Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 31: Fight for the battlefield initiative

Qiao Xun walked cautiously, keeping the mental traces in his body to a minimum. After leaving the storage power plant, he relied on "Zaiyin" and "Supercomputing Vision" to accurately identify every spiritual trace along the way.

"Supercomputing Horizon" increased his recognition frame rate to 1200 frames. He can see 1,200 changes in the environment in a second.

This is of great help for him to capture traces of spirit and traces of pollution.

There is no doubt that now he is far more sensitive to the environment than before. This greatly improved his lurking ability.

But he soon discovered that the closer he got to the location of the Zhilan Hotel. The traces of spirit and pollution wandering in the air are becoming more and more complex.

He needs to spend more energy to be able to identify. This all shows that there are more and more high-level evolutionaries here, and the confrontation process is becoming more and more complicated.

in the road ahead. The confrontation between evolutionaries can be encountered almost every few hundred meters away.

The environmental effects of various talents continue to wreak havoc on the city.

Everywhere is dilapidated. Although this city has suffered a lot of aggression and destruction from all sides for a long time before. But the degree of destruction is completely incomparable to the direct confrontation between high-level evolutionaries.

After all, general thermal weapons only do damage on a physical level, and ruin maintenance is much easier. The battle of the evolvable will pollute this place, making it a high pollution area for a long time.

The recognition frame of 1200 allows Qiao Xun to see such changes more clearly.

The severe weather caused by the previous weather species has not completely disappeared. A lingering blizzard swirled over Kabul.

The whimpering wind wandered between the streets and alleys, shuttling among the dilapidated buildings.

The sound of Guikulanghao is the cruel bgm tonight.

The closer you get to the hotel, the more intense the confrontation around you.

Qiao Xun must be more careful. He is very clear that he, the fourth-order evolutionary, broke into the ranks of a large number of fifth-order evolutionary people. To put it lightly, it's like a husky mixed in with a pack of wolves. If he hadn't threatened, maybe other people's eyes would just flash past him, not wasting their energy. But once he showed his minions, he would be torn to shreds in an instant.

Excessive traces of pollution and mental traces make Qiao Xun's "Zaiyin" less and less effective.

This first-order talent gradually showed fatigue in such a complex environment.

Of course, this is not something unacceptable.

To be honest, he feels that this first-order talent can play a big role in so many battles, and it can be said that he has done his best.

You can't always expect elementary math skills to help you solve difficult math problems. That's just the basics, not an advanced method.

Proceed slowly and carefully. Do not leave any flaws, be a bystander. He just wanted to see the scene of the angel coming, to glimpse a little war secret, or to verify the cognitive information of the demigod-level will he obtained from the lonely war god.

Although his consciousness has already experienced a perception equivalent to being there in that cognitive information. But he himself is more inclined to what actually happens.

He couldn't judge whether the will of the lonely military **** would deceive people.

It is 1 km away from Chilan Hotel. Qiao Xun stopped his pace and did not continue to move forward. He hid in an abandoned building. Climb up to the top, stand on the edge of the roof, only showing a pair of eyes, and the rest of the body uses talent "camouflage" to create the appearance of snow.

He saw that the hotel had been transformed into an altar by some unknown means.

The light completely covered up the place, no matter how he identified and explored, he couldn't see the slightest bit of it. He felt the 1200 frames under the "supercomputing field of view", but found that the picture was frozen.

It's weird.

Gradually he discovered that the kind of light was amazing. It was light, but like darkness, it covered everything.

Can this be called light?

A breath of indescribable holiness pervades there. It makes people want to worship just by looking at it, and want to be the one standing in that light, maybe it is an angel, or maybe it is the great will of a god.

After watching it continuously for about twenty seconds, Qiao Xun felt that his thoughts were being tampered with.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and hid, and immediately checked his body with "Zaiyin" and "Numerology Xuntian". Soon he discovered that his life information, the so-called soul, contained a strange cognitive information. This cognitive information can affect his thinking, just like the Seed of Faith before, but he feels stronger than the Seed of Faith.

He devoured with "gluttony". Cognitive information appeared in his mind.

【Angel Azrael: Touch of Faith】

【He touches you, feels you】

【You believe in him, worship him】

Qiao Xun muttered in his heart: "The touch of faith, this sounds more powerful than the seed of faith."

Is the angel Azrael really coming?

Although he had heard the name many times.

The first time was under the mine, through devouring the dream land, the cognitive information provided by "gluttony" fed back the relevant content of the angel Azrael.

The second time I heard it was in the land base car, Lu Zeyuan said it himself.

He whispered, "Here comes the angel Azrael, the **** of order, death, and punishment."

He looked forward to the moment when the angel came, and was genuinely afraid of it.

Humans fear the gods and fear the gods. This is hidden in the bones, reverence for the strong.

But it also got him excited. The last time I saw the **** with my own eyes was in the Night Watch Street in Yandu City. The stalwart of the Taisui Bingchen Taisui is still vivid in my eyes, but it is just a will in the Bingchen totem.

Can I see the Angel Azrai coming now? .

What is the real God like?

Qiao Xun exhaled and stuck his head out again. This time, instead of looking directly at the altar, he looked around.

Throughout the city center, there are signs of fighting everywhere. It's like there are many special effects movies staged here.

Standing at a high place and seeing such a scene, Qiao Xun had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In just a few months, from an ordinary psychologist to an evolutionary. From the daily face of all kinds of patients with psychological problems, to the daily face of all kinds of strange polluted creatures and other evolutionaries with various abilities.

This is probably life as a play.

Putting away such feelings, he plans to change positions. Previous experience told him that he couldn't stay in the same position for too long. If you stay in the same position for too long, it's easy for the enemy to spot you even if you don't move.

Just as he got up and was about to go downstairs, he suddenly heard rapid footsteps from downstairs.

Very dull, very solid.

He immediately cheered up and prepared to run away.

The reason for fleeing rather than fighting is because he intended to act as a bystander in this core battle from the very beginning.

He stepped back quickly. The whole person, the body swept outside, hung on the railing, and then the body sank, holding a depression with both hands, hanging on the outer wall of the building. Then use "Zaiyin" and "camouflage" to hide.

The whole process took less than two seconds. When the visitor climbed to the top of the roof, it was already empty.

But Qiao Xun obviously overlooked one thing.

The previous rooftop was full of snow. He had stayed here, and of course he would have left footprints and scratches.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't find out and deal with it in time.

It became a fatal detail that exposed his whereabouts.

The moment Kuyecheva stepped into the rooftop, she immediately discovered the traces of Qiao Xun left on the rooftop. It is impossible for her to ignore such a scene, who has been fighting in the ice and snow all the year round.

She pretended not to notice, but started to make rune energy **** in her hands.

Qiao Xun did not know that the people above had discovered his whereabouts. But he can feel the energy traces above, and the energy level is very high.

When Kuyecheva's rune energy group poured out, 1,200 frames were captured in 1,200 frames of recognition. Among the 1,200 frames, Qiao Xun accurately identified that one of the energy traces was pointing at him.

Without hesitation, he immediately turned over and changed his position.

It was during such a time of changing positions that Kuyecheva discovered him.

The strong female warrior slapped the railing on the rooftop. The violent force directly tore the railing. This force did not stop, and continued downward, hitting Qiao Xun with precision.

Qiao Xun immediately understood that the people above had discovered him.

He wasn't hiding either, turning over. Use "Zhiyang" to create a detonation space and throw it at Kuyecheva.

Kuyecheva is a powerful warrior, she not only has special long-range combat ability, but also has excellent melee confrontation ability. Although agility is not her forte, her physical strength is enough to withstand the detonation of space.

After the brief explosion, she rushed out, her thighs exploded with strong force, and her whole body slammed into Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun felt like he was hit by a high-speed train,

He was intercepted in the air. Kuyecheva wrapped her left hand around him and locked it tightly.

This powerful female warrior, even her chest is extremely hard. Qiao Xun felt like his head was against a warm iron wall.

Then Kuyecheva popped out the flying claw in the palm of her right hand and hooked the crumbling railing. Pull hard and take Qiao Xun back to the rooftop.

However, when Kuyecheva landed on the rooftop, she found that Qiao Xun, who was still in her arms just now, was gone. She turned her head and found him standing in the corner, looking at her vigilantly.

She understood that this was the talent of the space system.

Qiao Xun's nerves were highly tense. He is sure that this woman must be a fifth-order evolutionary, and most likely it will be the most powerful fifth-order evolutionary other than "Butcher" he has encountered. It is also probably one of the main forces in this battle.

Whether it is fighting skills or physical confrontation ability, they are very powerful. The whole person is also very strong, her hair is cleanly shaved, and her face is gradually becoming neutral, but her smooth throat still reveals the fact that she is a woman.

Qiao Xun's eyes under the blessing of "Super Computational Vision" trembled subtly at a very high frequency.

The brain is racing to think of countermeasures.

Kuyecheva felt Qiao Xun's energy level and was a fourth-order evolutionary.

When Qiao Xun was frightened, she was also surprised. Of course, it was because she felt that the fourth-order evolutionary of Qiao Xun was a bit beyond her imagination of the fourth-order evolutionary.

Very unusual, the combat ability even has the level of the general fifth-order evolutionary.

Kuyecheva did not give a chance to breathe and was ready to launch a second round of attacks.

At this moment, Wang Shian's voice sounded in his mind:

"Hello warrior. The person you are facing at this moment is the evolutionary of the Republic. Not the enemy."

Such a voice also sounded in Qiao Xun's mind, but changed "Republic" to "United Army".

Kuyecheva was surprised. She asked Wang Shian: "Why is there no identification mark on this person?"

Wang Shian replied:

"He is specially made."

Kuyecheva nodded, letting go of her vigilance. She looked at Qiao Xun and said:

"Hello, my name is Kuyechva. I'm sorry for the reckless behavior I did to you before."

Qiao Xun shook his head and said:

"It's okay. It's normal. After all, in such an environment, it's too late to think about whether the other person is someone else or a friend."

Kuyechva said:

"You should prepare an identification sign."

Qiao Xun took a breath. He knew what the identification mark was, but the identification mark was to be reported, in order to prevent the enemy from forging and impersonating.

But he is a free man and has no task at hand. Therefore, no identification mark was issued. He personally felt that this was a loophole in the joint command system.

Kuyecheva didn't talk nonsense with Qiao Xun. She said aloud:

"If you have nothing to do, don't stay here. It's dangerous here. There are several evolutionaries staring at me. If you don't want to be accidentally injured, please leave as soon as possible."

Qiao Xun suddenly paused and said:

"I thought so too. But it seems too late now. Sadly, we are already surrounded."

Kuyecheva frowned. She was about to question when she suddenly felt the strong traces of pollution and mental traces around her. Like a huge woven fishing net, it poured in from all directions.

She looked at Qiao Xun and asked:

"How did you find out?"

Although she asked that, in fact, what she wanted to know more was why Qiao Xun discovered such a situation before her?

Qiao Xun shook his head and said:

"It's too late to explain."

In fact, under the comprehensive monitoring of his "supercomputing field of vision", all the changes around him cannot escape his eyes unless the key frequency of changes exceeds 1200 frames.

Kuyecheva knows this too. She was a warrior after all, not a questioner.

She started to look around. Before fighting, you must first understand what kind of configuration the opponent is.

The dense traces of pollution and mental traces made it clear to her that this was definitely not a scene that could be caused by one or two people.

But she is not a powerful guide and sentinel, unable to accurately identify the location and ability of each enemy, she has to ask Wang Shian in her mind:

"Hello, navigator, I am surrounded, please help me identify my surroundings."

A burst of electricity sounded in my mind. Wang Shian said:

"Hello soldier, the situation around you is very complicated. I am doing my best to identify and analyze it. I will provide you with information as soon as possible. Before that, please be careful."


Among the land base vehicles.

Wang Shian's brain is connected to a supercomputer. The picture in his mind was of dots and dots converging on a huge grid.

At this moment, he clearly felt that there were a lot of energy points around the warrior Kuyecheva, and these energy points were not marked. This means they are the enemy.

With the help of a supercomputer, he quickly analyzes the capabilities of each point.

With the help of "Clear Line", he quickly analyzed the abilities of these points based on the traces of mental and pollution. When he was about to send this information to Kuyecheva, a piece of paper suddenly appeared in his mind... ...a blank sheet of paper.

Then a string of words he couldn't understand appeared one by one, from right to left.

These words are very obscure.

He subconsciously struggles to identify. But at a certain moment he reacted and remembered one thing, a person.

In the black revolution, there is such an evolutionary person, who is not good at speaking, very ordinary, and looks like a standard rural teacher, but he is an indispensable and powerful battlefield assistant in the black revolution. Many pollution incidents initiated by the black revolution have his figure.

His code name is "Poet". The rank is the J of Hearts.

After the "Poet" message echoed in Wang Shi'an's mind, he found that he was losing control of the battlefield.

The dots on the battlefield grid became fainter and fainter. Shaky, like the stars in the sky at dawn.

Wang Shi'an knew very well what would happen to the evolutionists on the Allied Army side if he lost control of the battlefield. It's like walking in the dark, suddenly, the flashlight is dead.

His whole person is highly concentrated. All out against the "poet".


"Sir, I found something worth challenging." The Poet suddenly raised his head and looked at Norman next to him.

Norman smiled and asked,

"What's up?"

"There are people like me in the coalition. Responsible for intelligence integration and coordination."

"What do you mean?"

"Obviously not? I'm going to beat him."

"Poet" pushed his glasses with one hand.

Norman nodded and said,

"Go ahead and do it. I'll protect you."


After speaking, the "Poet"'s attention was once again devoted to the pages of the palm of his hand.

Norman glanced at the words he didn't recognize in the blank page~www.readwn.com~ and turned his head to look at the altar.

The optimal solution to any battle is to eliminate the enemy's command post at the very beginning.

The command post is the brain, and the soldier is the body. He knew this very well, so he agreed to the "Poet"'s request.

As a result, the brains of the two sides began to confront each other in space.

The balance of the battlefield situation will be decided by the two of them. Whoever wins will gain control of the battlefield.

Modern air combat is still very dependent on air superiority, not to mention the confrontation between many evolutionaries.

On the side of the base car on the road, Lu Zeyuan already knew the situation. Immediately sent someone to assist Wang Shi'an, and various derivative rune equipment that enhanced computing power and spirit were also handed over to him.

He knows that "Poet" is very strong, but he must firmly grasp the control of the battlefield.

This is the responsibility of the front-line fighters, and it is also the attitude of the coalition army to the entire battle.

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