Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 1: The old meet again, the old farewell forever

Half an hour before Qiao Xun was sternly negotiated by K of Spades,

Where the seas of consciousness meet,

The colorful and distorted colors rise and fall in this world of consciousness, like a turbulent sea fighting against the sky.

Agnes, feeling tired, stopped here. She did not choose to continue with Qiao Xun.

She was exhausted physically and mentally, and could no longer move forward. In order to bypass the surveillance of the Eternals, her ability to activate with rune energy cannot be used, and she can only be activated by the power of the demon's curse. However, for her, the power of the curse was already deeply bound to life.

Every use of the power of the devil's curse is an overdraft of life.

Of course, if it's just the consumption of life, it's not a big thing for her, but it can be done as easily as a walk.

For her, the biggest consumption is mental consumption.

When she heard "I feel the power of the devil in you" from Joe Xun. The dust accumulated in her heart scattered, and inside, the knots in her heart for many years were laid out. And, her conjecture about Qiao Xun has also been confirmed.

Qiao Xun is a demon, a fusion of desires. Yes, the source of her curse.

This sharp knife-like fact stabbed into her heart so fiercely that she could no longer move forward.

However, she still watched Qiao Xun leave with the smile of a friend.

After Joe's tour, Agnes sat sullenly on the ground. She was like a bird in the rain, sitting on the ground shivering in embarrassment. It was as if my heart had been grabbed by someone, and then it was constantly working hard. Every time it beat, there was a feeling that it wanted to break through the shackles, but it couldn't break through from beginning to end.


The cloud of Agnes has come.

In the end, a long twenty minutes passed in a stagnant stagnation. A familiar and hateful voice woke her up.

"Ah... Gunes, Agnes, Agnes..."

Agnes raised his head and looked at the gorgeous colors.

A person slowly walked out from there. She was wearing a red dress, which had not changed at all compared to her appearance for nearly two hundred years.

Yihong, her enemy.

Yihong walked in front of Agnes with steps that were neither light nor heavy.

Agnes stood up, maintaining his ladylike posture.

"I said it the first time I saw you, I will witness your death, the real death." Yihong said lightly.

Agnes nodded,

"Yes, you are about to witness."

She does not refute Yihong, nor does she attack Yihong verbally. For Yihong, she has always been gentle in the more than 100 years of slapstick.

Yihong frantically said:

"Agnes! Your attitude disgusts me so much! Why do you always smile at everyone! Obviously I'm the one who wants you to die the most, you should hate me and put all your anger away Throw it on me, I wish I was cramped and skinned!"

Agnes shook his head,

"Yihong, you look too ugly now."

Yihong stretched out the fingers of her right hand and straightened her vertical pupil. The broken flesh and eyes were hideous and tragic. Scarlet blood painted one side of her face blindingly.

"Does it look good? Agnes, is that what you like! Normal, ordinary, natural?"

Agnes took out his handkerchief and handed it to Yihong,

"Please wipe it."

Yihong slapped it away,

"Don't do this now, okay?"

Agnes smiled slightly,

"It is said that people who are about to die are also good at their words. At this time, I also want to treat you better. Yihong, come here, you are actually the person I have come into contact with the most in my life. Thinking about it, it is incredible. what."

"Ridiculous! Agnes, you are the most ridiculous person in the world! Self-assured fellow." Yihong said through gritted teeth.

"you're right."

Yihong pursed her lips and looked at Agnes angrily. She wanted to say some more snarky things and scold Agnes to the bone.

But looking at Agnes' gloomy eyes, he still couldn't open his mouth.

This woman, who has always exuded elegance and gentleness, looks so fragile at this moment.

Yihong sneered,

"Agnes, are you also starting to fear death?"

Agnes said:

"I'm afraid of dying because there's still unfinished business. I thought I was done, but now it doesn't."

"You want to entrust your last words?"

"No last words."

"Your eyes are not clean, you are lying."

Agnes touched his brow bone and said with a smile:

"You have learned to recognize my expression."

"Because I want you to be buried in the ground every moment! Every pore of yours, I have thought about what it will look like from death to decay!"

"It's safe to go to earth...I remember again that you were originally an exorcist. Dispel death and pain, make **** go to hell, let heaven go to heaven. Yihong, if I tell you, death is really to me. It's a kind of happiness, will you still be happy to see me die?"

Yihong's nose moved slightly,

"I'm happy when you die. It doesn't matter if you're happy or not."


"Yes. But you're wearing the clothes you first saw me."

"Just by chance."

"Then do you remember that day?"

"It was raining lightly that day, and when you first got up from the cemetery, you were covered in mud, emitting a filthy stench, and there was an evil aura from top to bottom. Withered." Yi Hong spread her hands, "I wrinkled my nose in disgust, and then Justice said to you awe-inspiringly, 'You monster, die! But the protagonist of justice, I! The beginning is not you, the final The villain's opponent, after a hard fight, still failed to subdue you and let you escape."

Agnes frowned and smiled slightly,

"But I remember that I was not filthy, because my coffin was sealed and protected by runes. There was no miasma from the soles of my feet, and the surrounding flowers and plants were lush. You were shivering with fear, just now. When he saw me, he knew he couldn't beat me, and then he ran away in a hurry."

Yihong raised her eyebrows,

"Really? I forgot."

Agnes turned slightly,

"Maybe you're right. Yihong, after all these years, why do you insist on wanting me to die?"

"I'm happy when you die."

"But, Yihong. I'm about to die, but you're not happy."

Yihong showed a big smile, and laughed,

"I'm very happy! It's a pity that I didn't bring champagne, otherwise I would definitely have to open champagne."

"When you are happy, in your normal eye, affected by your talent, there should be a trace of a rose flower."

Yihong touched the socket of her right eye, her fingers trembling. She went on to say,


Agnes nodded,

"That's probably my memory."

"Don't you just follow other people's words? Please refute me once!" Yi Hong said angrily, "You are obviously right, why don't you refute? Why!"

"To refute you, will you be happy?"

"No!" Yihong said loudly, "but you won't be happy if you don't refute me. Agnes, you're a bad guy! Why do you always care about what other people think, and why don't you think about yourself? After more than five hundred years, is it not clear that the more you conform to others, the less they will respect you!"

Agnes looked at her seriously,

"But I don't need anyone's respect."

Yihong was silent. After a while she said:

"Yes, fame, status, wealth, and power are worthless to you. You have lived for more than five hundred years, and you don't care about those things. It sounds so elegant... But no one wants to talk to someone who is so elegant. Be friends. The nobler the morals and the more perfect the character, the less friends."

Agnes smiled and said:

"But I have a friend now."

Hearing this sentence, Yihong didn't have a feeling of being slapped in the face. The expression on her face, on the contrary, seemed to have succeeded in her scheming,

"So, you are not perfect. Therefore, you are also brewing pain and entanglement in your heart. You care about your friend, and it is precisely because you care that you are more pitiful now. Agnes, you are Not really, really want to say something to that friend of yours. Is it impossible to keep your flawless face in front of him again?"

Agnes avoided her gaze,

"No, you think too much."

"Escape. Agnes, you're escaping."

"No. I just find you annoying."

Agnes and Yihong seem to have switched roles.

Yihong said gently:

"Agnes, in the eyes of most people, I am a crazy person. I am arrogant and domineering. I am heinous. I should be locked in a mental hospital. But they may not know that at first I became an exorcist. Human's wish is that all the tragic undead wandering on the earth rest in peace. You are the first tragic undead I met. You think I was scared away by you, but in fact, I just felt your pain, I can't bear the pain that has accumulated over hundreds of years. My gift of 'Requiem' can feel the emotions of the dead. My young sense of justice would not allow me to see a tragic undead alive in pain."

Yihong paused for a while and said in a serious tone:

"You are suffering now, more than ever, not living, but dying. No one knows you better than I do, Agnes."

Agnes laughed self-deprecatingly,

"Is this the insight of the so-called old enemy?"

"It's the last moment of your life, and you should always do something for yourself."

Agnes did not speak.

Yihong frowned slightly,

"Agnes, if you can't do it, then I'll do it for you."

"Please don't!" Agnes finally showed a trace of panic when he heard this.

Yihong said weakly,

"Agnes, if, if you were like me, living a little crazy..."

"Did it drive me crazy for five hundred years? Then I may have to write countless sins in the modern history of mankind."

"At least it'll feel better that way."

"But there will be more people who will be uncomfortable."


Yihong couldn't say anything more.

Agnes' eyes darkened even more,

"Yihong, you are finally going to win."

"Yeah, winning is a mess."

"You'll be more at ease in the future."

"No, it will only become normal like you."

After Yihong finished speaking, she turned around and gradually walked away. Finally, she stopped, turned her head and said:

"Qin, farewell."

Agnes watched her disappear, took a deep breath, and knew that it was time for him to end everything.



Republic, Yan City,

a conference room.

"Stopped..." After being in a daze for a while, Chief Si Ling suddenly raised his head and looked at everyone, "The recovery ceremony of the Eternals has stopped."

"what happened?"

"It seems that someone stopped him."

"Who is it, does Chief Si Ling know?"

"I'll try it. He should still leave some traces in some sea of ​​consciousness. I'll try to see if I can extract it."

Everyone held their breath and waited quietly for Si Ling's result.

After a while, Si Ling raised his eyebrows, his eyes were a little confused,

"It's a very strange person. I clearly feel him, but... I can't determine his existence, I can't lock the physical signs, and I can't give him a portrait. However, I scanned more than 300 million seas of consciousness and found that all of them were There's a name. Nothing but a name."

"what is it call?"

"Joe tour."

As soon as the voice fell, there was silence in the field.


The black fog swirled in the temple of the Eternals.

After the connection between the main consciousness of the immortal and other clones was cut off by Qiao Xun, the billions of tampered seas of consciousness instantly returned to their original state. For them, it was probably just a sudden daze, or a very brief dream. In the dream, someone asked them if they wanted to make a deal.

Most people can only realize this point. They will never even know what the day means to them.

The rumor of immortality also stopped.

The temple was dead silent, as if falling into the deepest abyss.

The King of Spades couldn't keep his confident demeanor, frowned rarely, and said in a depressed and dull voice,

"Mr. Qiao Xun, are you really the nemesis of black leather?"

He sabotaged Black Leather's plans time and time again.

The "Wanderer" turned around and said neither sadly nor happy:

"Time to go. Goodbye, Doctor Joe."

Qiao Xun looked at her back and said:


The Tourer and the King of Spades quickly disappeared here.

In the shaky temple, only Qiao Xun and the Eternals were left.

The Eternals can no longer resort to other means because there is no shimmering light. His throne was obscured by black mist, engulfed bit by bit.

He said angrily:

"We'll meet again, for sure!"

in the last whimper. This is the end of the drama of the immortal.

The temple collapsed in an instant.

Then, Qiao Xun felt a familiar atmosphere in the ruins.

It's Morita Takata. He woke up like a dream, stood up from the ruins, and looked around in confusion.

Qiao Xun thought, no wonder he couldn't find him, it turned out to be hidden here.

After a little perception, Qiao Xun also understood why the brainless man wanted to kidnap Morita Takata, in order to let the Eternals revive on him. Morita Takata's special ability to be sensitive to changes in the connection of things is of great help to the plan of the Eternal.

When Morita Takata saw Qiao Xun, she immediately said anxiously:

"Team Leader~www.readwn.com~ Team Leader! I have to tell you something! It's very important and scary!"

Qiao Xun helped him up from the ruins and said with a smile:

"It's okay, it's over. What you're worried about won't happen."

Morita Takato was stunned for a while, and then he felt it again, indeed... those terrible things, he could no longer feel them,

"What happened? Team leader, where are we?"

"In a dream. It's time for us to go back, everyone is worried about you."

Morita Takata is still a little confused,

"Oh okay."

Qiao Xun took Morita Takata on the way home.

He looked at the fragmented dream and exhaled heavily.


But it seems a lot has been lost.

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