Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 21: Aren't you afraid that 1 will not come back?

"Evolution from polluting the world (

After walking out for about five kilometers, Qiao Xun saw a huge base car standing in the open space ahead.

The flag of the Republic was hoisted high, contingents came out one after another, and various armored vehicles roared. The original crashed plane is being recovered in an orderly manner, and a new round of fighter jets has come down from the aircraft carrier above the atmosphere and has arrived over Kabul, assisting in cleaning the scene.

The base vehicles of other countries are distributed in other locations, and at first glance, Kabul is completely surrounded.

Joe looked up to the sky.

Unfortunately, my eyesight is not enough to see the huge aircraft carrier. I saw it on the news and wanted to see it for myself. This thing is only available in the Republic and the Federation, there are only two in the world, and it is rarely photographed, but it is precious.

Without much thought, he quickly headed to the Republic's base car.

Fix it first.

He had a hunch that the real battle was still hidden in the pale white beam of light. At present, it can only be said that the coalition forces have gained a strategic advantage.

But the battlefield is changing, who can guarantee what will happen next moment?

The scavengers have not yet appeared, and the nets laid by the black revolution have not been closed.

Also, Ace of Hearts, how will she affect this battle?

Qiao Xun thought about it.


A sentry is set up outside the base car, surrounded by a high wall made of steel, and everyone entering and leaving has to go through the verification device at the door to ensure their identity and record their itinerary.

As soon as Qiao Xun approached the base car, a pair of control teams specially responsible for personnel inventory came up.

They recognized Qiao Xun at a glance. After all, when Qiao Xun broke through before, everyone was paying attention.

Although he recognized the person, he still had to go through the authentication device.

Rigorous, without leaving loopholes, this is the style of the Republic forces.

The identity verification device is a bit like an erected CT machine. When you walk in, a green beam sweeps from top to bottom, first to ensure physical pollution and mental stability. Then verify the "tower" serial code to ensure that it is a regular "tower" member.

The process is quick. It was over in two or three minutes.

In the base car, the news of Qiao Xun's arrival has been reported to the officers of the temporary battlefield command office.

Qiao Xun was a great hero no matter what, so when he arrived at the base car, several officers from the command office immediately came to receive him.

The base car is very large. Although it is said to be a "car", it is more like a small mobile city. The overall space and space distribution are similar to those of large ships. The internal structure is modular, and there are no electronic devices, components and circuits in sight. Various modules similar to diamond-shaped tiles are densely spread on the ground, walls and ceilings. There were no lights in sight, but the interior was bright and clear.

"Point-line-surface-body" tells Qiao Xun that this base car is the pinnacle of modern craftsmanship and craftsmanship aesthetics. The internal space distribution, lighting, etc. are almost the fixed point of contemporary architecture.

To be able to build such a large-scale device so flawlessly, Qiao Xun is sure that this is definitely not something that ordinary engineers can do. It must be an evolutionary with related innate abilities. A feeling similar to "point-line-hedron" tells him that the designers of these two large base vehicles must have a talent for space, or a relatively rare spatial distribution plan.

After waiting for about five minutes in the module in the front area of ​​the base car, Qiao Xun saw a large diamond-shaped module slowly rising ten meters in front of him, and then a group of people walked out of it. As soon as they saw Qiao Xun, their faces immediately showed joy.

"It's actually an elevator..."

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qiao Xun would not have realized that the module that was no different from other modules was an elevator.

This design is really awesome. At least, the anti-lurking is very good.

"Comrade Qiao Xun, you've worked hard." The leader of the group was a man in military uniform who was about thirty years old.

Tall and strong, with a very tough and handsome appearance, especially the nose, looking very...sexy.

Describing a man as **** is very suitable for this commander.

"Hello, I'm the commander-in-chief of this land base vehicle, Lu Zeyuan."

Qiao Xun saluted politely,

"Hello, sir. My name is Qiao Xun, and I'm a combat soldier in this miracle battle."

Information about individual soldiers in combat is generally hidden, so Qiao Xun cannot report his origins.

Lu Zeyuan held Qiao Xun's hand with joy,

"Okay, very good! Qiao Xun, you really opened our eyes."

"Your Excellency is overrated."

"No!" Lu Zeyuan shook his head and said seriously: "Qiao Xun, in the evolutionary unit, don't be so polite and humble, we respect all capable people. Your performance is obvious to all, when you complete this guidance task. , we have discussed, and it can't be done with any of us. But if you do, then you are someone we respect."

The others nodded.

From the basic atmosphere, Qiao Xun felt that this evolutionary army should be different from the army of the Western Command Post.

He thought that it should be the same. After all, there are many evolutionaries in the army, but not everyone in the Republic is a soldier.

"That being said, I'm really embarrassed."

Lu Zeyuan smiled, "Haha, it's not important. We heard from Li Zhirui's team that you still have something to do, and we felt a pity that we couldn't see you earlier. Now that we see it, I feel a little more relaxed."

"Sir, it's not that exaggerated."

"Yes!" Lu Zeyuan said, "Let's talk as we walk."

Later, Qiao Xun followed them into the diamond-shaped modular elevator.

After the elevator started, silver-white light flashed around, giving Qiao Xun the feeling that he was traveling through a time-space tunnel.

Then, he saw the sign of the 73rd Arsenal on the ceiling of the elevator.

This, you can see the Seven Third Arsenal everywhere.

"Qiao Xun, do you know that the task you completed today has a great impact on the world."

"Ah?" Qiao Xun didn't really think about this.

He just received instructions from his superiors to complete the task.

Lu Zeyuan patted his shoulder. With a lot of strength, Qiao Xun felt like a sledgehammer was hitting his right shoulder. He thought, this guy is definitely an evolutionary, and he can't feel it, it is estimated that he is a fifth-order evolutionary higher than himself. Thinking of this, Qiao Xun immediately tightened his shoulders, for fear that his shoulders would collapse.

"My dear, it seems that you don't like to pay attention to the international situation."

"It's not..." Qiao Xun didn't explain much.

Lu Zeyuan said:

"Tonight, with you as the protagonist, four firsts have been completed. First: the super-large derivative rune weapon was used in the frontal battlefield for the first time, and precision guidance was completed; second: the Akub Khanate Free Revolutionary Army was attacked for the first time The fault is like a blow; third: because of this derivative rune bomb, our country has won the joint dominance of the evolutionary world for the first time; fourth: the first time to verify the feasibility of the regionalized combat mode dominated by 'technology + talent' in the actual battlefield . Do you know what that means?"

"What does it mean?"

"Means you've become a hero."

Qiao Xun had thought about this. But he didn't think about it too much, so he didn't feel strongly.


"Oh?" Lu Zeyuan's eyes were stunned, and then he said: "There is one more thing. Your breakthrough process was broadcast live by the Federation."

"Ah?!" Qiao Xun was shocked.

"This is not the first time the Federation has done such a thing." Lu Zeyuan said, "After all, freedom."

"This has a big impact. I'm a combat soldier, won't this expose me?"

Lu Zeyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, no matter how free the federal people are, they will not dare to violate the 'Tower' evolutionary world convention. Any pollution incident that takes the country's standpoint cannot reveal the information of the participants. Therefore, your Mosaic has always been on your face. It's just that everyone knows who you are and that you are from the Republic."

Qiao Xun laughed and joked, "Then I have won glory for the country."

"It's not just for glory. Your actions this time are likely to affect the relationship between evolutionaries and ordinary people."

"which aspect?"

"It is not clear for the time being, but my personal guess is that it is a positive impact."

"That's good. Don't embarrass the evolutionary because of me."

When Qiao Xun said this, everyone else laughed.

If it is shameful for him to do this, then it is estimated that 99% of the evolutionary people should do things with their faces covered.

After a few minutes, the elevator stopped and, as before, entered a diamond-shaped module and drilled out.

The modular design makes the entire base car highly confidential. At the very least, Qiao Xun did not feel the internal structure of the elevator after taking such a trip. Because different modules are independent of each other, and in the complex movement, only when a certain function is to be played, the related modules will come together.

After getting out of the elevator, the others chatted with Qiao Xun for a few words, and then devoted themselves to their work one after another, except for Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan, the commander, is very kind and kind. He smiled and said:

"You must be very tired. I will take you to rest and talk to you about 'abusing your power'."

"Thank you sir."

"Don't call it that. Although I'm a commander, I'm more of an evolutionary. Besides, look at me, I don't look like a commander."

Lu Zeyuan is real.

Indeed, although he was wearing a uniform, his temperament could not match up with leaders or officers.

"Just call me Brother Lu."


Being so close all of a sudden, Qiao Xun still couldn't get used to it.

Lu Zeyuan laughed, "You are too restrictive. Don't think of us so rigidly. You know, before I joined the 'Tower', I was a professional boxer."

"I can feel it."

No wonder it was so powerful.

Lu Zeyuan said with a smile:

"You can also call me Captain Lu. Everyone in the car basically calls me that."

"Okay." Qiao Xun responded. Suddenly, he remembered something and said quickly, "Captain Lu, I have an urgent matter and some information. I don't know if you have the authority to accept it."

Lu Zeyuan was not sloppy, nodded and said:

"The 004 land base vehicle is the direct command post on the front line, and is responsible for all the front-line content of the battle for the miracle of the Akub Khanate. If the information you have obtained does not have a specific direction, then we have the right to accept your information and related information. things are arranged."

"That's good. I've been struggling with the lack of channels to report information before."

"This is very normal. Before the full-scale battle of the battle, the combat individual is not allowed to contact any organization, and no organization is allowed to contact the combat individual. It is also the first time that you have exposed the combat list after your breakthrough is discovered. The identity of the soldier was only contacted."

Qiao Xun didn't ask too much about this arrangement:

"Then did I tell you directly?"

"You wait, I'll connect with the Intelligence Management Office." Lu Zeyuan said, entering the "Tower Network", less than a minute later, he nodded: "Okay, you say."

Afterwards, Qiao Xun recounted his experience in Kabul.

It mainly includes his visit to Kabul, the investigation of the urban structure, the mysterious plaster statue of the Zhilan Hotel, the investigation of the mysterious mine soil under the raw material collection site of the Swaran Factory, and the assassination of him and Li Tangguang by a certain member of the Black Revolution...

What happened in the tomb, he thought about it, but did not rush to say it. Because he personally felt that the contents of the tomb were too closely related to him, and random exposure might cause some unnecessary trouble, so he stopped.

Lu Zeyuan listened to this seriously. The information management office that connected with him recorded it without missing a beat.

This information requires rigorous analysis, so Lu Zeyuan can't say anything directly.

Qiao Xun visualized the detailed distribution map of Kabul stored in his mind, as well as the appearance of the guests of Zhilan Hotel who were embraced by the "Hug Angel" and passed it to the Information Management Office through the "Tower Network".

Lu Zeyuan patted Qiao Xun on the shoulder again, clearly seeing that he was useless, but the slap hurt his shoulder.

"Qiao Xun, you, a single combat soldier, have brought us more battlefield benefits than we imagined."

"Is that a lot?"

"This is your first time as a combat soldier?" Lu Zeyuan asked.


"No wonder. In fact, the presence of individual combat soldiers in a pollution incident is generally very low. If the regular team can successfully control the pollution incident, the individual combat soldiers will not show up. For a battle, The role played by a single soldier in combat is generally a conflict with unknown factors outside the control of the battlefield situation, so most of the time, a single soldier in combat from start to finish does not play a role. You, the feeling that gives me is... "

Lu Zeyuan thought for a while, "It's probably the feeling of forming an army by yourself. You have completed a task that many control teams can't complete." He sighed, "Otherwise, why do you think your breakout battle will be on a global scale? make such a big impact.”


Lu Zeyuan thought for a while, "According to your description, the man you met under the mine was the black revolutionary K'Mr of Hearts', the one who watched you in the light was the 9'Light' of spades, and the one who assassinated you was the **** J 'The Butcher'."

"K of Hearts, 9 of Spades, J of Spades. They're all high ranks of the Black Revolution."

"Almost. Judging from our intelligence, many people dispatched by the Black Revolution are high-ranking people. For example, the one who affected the fighter group before was the Box Q 'shooter', and the last thing that intercepted you in the breakout battle was the Box K 'Warrior'."

Qiao Xun said, "With such a large scale, are they inevitable?"

Lu Zeyuan said:

"It's hard to say that. The black revolution behaves irregularly, after all, it is not a systematic country. If it was before, it would be really difficult for us to predict. However, it can be said that the explosion of 'annihilation-06' gave We created a fight for dominance."

"How do you say it?" Qiao Xun asked in a low voice, "It won't involve leaking, right?"

"No. This kind of thing is a secret that both sides do not hide." Lu Zeyuan said, "The reason why you say that the dominance of the battle is to completely disperse the Free Army. Part of the actions of the Black Revolution are bound to the Free Army. Yes, they need the Free Army as a sandbag to cover, and now that the Free Army is dealt with, they will be confronted directly."

"Will the Free Army be used by the Black Revolution?"

Lu Zeyuan shook his head and said:

"It's not clear. The Liberty Army is also a complete organization. From the previous track, it generally takes other people's wedding dresses, rather than making wedding dresses for others."

"That's it." Although the specifics are unclear, in general Qiao Xun understands why the explosion of the bomb is so important.

Lu Zeyuan reacted and said in surprise:

"It's surprising that you were able to escape from the butcher's hands."

"There is a certain element of luck."

"No matter what it is, escaping is enough to prove your strength~www.readwn.com~ Lu Zeyuan said, "To be honest, don't look at me as a fifth-order evolutionary, but my winning rate against 'The Butcher' is estimated to be the same. Twenty-eight. "

"Is she that great?"

Lu Zeyuan said, "After all, she is a student of Ace of Hearts. Ace of Hearts is a demigod, you should know that. The power of 'Butcher' is that although she is a fifth-order, her energy level is infinitely close to semi-transcendence."


"It's the energy level of the demigods. In theory, the transcendence level is the energy level of the gods."

"No wonder, I have no resistance in the face of her."

Lu Zeyuan smiled and said, "It's not bad that you are still thinking of resisting."

"I can't wait to die. However, if the 'Butcher' is here, will it hurt our soldiers too much?"

"Don't worry, there are special people at her level to deal with. You see that we have dispatched a lot of evolutionaries, but in fact, most of them are only responsible for 'maintenance' and 'cleaning'. The state will not let them directly participate. The core battle, the gap is too big. The current evolutionary war is clearly defined."

Qiao Xun nodded, "It's true, I've definitely thought of every country I can think of."

Lu Zeyuan said:

"Don't belittle yourself, just like you succeeded in breaking through and completing the guidance, we didn't expect it."

"I'm just thinking about giving it a try."

"But I'm curious, aren't you afraid of never coming back?"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Seeing his performance, Lu Zeyuan froze in his heart, and immediately understood that he still had his back.

This made Lu Zeyuan feel astonished, and he couldn't help but think, what is the origin of this Qiao Xun? Isn't it a tester of the gene melting pot project?

With such a comprehensive talent and ability, and his combat literacy is ridiculously high, it is impossible for him to be an ordinary evolutionary.

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