Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 9: Drink this cup of tea and give me your life

The familiar atmosphere lingers in every corner of the train.

The metallic cold air and the fishy smell of sea water. This makes the train look more old-fashioned to a certain extent. Whether it is texture, atmosphere or internal structure, it fully reveals the feeling of the streets of London during the steam revolution.

It seems that when you close your eyes today, when you wake up tomorrow, every corner of the train is immediately covered with a thick layer of smoke.

Qiao Xun is now in the lower compartment.

The train is divided into upper, middle and lower floors. The upper floor is the train management class and the VIP compartment, and the middle is the general area and the service class compartment where the clockworkers live.

The lower level is the livestock area and the place that supplies the entire train with energy, materials and infrastructure projects.

There was a smell of smoke and fire in the lower compartment.

According to Abbott's Cognitive Fragment, this is produced when the source metal ore inside the Power Zone is refined. On the train, the place where the source metal is extracted is called the fire field. It is indeed a place of smoke and fire, filled with impurity smoke that chokes people's lungs and eyes all day long.

Working in that kind of place, ordinary people lose their lives, and clockworkers wear out very quickly.

Of course, it is livestock, not people, that work there. The train is not distressed.

According to the cognitive fragments, Qiao Xun left the previously unloaded carriage and took the rail elevator to the power area. The power area is equivalent to the coal inlet of the old coal-fired steam train, but only in the same position.

The structure and layout are completely different. After all, Hailie uses source metal, and of course it is impossible to use the form of "burning".

Instead, it uses the source metal dissociation device created by the evolutionary of the power zone engineering department to dissociate the base of the source metal, release the rune energy, and then transmit it to each energy box of the train through the comprehensive rune pipeline made of source metal fragments. It is converted into different forms of energy according to the needs of different carriages.

In Abbott's cognition, it is impossible to understand such a high level of comprehensive rune pipeline system.

Therefore, Qiao Xun couldn't learn more. He only knew that the technical level of this pipeline system is currently beyond the reach of other countries. The rune energy utilization rate of source metal has reached an astonishing 65%. The outside country, the Federation with the most outstanding technology, is only 43%, and the Republic is 40%.

Unfortunately, this technology, for trains, is also a secret. Even Abbott, the energy harvester, doesn't know how the technology works.

The power area is the fourth large car on the ground floor of the train. The vertical length is about 1.5KM, and the area is equivalent to an ordinary village.

After getting off the elevator, Qiao Xun looked around. The air is filled with free runic energy. These are all escaping from the fire field, and the source metal refining process cannot avoid loss. After the lost runic energy escaped the filter, it spread in the lower compartment.

Rune energy itself is tasteless, but for the evolutionary, there is a hormonal attraction to young men and women.

This attraction is genetic.

Qiao Xun thought that if an ordinary first- and second-order evolutionary person came here, it is estimated that he would soon enter a state of genetic paralysis as if he were drunk.

The people who are active in the power area are clockworkers and normal human beings who work exclusively for the train. There are no VIPs, passengers and livestock.

He looked forward, and behind the solid and thick iron walls of the power section was the first car in the livestock section.

There...like hell.

The clockworkers are extremely efficient and move in an orderly manner in the power zone. Most of them are responsible for handling, loading and unloading, maintenance, inspection and other work.

Qiao Xun watched for a while, took a breath, clamped his monocle, and walked along the sidewalk to a three-story office building with a clock tower.

The clockworkers passing by greeted him respectfully.

"Hello, Mr. Abbott."

Abbott is a strange man. He always responds politely to anyone who greets him, regardless of that person's status.

So, Joe did just that. Also made watertight. No one doubts that this Mr. Abbott has changed.

Stepping, stepping on the ground tiles, walking into the soft light, Qiao Xun came to the separate office on the third floor.

The nameplate of the chief of the power district hangs on the door - "Mr. He Xiujie".

Mr. He Xiujie used to be a republican.

Qiao Xun knocked on the door lightly and said:

"Mr. He, I'm Abbott, the energy collection officer."

"Come in, Mr. Abbott." A warm voice came from the other side of the door.

Qiao Xun pushed open the door, and a slight creaking sounded.

The warm yellow lights are spread in this Chinese-style office, and there are pen, ink, paper and inkstone, calligraphy and painting, potted plants, large wood carvings, agarwood, etc. There was still a fire burning in the center of the room, the rising flames lingered, and the shadows hitting the wall kept shaking. The blanket on the ground is a huge lotus flower, and the furniture on the blanket is entirely made of mahogany of excellent quality, smooth and round.

He Xiujie, the head of the Power Zone, a man with pigtails.

Qiao Xun thought, he felt that he could not be regarded as a citizen of the Republic. He could only say that he might have lived on the land of the Republic, or that his ancestors were people from that land.

After all, no one in the Republic will be in pigtails today, in 2036.

He Xiujie is relatively thin, there is no flesh on his face, and his eyes are still deep, but half of his bare head is bright.

Long robe and jacket, bordered with shoulder fringes, lark snake pattern.

The clothes He Xiujie was wearing looked like "a dignitary".

Qiao Xun glanced at him a little, and "Zhenru" started naturally.

Peeping Totem is "Panque Mountain", a fifth-order evolutionary.

Talent cannot be simply seen directly through "True Ru", it is a little bit meaningless, and it probably needs He Xiujie to use a little means to reveal some information.

The rune energy in his body is extremely thick, and he doesn't know where it is thicker than the previous Abbott. not to be trifled. This is definitely not an ordinary fifth-order evolutionary.

After all, he is the chief of a district, so he will not be weak.

"Mr. He." Qiao Xun nodded slightly.

As soon as he lowered his head, he could see the greasy stomach.

He Xiujie is writing. Like a bamboo branch holding a brush in hand, rubbing it to make it green. He opened his mouth to speak, with a pure London accent, and when he heard it, it was a real foggy person. Perhaps, in that "trade dispute", his ancestors traveled from the Qing Dynasty to England on board the sea monsters under the Industrial Revolution.

"A little ink." He Xiujie whispered.

Qiao Xun listened, knew what it meant, stepped forward, and began to grind the ink stick skillfully.

Abbott used to do this all the time.

Qiao Xun leaned slightly and lowered his head, looking at the paper on the desk, with a few large characters written on it:

"Three mountains can stay for a long time, He Haiqing-"

There should be another word after it, "Yan".

Qiao Xun did not try to dismantle He Xiujie's intentions through a few words. That doesn't make much sense.

After He Xiujie wrote the last word "Yan", he threw down the pen at will, letting the ink smudge the word. He wiped his hands, rolled up his sleeves, walked to the tea seat beside him, sat down, ordered a cup of tea, and said:

"Welcome back, Mr. Abbott."

He also ordered a cup of tea for Qiao Xun.

Joe Tour said:

"Mr. He, I'm here to submit this mine collection list."

He Xiujie lifted the lid of the teacup, dialed the tea, took a sip, and said:

"Not enough mines, right?"

In Abbott's cognitive fragments, He Xiujie could always easily know the number of mines he brought up each time. Therefore, Abbott never dared to cheat. In the same way, he didn't know what kind of ability He Xiujie was.

However, Qiao Xun's "truth" is always on. Identifying information by retrieving dialogue, demeanor, movement, and mood swings is also a function.

Therefore, he can explore He Xiujie's ability little by little.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

He Xiujie took back the cup of tea ordered for Qiao Xun. This means that the reason is not clearly stated, and the tea is not given. If you don't drink tea, it's not so easy to get out.

Qiao Xun has long fabricated false cognitive fragments and concepts of existence through the two talents of "Zaiyin" and "True Ru", as well as the editor of the trait "lazy".

His tone was so serious that he couldn't really say:

"There are other evolutionary people who have their eyes on Pemba Island. Before us, they abducted a batch of mines stored on Pemba Island through deception. And they were very smart, only abducted the general use for feeding the upper carriages. of the finest mines.”

"Other evolutionaries..." He Xiujie was about to drink tea, stopped, crossed his legs, and glanced at Qiao Xun, "Tell me how they abducted?"

Qiao Xun's lies are a complete set, only He Xiujie can't think of it, nothing he can't make up,

"According to the description of the mayor of Chuck Chuck, there are five evolutionaries in total, and one of them can create cognitive hallucinations, pretending to be me and a few clockworkers, and a week before we go, kidnapped Wait for the mine."

He Xiujie looked at Qiao Xun. A pair of black and white eyes, as if to see something in the fat of Qiao Xun's life.

After a while he said:

"I'm being watched."

"Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. He. It must have been because I didn't clean up the traces when I went to Pemba Island before. Otherwise, I can't imagine that such a place would be targeted by chance. You know , the only strait that can be crossed is covered by extreme weather, while the other three sides are all seas."

Qiao Xun spoke sincerely and earnestly.

A little smile gradually appeared on He Xiujie's plain face, and he said:

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Abbott, this kind of thing happens all the time. After all, the mines on the earth are not named, and they can belong to anyone before they get them. We can only say that the skills are not as good as others, so be careful next time. ."

Qiao Xun exhaled, wiped the fine beads of sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and said with a smile:

"I thought you would punish me."

He Xiujie's smile became more intense,

"Of course I will punish you."

Qiao Xun's face immediately showed Albert's classic astonishment, and then he recovered immediately, and said with a slightly excited voice:

"Mr. He, what will you do?"

He Xiujie pushed the tea that belonged to Qiao Xun in front of him. His fingernails were long and beautiful, neat and smooth.

"Drink this cup of tea, go to the handover, and then you can serve as the second carriage supervisor in the livestock area. It just so happens that the livestock over there have been dishonest recently. I think, with your talent, you can easily It's settled. Come back when you've settled it."

After He Xiujie finished speaking, his upper body leaned forward, his fingers crossed, his chin rested on the back of his palm, his voice was low and charming,

"Mr. Abbott, what do you think of this punishment?"

With Albert's cognitive fragments, Qiao Xun understood what this concept was.

An energy collection officer in the power area, second only to the chief and chief engineer, suddenly became the chief of a car in the livestock area, which was equivalent to changing from a dean of education to a subject teacher, or an unpopular miscellaneous subject teacher.

If it was the previous Abbott, he must go crazy, crying and shouting to let He Xiujie spare him once, and never send him to the livestock area.

But for Qiao Xun, it doesn't matter what position he is, what matters is that he can stay on the train in an open and fair manner.

However, since he is Abbott now, he should play the role well.

So, Qiao Xun immediately cried and cried, and said sadly:

"Mr. He! I know that I have made an unforgivable mistake, but you believe me, I will try my best to correct it! Make up for my mistakes and give me a chance to make up for my mistakes! I will make up for the loss this time in the next mine. !"

He Xiujie said calmly:

"I'll make up for it. Letting you deal with the restlessness in the livestock area. Isn't this also making up for it? Or, Mr. Abbott, you've been in the comfort zone of the power zone for too long, and you've forgotten what the positioning of the bottom compartment is?"

"Of course I remember!"

Forget your own position, this is a big hat, and it is impossible for Qiao Xun to follow.

He immediately got feedback from cognitive fragments,

"Solve all the troubles and keep the train stable!"

He Xiujie's nose is shriveled,

"Does it go against this positioning to go to the livestock area to maintain stability?"

"No... no."

"Then why are you dissatisfied? Is it possible that I should reward you for losing a batch of mines and go to the restricted area to give you credit?"

"When... Of course not, Mr. He, I never thought that way."

"Then, let's have some tea." After He Xiujie finished speaking, he got up and walked to the window.

The lattice windows framed with oiled paper reveal the warm light outside, giving this Chinese-style room a feeling of being illuminated by the sun. The supple agarwood glides on the coffee table.

Qiao Xun picked up the tea, opened the teacup, and glanced at it "Zhenru".

【Fu Lu Shou Cai Tea of ​​Longevity Tea】

【Drink it and contribute to your life】

Every trace of change rippling in the tea, and any strand of rune energy that overflows, presents such a cognition under the retrieval and analysis of "True Ru".

At this moment, Qiao Xun understood something that Albert had never understood: why is it uncomfortable for Mr. He to drink tea every time, but Mr. He himself enjoys it very much?

Of course, if you drink, you will die early, but if you drink it, you will live longer.

What to do, drink or not?

Qiao Xun glanced a little and found that there was a mirror in front of He Xiujie's left, the angle was just right on Qiao Xun's side.

It seems to have to drink.

Qiao Xun sipped the teacup and took a sip of the longevity tea into his stomach.

At the same time, a calm smile appeared on He Xiujie's face reflected in the mirror.

He turned around and said with a smile:

"I manage in the power zone, you maintain stability in the livestock sector, Mr Abbott, obviously we all have a bright future."

Qiao Xun clamped the monocle even tighter.

He Xiujie walked to the book desk, picked up the pair of "Sanshan can stay for a long time, river and sea feast" and handed it to Qiao Xun,

"Mr. Abbott, I hope you can let the second carriage of the livestock area have a feast in the river and sea. Don't worry, the trouble there is tricky, but the power area has always stood firmly behind you."

This beastly speech made Qiao Xun laugh. But he still had a bitter look on his face, and said wryly:

"Don't worry, Mr. He, I will definitely do it well."

"Go, and may you return with a full load."

Qiao Xun took the copybook, turned around and just walked a few steps.

He Xiujie suddenly stopped him,

"Mr. Abbott!"

Qiao went over the tour~www.readwn.com~ Seeing He Xiujie wrapping her long braids around her neck, she said with a mysterious smile:

"You have chewing gum on your shoes."

Qiao Xun looked down... This was what Albert stepped on on Pemba Island before. He remembered Abbott's performance before, and immediately shouted angrily:

"Damn Pemba, disgusting Tanzanians! Dirty and shameless!"

Yelling, he walked out the door.

He Xiujie watched from behind and said in a low voice:

"Angry, anger is right. Abbott who lives in anger is a good Abbott."

After speaking, he walked to the coffee table and added a cup of tea to himself.

Fresh Shou Tea.


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