Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 37: The sun shines on the snow-capped mountains, and the angel sleeps on the earth

The Angel of Order, Death and Judgment finally responded to the call of the Q of Hearts "Priest" and gave a divine power.

A transcendent rune energy.

From the past, following the pull of the "priest" to the present. Compared with the angel Azrael, it is the future.

It's just a transcendent rune energy coming. But even so, Azrael's mighty figure still stands in the sky. The beam of light in the center carried His steps, hunched Him, and descended into the world.

The hugging angels who were prostrate on the ground kept straightening their upper bodies, and then bowed down again.

They couldn't speak, but that gesture and expression showed that they were chanting the real names of the Angels of Order, Death, and Judgment over and over in their hearts at the moment—

Azrael is coming!

"Come Azrai, please kiss me!"

"Come on Azrai, please show some mercy!"

"Come Azrai, I will be your slave forever!"

Angel Servants - The Embrace Angels exist solely for Azrael's sake. Cast from the soil of dreams, they have never had a will of their own, and since their birth, they have only lived for the coming of Azrael.

Now, Azrai has come.

They, too, have lost their meaning.

One after another, the hugging angels were covered with cracks and began to shatter and collapse.

After they collapsed, they did not stir up a layer of dust like ordinary plaster images. They are completely crystal clear, dreamy spots of light.

Those dots of light are the dream soil where all earthly dreams shine. Once upon a time, these dream lands were used by Azra'i to build the heaven - the place where God and his gods reside.

No one has really seen what heaven looks like, but everyone yearns for it.

The rest of the hugging angels all turned into crystal dreamland and disappeared into the world. As the "servants who welcome the coming of Azrael", their mission has been completed.

The angel Azrael, in myths and legends, has 4,000 pairs of eyes, 4,000 noses, 4,000 mouths, and 4,000 ears, which are used to see, smell, hear and speak all life in time. He himself is in charge of order and punishment. This is the image given to him in myths and legends. It is even said that everyone in the world is under his surveillance, in order to teach the world to abide by benevolence, righteousness and morality.

But now, the angel Azrael in the eyes of everyone is not this image.

Moreover, his image is far from the winged angel in the movie and TV series.

He is silver-white, covered with a soft halo, has no arms, and his legs are straight together. He is about 50 meters tall, and his neck is about as wide as his head, but he can see the clear line between the head and the neck. His face and facial features are not recognizable at all, or in other words, he has the face of a living being, and his face is not the same when anyone sees it.

It is even said that just by looking at him, you will find that he has no recognition, no physical structure and appearance.

However, it is this appearance that makes everyone feel an indescribable solemnity and solemnity. It seems that if He just stands there, the world will be warm and righteous.

The angel Azrael came. He stood in the light, no, he himself was the light.

A silvery, soft light fell on the ruins of Kabul, making the night nowhere to hide.

Everyone can receive the warmth and love and justice that He descends.

Qiao Xun felt the warmth on his body, the originally impetuous heart and dull emotions became peaceful and soothing. It seems that there is nothing to worry about.

He felt a very obscure and incomprehensible information in this warmth. Whispered softly:

"Is this the transcendent energy?"

Kuyecheva stood beside her, her chest raised up. She stared straight at Azrael, her beautiful blue eyes couldn't contain such light, and although she tried her best to feel a little bit of Azrael's divine power, she still couldn't keep the boundless energy behind. in the eyes for a moment. They brushed against her cheeks, clothes, and hair, but they didn't stay on her for a moment.

"I can't feel it, I can't touch it, I'm not qualified to let it stop for a moment," Kuyecheva said.

If it was a conventional method, Qiao Xun would not be able to feel these transcendent energies either.

He thought of "gluttony".

Can this feature that everything can be swallowed up?

When he was about to try it, he suddenly stopped. Because, he remembered the strong rejection and disgust he felt before facing the "Last Judgment". And the angel Azrael is also a **** in the YSL mythology system, with a totem of the same origin.

Qiao Xun couldn't take such an adventure. What we are facing now is not just a trick used by evolutionaries such as "Final Judgment", but a real god.

Although, this **** is only a trace of divine power projected from the past to the present.

But, after all, he is a god, and he has transcendent energy.

Even more terrifying than a demigod. Qiao Xun, who didn't even know how to deal with the ace of hearts, had no reason to "express himself" in front of the angel Azrael.

The angel Azrai has come.

All those who witnessed this battle became those who saw the gods with their own eyes. There was no amazement, no chatter, no pessimism or fear, everyone just quietly watched Azrael come out of the light and replace the light.

This simple process is something they will never be able to achieve in their entire life.

Tonight, a whole night of strife and confusion. From the bombing in the first half of the night, to the breakout battle at midnight, to the high-level evolutionary fight in the second half of the night. The Liberty Army was completely wiped out, and the black leather was also beheaded by many fifth-order evolutionaries. Other Adventist forces were not spared, and it can be said that the damage was heavy.

This fierce struggle is only for angels to come, or to prevent angels from coming.

And after the angels really came, they seemed to only be able to say one sentence:

"So this is an angel..."

Ling, a scavenger who spent most of the time as a bystander, was relieved to see the angel Azrael finally descended. It was this breath of relief that made her understand that she really hoped for the arrival of angels, and she really couldn't stick to the old and outdated principles of scavengers, and she really hoped that a new era would come soon.

Tonight, she re-acquainted herself.

In the earthquake and light radiation, all the surrounding buildings collapsed. Only the high-rise building she was standing on stood still, and the derivative runes spread from her feet firmly fixed the high-rise building on the ground and was not damaged by the interference of weather species.

She looked at Qiao Xun in the crowd and felt pity in her heart.

Qiao Xun is the perfect scavenger template and the perfect sacrifice template. She should have made him a scavenger, or made him a sacrifice to welcome the angel Azrai.

But Yihong, a third party, stepped in and interrupted her beautiful thoughts.

Although she can understand Yihong's thoughts, Ling still thinks that she is crazy, and it is too bold to bet on a seedling that may die at any time.

Of course, since Yihong promised not to care about Qiao Xun for three years, Ling would naturally do it. At the same time, she also wanted to see if this seedling with disturbing qualities could grow smoothly to what Yihong expected.

Taking his eyes away from Qiao Xun, Ling looked at the altar covered by "Complete Light".

The black leather K of Hearts "Mr.", the Q of Hearts "Priest" and the J of Hearts "Reader" stood there. Their purpose is obviously to use the supernatural power of Azrael to find, lock and control the war species that resides in a concept that has continued from the past to the present.

The war species is the protagonist tonight.

The protagonist always appears last.


The angel Azrael came to show it on the screen in front of him. The person in charge of the relevant matters of EveryCountry could clearly see his appearance, and through the simulation of high-level evolutionaries, he could feel the changes after his arrival online in real time. It's like being there.

They clearly felt the power of transcendent energy. So powerful that they are not even qualified to taste and discern.

They must think with a twelfth spirit, how to deal with such an existence if it is born.

The arrival of Azrael means that the species of war will definitely appear.

Then, they are faced with a problem, the critical moment has come, what should they do?

Should it be allowed to develop and join the tide of change, or should it remain the fundamental goal of keeping the functioning of the world order firmly in the hands of human beings?

Strength is the biggest bargaining chip in options. This sentence is not false.

But the current result is that the United Army has lost the ability to use strength to play games. The previously unexpected "Final Judgment" has pulled the combined army from the arena of strength, and has set a limit, which prevents it from being able to appear on the stage in a short period of time.

They have only two options left:

1. Dispatching demigod-level evolutionists;

2. Use large derivative rune weapons to suppress everything.

The first method has the highest probability of winning, but it is also the most risky.

First of all, the energy and pollution state in the body of the demigod-level evolutionary are very unstable. Every time the semi-transcendence-level energy is used, the pollution of the body will be aggravated, and the rune under the totem will erode the life information more seriously. When life information is eroded, it may happen that the evolutionary is not controlled by personal consciousness, but is controlled by runes, which is equivalent to being taken away. The risk is too great, and no one is willing to take such a risk.

The disaster caused by a demigod-level evolutionary out of control is unpredictable.

Any demigod-level evolutionary is the pillar of evolutionary power, generally only in the territory, as the trump card and the final chip.

It is impossible to judge in a short period of time whether the battle for the miracles of the Akub Khanate is eligible to send demigod-level evolutionists.

Therefore, this first choice was basically just given up after going through it in my head.

Well, they were left with only a second option.

Use a large derivative rune weapon.

Previously, Qiao Xun completed the breakout and let the first "annihilation-05" explode. After the clearing was completed, each of them sent a control team and buried the derivative rune signal marker and derivative rune suppression at key positions in Kabul city. device. It is equivalent to the entire Kabul being absolutely exposed to the striking sight of the derived rune weapon.

This is a prerequisite that guarantees precision strikes with large derivative rune weapons.

The downside of this option is that the benefits may fall short of expectations. Large-scale derivative rune weapons can be said to be heavy weapons. The rarity of source metal materials and the difficulty of analyzing derivative runes restrict the number of weapons. Each large-scale derivative rune weapon is a consumable item, and the output is extremely low.

More importantly, the current technology is immature, and the utilization rate of derivative runes is very limited, and it cannot guarantee whether it can achieve the expected goal.

Originally, weapons like this should not be used in War, and the previous "annihilation-05" can only be regarded as an actual combat test of an additional plan. Different from now, if you use it again now, you really have to use it as a weapon, which must achieve a certain purpose and test the maturity of the derivative rune weapon.

If it is not controlled properly, it is easy to cause accidental injury and unsatisfactory effects.

To sum up, the advantage of this option is that it is premised on precise strikes, and the disadvantage is that it consumes a lot and cannot guarantee the effect.

No matter how they choose or change, there is not much time left for them.

They must decide before the war seed comes.


The angel Azrael does seem to have come to spread justice. After He came, all the strife in Kabul stopped, and all eyes stared.

This divine shadow, transformed by a trace of divine power, does not express the will of the gods. He just follows the call of the "priest" and comes to help.

Therefore, the "priest" can control the mode of action of this trace of divine power.

This kind-hearted JD believer has no guilt for pretending to be a YSL believer. It was his firm belief that he was sure that he was not ashamed of the Father.

After retreating from the top of the altar, he put away the "perfect light" that Mi covered outside. Then, everyone can see what is in the altar.

"Sir", "Pastor" and "Reader" stood there.

The "Reader" nodded slightly to the "Pastor" and said:

"You have worked hard."

The "Pastor" tapped three times on his body, holding the cross on his chest with his index finger and thumb, and said:

"It's a blessing to feel the gods."

He looked at Norman and said:

"'Sir', next, the stage is handed over to you."

Norman smiled slightly. He looked around, and on the ruins in the distance, the surviving coalition soldiers stopped and did not come to try to stop them. Of course, things are already settled, and there is no point in stopping them. He says:

"'Reader', now you see it. Your failure is the last accident. The accident index set by 'Pi' will not exceed the last level."

"Sir, you are more than we think." The Reader nodded.

Norman looked at Ling, the scavenger on a tall building in the distance, narrowed his eyes, and said very solemnly in an unseen way:

"But we still have the last hurdle. Scavengers..."

"You said that the 'Butcher' can deal with scavengers."

Norman nodded slightly. He clutched his chest and said dullly:

"But 'Butcher' is gone. I can't get in touch with her. I should have figured this out, 'Butcher' is not a team-evolver. She's very capable, but too out of control."

Norman didn't like this feeling. He was obviously a member of his team, but he couldn't completely control it.

Well now, the "butcher" can't be contacted.

"Then do we still have the means to deal with the scavengers?"

The "reader" looked at Norman and asked. Now there are only three of them left in Hei Ge, one he, one "priest", neither of them are confrontational evolutionaries, and they are completely incapable of dealing with scavengers. So, he actually wanted to ask if Norman could handle the scavengers.

Black Leather has a few things hidden.

First: Who is the Ace of Spades?

Second: Is the Ace of Hearts a lunatic?

Third: What is the ability of the King of Hearts?

Fourth: Are there any big or small ghosts?

Now, the question before the "reader" and the "pastor" is what power is the king of hearts.

In the pollution incidents planned by Norman in the past, he acted as the commander every time, and would never personally enter the battlefield. Therefore, to this day, most of the black leather members do not know what kind of ability he has, or even which rank he is.

The Ace of Spades, the King of Spades, the Ace of Spades and the Queen of Spades are not ruled out above him. But mysteriously, they would not take the initiative to stand up and say such things.

So, "readers" and "pastors" were curious whether Norman would show his abilities in such a situation.

But Norman's answer disappointed them. He smiled and said:

"Of course I don't have the ability to stop the scavengers. The 'Butcher' is the means I prepared to deal with the scavengers, but unfortunately she disappeared."

this answer. They don't believe it, but they can't ask "then how did you become the king of hearts". They don't believe in any case that the fifth-ranked king of hearts in black leather will be such a strength that "of course it can't be stopped".

"Reader" said:

"Should we just give in to each other?"

Norman looked at the "reader" and asked:

"What's the reason you think Black Leather must get the war seed?"

The "reader" paused and replied:

"Controlling polluting organisms and subverting the order."

Norman spread his hands and said with a smile:

"What's the use of controlling polluting organisms for black leather? Black leather has maintained a constant number of people from beginning to end, and because of this, black leather can survive and develop for a long time. Controlling polluting organisms is not our purpose."

"What about subverting the order?"

"This is what we want to see. However, the moment the world order emerges from war, it will gradually become subverted."

The "reader" suddenly realized, tremblingly adjusted his glasses, and said:

"That is to say, the purpose of the black leather is not to get the war seed at all, but to make the war seed appear."

"Yes." Norman's eyes suddenly became blurred, and a blush appeared on his face, "That's why I said that the coalition army played with us with the wrong chips from the beginning. Although they reacted in the mid-term. , but it's too late. We are already invincible. Whether we can get the war seed or not, the black leather will not lose. From the moment the 'Cultists' completely replaced Stans, this is a game that cannot be lost. game."

The "reader" feels Norman like a sinister and cunning devil. Even if he is serious, he feels a little cold all over, and it is best not to have anything to do with this person. Although he doesn't know his specific abilities, the "reader" believes that this wisdom alone may be worth a K of Hearts ranking.

"Sir" wins again.

"But, 'Sir,' are we doing all this just for the angels to come?"


"But, why not do more?"

"Benefits and payouts have to be in the right range."

"Are we doing this for wedding dresses for scavengers? They did nothing and sat on the fruits of our victory."

Norman shook his head,

"That's because you don't know enough about scavengers to have such an idea."

"Indeed, I don't know."

"The scavengers have existed for too long, and they are still very mysterious until now. They follow very strict principles and never take the initiative to contact any miracles. They only 'picked up' miracles that appeared naturally or were discovered by others. What is the purpose of this practice, I don't know, maybe they know the Ace of Hearts, but they generally don't say it. The scavengers don't take the initiative to find war species, so we can only do it. "

"Reader" said:

"It always feels like their principles don't fit the current changes."

Norman made no comments and said with a smile:

"Who knows." He continued, "You two, are you feeling better? The brilliance and greatness of Azrael."

"Reader" and "Pastor" nodded.

"Then, I'll start."

Norman said and pointed his finger on the eyebrow, and a circular logo spread out with the eyebrow as the center.

This is a derivative rune prepared in advance. It was personally engraved by the derivative rune researcher Spade Q "Referee" in the black leather, and its name is "Fantasy Land". It took the "Referee" a long time to parse out the rune derivative arrangement of "Land of Fantasy", including the ability to guide transcendent power, search for conceptual objects, and visualize conceptual objects.

Each capability is very relevant to current needs.

Therefore, the "Referee" inscribed this derivative rune in Norman's life message.

At this moment, Norman extracted this derivative rune from the confidence of life according to the explanation of the "referee".

Programs that have already been set are activated. The glowing ring of "Land of Fantasy" actively seeks out a projection of divine power from the angel Azrael.

Intertwined with it, merged with it.

The three-segmented Azrael in the sky was projected in front of everyone's eyes, gradually converging and converging.

He itself is just a manifestation of transcendent energy, so convergence and aggregation does not mean blasphemy.

The original stalwart light, warmth, justice and love have all been condensed into a trace of divine power, making a spiral movement around the source of the "land of fantasy".


Both Qiao Xun and Kuyecheva saw "Fantasy Land."

"What is that?" Kuyecheva said.

Qiao Xun felt familiar, this breath.

He quickly thought of the scavenger. After thinking of the scavenger, he realized that it was a derivative rune.

The derived rune converged the projection from Azrael.

"Derivative rune. It seems that it is to guide the divine power since Azra to lock the war seed."

"Derivative runes... it's a field I don't understand." Kuyecheva gave up thinking.

Qiao Xun only knew a little about fur, so he couldn't tell Kuyecheva.

"Looking at this, the emergence of war species is inevitable."

"It depends on how each one decides."

Qiao Xun sighed,

"In any case, this is not something we can turn around alone. After all, war is never a war of one person. Heroism does not prevail on the battlefield."

Kuyecheva shook her head,

"Not necessarily. After the evolutionary joins the battlefield, the traditional modern war cannot be used for analysis. The ability of a single evolutionary can reverse the situation to a certain extent, or even completely change the situation. Just like the familiar ones The ace of hearts destroys the federal army, two cardinals destroy a country, and three scepters obliterate a class of polluted creatures..."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"The idiom 'familiar' is a good one."

Kuyecheva shrugged. She then patted Qiao Xun on the shoulder,

"Now we probably have to watch the show. We can't help solve the latter. It's the scavenger's turn to appear."

Qiao Xun didn't speak, he focused on the ring derived rune - "Land of Fantasy"

Somehow, there was a familiar feeling lurking in it.

He couldn't be sure whether that feeling was brought about by the derivative runes, or the condensed divine power of Azrael.

Look carefully.

He wanted to make sense of the familiarity.

In his view, any unknown familiarity is worth making known.


"Land of Fantasy" jumps in space.

It looked like the naughty kid was picking up the standard disc-shaped pebbles and making a splash.

submerged into the unknown, then emerged, then submerged...

This process keeps looping.

The species of war is not a physical object, it is a concept. Every entry into the "land of fantasy" is looking for this concept.

Everyone held their breaths, expecting it to find the war species, but also did not want to see the result of the war species actually appearing.

Very confused.

The desire for the unknown is innate, and so is the fear of the unknown.



three times,


Constantly sinking into the unknown.

This period of time is the final decision time for each person in charge. After this time, if there is no other way, it will fall into a situation where there is absolutely no chance of a comeback.

"Land of Fantasy" eight minutes after its birth,

After the seventy-sixth submersion into the unknown, a touch of color emerged where it disappeared. Like a touch of oil on canvas by a great painter.

Seeing this change, everyone understands.

It found war species.

The protagonist of the battle is finally about to appear.

He took a long breath and let it out.


at the same time,

at the same time,

Different syllables, but with the same meaning, rang out from the mouths of those in charge of related matters.

The launch silos scattered all over the world appeared one after another under the sound of the applied pressure relief valve opening.

The various unknown signal markers of the branch in Kabul emit strong signals and begin to induce the truth of flight above and below the atmosphere.

At such a critical time,

Pilot Wang Shi'an received the order. After hearing the order, he took a deep breath and said to the Union Army soldiers in the central area through the evolutionary grid:

"Please leave the 20-kilometer radius centered on the first signal source within six minutes!"

Hearing this instruction, Kuyecheva breathed a sigh of relief and said to Qiao Xun:

"Looks like they've made a decision."

Six minutes is a very sensitive number, just enough for the latest truth under current technology to arrive here.

Qiao Xun did not let out that sigh of relief. Because he hasn't figured out what that unknown familiarity is.

"Let's go," Kuyecheva said.

Qiao Xun paused slightly, but did not risk staying. He knew that the truth was already in orbit in the sky, and the evacuation order was no joke.

Six minutes was the last time for them to evacuate.

After this time, that is-

"Under the truth, all beings are equal".

Make a decision and stop worrying.

Qiao Xun turned and quickly evacuated out with Kuyecheva.

The strike range is 20 kilometers, and at least the second ring of Kabul must be withdrawn.

Six minutes is tight, but not as stressful as the black light of the previous "Last Judgment".

The surviving coalition soldiers left immediately and did not stay any longer.

on the altar,

When Norman saw the first splash of color appearing in the air, he straightened his collar, rolled up his cuffs slightly to form a beautiful inverted triangle, looked at Reader and Priest, and said with a smile:

"Two, it's time for us to take a step back. Next, it's the home of the scavengers."

After speaking, he took out a piece of paper from the pocket of his jacket,

The paper is also inscribed with derivative runes.

Again, this is what the Queen of Spades "referee" gave him.

A derivative rune called "Drowning", derived from a rune involving the space system.

Norman threw this piece of paper into the air, the rune traces on it flashed a ray of light, and then the piece of paper became bigger and wrapped the three of them, like magic, the three of them disappeared.

All that was left was a blank piece of paper, blown around by the wind.

In the blink of an eye, the three Normans appeared on the top of a hill. Standing here, Kabul was just in sight.


"Land of Fantasy" began to move at high speed in a disorderly manner after calling out the first brush strokes. It really looked like a crazy Fauvist painter holding a brush and painting frantically.

horizontal fold,


vertical protrusion,




Various trajectories of changes are intertwined, and each change is completely irregular, so that people watching can't identify any point of reference information. Just in the information gap of this change, there is a huge gap.

This almost insurmountable gulf called "mortals and gods".

Qiao Xun and Kuyecheva withdrew ten kilometers away, suffering from light radiation and strong seismic waves.

However, Qiao Xun herself was wearing defensive equipment, and it was quite easy to bear it. Kuyechva needless to say, she was completely free from her extremely high physical fitness.

from afar.

Qiao Xun raised the limit of his field of vision with the help of "super-computing field of vision", and had a panoramic view of the changes of the derivative rune "land of fantasy".

Through the sensor, Kuyecheva can also see it.

"There's no pattern, it's unpredictable," she said.

Qiao Xun bit his lip slightly. He really wanted to know what that unknown sense of familiarity was, whether it was intertwined in the divine power from Azrael, or in the derived rune.

Kuyecheva glanced at him and asked:

"What are you thinking about?"

Qiao Xun shook his head. It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's that he doesn't know what to say.

Kuyecheva felt that he might be a little anxious, and was about to comfort him again, when suddenly she felt a flash across the sky.

She hurriedly looked over. In the sky north of Kabul, something similar to lightning gushed out from a height of about 10,000 meters, but it was different from lightning. This thing began to grow downward after the flash, and the growth trajectory looked like an upside-down vigorous tree, with very distinct branches, branches, and leaves.

This thing that looks like a tree-like lightning spreads downward from a height of 10,000 meters, and the extremely high brightness lights up half of the sky. I believe that at this moment, the entire Akub Khanate can see the sky as bright as day.

Under this kind of light, the remaining wind and snow was completely covered. Looking around, the snow created a piece of silver. The light reflected on the snow, reflecting a crystal-like radiance as if it were in heaven.

This trajectory didn't stop until it spread from 10,000 meters to the ground and touched the ground.

The complete miracle like a large picture scroll is displayed in front of everyone. This conceptual object, which has been embedded in the past and present in so many events, how many people, and how many changes, has appeared.

The complete look looks like the sky is cracked, and the cracks are crystal clear.

When Qiao Xun saw such a grand scene, the cognitive information obtained by digesting the demigod-level will of the lonely military **** resounded in his mind again. Among them was a sentence:

"You find that this trend gradually condenses into a seed, not really a seed, but you feel that it is like a seed, once it sprouts, it will no longer be peaceful. You call it 'the seed of war'."

"You have to do something. So, you hide the method of becoming a **** in it, hoping that when the seed germinates, the method of becoming a **** will follow in the future. After all, only God can overcome God."

The demigod-level will of the Lonely Army God revealed one thing:

The gods of the past have launched an eternal battle against the future. They are eager to survive, not disappear after completing their historical mission, so they try to find opportunities for survival. This trend, in the change of history, has gradually evolved into a concept that is almost close to the truth.

The Lonely God of War named the concept War Species.

Qiao Xun suddenly realized this.

If it is a polluting creature, it is the life that was created in the past to survive, and the war species should be able to control them.

It all makes sense.

But the lonely military **** also said that there is a secret of becoming a **** in the war species. That was the way he left behind to counter those gods who intended to survive.

At the moment of seeing the embodied war seed, all Qiao Xun's doubts and entanglements were resolved.

And after his thoughts became clear, he gradually realized what that unknown familiar feeling was.

Before, those 320,000 pieces of text made from the skeletons of the lonely military **** demigod were made into temporary bodies by him, but they were lost during the breakout battle. The missing pieces of text were all blended with the breath of the angel Azrael.

Therefore, the unknown sense of familiarity comes from the divine power of Azrael, the demigod-level skeleton of the lonely army god.

Qiao Xun held his breath, trying to feel those demigod-level bones.

The soft, silky breath is like a fragile spider web. Fragile but sticky.

Although Qiao Xun lost them, they were still connected. There is no direct disconnection between the feelings. After all, he was in complete control of the 320,000 text blocks before.


The war species appeared.

Above the tall building, the slender and slender fingers of the scavenger Ling wrote a series of derivative runes in the air, and then she stepped forward like a dragonfly, leaving a ripple in the original position. And she herself came directly to the place where the war planted the earth.

At the bottom is the ring formed by the derivative rune "Land of Fantasy". That ray of divine power from Azrael was still intertwined around the ring.

The surroundings were bright as if countless high beams were shining on the same place, and the "twigs", "leaves" and "twigs" spread out after the war species were embodied and inserted into the ground, making the ground as smooth as pearls. .

Ling bent down, held up a handful of soil soaked in luster, closed his eyes and said in a serious and solemn voice:

"Supreme Mother Goddess, allow me to peep into your secrets;"

"Mom Goddess, please be with me;"

"Supreme Mother Goddess, please let this seed grow, and please let this earth return to its original state;"

"Supreme Mother Goddess, I am your daughter, and with sincere love, I invite you to come back;"

"The supreme goddess..."

Ling kept talking.

With every word she uttered, the part of the earth that was planted by the war blossomed.

Her pious and moving words can inspire echoes that reverberate even in this empty land.

Everything is quiet, the world is at peace.

Only her sincere words fall on the earth, on the streets, on houses, on snow-capped mountains, in dark clouds, and in people's hearts.

The robe she was chasing and inciting seemed to be specially worn for this moment, with a halo of gold and black, making her look mysterious and great.

"The supreme goddess..."

The scavenger stood motionless.

And in the sky above her head, those derived rune bombs representing truth cut through the air and created a sonic boom like rumbling thunder.

She never had a moment to look back at the bombs that were about to fall.

That is disrespect to the mother goddess.



A small silver-blue dot appeared 100 meters behind Ling, and after three seconds, the arrangement of the derivative runes that were compressed and condensed inside was torn apart, and the chain was activated, and the runes in the warhead were quickly evacuated. text energy. Runic energy radiates in an arrangement of derived runes.

No sound.

This is not an aerodynamic bomb, nor is it a fuel bomb. A rune bomb lured by derivative runes.

The space nodes in the explosion range of the released rune energy battle situation divide the space into hundreds of millions of units with the limit of specifications, and each unit is occupied by energy. This space, which carries enormous energy, is distorted to a certain extent.

Then, energy is released.

The silver-blue light engulfed Ling.

The rune bomb didn't stop, and after one exploded, another came.

Under a highly unanimous consensus, each of them did not hide their clumsiness and cast rune bombs on the planned area regardless of the cost.

Dense, saturated.

There is no room for any clutter.

The radiating silver-blue light completely covered the sky, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside, nor the embodied war species.

The light was very dazzling, but Qiao Xun stared intently.

The "supercomputing horizon" has been opened to the extreme. The complex environment changes quickly reached the upper limit of his brain computing power.

The number of derivative runes released by the explosion of batches of derivative rune bombs is quite large. Each derivative rune is very complex. With so many simultaneous occurrences, the complexity of the environment has risen to an unprecedented level.

Tears welled up in Qiao Xun's eyes.

His eyes were rapidly red and swollen.

Kuyecheva discovered his anomaly and hurriedly asked:

"Qiao Xun, what's wrong with you?"

Qiao Xun said in a suffocated voice:

"It's too complicated, it's too big! I can't see it through."

"Don't force yourself, you are too excited now."

"No, I must understand."

"What are you trying to figure out?"

Qiao Xun did not answer.

He has a lot to figure out. What is the war waged by the gods of the past against the future? What is the secret of becoming a **** in the war seed? How will war species affect changes in the world? What was the disturbing quality of his life?

Lots and lots, he wanted to know.

Although he knew that the road had to be taken step by step, the meal had to be eaten in one bite. But the opportunity to unravel some of the mysteries lies ahead, right in the rune bombardment. He couldn't help but try his best to take a peek.

Struggling with the seeds of chaos, he is a duckweed with a broken root, and nothing has ever given him a real sense of security.

If you want to not go with the flow, you can only hold on to the earth tightly, or take root in the solid ground under the silt.

"Qiao Xun, what do you want to do?" Kuyecheva tried to soften her tone, "I can help you. You don't want to take risks alone."

Qiao Xun opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.



A violent and savage voice came from the south of Kabul, and a circle of shock waves almost leveled the entire Kabul.

All the people who were still onlookers looked there, and found a giant beast breaking through the miasma caused by the weather species in the south, straddling ostrich-like legs, the entire upper body was an upside-down tortoise shell, and there was still accumulation in the shell. water. As you can imagine from the shape, it may have been a lake before it stood up.

The head in front is like a snake but not a snake, and the violent scarlet eyes drag a long rainbow light.

It ran towards here quickly. It seems that the soles of the feet have some kind of energy to stimulate the organization, and every time you take a step, a shock wave is created.

Meteorological species, another giant meteorological species!

"Dodge!" Kuyecheva hugged Qiao Xun, released her flying claws, and quickly swept to the other side to avoid the shock wave created by this weather species.

Qiao Xun looked at the weather species, and under the "supercomputing vision", he saw that there seemed to be a person above his head.



He saw clearly that it was indeed a man, but a lanky scavenger.

This scavenger drives the weather species to the rune bombardment area ahead.

Only then did they remember that two scavengers were reported at the beginning of this battle.

"Is the weather species driven by scavengers..." Qiao Xun asked.

Kuyechva said:

"Scavengers can drive weather species, but there is no direct evidence of their relationship."

Before they finished speaking, two giant meteorological species rushed over from the other two directions.

The three new weather species, plus the previous light radiation and seismic wave weather species, as well as the blizzard weather species paralyzed in the city, made a total of six.

Crowded in the city, it turns into a feast of giant monsters.

Under the control of the scavenger Harvey, the giant weather seeds ran to the center of the rune bombing zone, where the war planted and connected to the earth, and used their huge bodies to build a hard and thick wall.

The rune bombs all landed on their backs, unable to cause any damage to the Ling and War Seeds below.

Ling stood in front of the "land of fantasy" in the ring, and she didn't move a single step from beginning to end. And the previous rune bomb failed to cause damage to her, and even the clothes were not rolled up a small edge.

The appearance of several weather species in a row completely ended the idea of ​​each trying to destroy the war species.

The Roshan city wall was crowded in the central area, and every breath created a storm.

Harvey the scavenger stood on the head of the behemoth, like a king.

He looked at the surrounding ruins, at the coalition soldiers and the remnants of the Adventist Party who were peeking in the distance and didn't dare to get close, just like people looking at ants.

A man will not be angry with an ant,

The scavengers also disdain to put people in their eyes and stare carefully.

They are lonely, they are great.

Rune Bombs do deal damage to weather species. But they are determined to be the city wall of Roshan, and there is no way for them to take them.

The attack became an ineffective attack.

Therefore, a pessimistic mood quickly spread among the responsible persons.

What can be done?

The means are exhausted, but nothing can be changed.

Nothing is more desperate than this.

The Rune Bomb attack gradually became a "have to try" expression.


Only silence can describe the oppressive atmosphere in each command post.

The commander and the people in charge watched the rune bombs fall on the walls of Roshan, where the weather species were piled up, dissipating their energy and deconstructing their flesh and blood. Everything has been achieved, but the only thing that cannot be achieved is the goal.

The crystal trajectory of the figurative growth of the war species is getting lighter and lighter.

That is the performance to be charged.

On the snowy mountain, the wind blew Norman's blond hair and slapped his forehead and cheeks. His expression became softer and more charming.

"The dust has settled."

The "reader" adds:

"It's a foregone conclusion."

The "Pastor" declares:


This "Amen" was carried away by the wind.


The light of the war seed finally faded, and now the sky was clear, and the first sun was poking out from the ups and downs of the distant mountains, stroking the tormented land.

Seeing that there was still snow falling, but no longer blocking the realized sky, Kuyecheva said softly:


Sure enough, it still can't be changed.

Humanity has failed again in the face of scavengers.

She looked at Qiao Xun next to her.

Qiao Xun stood motionless, looking forward. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and said:

"I have a feeling in my heart."


"Agitated, excited, furious..."

Kuyecheva was confused,

"What's the meaning."

What Qiao Xun is talking about is the great will deep in his consciousness. The great will at the end of the long steps is restless, excited and furious.

For him, the incomparable desire to know the truth became stronger after the traces of the war species disappeared.

He felt that the war species might be the only way he could understand those things now.

Feel the connection that has not been broken, the connection with the demigod-level skeleton of the lonely military god. Those 320,000 bones were now in some form blended with the divine power from Azrael.

One more chance.

He wants to seize this opportunity.

People often say that "the meaning of life is to fight hard", but the meaning of Qiao Xun's desire to seize this opportunity is only that "he doesn't want to be a duckweed in the chaos".

Fate with the Ace of Hearts;

Xin Yu, Wang Shi'an, scavenger Ling and "Hong" have all mentioned the disturbing qualities of him;

Even the great will in the deepest part of consciousness.

It made him feel that he was a duckweed drifting with the flow.

He wants to change.

And history has said countless times that change is another name for risk.

He is not a person who likes risk, but it does not mean that he will always avoid risk.

If the opportunity for change is at hand, and possibly the only one. Then he will naturally be reckless.

Anyway, there's no reason not to take risks.

He immediately started checking his gear.

"Second Brain", the temporary consciousness carrying container;

"Rune energy shielding film", which can shield specific derived rune energy;

Having these two things is enough.

Qiao Xun looked at Kuyecheva,

"I have one thing to do."

His eyes were full of "I have to go".

"Adventure? Why?" Kuyecheva didn't understand.

Joe Tour said:

"I don't like risk, but some people have said that I am a risk. If you think about it carefully, since I stepped into the world of evolutionary people, risk has never left me. Every promotion ceremony, including mine, uses risk. piled up."

The fate with the Ace of Hearts is his biggest risk at the moment.

Fight risk with risk.

Kuyecheva wanted to persuade him.

Qiao Xun shook his head and interrupted:

"Cather, I have no choice."

An invisible huge net hangs over his head.

Kuyecheva took a deep breath, trembling a little. She remembered some bad memories, and always felt that this separation was too uncomfortable.

She seemed to see the frozen Great Wall again, and her brother smiled and said to her, I will be back.

Kuyecheva asked:

"Will you come back?"

Qiao Xun looked at her trembling eyelashes and smiled slightly,

"Probably not."

He is sober.

"So, are you still going?"

"I need to change."

Kuyecheva was silent. She doesn't know the reason. I haven't been with Qiao Xun for a long time, but I can feel that he doesn't make decisions easily, but he won't hesitate a bit after making a decision.

"what can I do for you?"

Qiao Xun strode forward and said as he walked:

"Help me contact the navigator, just say, Soldier Qiao Xun requested fire suppression."

"Hey, kid!" Kuyecheva shouted, "We made an appointment to drink together!"

The figure of Qiao Xun disappeared into the morning glow.

She didn't hear his reply.

Kuyecheva exhaled, inhaled, her throat trembling, and she let her breath stop.

She entered the evolutionary grid and said to navigator Wang Shian:

"Hello, Soldier Qiao Xun, requesting fire suppression. Please be sure to convey it to the commanders."

Joe tour!

When Wang Shi'an heard this name, his heart, which had gradually accepted the failure, was beating fiercely.

His breathing became rapid and dull.

What is Qiao Xun going to do, what else can he do?

Wang Shi'an had no way of knowing, but at this moment, the figure of Qiao Xun's breakthrough battle flashed in his mind.

Do not hesitate to convey this request to all levels of command.

For a while, the slightly silent name of Qiao Xun flickered and swayed again.

What is he going to do?

What can be done?

Yandu, conference room.

There was a lot of discussion.

There was a look of "doubt" in everyone's eyes.

It's just a sentence of "request fire suppression", without a brief plan, it is difficult for them to make truly valuable decisions.

Just believe in the name "Qiao Xun", this person?

Lu Yangyi was even more restless. He didn't expect it to be the end, but Qiao Xun suddenly came here.

"We, is there no other way?" Someone asked.

Everyone was silent.


"Qiao Xun, what kind of person is he?"

"do not know."


"We often say that the evolutionary era is over, and the strength of a single evolutionary cannot be quantified with specific data. Unlike the range, explosion range, strike range, and equivalent, which can be quantified. We don't want war species to exist, but we use traditional thinking. To consider the conflict between pollution and the evolutionary. This kind of thinking, it is time to change. If there is no way, what can we trust? Can't lose that idea. If there are warriors willing to do something, why don't we to support?"

"There's no winning percentage."

"Up to now, no one thought we could succeed at first. There is no chance at all, but there are still people who are willing to work hard."

The meaning is obvious.


The command feedback is passed to various places.

"The rest of the coalition is not willing to waste resources."

"Qiao Xun is our warrior, not their warrior."


At some point, the bomb rain stopped.

Crawling on the ground, the weather species that was baptized by rounds of rune bombs was already dying.

The scavenger Ling stood up straight.

The "land of fantasy" ring is at her feet.

Put it away and it's done.

At another point, the bomb rain started all over again. At the same time, a surveillance bomb was suspended in the sky, monitoring the scene below.

Harvey, the scavenger, stood on the head of the dejected Weather Seed, shook his head and whispered:

"Humans are human because you can't tell the situation clearly, you always have to resist and shake the tree. To beautify this kind of behavior into the spirit of struggle, the will to struggle, is just self-comfort for the fragile soul."

He murmured, trying to force the weather species that could no longer stand up to resist the attack.

He raised his hand, and it exploded.

The detonation space of "Zhiyang" exploded on the palm of his hand, and immediately made his palm blossom.

Harvey's slender figure bent abruptly and looked forward.

Qiao Xun did not stand firmly to show him. Suppression of firepower that cannot be wasted in vain. He calculated in advance what to do with every second.

The "dotted plane" controlled the surrounding debris, quickly gathered into a boulder above Harvey's head, and fell.

"Master" controls the boulder and changes its position at a very high frequency, giving Harvey no room to escape.

At the same time, the detonation space of "Zhiyang" exploded in an all-round way.

He's going to do everything.

He had obtained two pure runes on the sea train before, one was used up before, and now the remaining one was taken out by him without hesitation and used as fuel for the detonation of space.


Harvey condemns Qiao Xun's sneak attack. He quickly inscribed the derivative runes and began to compress the activity space of Qiao Xun.

The trajectory of Qiao Xun's actions drew a line in Harvey's eyes, and he placed derivative runes on this line, like a trap, waiting for the stupid boar to fall into it.

If Qiao Xun is still the same Qiao Xun before, he might be fooled.

But under the "supercomputing vision", every movement of Harvey was captured by him.

His forward stride suddenly stopped, and then the "space jump" took one step to the left front of Harvey.

At the same time, a huge rock fell and hit Harvey's left shoulder. Smash him in half.

For scavengers, the physical damage is not that serious. As long as the derived rune can still be inscribed, there is no harm.

Under the suppression of firepower, the weather species could not stand up at all.

It's time for Qiao Xun and Harvey to go it alone.

However, the purpose of Qiao Xun is not to single out.

The derivative rune attack cannot be resolved with ordinary talents, so all Qiao Xun has to do is not to be attacked.

"Master" and "Point-Line-Hedron" are his means of containment.

Qiao Xun moved to the central area while restraining, that is, approaching Ling.

Harvey was really annoyed by the bug.


This time, the derived runes are arranged in the form of sounds. When he said this word, a pair of hands grew out of thin air in the space next to Qiao Xun and grabbed his ankles.

Qiao Xun's lower body was controlled, the whole person lost his balance, fell down, and hit the hard scale armor of the weather species.

He once again used the "space jump" to avoid risks.

Continuous use of the space system talent caused cracks to appear in his body. Thin blood lines came out, like a naughty child drawing on him with a red pen.

Harvey noticed this and smiled,

"This is unbearable, the human body is so fragile."

Qiao Xun continued to use Detonation Space, "Master" and "Dot-Line-Hedron" to manipulate the debris to interfere with Harvey, preventing him from using derivative runes continuously.

I was moving quickly on the broad back of the weather species. He didn't make his own signs too obvious. The trajectory of action twists and turns like an earthworm.

Harvey is indeed limited. As a scavenger himself, he belongs to that kind of long-range output stream, and it is difficult to compete with Qiao Xun, a man who focuses on maneuvering, in terms of maneuvering.

He continued to inscribe the derivative rune attack, wondering how long Qiao Xun's weak body could support.

Two hands appeared out of thin air again, grabbing Qiao Xun's ankle.

"Space Jump".

The cracks in his body widened, and blood stained his clothes.


again and again,

Harvey is like a child with a magnifying glass burning ants in the sun, showing a childlike playfulness. He wants to see how long this ant, bug, can last.

The cracks in Qiao Xun's body continued to enlarge,

From the initial millimeter level to the centimeter level.

The torn wound became more unstoppable as he moved.

Healing talent can't keep up with the deterioration of the injury.

He was covered in blood and turned red.

This tragic situation is seen by everyone who pays attention.

They didn't understand why this warrior did this. What is holding him up?

The most painful is Kuyecheva. Not long ago, this man covered in blood was standing beside her.

The Great Wall of Ice and Snow flashed again in her mind, flashing the smile of her brother before he left.

She had to inject herself neurostimulator after neurostimulator to suppress those painful memories.

After seven consecutive "space jumps",

Qiao Xun's body finally couldn't bear it, and it cracked.

Flesh fell from his bones.

Harvey said aloofly:

"The gap cannot be made up by will."

After he finished speaking, he hoped to see a trace of regret, a trace of pleading, and a trace of fear on Qiao Xunhong's face.

but no,

Only extreme calm.

The calmness made him feel terrified.

what are you doing? Why are you not afraid?

Harvey frowned, ready to give him the final word.

Qiao Xun suddenly said:

"Pride is my power."

This sentence, he said before, when breaking through.


The eighth "Space Jump" is activated.

Instead of jumping in Ling's direction, jumping towards Harvey.

"Moths have to fly into the fire, too." Harvey was finishing his sentence, seeing a smile on the corner of Qiao Xun's mouth, and a deep sense of unease filled his heart.

This unease quickly condensed into real fear.

He watched Qiao Xun's collapsed body swell up in less than half a second. The huge rune energy was released in an instant.

Light and heat baptized Harvey.


The scorching and dull arrogance rose a few hundred meters, then quickly contracted, all injected into Harvey's body.

Runic energy poured into every inch of Harvey's body.

"Do not!"

The shouting stopped abruptly before it could fully roar.

Harvey's figure freezes in light and heat.

The flames of the explosion covered the mid-air surveillance missiles. All images captured from this monitor are occupied by white on the screen. They clenched their hands, sweating on their palms, eager to know what was going on under the white light.

Kuyecheva stopped breathing.

As soon as Lu Yang stood up, he tightened his muscles.




Deathly silence.

The white light lasted for a minute. In this silent minute, I don't know how many people's hearts have changed how many emotions.

The screen returns to normal.

The mess is still the mess. A huge pit appeared on the back of the warring weather species. Harvey the scavenger has disappeared.

Similarly, Qiao Xun also disappeared.


The sound of something falling to the ground sounded.

A direct-sized crystal fell.

Lu Yang recognized it at a glance, it was the "second brain" produced by the Qisan Arsenal, which could temporarily store consciousness.

Qiao Xun retained his consciousness.

In the second brain, Qiao Xun's consciousness was a little weak. The fight just now took too much energy from him.

A few hours earlier, he had killed a man named Gulalan Pomon.

Stealed a talent called "Inner Body".

Any form of energy can be stored in the body.

When the "Space Jump" talent is activated, it will consume a huge amount of rune energy. The spatial kinetic energy of the runic energy transformation is the key to causing the physical load.

Every time he jumps, he stores space kinetic energy.

Finally, on the eighth jump, the limit was reached.

It can be said that everything he did before was to store energy, for the final explosion.

The effect is good,

Harvey's arrogance, Qiao Xun's madness, created this battle.

This is the first time that humans have hunted and killed scavengers head-on.

Da Da footsteps sounded.

The tall and beautiful scavenger Ling walked into this pit. She picked up the "Second Brain" on the ground and said softly:

"You are so amazing."

Of course the "second brain" doesn't speak.

Ling looked up at the surveillance missile in the air, and looked at everyone across the screen.

she says:

"Yihong, I don't know if you're watching. But as you can see, I'm going to tear up the agreement between us. Because, some people are too restless. You should have imagined that he would be crazy and desperate. to the point of.”

After speaking, her slender fingers pinched the "second brain" that carried Qiao Xun's consciousness, held it up, and displayed it under the surveillance missile.

"Your hero will leave you."


Very crisp sound.

The "second brain" was crushed by her.

Qiao Xun, in the witness of everyone, declared his death.

However, rage will not be appeased.

After the scavenger Ling crushed the "second brain", he suddenly frowned. She felt as if something was messing up in her consciousness.

After some inspection, she found that the war seed that she had just collected was shaking violently.

Then, the familiar breath flowed out again.

That is--

The semi-god-level will of the lonely military god.

Ling's eyes suddenly widened. She reacted and connected the Chinese characters in the mountain tomb to the first, feeling the demigod-level will of the lonely military **** on the base car, and the current situation.

She responded.

Qiao Xun wants to plunder the war species with the demigod-level will of the lonely military god!

The act of crushing the "second brain" by himself just now made his consciousness intrude into his own.


Ling shouted loudly.

No one knew what she was yelling at.

At this moment, Qiao Xun used "numerology to follow the sky" to analyze the war species, and found 320,000 text blocks wrapped in the war species.

He commanded them with the demigod will of the solitary war god,


Then an astonishing scene appeared.

Ling suddenly knelt on the ground and covered her eyes, as if something was about to come out.

"Do not!"

Her hands were stretched, and a beam of gray-white light poured out from her left eye.

That's not light, it's the blocks of words carved from the demigod-level bones of the Lonely Military God.

The text blocks quickly converged into human shapes in the air,

The shape of Joe Tour.

At this moment, a series of derivative runes are engraved in his hand, "land of fantasy", and in it, the war seed and a trace of the divine power of Azrael are wrapped.

Qiao Xun looked at Ling and said:

"Don't pick up anything on the ground."

Ling stood up and roared:

"I will tear you to pieces!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and instantly engraved a dense number of derivative runes, covering the entire space, completely wrapping Qiao Xun.

She did not keep her hand, and insisted on completely obliterating Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun also became crazy.

The great will deep in his consciousness reciprocated with fury.

"Come on, let's smash together!"

In front of Ling, he devoured and disintegrated the "land of fantasy".

The seeds of war are revealed. A clump of fluorescence.

At the same time, the divine power of Angel Azra was also analyzed.

The moment she saw this divine power, Ling's complexion changed greatly.

"You're crazy! There is no 'land of fantasy', and divine power cannot be controlled!"

Qiao Xun said fiercely:

"I said, smashed to pieces!"

"Mad, you are a lunatic!"

Ling's eyes flashed with fear, and she frantically urged the derivative rune.

She is running away!

She will not perish with Qiao Xun!


There was only this thought in her mind.

Derivative runes tear space. Ling's half body had just stepped in, when uncontrollable divine power erupted.

The transcendent rune energy instantly melted her outside body.

At this moment, there is only light.

Qiao Xun's eyes were full of light.

Light eventually engulfed him too.

"Absolute power is the totem of rage."

This sentence was frozen at the last moment of his consciousness.

The sun was fully up and shone on the land of Kabul.

This ruined city presents a different kind of beauty at this moment.

In the distance, on the snowy mountains.

Norman was silent.

Just now, the unexpected index broke through the limit and reached the highest level.

This means that while they fail, it also means that they have to make a final plan,

But the final plan is no longer necessary, because the war species has been destroyed.

The divine power from the angel Azrael found the war seed and destroyed the war seed.

"Reader" said:

"It's over~www.readwn.com~Pastor" said:


The sun shines on the snow-capped mountains, brilliant and white.

Norman turned to leave, disappearing into the vast expanse of white.

He will always remember Joe Xun as a man.

Kuyecheva looked at the sky and wept silently.

Today, she lost another good brother.

Wang Shi'an was silent for a long time, and said to the evolutionaries in the evolutionary grid in a low voice:

"Hello, dear warriors:

It is with great excitement that I inform you,

We won the battle for the miracle of the Akub Khanate. "

(End of this volume)

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