尽,剩余的一些还在苦苦坚持。飞船内部,他们的波罗斯大人已经和一个光头人类强者交上手了,而且双方看起来势均力敌的样子,让这些海贼团的手下们开始担忧起来。还有一个人类居然把三位海贼团最高战斗员给杀了,正在向波罗斯的方向而去。他们海贼团在波罗斯大人的带领下,在宇宙中横行无忌,未尝败绩,如今在这文明科技都很落后的小小星球上遇到了前所未有的麻烦。“传令下去,向这颗星球发射大量的崩星炮,将外面所有的人类都杀死,然后全员阻止那个人类接近波罗斯大人。”“可是,下面还有许多外面的同伴啊!”“没办法,只有牺牲他们了!”众英雄即将围剿完所有的怪人,忽然从飞船上掉落无数密密麻麻的小黑球,等到看清楚之时,英雄们才发现那是无数的炮弹,正飞速向地面而来。先前一颗崩星炮就把半个A市给毁掉,如今成千上万个崩星炮一同袭来,难道这次真的是人类的灭顶之灾了么?正当大家绝望的时候,一个绿袍娇小的身影出现在了空中。“哦,战栗的龙卷,刚才你去哪了?为什么开会的时候没见你,战斗的时候你也不在!”“我只是去换了件衣服。”龙卷冷冷回到。她冷漠的看了一眼这些炮弹,伸出食指轻轻一指:“这些东西还给你你们。”向地球发射而来的炮弹居然立刻转了一个向,反而向飞船而去。“这,这什么……”控制室的怪人们惊呆了。无数的炮弹反打在飞船之上,即便这飞船是特殊材料制成,还拥有防御罩,依然抵挡不住炮弹的打击,一阵“烟花之后”,飞船摇摇欲坠。江泽也有些厌烦,怎么自己一路上碰到的怪人越来越多,而且都是一群杂鱼,根本就不是自己的对手,宇宙霸主波罗斯呢?自己都要杀到他飞船的内部了,他为什么不出现?江泽疑惑之时,飞船发生了剧烈爆炸,眼看就要坠毁。阻拦自己的怪人们纷纷尖叫起来,开始逃难。“情况有变?”江泽加快了速度。就在江泽正好来到琦玉和波罗斯交战的地方,他刚好看到琦玉向波罗斯打去。“连续普通拳!”一连串的拳头打向波罗斯,虽然看似平平无奇,却让波罗斯身体粉碎。波罗斯知道自己只有使用王牌了。“崩星咆哮炮!”波罗斯汇聚了全身的能量,从嘴部放出,想要把琦玉和地球一同毁灭。“那我也,使出我的王牌!”琦玉认可了波罗斯为强者,同样使用了自己的绝招。“必杀技“认真系列”!认真殴打!”两股超乎想象的能量撞击,导致飞船船体彻底崩坏,无法继续支持飞行,开始下落。爆炸之后,两人身形从烟雾中显露出来,琦玉依旧是那副风轻云淡的样子,波罗斯已经只剩下身体的一小部分,强大的自愈能力也无法生效,他即将死去。琦玉缓缓走开,看见了刚好赶来的饿狼。“哦,你也是来追捕怪人的么?没事了,我已经解决了,飞船快被坠落了,赶快离开吧。”这是江泽来到一拳超人世界后第一次见到最终BOSS琦玉,看似平淡无奇的外表,却给江泽一种深不可测的感觉,自己现在恐怕还是连他的一拳都接不下吧。琦玉一跳,从飞船上离开了。波罗斯也看到了江泽,此刻的他只剩 下了一口气,还在艰难的支撑着。“我感受到了你身上的力量,原来占卜师所说能与我酣畅淋漓战斗的人,是你啊,是啊,我和琦玉君根本就不是一个级别。”说完波罗斯咽下了最后一口气,宇宙霸主就此陨落,宇宙暗物质海贼团也就此解散,飞船也如同他的主人一般,开始崩坏,陨落。巨大的船身向A市砸了过去。“快跑啊,飞船落下来了。”这庞大的飞船,恐怕比当时落在Z市的陨石大上几万倍吧,没有人能够接得下,所有的英雄,哪怕是S级英雄也好,都飞速逃离A市。大战之后,英雄协会的英雄们也聚集在了一起。众人开始夸赞龙卷:“不愧是战栗的龙卷大人,可以将那么多枚导弹反弹回去,不仅救了我们和地球,还把入侵者的飞船给毁了,这一次龙卷大人可是首功啊!”龙卷自己却很清楚,光是这这些导弹不足以毁掉这艘飞船,飞船内部肯定发生了什么事情。他看向江泽:“喂,你是唯一一个进入飞船内部的人,飞船的内部到底发生了什么事?难道是你在飞船内部做出了破坏,导致现在的结果?”虽然龙卷很不相信江泽能够一个人摧毁飞船内部的敌人,但是现在好像也没有更好的说法。“不,不是我,我只是解决掉了一些杂鱼罢了,飞船的主人,被一个光头给打败了,我赶到的时候。他已经快死了。”“哼,我就知道你不可能办得成这样的事,不仅对我妹妹下手,先前还那样侮辱我,你简直就是一个人渣、禽兽、变态……”江泽没想到龙卷敢这样骂自己,一眼朝龙卷看过去。龙卷心中一惊,这个混蛋又想撕碎自己的衣服,赶忙使用念动力抵抗江泽的念动力,两人就这样使用念动力对抗着,那股力量的碰撞在周围掀起了强大的气场,在其他的S级英雄都有些吃不消。“算了吧龙卷!”邦古出声劝到道。“今天就饶你一命!”两人最终还是停止了较量。虽然外星人入侵事件解决了,但是最终的代价也是极为惨烈的。A市,英雄协会总部,繁荣度前三的城市,在这次入侵中从地图上彻底的消失不见,现场只剩下了一片废墟,和那艘坠毁的巨大飞船。.
Chapter 1184 Enter the spaceship!The war is on! (1 more, please customize!)
The aliens were destroyed like City A, and this event became a major event in human history and was recorded.
The spaceship, which was purchased by the Metal Knight at a high price, did not know where it went in the end.
After that, the Hero Association headquarters also ushered in further strengthening and transformation. Today, the Hero Association is all made of special materials, which can withstand most natural disasters.
This time, it also reminded the Hero Association that their Hero Association is not that strong and has no ability to protect the safety of all mankind.
Therefore, the Hero Association began to increase its efforts to recruit heroes to deal with the increasing number of weirdo threats.
However, the recruitment of heroes has not been effective. Instead, the news of heroes being attacked has begun to be received all over the world.
Moreover, the monsters who attacked the heroes were all Tiger-level and above, and several heroes had already lost their lives, including B-level heroes.
It is the first time that such a large number of heroes have been attacked since the establishment of the Hero Association.
Not only the heroes, but many executives of the Hero Association were also attacked.
This is obviously a plan for the Heroes Association, in order to combat and weaken the strength of the Heroes Association, the Heroes Association has no choice but to hire senior heroes as bodyguards for the officials of the Heroes Association.
On this day, Jiang Ze was cultivating this power of mind at home when a phone call came.
"Is it Lord Hungry Wolf?"
"It's me, what's the matter?"
"I'm from the Hero Association..."
Before Jiang Ze finished listening, he hung up the phone. The members of the Hero Association must have something to do with him, and he didn't have time to serve them.
"what happened?"
"Hungry Wolf just hung up the phone."
"Hmph, these S-class heroes are really weird, and the same is true of KING. He directly rejected us and continued to call the S-class heroes. This time, we need to protect the cadres of our Heroes Association. He is the big sponsor of our Heroes Association. He must not be surprised'". "
"Beep!" The phone rang again, making Jiang Ze a little angry.
"Hey, Lord Hungry Wolf, come here, our factory was attacked by weirdos!"
This made Jiang Ze pale in shock. It was his own hard work and he couldn't be destroyed by others.
I arranged a lot of people from the "Hungry Wolf Group" there. They are all B-level or C-level heroes. With the Venom suit, they can fight ghost-level monsters.
If they can't resist, it means that the monster who attacked his factory may be above the dragon level.
The destructive power of this dragon-level geek didn't wipe out his own factory in one fell swoop.
Jiang Ze started rushing towards his factory like a fly.
Jiang Ze saw from a distance that his factory was dilapidated and destroyed, which made Jiang Ze feel a pain in his heart.
At this moment, in Jiang Ze's factory, two centipedes, one big and one small, were watching with a few weirdos.
"It's really a pity. I didn't expect that there is a mystery in this factory. We have destroyed a lot in front of us. If we save it and get it from the Weird Association, I think Lord Big Eyes will reward us well."
"Yeah, but we have already sent the data here back to the headquarters. This is already a great achievement. The genetic technology here can bring the weird cells of our Weird Association one step closer."
The two centipede monsters were talking, and Dr. Kinos and the subordinates of the "Hungry Wolf Group" were tied up by them.
"What about these humans?"
The two centipedes looked at Dr. Kinos and the others.
"Hey, human, do you want to have a body as strong as ours? Superhuman strength? I have a good thing here."
Saying that, the centipede geek threw a few balls on the ground.
"Eat this monster cell, it will turn you into monsters, then you can be the same as me, if you don't eat it, then I will eat you, do you choose to become monsters or poop? "
Threatened by the centipede monster, a few members of the Fubuki group couldn't bear it and ate the monster cells.
In an instant, the muscles of these people suddenly swelled, and their bodies became even larger. Their bodies began to grow strange horns, and they became strange people.
"This feeling is so wonderful, not only the function of the body has been improved, but even the consciousness has become stronger! The weak sense of morality and humanity that originally existed has long since disappeared. Is this a weird person?"
"That's right, this is geeky, congratulations, you have become our partner, you have become a geek! The Weird Association welcomes you!"
"By the way, a few over there, aren't you going to eat the monster cells?"
Dr. Kenos and others hesitated for a long time, but did not do it.
"Okay, junior centipede, if they don't want to eat, don't force them, eat them, and go back and collect the reward with Lord Da Jiongyan."
"¨〃Receive the reward? I'm afraid you don't have this chance."
Jiang Ze's voice sounded, which rekindled the confidence of Dr. Kinos and others.
"Lord Hungry Wolf, you are finally here."
Jiang Ze looked at the situation inside the factory and slightly eased his frown.
The equipment in the factory was not destroyed by these weirdos as Jiang Ze thought, but it was well preserved.
Jiang Ze didn't know that these weirdos were still knowledgeable. Not only did they steal their research results, but they also planned to move all the machines here back to the Weird Association, so the machines in the factory were not destroyed.
But his own men were not so lucky.
Several people were seriously injured, and some were turned into monsters, which made Jiang Ze very angry.
Before the centipede could speak, Jiang Ze punched him into two pieces.
"Senior centipede! You, you actually..."
Before the centipede senior could finish speaking, he was also beaten in two by Jiang Ze.
Seeing this scene, the remaining few weird people saw that the humans in front of them were not easy to mess with, and they planned to wait for an opportunity to escape. Of course, Jiang Ze didn't give them a chance.
Just when Jiang Ze was about to deal with the last weirdo, Dr. Kinos shouted, "Wait a minute, Lord Hungry Wolf, don't kill him!"
"Oh why?"
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