Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 36: angels come

The notification was issued to the soldiers on the front line through the evolutionary grid as soon as possible.


For warriors who have been fighting against various pollution incidents all year round, there are three commands that can achieve zero-delay response:

"Offense", "Defense" and "Evacuate".

Therefore, when Wang Shian's voice sounded in their minds in an internally encrypted way.

All the fighters of the Allied Army immediately activate the rune energy and infuse them into their feet, or they can use their mobility, displacement, and spatial mobility talents to push them back.

So many fifth-order evolutionaries activated their talents at the same time, causing an outbreak of pollution.

A color between blue and black swayed like ripples and made the sound of flippers hitting the water.

This is the manifestation of a high-intensity outbreak of pollution aura.

Qiao Xun and Kuyecheva were the first to evacuate, so they took the lead and rushed out as fast as they could.

However, just based on this, it seems to be a lot of fun to race against the black light of the final judgment.

The "Last Judgment", written in the Koran, is described as:

Israphie came to blow the trumpet, announcing the end of the judgment,

"Angels bring back to life the dead,

dragging their souls to hell,

A piece of Wuyangyang, like the raindrops under the pouring rain. The world is neatly arranged in the judgment place of Hellfire,

Everyone waits together, waiting for the arrival of God.

Sin has nowhere to hide here.

They will pay a terrible price for destroying the world. "

This drama of the "Last Judgment" was not initiated by God, nor was it preceded by the angel Israfi. Only two men with sincere beliefs sacrificed the energy of life and created it.

This is a false "Last Judgment".

But, it's the "Last Judgment" after all.

Black light.

"Mr." and "Reader" stood in "Complete Light" and looked at the scene outside:

Black light shone on the earth, and the existence of all life forms dissipated in the runic energy. The "Last Judgment" does not allow for life. This looks like drop after drop of water vaporizing at extremely high temperatures.


Such voices continued uninterruptedly.

Finally, the soldiers with slow legs were illuminated by the black light of the "Last Judgment".

"Sir" and "Reader" cast their eyes on him at the same time.

The soldier in the standard uniform had short blond hair, tall and handsome. However, the black light fell on him. All his qualities began to evaporate. From the beginning, his short blond hair was quickly scorched to black, and then a arrogance similar to the blue flame of a natural gas stove was blazing from the top of his head. In an instant, the temperature around him climbed to an extremely high level, melting the steel structure next to him.

In the next two seconds, such arrogance completely engulfed him.

As a fifth-order evolutionary, he doesn't even have the ability to resist. The black light that covered the sky seemed to have the ability to shackle their rune energy.

Black light is cruel, or strict.

All life under the light vanished completely, and nothing remained.

The first fighter to be wiped out disappeared during the run. His body, all body tissues were not left, but his clothes and equipment were intact. After losing his master, he fell to the ground after moving forward a short distance due to inertia.

Such a scene is undoubtedly a shock to others.

That black light has now become a **** of death who ruthlessly harvests life.

One warrior after another, disappeared under its light.

It was impossible to even track where they went, whether they were sublimated by evaporation, or transferred to another place by the strange power of the black light. If the former, why is there no sign of energy escaping. The rune energy in the body of a fifth-order evolutionary is huge. If it suddenly loses its carrier without being consumed, it should escape to the surroundings, forming an academic "rune ring", which is similar to a moving Saturn. ring stuff.

However, under the illumination of the black light, the warriors suddenly disappeared one by one, and there was no energy escape.

What does this mean?

The black light either transferred people to other places through special means, or was able to devour the rune energy in some way.

"Devouring rune energy..."

Seeing such a phenomenon, Qiao Xun, who quickly completed the deduction under the blessing of the "supercomputing horizon", thought of this sentence.

"Devouring rune energy..."

This seems to have the same effect as "gluttony".

Likewise, Gluttony can silently devour runic power, and much more.

Reminiscent of the deep consciousness of ascending the gods' long steps and the rejection of the black light by the great will.

Qiao Xun believes that the black light, or the means of causing it, may be related to several of his own characteristics, namely "gluttony" and "lust". However, from the performance point of view, the high probability is a relationship of mutual disgust.

At this time, he can only deduce to this point, too late to think more.

Because, if you don't hurry, you may be "disappeared" by the black light like a backward warrior.

The terrifying black light was like a **** of death with a scythe, which inspired the warriors' will to survive.

The soldiers have come up with the means of pressing the bottom of the box, ignore it, escape, and save their lives.

Qiao Xun and Kuyecheva, who were at the forefront, ran two kilometers in half a minute before stopping to look back.

Kuyecheva's pupils trembled,

"It's terrifying...it's terrifying!"

Those warriors who are not very mobile can't escape the shining of the black light. In less than five seconds, it disappeared. However, their clothes and equipment remained intact and fell to the ground. In just half a minute, nearly twenty fifth-order evolutionaries disappeared.

What scares Kuyecheva the most is that she thinks that even she is completely powerless in the face of the black light.

It was hard for her to imagine what would have happened to her and others without Qiao Xun's reminder.

Maybe, oh no, for sure!

Definitely wiped out.


"This is really terrible." Kuyecheva muttered to herself three times in a row.

Qiao Xun gasped and said:

"That light seems to be able to devour rune energy."

"Devouring... No wonder the rune ring didn't appear."

Kuyecheva opened her eyes wide and turned to look at Qiao Xun. There was still the aftermath of panic in his eyes, which made the pupils very confused. She swallowed and said:

"How do you know that black light is dangerous?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No specific reason. It just made me uneasy, very uneasy. There was a voice deep in my consciousness urging me to leave."

Kuyecheva supported Qiao Xun's face and touched his forehead. She closed her eyes and said:

"Thank you. Qiao Xun, you are amazing."

Qiao Xun physically resisted this more intimate action, but he still held back. Because he knows it's good intentions, it's a friendly expression of emotion.

He exhaled and said:

"If only I had noticed earlier, those warriors shouldn't have disappeared."

Kuyecheva turned and walked aside. This cheerful Russian female soldier was a little silent at the moment. After a while she said:

"No, you don't have to be harsh on yourself. A battlefield of this level is inherently dangerous, and it is easy to lose everything."

Qiao Xun's "lust" felt sadness in her.

He shouldn't have gone to ask too much. But looking at Kuyecheva's profile, the unconcealed depression made him unable to help ask:

"What's the matter with you? Did you remember something?"

Qiao Xun could feel that Kuyecheva was heavy-hearted because of the soldiers' inability to escape the black light.

Kuyecheva looked at Qiao Xun and didn't speak.

Joe Tour said:

"Maybe something happened, right?"

It's a nuisance to keep asking questions when the other person doesn't want to talk. Qiao Xun, who used to be a psychologist, understands this. But he thought Kuyecheva would tell him.

This is certainly not something to be taken for granted.

It was Qiao Xun's "lust" that felt Kuyecheva's complex psychological state.

Depression, sadness, remorse... all are intertwined, like a dish that is not so delicious because there are too many side dishes.

Kuyecheva looked at Qiao Xun. Her beautiful blue eyes contained a burning breath. She whispered:

"Once, I had a younger brother. Like me, an evolutionary. But, he died. Before me."

She said softly, and there was no full emotion in it,

"If I had been quicker, he would have survived."

She looked at the soldiers fleeing in the black light, and suddenly turned to ask Qiao Xun:

"If they were faster, would they have survived?"

Qiao Xun was silent. He couldn't give a good answer to this question.

This sounds too much like a "do you know where you went wrong" question.

The questioner's thoughts are not at all in the question.

Neither "yes" nor "no" are good answers.

Qiao Xun was a bit casual and didn't think much about other things, so he answered with his own thoughts:

"You also said that death is a daily thing on the battlefield. The most unacceptable thing on the battlefield is an 'if'. Kaiser, you don't really care about the answer to this kind of question, do you."

Flames rose again in Kuyecheva's blue eyes. She looked at Qiao Xun with joy, and said happily in broken Chinese:

"Qiao Xun, you are such an interesting person!"

"That's a sick sentence."


The short-lived hilarity is just an inconspicuous but memorable silhouette in a painful environment.


The tragic scene on the front line was transmitted to command posts around the world through Wang Shian's "clear line".

It is placed on the screen of the headquarters of the evolutionists of various countries.

For a while, there was silence and silence.

The world seems to have fallen into a deep sleep. Any little bit of words seems to shatter a dream I don't know whether it is good or bad. If the dream is broken, it must be bad.

A heated discussion suddenly started. Everything was like glass falling from the frame, smashing to the ground, crackling, and shards that would cut people's skin.

In addition to this, Lu Yangyi is still nervous about one thing:

What's up with Joe?

Wang Shi'an had been disconnected for too long before, and their understanding of the central battlefield was completely dark.

Now, after connecting online, something unexpected happened again.

The evolutionary think tanks of various countries have launched super computing power to analyze which link has gone wrong, resulting in the "final judgment" that is beyond expectations.

The battle for miracles in the Akub Khanate was planned and investigated by various countries a long time ago.

From intelligence to personnel arrangement, many bright and dark lines were buried, and the investigation of the Adventist forces was even more rigorous, so that flies were marked and identified.

But now, there are still unexpected things, and this thing is still so serious.

In just half a minute, the fifth-order evolutionary of the United Army lost more than half, and there were many key figures in some countries.

This loss is unacceptable.

The loss of an entire fleet of aircraft is not as serious as the loss of a fifth-order evolutionary.

After all, in modern industry, various types of zhan machines can be made at any time, only limited by cost.

But a fifth-order evolutionary, that is not what you want to have.

Losing one is a huge loss, let alone losing more than 20 in half a minute.

This kind of loss brought tears to the eyes of the people in charge of the evolutionary management agencies of various countries.

Five minutes after the "Last Judgment" broke out, a document appeared in the countries through the joint command of the "Tower".

On the document, it is detailed how the Black Revolution's "Plum Blossom A" "cultivator" escaped the intelligence network of various countries with the help of "Mr. Heart K" and replaced the Free Army Pope Staines.

In February 2032, "Christians" began to study the belief system of YSL;

In March 2032, "Cultists" forged the belief system of YSL, and asked "Mr." to contact Free Army Pope Stans with the faked belief system; "Mr." learned about YSL from Stans in the attitude of a scholar , under the discussion between the two, "Mr." fully expressed the fabricated belief system in the form of academic debate and communication of teachings. At this point, "Cultists" began to steal Stans' beliefs;

In May 2032, the "Cultists" completely stole Stans' beliefs, replaced them, and disappeared since then;

In June 2032, the Black Revolution began to plan the miracle battle;

In the three years until 2035, the Black Revolution's arrangements for the battle for miracles did not escape the monitoring of the intelligence networks of various countries.

On the document, Heige's action arrangements are shown in detail, as well as the various arrangements of other Adventist organizations for the battle for miracles.

These intelligences have been repeatedly studied many times, and different kinds of countermeasures have been made.

It can be said that in the battle for miracles, to a large extent, Adventists and all countries have maintained a fairly balanced level.

However, the newly arrived document hails the claim.

Some people believe that this balance may be deliberately maintained by the Adventists headed by Heige. That is, some of the information is what they can release, just to maintain balance.

And "balance" is the biggest scam in this game.

The real game started when "Mr." and "Cultists" stole their beliefs. And this has not been captured by countries.



Countries have completely lost the means of checks and balances, and they can no longer destroy the hugging angel, and can no longer prevent the arrival of the angel Azrael.

From the moment the "Last Judgment" appeared, the disadvantage of the Union Army was irreversible. Before that, the combined army had an absolute advantage, with almost a 90% win rate predicted by AI.

Now, everything is turned upside down.

Because I don't know that there is still a relationship between "Cultists" and Stans, naturally, there is no corresponding solution. After all, the "final judgment" is by no means the kind of temporary solution.

However, compared to research why? More importantly, how to deal with the next changes.

The "Last Judgment" established the final victory for the angel Azrael to come.

In the unstoppable situation, we must face the passive situation of "war appearance".

How can this be solved?

High-level discussions in various countries.


Qiao Xun stood on the ruins, looking far ahead.

The death black light of "Last Judgment" stopped after one kilometer away from the altar.

And the black light gradually dissipated after lasting for five minutes.

According to calculations, these five minutes are enough to complete the descending ceremony.

"The arrival of an angel cannot be stopped." Qiao Xun said.

Kuyecheva nodded,

"We failed in the end, and we had to face the situation where the war species joined the battle."

"I don't know what countries are thinking now."

"Because of the completely uncontrollable factor of scavengers, in our zhanlue goal, once the angel comes, we will fall into an irreversible disadvantage. War is like the deterrence of he before, once it happens, it must be The worst case, no matter whether it wins or loses, must be the worst. Now, no matter which side the war species will be captured by, and which way it will lead the world, it will be unfavorable to mankind.”

Kuyecheva lowered her head, "It's just that I can't understand how the top leaders of various countries view this issue. Is it to protect the entire human world, or... to make certain sacrifices."

"Even if it's a natural disaster, human beings can't save all those who are affected, let alone this kind of thing."

"So, I don't know what to do now." Kuyecheva shrugged, "Let's decide."

"Then what do you think?"

"Me?" Kuyecheva looked at the gray sky and said in a deep voice, "Of course I hope everything can be better, and it's best not to have any more wars."

Qiao Xun was surprised,

"I thought you were keen on fighting."

Kuyecheva slapped Qiao Xun on the shoulder hard,

"You think of me as a fighter!"

"Sorry." Qiao Xun rubbed his shoulders and said.

"Fighting is just a punishment."

Punishment... Qiao Xun thought, she should be talking about the punishment for not protecting her brother well.

Qiao Xun exhaled and said:

"You always console me, but don't think about yourself."

"If you think too much for too long, your brain will be damaged."

"I'll give you a mental boost!" Qiao Xun said with a smile.

Kuyecheva froze for a moment, then laughed out loud.

The two were on the ruins, disgraced, laughing heartlessly and loudly.

What is hidden under their respective smiles is unclear.

Laughing together at the moment is enough.


Ling stood on a tall building in the distance, looking down at everything that happened below. The solitary figure swayed and swayed under the light of the remaining fire.

The high winds are strong and cold. Her long hair fluttered in the night, no one appreciated it.

In the end, it still didn't reach the point where she made a move.

Of course, this is the best. She should have had a legitimate reason to take action after the war species appeared. After all, scavengers have a principle and fight only for miracles. If the war species did not appear, in principle, she could not take the initiative to manipulate the situation, and should follow the changes.

Scavengers never take the initiative to find miracles, they just go to collect them when they are about to happen. This fits well with the term "scavenger". After all, you can't just throw away an intact item and then go scavenger in the name of scrap.

Scavengers have this principle.

However, Ling increasingly felt that this was pedantic and ignorant. Do not adapt to the changes in the world, always live within the set of established rules, draw a circle, do not let outsiders come in, and do not go out to take a look. She didn't like it, and felt that this principle was like a frog at the bottom of the well.

I don't like it, but I can only accept it.

In fact, for a while, she was thinking, if the advent ceremony was really interrupted, should she take the initiative to interfere with the process and forcibly add fire.

It's just that there is no answer.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen, do not worry. At least, don't worry about it for the time being.

Next, just watch the angels come, watch the war species appear.


"Great Angel of Order, Death and Judgment, please forgive my ignorance and hope for your divine power..."

"Great Angel of Death, Order and Judgment, please take a look at us, believers from the future..."

"The great angel of punishment, death and order, we are suffering, I hope you can understand the hardships of the world..."

"Great Angel of Order, Judgment, and Death, please send down the divine power of love and justice..."

"Great Angel of Death, Judgment and Order, you stand in the past and take care of the future..."

"Great Angel of Judgment, Order, and Death, we welcome you."

"Complete Light" overflowed like milk, pouring out from the middle of the altar softly and smoothly.

For a brief moment, the white beam of light that enveloped the center of Kabul became extremely bright. Then, at a very high speed, it suddenly closed ~www.readwn.com~ in the blink of an eye, and condensed into a beam of light that almost turned into a solid body.

The beam of light stood on the ground, not knowing where it led.

The earth is like day. Everything in Kabul is broken, withered, and desolate under the light, like a disobedient who is fixed on a cross and illuminated by a spotlight.

Without the obstruction of the beam of light, the light radiation and strong earthquakes caused by the weather outside are like a broken bamboo, occupying all the heights in the city center.

Roads began to crumble, tall buildings began to collapse;

Light radiation erodes everything, making everything look like cicada wings that see through the light.

Everyone could not help but narrow their eyes and raise their hands to block the oncoming light.

The light was so dazzling that I didn't want people to look directly at it.

They feel warmth, love and justice.

Why are abstract concepts like "love" and "justice" felt?

Because an angel has come.

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