Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 8: I am a drowning fish (★)

The dormitory of the Zhidong Emergency Response Center Base is in the style of a residential area.

After Lu Xianyi left the dormitory, she went to the park below the community. Because it is an evolutionary apartment, there are basically no people wandering around in the park, either performing tasks outside, or receiving training in the evolutionary college, and learning theoretical knowledge.

She sat on a park bench, looking up at the gray sky woven with runic light.

The rune light that spread from the crack in the Antarctic Deep Sea has spread from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. Except for the Arctic Circle, which is still invisible for the time being, there is basically nothing left out.

After so long, maybe everyone has gotten used to it.


Lu Xianyi let out a sigh of relief. The low temperature weather in January made this coastal city look very humid.

It feels like mold is everywhere.

After she sat for a while, the figure of a young girl came into her eyes.

It's Miss Wu Mao.

Wu Mao Sauri upholds the courtesy of treating strangers in her tutor, and greeted Lu Xianyi with a smile,

"Miss, good evening."

Lu Xianyi looked at her, thought for a moment, and asked with a smile:

"Want to sit with me for a while? Sister, I'm so bored by myself."

Sayuri, who received the invitation, paused. She still has an appointment, but how can she refuse this young lady without appearing rash?

She put her hands under her stomach, bent down and nodded and said:

"Sorry miss, I have something else to do."

"That's it, I'm really a poor ghost that no one loves." Lu Xianyi said complaining to herself.

Seeing Lu Xianyi's disappointed expression, Wu Mao Sauli was a little nervous. She also doesn't want to make others feel sad and lost, but...

"Miss, I'm very sorry, it's not that I don't want to get along with you, it's really—"

Lu Xianyi supported her chin with one hand and said curiously:

"You really don't reject others like he said."

"Ah?" Sayuri Gomo was a little dazed,


Lu Xianyi shook her head and said:

"It doesn't matter. Little girl, you should be stronger. Don't be kidnapped by other people's emotions. Fortunately, the enemies you are currently encountering are all polluted creatures. They are good or bad, and they will not deceive you. People. ...but not necessarily."

Sayuri Gomo was thoughtful,

"Thank you. Excuse me, you... your name."

Lu Xianyi said:

"My name is Lu Xianyi. Erkou Lu, the 'Xianyi' who gives Xianyi."

Sayori Gomo said sincerely,

"I'll remember your name! My name is Sayori Gomo!"

"I know your name."

"Ah, does Miss Lu know me?"

Lu Xianyi smiled,

"Of course. Okay, little guy, don't worry about me, go do what is important to you."

Sayori Gomo bowed slightly and said goodbye.

Lu Xianyi put her hands in the pockets of her jacket, looking at the young girl's back full of youthful vigor, she actually had a feeling that she was only twenty years old, but she was no longer young.

She really believed in that sentence.

There is always someone young.

While she was staring at the lights in Qiao Xun's dormitory in a daze, she suddenly felt something, frowned, and patted the bench with her palm. The invisible rhythm spread, and everything around her became extremely clear in her eyes.

A shadow-like thing moved towards her,

After feeling the smell of that shadow, she lifted her defenses.

"Ms. Lu." The shadow was attached to the trunk of the tree in the flower bed in front.

Although Lu Xianyi lifted the defense, she was not happy to see this shadow.

"What's up?"

"The old general heard that you were back and asked when you will go back to see him."

Lu Xianyi said in a low voice,

"Do you still need to send someone over to ask?"

"The old general wants to hear your answer in person."

Lu Xianyi stood up and bowed to salute,

"Say hello to grandpa for me, I won't go back for the time being."

"Miss Lu, in fact, the old general didn't ask me to ask you when to go back, but asked me to take you back."

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"You can't do it, and I don't want to cause any conflict."

"Miss Lu has made amazing progress. However, the old general's side..."

"Just bring my original words with you."

"Miss Lu should remember that it's the old general's birthday soon."

Lu Xianyi said,

"Isn't there a month left? Is it possible that I have to go back a month in advance to prepare?"

"It's really not necessary. But the old general misses you very much."

Lu Xianyi looked at the shadow and said softly:

"If his old man didn't always want me to follow the path he planned, then I would probably miss him a lot too."

"Miss Lu, you don't really have to hold your grudge against the old general. He just cares about you."

"You don't have to explain it to the old man. I'll go back on his birthday."

"It makes you look like an outsider."

"Is not it?"

Shadow retorted speechlessly.

Indeed, in his impression, Lu Xianyi had almost never stayed at the home for more than a week. Every time I come home, it is like a guest visiting.

Shadow said:

"I will send Miss Lu's original message."


The shadow then disappeared.

Lu Xianyi took a deep breath and murmured:

"Go home..."

What a warm word this is in the hearts of others,

However, in her heart, life is not very good.

Almost forgot what a home looks like.

Lu Xianyi was sitting on the bench in the park, maybe thinking, maybe thinking nothing, just in a daze.

In the second half of the night, the rune light became heavier and heavier, plucked from the ground, like the clear light scattered by a fairy.

Twelve midnight,

Lu Xianyi woke up at the sound of footsteps. She looked forward and saw Sayori Gomo.

When Gomo Saori saw her, she was also surprised and asked:

"Isn't my sister home yet?"

Lu Xianyi smiled and said:

"My sister has no home."

Hearing these words, Gomo Saori thought that she had been sitting here alone for two hours, and looked at her with pity in her eyes,

"how come……"

Lu Xianyi asked,

"Have you finished the urgent matter?"

Sayuri Gomo couldn't help but smile,


"Very happy."

"Well, I met someone I haven't seen in a long time."

"Are you a friend?"

Gomo Saori thought hard about this question,

"It should be... a role like a teacher, like the instructors of the Evolution Academy. But..." She looked a little troubled.

"What's wrong?"

"Actually, I don't feel like a teacher."

"What's that more like?"

Sayuri Gomo shook her head,

"I don't know either. If... I would have figured it out when I was a few years older."


"Time answers everything." Sayuri Gomo showed some desire in her eyes, "I'll figure it out when I grow up."

"Oh... ignorant youth."

"It's already the tail of youth."

"You look so young."

"It's not too young." Saiori Wumo said seriously, "Look, ten years old is the beginning of a girl's puberty, and it ends when she is eighteen. I'll be eighteen soon, and of course it's the tail of youth."

"So true?"

"Is there?" Gomo Saori really began to wonder if she was being serious.

Lu Xianyi couldn't help laughing,

"You're so cute. No wonder..."


"No wonder people miss it."

Sayuri Gomo frowned,

"My sister's words are hard to understand."

"Just think I'm whining."

"...But, my sister should also have something on her mind. If I can listen, it may be my honor."

"Yo, a careful child."

Gomo Sayori smiled,

"I think normal people can tell. After all, you've been sitting outside alone for so long."

"Maybe my sister is just homeless?"

"Really?" Sayori Gomo asked seriously.

Lu Xianyi said,

"It's true, do you want to help my sister?"

Sayuri Gomo says:

"My dorm...three people. Oh...I have a roommate, but she's also kind and doesn't mind."

"It's not right to bring strangers home casually. What if my sister is a wolf and a tiger?"

Sayuri Gomo said with a smile,

"It may be a blessing to be eaten by such a beautiful wolf and tiger."

"Children, don't tease adults."

Gomo Saori blushed and said quickly:

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that!"

Lu Xianyi stood up and smiled slightly,

"Okay little guy, it's a pleasure to chat with you. I'll have a chance to chat later. I have to go back."

After she walked out a distance, Gomo Saori responded and asked:

"Aren't you homeless?"

"I lied to you!"

After Lu Xianyi finished speaking, she disappeared to the side of the unit door.

Gomo Saori slowed down, exhaled, and muttered softly,

"Fortunately, it's not really homeless..."

How could her whispers escape Lu Xianyi's ears.

Lu Xianyi couldn't help but think, she was deceived, and she was still thinking of others, what should I say...


Qiao Xun looked at Lu Xianyi who came back and said:

"I saw you and Sayori upstairs. Are you talking okay?"

Lu Xianyi took off her coat,

"What a good child. Chatting with her makes me feel a few years younger."

"Fuck, pretend to be old-fashioned."

"My mental age may be 30 years old!"

"Every child feels that he is mentally older than his peers."

"It's so annoying! I'm going to die if you don't complain!"

"It's you who are full of slots."

Lu Xianyi asked:

"So, you talked to Saori for two hours?"

"Yeah. She asked a lot of questions. She has always been a good learner. There are a lot of evolutionary questions accumulated over the past year, and the instructor couldn't help him answer them, so he had to ask me."

"Just these?"

"I also asked about my experience. I said it, but she didn't understand."

"Then she's a normal person."


Lu Xianyi said:

"In a month, I may have to meet Yancheng."

"What's wrong?"

"My grandpa's birthday."

"That has to go back."

"And you?"

Qiao Xun looked at her,

"Are you going to take me with you?"

"...I can't tell." Lu Xianyi was a little worried, "I thought about my mother again. My mother's situation was not good at the beginning, and she was not accepted."

Qiao Xun was amazed,

"Ms. An was really good-natured back then."


Qiao Xun couldn't help but smile,

"You probably don't even know how temperamental your mother is."

"Don't talk nonsense, she is very gentle."

Qiao Xun couldn't help laughing when he thought that the word "gentle" was linked to An Yang.

He thought that if An Yang really showed her true temperament, Yandu City might not be enough to make trouble for her.

"So, you're worried that I'll be treated coldly too?"

"It'd be nice if it was just a cold reception. I'm afraid some people will provoke you." Lu Xianyi said, "Of course I know you won't be bullied, but after all, it's the city of Yan... Some people from the imperial city, I too Too lazy to scold. Eyes are born on the top of the head and can't see the ground."

Joe Tour said:

"There will always be troubles and obstacles, and there will always be ways."

Lu Xianyi didn't want to tangle any more,

"It's annoying, let's talk about it when the time comes. If it's a big deal, I'll be an unfilial grandson."

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry."

Lu Xianyi slumped on the sofa, and said reluctantly:

"Tired, destroy it."

"Otherwise, play two games to refresh yourself?"

"It's past twelve. It's time for bed."

Saying that, she closed her eyes.

"Go to bed." Qiao Xun patted her shoulder.

Lu Xianyi opened her eyes, with smoke and water flowing in them,

"You take me there..."

Qiao Xun picked her up.

Lu Xianyi whispered in his ear,

"I've already had a bath."

"You have no good intentions."


"Do you know what to do?"

"How do I know! Don't ask this kind of thing! What an idiot who doesn't understand people."

"Turn off the lights?"

"No off!"


"Forget it, let's turn it off... No, don't turn it off... But, oh, let's turn it off. Anyway, I'll... lie down, is it lying down?"

"Whether it's closed or not."

"It's not closed! Don't keep asking me. Besides, what effect does it have on you and me?!"

"I seem to have ambient lighting in my bedroom."

"Hey, I want to see."


"Okay...se love."

"No, it's just an atmosphere light."

"...No, how can you have an ambient light when you live alone."

"What are you thinking, the ambient light is not specially prepared for this."

"Ah, is that so... I'm so strange. Eh, should I... protect... um, that..."


"You know. Don't let me say it."


"Ah... or else forget it. Or, are you going to buy it?"

"You can. I can handle it."

"Ah? You have also evolved below?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, you idiot! Are your brains burned out? I mean I can control my activity with the power of runes in my body."

"Damn! I'm not a man, how do I know!"

"Forget it, don't talk. Lie down."

"bring it on!"

"Don't curl up like I'm bullying you. Relax."

"I can't relax! My muscles are all tense! Do I want to tie my hair up? What if I get crushed?"

"Tie it."

"Would you like a double ponytail? Do you like it?"

"You're serious. You're cowardly and love to tease people, right?"

"That's what they say on the Internet. Besides, there are a lot of pictures like this..."

"Don't be so rude."

"No way! Haven't you seen it?"


"Look, don't talk about it. It's too much to talk about me."


"Okay... I'll shut up."

"Relax, don't hold your breath..."


"Just get used to it."

"Will it hurt?"


"I'm not really nervous."

"I believe."

"Really...it seems a little hot."

"The room temperature is only nineteen degrees."

"I'm sweating, is that normal?"

"Normal~www.readwn.com~ dizzy."




The seeds are sprouting,

The oriole chirped softly,

The end of winter will be gone,

After the snow melts,

Spring is in sight.

I sing to you:

"Open your black eyes and look at me more."

You have a cat-like smile.

I probably,

turned into a drowning fish.

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