Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 16: The angelic breath that makes the ancient will restless

Evolve from polluting the world https://

This night is destined to be a very difficult night for the residents living in Kabul and surrounding cities.

First, there was a sudden, once-in-a-century blizzard, and most people did not take measures to keep out the cold at all. In the face of the sharply falling temperature, it also faces the artillery fire that may strike at any time.

The sound of Kabul's bombardment, piercing the wind and snow, continued to sound.

Dozens and hundreds of bombers from various countries are waiting in turn, and there is not even a second of free time. With the precise guidance of "talent technology", every bomb exploded on the rune energy barrier tractor placed by the Free Army.

The violent shock wave, shell fragments and scorching heat from the explosion tested the Free Army soldiers protecting the tractor.

They are evolutionaries themselves, and they have been mobilized internally early. It is said that during this time, there will be pressure from outside to severely test them.

This group of non-edited evolutionary warriors with the blessing of religious beliefs understands the power of intensive fixed-point bombing. However, they are willing to fight for the great God, and the messenger sent by God, their leader.

The power of the artillery fire could not scare them. As soon as the bombing began, they fended off the attack with means prepared in advance.

Including but not limited to ground interception missile interception, natural ability interference of signal interference type, and physical resistance of natural ability of defense type.

Their task is to protect the four rune energy barrier tractors.

Qiao Xun chose a high-rise building as the commanding height. It's not too high, seven or eight floors, but this is indeed considered high in Kabul. Crouching in an empty, unfurnished room with howling cold winds, he looked at the location of a rune energy barrier tractor not far away.

This Free Army is by no means an ordinary guerrilla force. It has professional equipment, strong personal strength, and a clear command system. More importantly, they have a firm doctrinal belief.

In the face of the bomb rain, the Free Army prepared several rounds of blocking offensives.

The first round, the ground interception missile system. Not far from the holding point, there are interceptor missile launchers placed on four missile vehicles, and there are continuous flashes of dense fire points, launching interceptor missiles one by one;

The second round is to have the innate ability of signal interference. Qiao Xun clearly felt that the pollution value here was soaring, and each evolutionary person with this ability was in a fishing boat-like position, which fully guaranteed to maximize their interference ability. The interference to the signal can deviate the trajectory of the guided missile to a certain extent. As a direct result of this, those missiles with cluster bomb warheads landed elsewhere. The bombing circle that originally existed only in the center of Kabul continued to expand, and some bombs carried the war to other parts of the city.

This inevitably causes harm to unrelated buildings and residents.

The fire of the explosion reflected in Qiao Xun's eyes, the sound fell in his ears, and the shock wave shook his body.

Kabul under a blizzard became a city of wind and snow and cold and fire. m.⑧柒7zω.°CoM

The sounds of car alarms, storms, explosions, fighter jet engines, and the roars of the Free Army interweave in the streets and sky of the city, forming a symphony of the battle called "The Turning Point of the World".

Being in the center of the war, Qiao Xun can clearly feel the sense of security brought by the intensive monitoring system in Yandu City and the pollution monitoring machines patrolling the territory around the clock.

It is February 25th, and some colleges and universities in the Republic have already started school, and primary and secondary schools will also start school in early March. And in the Akub Khanate, Kabul, no one knows when the children here will start school. War is the main theme of human beings. Some people enjoy peace, and some people suffer from hardships.

The bombers in the sky never stopped bombing because the bombs that may have been interfered with the signal deviated from their orbits. On the contrary, the firepower is getting stronger and stronger, and the bombs are getting denser and denser.

Soon, under the fixed-point saturation blow, the first two rounds of defense of the Free Army were quickly penetrated.

In the third round of the test, their fighters had to face the bombardment.

Those warriors with defensive talents are set at the front, holding an iron wall-like defense shield made of saturated source metal fragments, and their talents are fully activated.

The bomb fell on the shield, and the burst of flames was larger than if it fell directly on the ground. Of course, it's not that it is more powerful, but that this kind of defense shield can convert the kinetic energy of the air generated by the explosion into heat energy and release it in the form of light and fire to reduce damage.

The reduced damage is still not something that ordinary people can resist. Even fighters with defensive talent can't easily eat it, not to mention the bombardment is very intensive, and there is almost no time to stop.

Soon, a Hadar route, that is, the third-order evolutionary of the "Turtle Subgenus" route, the Free Army soldier with the defensive talent "Iron Dome" left the field injured at the cost of shattering the bones of his right hand into blood scum.

Without the slightest gap, someone immediately stepped up to his position and continued to carry the shield protection rune energy barrier tractor.

The first fell...

there is a second one;

The third……

They went on and on, leaving no gaps.

Simply standing from the perspective of a third party will be moved by their spirit of going forward and never backing down. The unique empathy of human beings will make the brain think that they are victims, a group of warriors who resist aggression, and the modern aerospace aircraft group with superior firepower in the sky is the aggressor.

But in fact, the Akubai Khanate Free Army is an Adventist evolutionary organization, which is a terrorist organization in translation, but its members are all evolutionary. What they have done can definitely be called a terrorist organization. In Central Asia, Eastern Europe, North Africa and other places, they do not know how many pollution incidents against ordinary cities have been planned.

The crusade against them by various countries has never stopped. However, no comprehensive siege has been launched before. Now, just in time for the miraculous battle, there is a valid reason to uproot it.

This is also one of the consensuses of the countries participating in this battle.

While fighting for the war species, unplug the free army.

This is bound to cause huge damage to the local Akub Khanate. However, this anarchy, a land where a large number of people have become refugees in exile, is no longer important in today's evolutionary world. Even if it causes huge damage, no country other than those human rights organizations will stand up to condemn it.

After all, the most peaceful republic,

Also in it.

The situation of Kabul is always under the attention of the high-level officials of various countries. In the communication platform built by the common "tower", the spokespersons of various countries have heated discussions.

The consensus of all countries is to keep the fire and continue to bomb until the defense force of the Free Army is exhausted.

They all know that even if the Free Army is an evolutionary organization, it has no countermeasures in such a large-scale bombing. There is no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation with a big country.

All countries also know that the Free Army is just a bridgehead, and their real opponents are the Black Revolution with powerful evolutionaries and other Adventist forces that have not yet appeared. And the highlight of this battle—


The power of scavengers is obvious to all countries. In the face of their dismal record, mankind can continue to use tragic history to describe it.

Qiao Xun, who was hiding in an empty high-rise building, has changed positions several times. Because there are too many stray bullets, too dense, and wars are raging everywhere, it is difficult to have any place that is not in the bombing range all the time.

With such a dense air-to-ground strike, it is impossible for him to rush in and be bombarded like a reckless man. Now he is waiting for the rune energy barrier to break.

During this period of time, he has found the most suitable position for a single person to rush in after the barrier is broken. It was a roadway in the northeast direction.


Free Army, Black Revolution... side.

The headquarters of the Free Army of Akub Khanate, the former Kabul government building.

All modern equipment is readily available. Electronic map of battle situation, heat map of evolutionary, fire computing equipment, strong communication device...

The Free Army was not formed by a random group of non-editors. It was originally an active mercenary company in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and North Africa. It was often employed by the governments of some countries to launch coups, etc. .

So, they have some necessary equipment. But after all, it does not have its own military base, and it is very good at dealing with some small countries, and facing the air and space battle groups formed by various major countries, it will be stretched.

There are three leaders of the Free Army, who are responsible for: war, negotiation and teaching.

It is difficult for an organization of this size to form an institutionalized regime structure. This kind of power structure, which is more like a gang leader, second or third leader, is the most simple and direct.

At this moment, Gundarka Yimai Taonsaris, the war leader of the Free Army, looked at the electronic map of the battle situation and the heat map of the evolutionary, and frowned like an old tree bark. He is not from the Akub Khanate, and he is a senior leader of the evolutionary organization who defected from the country. Before that, he was a soldier.

He has a keen sense of smell and judgment of the battle situation.

Looking at the battle map and heat map, he clearly knew that under such a level of firepower, the evolutionaries that the Free Army could directly resist the bombing would be consumed in at most two hours.

Although he did not understand why the Free Army did not hide in the southern region, when the first inflection point appeared, he had to occupy Kabul in advance to participate in the battle that was obviously the focus. However, this command room teaching leader issued it.

Within the Free Army, the real leader is the doctrinal leader, which is not obvious on the surface. After all, the Free Army itself is united by its doctrinal beliefs. wωW.八七柒ZW.℃ΟM

He didn't understand why the doctrinal leaders had to make such a decision - to cooperate with the Black Revolution, when the Free Army was clearly unable to resist the offensive of the Republic, the Federation, the Russian Federation, the European Union, the Asia-Pacific and other countries.

Don't understand, but now is not the time to understand that.

The occupation in front of him is what he has to care about.

Gundarka made contact with "Mr." Norman through joint internal channels.

"Sir, I hope you can give me an explanation soon. I don't want to see my soldiers wounded in vain under bombardment."

The questioning emotion in his tone was not suppressed.

"Leader Yimai, please rest assured. From the beginning to the present, not a single thing has escaped our estimation. We all know which trash can and when it will fall down." Norman's voice was always calm, A humble gentleman.

Gundarka said with a cold face:

"After that unrest in Kabul, there are no trash cans."

This joke is not meant to be a joke.

"Don't worry. You can't stand the fire from the sky, so let them come down from the sky. If you can't stand the fire on the ground, then send them to heaven. Leader Imai, you are an excellent soldier, you know this better than me ."

"Because I was a soldier, I don't know."

"Then, I'll let you see clearly. Please wait a minute."

Norman hung up.

A minute later he called back and said:

"Leader Yimai, please stand by the window and enjoy it."

Norman's tone, relaxed and freehand.


"Don't worry, 'Sir'."

"Musician" finished with a smile and cut off the connection. Afterwards, he shook the snow on his shoulders, lowered a black umbrella, and looked at the "Night", "The Downer" and "Warrior" next to him.

The four who left the Zhilan Hotel went straight to the top floor of a tall building on the front line.

it's very windy. But the "musician"'s umbrella was held exceptionally steady, straight and strong like a lighthouse in a storm. He looked up at the sky, and his vision passed through the silver-blue energy barrier to the fighter plane above the thick dust.

In his eyes, every fighter is a note. They are disorganized and disorganized, and the performer is unpleasant, music that he dislikes very much.

"Fools without musicality, it's time to stop your bullying of artists."

He turned his head to look at the quiet, tall black man with a fierce face and said:

"'The Downer,' now is your time."

The "shooter" nodded. He didn't say anything, a little reticent. But none of the people present would underestimate him. After all, he is the block Q of the Black Revolution. WWW.8㈦㈦zw.℃οm

He stood at the front of the high-rise rooftop, pressed his hands on the fence, and then raised it suddenly.

Two lightning-like energy riot harnesses were generated in his palm, reaching the sky.

The energy riot harness penetrates the blizzard, penetrates the dark clouds, and reaches the trajectory space of the fighter groups of various countries.

Then, the two wire bundles converged into one point, and under the silent and violent excitation, they collapsed into the sky without dead ends.

For a moment, the sky over Kabul was as bright as day.

The dazzling light fell in the eyes of every pilot, in the eyes of Qiao Xun who was hiding in the building complex, and in the eyes of Gundarka in the government building...

In less than 10 seconds, there were more than 100 bombers directly involved in bombing missions, more than 20 drones responsible for cruise guidance, more than 10 weather planes against extreme weather, and navigators from each country. The aircraft, all electronic information systems, engine systems, guidance systems, and extreme climate response systems all failed.

More than 100 planes instantly turned into silent people who lost all senses and strength. Due to the influence of the storm and inertia, they began to make disorderly and chaotic movements in the air.

Without the electronic information system, they could not communicate with each other, let alone report the situation to the command office.

All planes, out of control.

All the participating countries, at this time, the screen of the battle situation was extinguished, and that was the perspective of the navigator.

The senior leaders of various countries who were concerned about the war situation could not help frowning when they saw such a situation.

In the wartime conference room in Yandu City, the top leaders didn't ask any questions. The general on stage who was in charge of explaining the situation directly said:

"Black Revolution Square Q, 'The Downer'," at the same time, the profile of "The Downer" was on the side screen during the war, "As a fifth-order evolutionary, his fifth-order talent 'the whole system is silent 'Has a more powerful effect than electronic silence. When this talent is activated, any whole system within the scope of action will be temporarily silenced. The so-called whole system is a system with an exciter, a controller and an effector, such as the most common power supply, Switches and lights are the whole system.”

The leader asked:

"What are our checks and balances?"

The general replied: "The specific plans of other countries cannot be completely determined, but the means of confrontation in this battle plan of our country is the 'Qinglang Line' of the talent pool sequence 32. The holder of the 'Qinglang Line', Wang Shi'an, is the pilot of this combat aircraft group. member."


Over Kabul, Wang Shian felt the disorder of the fighter group for the first time.

He had already deduced this situation countless times, and he knew that it was because of the "shooters" of the Black Revolution. Before the war, relevant countermeasures were taken to deal with the natural effect of the "shooter".

The Republic's fighter group has a total of thirty-five aircraft, all of which have been added with the "Rune Link" function in advance.

Wang Shian was not slow at all. Sitting in the cockpit, he decisively activated his talent "Clear Line".

The effect of "Clear Line", along with "Rune Link", is transmitted to all Republic fleets. The negative effects of the "silence of the whole system" were immediately eliminated, and the fighter jets loaded with the quick-adjustment system produced by the Qisan Arsenal quickly recovered and began to re-enter the flight track along the stable airspace created by the pilot Wang Shi'an's "Qinglang Line". Re-establish contact between the aircraft, between the fleet and the command.

Then, they were instructed to hover at a high altitude on standby.

Navigator Wang Shian took the group to the high-altitude airspace. As for the fleets of other countries, it is not in their consideration. Without the "Rune Link" function installed in advance, there is nowhere to start if you want to help.

The navigators of the Federation and the Russian Federation have talents similar to the "clear line" and quickly adjust their status in the air.

After all, these three countries are touching each other's underpants to engage in combat system matching.

However, the European Union and the small Asia-Pacific United Nations, which have been almost overwhelmed by various pollution incidents, have a limited combat system. Even if relevant adjustments are made in time according to the command, they still cannot retreat completely.

Dozens of fighter planes lost control, one after another from the air, agitated by the storm, and fell into the urban area of ​​Kabul without any movement.

Martyrdom occurred one after another in all directions.

Then the bombing ended.

The rest of the fighter planes gradually rose to a more stable airspace at high altitudes, waiting for orders.

Seeing such a scene, Qiao Xun frowned deeply.

Sure enough, under the innate ability of powerful evolutionaries, modern military technology has also revealed drawbacks.

No way?

The four large runic energy barrier tractors are marked A, B, C, D. At this time, Qiao Xun has moved from Area B to Area C in the northeast.

About ten minutes after the bombing ended, a beam of light rose somewhere inside the rune energy barrier, reaching the sky.

This beam of light spreads and thickens around at a slow speed.

Then, Qiao Xun felt that his body began to become hot.

Do not. He immediately realized that it was not the heat of the body, but the restlessness of the will contained in the blocks of words that made up the body.

That beam of light seems to be calling for the will in these blocks of text.

This call even affected Qiao Xun's consciousness to a certain extent. He had an urge to get close to that light~www.readwn.com~ and even to merge into it.

Do not!

This is unacceptable to him.

There are ideas to incorporate into it, and that's okay. Just like the world sandbox will feel about "books".

But if this idea cannot be completely controlled by his self-consciousness, it is not acceptable to him.

So, he didn't care about paying attention to the situation, he entered the bunker, launched "gluttony" with all his heart, and quickly swallowed and digested the cognitive information hidden and in the text block.

Nearly five hours have passed since he began to swallow and digest in the mountain tomb, and he has completed the swallowing of 15,000 text blocks.

This speed, under normal circumstances, he is satisfied.

But now, it must be accelerated!

Hurry up! It is necessary to complete the swallowing and digestion before the self-consciousness is truly out of control.

After devouring it with all his strength, he felt that he would only need two hours at most to complete it, maybe one hour.

Looking at the spread of that beam of light, it should be able to catch up.

However, what made him feel the danger was that after the bombing ended, the Free Army began to patrol and investigate from the rune energy barrier in a row of snowmobiles.

a lot of.

From the perspective of quantity and distribution, what they have launched is a comprehensive investigation, leaving no place untouched.

tuk tuk-

The violent engine sound of the snowmobile stopped under the building where Qiao Xun was.

A four-person control team got out of the car, and they walked carefully into the building, fully armed.

The sound of their footsteps, at this time, in Qiao Xun's ears, was even more harsh than the whimpering of the storm on the stairs.

Internal and external troubles.

The inner worry is this structurally stable, but intrinsically unstable body;

The foreign invaders were a fully armed four-man control team that was approaching little by little.

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