Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 34: Dear Miss Lu

The soft light streamed down her hair and onto her face.

She was so close. So close that you can reach out and touch her face directly. Some inexplicable red was reflected on her face, very light, very light. The smooth lips are like leeches in the sun. Between the light opening and the light closing, the subtle deformations due to stickiness also become very clear. After a short period of arrogance, such deformations quickly return to silence.

She stopped talking.

Then, just staring at him.

His knees were on the carpet, and the inside of his calf was on the outside of Qiao Xun's thigh. The shallow indoor casual clothes could not cover the temperature gushing out of the flesh and blood no matter what.

His left hand pressed on Qiao Xun's left shoulder, and his right hand was facing the ground, covering his right face. The fine hairs on his arms seemed to tremble.

in this way. The whole body is trapped.

In a short period of time, Qiao Xun looked very embarrassed. He bent his hands instinctively, trying to support her body. However, his thoughts quickly collapsed under her overly serious eyes and vanished.

The warm wind blew over and blew the long hair off her shoulders, hitting Qiao Xun's chin. The slightest trace of warmth made him tighten his neck.

For a long time, Qiao Xun didn't know what he was thinking.

The look in her eyes calmed him down.

At this time, he gradually understood. This is by no means a forced confession, nor is it a confession that requires a positive answer.

What she saw in her eyes was the lake surface swept by the breeze. The more it was like this, the more she appeared unfamiliar to Qiao Xun. He couldn't help but think, could she still show such an expression? Wasn't she always naughty and teasing? It turned out that she could also be the evening breeze on Heyue's way back...

There is no time, more than now, that Qiao Xun realizes that she has an unparalleled unique charm.

This reunion can be said to be doomed. But getting along after the reunion must be a meteor-like surprise in this "destined".

Qiao Xun knew that he had to! must! You must think carefully.

He doesn't, and doesn't want to, but seeing that the atmosphere is very good now, and the girl in front of him is very beautiful, he makes certain decisions with a fever.

Star-like thoughts flickered one after another in his consciousness.

The quiet years of more than 20 years before the evolution, the turbulent waves of the two years after the evolution... In a complex issue that comes with opinions...

He thought, is there really such a period of time that you can do whatever you want? Are you doing what you want to do?

Time seemed to return to the time when I first met her.

The door was opened, and she was still very young, smiling, her teeth shining with the soft white light.

From teammates, to game friends, to partners, to the only game friends, to each other's misunderstandings, they are all in the end of the world... Qiao Xun could not know what she was thinking during this period of time. But when he looked at his past year, it seemed... Indeed, from the time he left the train, he often thought of her and wondered, what was she doing on the train? Who have you met? What danger will be encountered?

Is that a friend's concern?

Qiao Xun asked himself this question in his heart.

He is sure. This is indeed the concern of friends. The key is whether this "concern" has been repeatedly fermented in time and has become an intoxicating wine.

After realizing this, Qiao Xun began to feel uneasy. Anxiety grew stronger.

There were too many things in his head at once, Xin Yu's opinion on his characteristics, Wang Shi'an's opinion on his characteristics, scavenger... Red... Agnes... "Demon Seed" in Gulalan's mouth... This is At that time, he was horrified to discover that even in the depths of his consciousness, the great will above the long steps of the gods was scrutinizing him.

He became ignorant of himself. He doesn't know what kind of person he is, and whether he is qualified to be liked.

He doesn't know what will happen in the future... He doesn't know what his relationship with her will be like...

These questions are questions that Qiao Xun has thought about many times, but every time there is no answer, he simply does not think about it. Now, her confession made him have to face these problems directly, and he couldn't evade them in the slightest.

I don't want others to be too close to me, and I don't want to be too close to others...

"You are a born selfish...I feel sorry for your former lover..." Agnes' words were like needles, stabbing Qiao Xun.

His shoulders trembled.

The trembling ran down her arm, and she felt it.

She buried her head on his chest, afraid that she would press him, so she just leaned against him gently.

"I hear your heartbeat. You must be thinking a lot," she said.

Her taste, her temperature, her mood...

Qiao Xun was lying on the carpet, feeling more and more dizzy. The soft white light of the chandelier begins to look like a rainbow.

His lips are dry,

"Miss Lu, where should we go?"

His eyes drifted away.

"Why live in the past," she said.

"The world is not colorful at all, and there will be more suffering in the future."

"If only I could bring you a little color other than black and white."

"But what can I bring you?"

"Honey, this is not a deal. I don't want anything, I just want you to understand what I'm thinking. This kind of thing can't be explained, I can't write down my feelings like a list, and I can't step on it like a game task. Move forward with the framework of the program. I just see you, I feel very happy."

"I'll make you sad, I'll bring you unease, I'll bring you bad luck."

"Why do you always say those things are your own problems? Does it mean that people will always die, and one party will always feel sad and sad because of the other party, so do you have to blame yourself? Or, do you think I see a big mountain blocking it? In front of you, will you stop or take a detour? If that's the case, why didn't I just leave here with you? We all have our own affairs, we are all independent, and things happen like this Yes, I accept it with peace of mind."

She said it all.

Qiao Xun understood even more that she was really just Lu Xianyi, just herself, just doing what she wanted to do.

There is no force majeure coercion.

It is this simple emotional expression that makes Qiao Xun more cautious, so that he treats it with care. He didn't want to deal with her with a decision he hadn't thought about, it was an insult to her.

"Miss Lu."

"Yeah." She whispered softly on his chest.

"I can't make a solemn promise to you, and I can't give you the beauty that you can see. You will be wronged in many things. If you feel hard, don't bear it alone."

Lu Xianyi suddenly straightened up and looked at Qiao Xun with a sly face,

"My ability is to create! If beauty can't be seen, then create the conditions that can be seen."

The thorny thoughts were swept away, and Qiao Xun laughed.

"But..." Lu Xianyi smiled without showing her teeth.

"What?" Now it was Xun's turn to get nervous.

"Your mouth is dry, so moisturise it well."

As she spoke, she leaned down and lay on top of Qiao Xun, her eyes gradually becoming hazy.

Until the moment when the lips met, it was like seeing fireworks blooming all over the sky at the same time. It was so different, so beyond imagination, that I was stunned.

Then, she reacted...

Well, what to do next?

The mouth touched, and...then what to do?

Originally, her heart was like still water, and it was as if she had encountered extreme cold, and the water froze. The shoulders were tense, and ten fingers seemed to have their own thoughts, and they pinched Qiao Xun's face and neck, and with force, even red marks came out.

Heartbeat and breathing slowed for half a beat, and then became rapid and panic.

"Ah!" Lu Xianyi was startled and sat up abruptly, her face flushed red, her eyes squinting, she said falteringly, "Well...it's a...wonderful day...just now, it seems, what I want to say. ?"

Qiao Xun suppressed his laughter and said solemnly:

"You said my mouth was dry."

"That's right! Here, here it is!" Lu Xianyi took out a lip balm out of nowhere and threw it to Qiao Xun.

"I don't want this." Qiao Xun snorted softly.

Lu Xianyi was nervous and soft-spoken as if she had committed a crime.

"But...but I only have this, and the others, I won't...oh, no, no."

"I do not believe."

Lu Xianyi scratched her hair and made a mess of herself all at once. Her voice was almost inaudible,

"Next time, next time... I'm so stupid..."

Before she could speak, she held her breath again and said loudly, trying to change the subject, "Let's play cat and cat fight, I've practiced the combo for a year, and I can definitely beat you!"

Then she was about to run away.

Qiao Xun grabbed her wrist, she was like a stressed cat, tensing her shoulders and shrinking her neck.

Qiao Xun pulled her slightly, and she fell on his chest again.

Lu Xianyi didn't think about anything, just be an ostrich, close his eyes tightly, as long as he can't see, he won't be nervous.

Then, there was another collision of lips.

Now she felt it. It's not dry and stiff. Her eyes were closed tightly, but her mouth felt soft and warm, as if something was still being demanded.

It feels so amazing.

It's just that I can't hold my breath.

Lu Xianyi's face flushed red, and then she heard Qiao Xun say in her ear:

"Miss Lu, don't hold your breath when kissing."

Miss Lu couldn't hold back her face, so anxious and angry, she pushed Qiao Xun away and said angrily:

"I'll just hold my breath! I don't want to talk nonsense with you! Also, why are you so skilled!"


"Then I'm an idiot?"

"Otherwise murmur."

"It's nasty!"

Miss Lu was so annoyed that she slapped her palm, and a row of shackles immediately emerged from the ground, locking Qiao Xun's wrists, ankles, and waist. she exclaimed:

"Don't move, the stupid bird can only fly first, you can be my practice tool!"

Then, she grabbed Qiao Xun's head with both hands and moved up.

Qiao Xun blinked, looked at her curiously, and said:

"Sometimes I really wonder if your brain structure is different from normal people."

"Don't talk, I..." Miss Lu became resentful for some reason, sniffed and whispered, "I don't want you to kiss me like a wood, but this kind of thing will never happen. Son will understand it all."

Joe closed his eyes.

Miss Lu also closed her eyes and moved closer.

To be honest, Qiao Xun did not feel satisfied in this kiss. I only felt Miss Lu's cautiousness and nervousness.

It won't be a very pleasant experience.

But it was the most memorable experience.

Qiao Xun gradually calmed down. He was always thinking and never stopped.

Now to analyze Lu Xianyi's thoughts, there is no convincing reason. So, he was just thinking about things after that.

Lu Xianyi didn't take long to let go of Qiao Xun.

The two sat opposite each other.

Lu Xianyi thought about it and said:

"It's just love, I really have no experience. I also told you that I was very autistic when I was a teenager, and I tried to escape from society when I was reading. Later, I started to evolve, and I spent most of my time training, doing missions, and taking risks, and more Stay away from the general crowd. If it wasn't for Sister Yu, I might still be a dark and damp person."

"Then you are really brave. Most people's first love is just in the heart, ignorant until it disappears."

"I can't always be the same. But, between us, there are still many things that I need to think about."

"It's inescapable."

"I thought about it from the beginning. Our relationship cannot be like an ordinary couple. Too many things limit us, and the focus of our respective lives will not be just love."

Qiao Xun nodded seriously and said,

"You think about it a lot."

Xin Yu was right. Lu Xianyi is the person who thinks the most in the team, but most of the time he thinks silently.

"I was still thinking at first, why did I express my heart to you. I thought about it over and over again, but there was no answer. Now I think about it again, and I realize that this is not 'what', but just a simple 'Lu Xianyi's idea' is just. Not every idea has a logical starting point. That's why I take it for granted, and of course you want me to do it."

Qiao Xun laughed twice,

"You really think about it."

Lu Xianyi sighed, spread out her hands,

"I'm proud of my head."

"Except for games, right?"

"It must be the creator who is jealous of me! I don't want to have a perfect person in this world, so he just pulls out the weak points that he has arranged for me!" Lu Xianyi said angrily, "Damn it!"

"Is this an excuse?"

"Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm not smiling again."


Lu Xianyi slumped on the sofa,

"Oops, you're so tired. Can you lie on my lap?"

"Huh? Are you out of your mind?"

"Do you have to tell me that I want to touch your face?" Lu Xianyi frowned.

Qiao Xun sat beside her honestly, and then lay on her lap.

He lay down on his back and saw her chin at a glance.

This... Forget it, let's not talk about it.

Lu Xianyi kept poking her fingers on Qiao Xun's face, and said while poking:

"What are you doing on the train again?"

"It's very complicated. I'll tell you later. However, I have important things to do in the VIP area."

"I probably guessed it."

"Guess it? I don't even know it myself."

Lu Xianyi thought about it and said,

"There are some things that can't be said in the car. Well, in a week, the train will arrive in Antarctica. At that time, the train will stop in Antarctica for half a month. I think that it has something to do with the uncultivated and critically dangerous pollution area in Antarctica. Time to talk."

After speaking, she lowered her head and whispered:

"So, let's choose Antarctica for our first date."

Qiao Xun looked at her restless eyes and was stunned.

"what are you going to do?"

"Hmph, I said, we're going to have a vigorous love affair!" Lu Xianyi had a mysterious smile on her face.

"Is that what it means literally!"

Lu Xianyi's eyes became distant, and her tone became cold.

"In the six months of the VIP seat, I don't play games every day to get by."

Qiao Xun paused,

Miss Lu seems to have really become very powerful.

After working so hard for so long, is it time to eat soft rice?

Just thinking about this, Lu Xianyi suddenly asked:

"Oh right~www.readwn.com~ Have you met any new beautiful sisters this year?"

Qiao Xun said solemnly:



"Why do you ask about this?"

"If I want to ask, just ask." Lu Xianyi raised her chin and said willfully.


"Okay, Uncle Qiao, I haven't done the business yet, come and play games!"

"Is this the right thing to do together?"

"Oh, don't pick words. I've practiced the combo for a year, and I want you to have a good look at it."

"Miss Lu, I think it is necessary for me to study whether you use me as a sparring tool."


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