Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 59: I am the incarnation of desire (eight thousand words, the end of this volume)

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Those "Zhenwu Great Will" scattered in thousands of small worlds, fragmented worlds, and turbulent voids have been inspired by Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang.

The "wills" that have been sealed in dust for an unknown time, like a trickle flowing into the sea, come from infinite directions of cosmic coordinates, coming to Magic Chang'an. They ignore the barriers of the world, the turbulence in the void, and the various energy groups floating in space.

Straight to Magic Chang'an.

Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang were swept away by the "Zhenwu Great Will". Yinjiao seems to have returned to the glorious Zhenwu era, which was once a mythical period. His icy-cold heart was moved, and many emotions urged him to work harder to find the will to spread.

And next to Zhu Peiniang is different.

Although she misses the Zhenwu era very much. However, she was confused and had no way of knowing that the Zhenwu era that was going to recover now...is it still what she imagined?

Shouldn't the real Zhenwu be a part of the fairyland, sharing the splendor of the world with the immortals of the fairyland?

Now, is the real martial arts of the immortal world that has left, still "true martial arts"?

She felt the worry and anxiety of her sister, Bo Niang. She also began to fear whether she was really doing her best for "True Martial Arts".

hesitant, uneasy...

But right now, no amount of anxiety is worth it. "Zhenwu Great Will" starts from condensing and stops only when it is completed.

No matter what you think, there is no room for retreat.

Zhu Peiniang lowered her head, closed her eyes, and used her body as a medium to gather her will.

It's been a long time.

until a certain moment. A beam of light appeared from above the Magic Chang'an, fell suddenly, and fell into the core of the world.

Yin Jiao opened his eyes, his eyes were full of excitement,

"Origin of myth! Zhenwu responded to us!"

The burden in Zhu Peiniang's heart finally disappeared. It seemed that as long as the "true martial arts" appeared, everything would be fine.

The icy and dead core of the world was suddenly injected with a large amount of mythological origins. The originally decayed body faded away from dust and shatters at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dense runes were neatly arranged and generated from the inside of the world core outwards in order. The runes were engraved into the core of the world. Soon, a series of criss-crossing rune passages were built between the runes. These rune passages quickly expanded around, like the roots of a big tree, rushing to the entire Magic Chang'an.

The mythological origin in the core of the world merged into the rune channel, and followed it all over the continent.

The surface of the continent undergoes drastic changes.

Air and temperature have formed a systematic ecology in a short period of time. Invisible breaths are constantly emanating from the ground, and these breaths are intertwined with the surrounding energy groups, and through the guidance of the rune channel, an atmosphere begins to form.

Lightning flashes in the nascent atmosphere. High-efficiency energy groups release energy, and light and heat flow into the earth.

Then, a heavy rain came crashing down on the gray dead continent.

All the conditions for the formation of life have been met.

According to the order, the next step is the brewing of life. However, a continent lacking the root of the world cannot condense the will of life, and thus cannot form true life.

The upheaval on the earth is not the concern of Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang in the core of the world.

They looked expectantly at that light - the source of myth.

Looking forward to Zhenwu coming out of it.




Footsteps sounded from nowhere. A sound, as if stepping on the hearts of the two.

They were nervous and expectant, staring intently at the source of the myth.

The shadow of the person gradually reflected in the light.

Not as tall as expected, even a little skinny.

The hoarse voice of the boy who was in the period of voice change sounded,

"I have returned, but it is full of desolation. Tai Sui, the mother of thunder and lightning, you have worked hard."

After speaking, people also completely walked out of the light.

A young, handsome young man. Also wearing loose casual clothes, cool slippers.

It is conceivable that, before recovery, he may be lying at home enjoying the beauty of summer.

But for Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang, image has never been a sign of true martial arts. Zhenwu can appear in any form, but its will is always the same.

Zhenwu looks very ordinary, ordinary to the extreme.

"True martial arts! True martial arts!"

Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang bowed their heads and worshipped the ground.

Zhenwu's eyes are far and deep. His temperament and eyes are not what a young man should have.

"It's been a long time, and I've been lost in the great world. I don't know how many times. What I saw, what I thought, and what I heard all belong to my heart." He shook his head again, "but never touched the 'infinity' in the slightest. From I have never imagined the absolute 'reality'. I don't often know whether the avenue is spacious this time, and whether it reaches the sky."

Yin Jiao said:

"The heart of Yinjiao belongs to Zhenwu."

Zhu Peiniang paused for a while and then continued:

"Peiniang's heart belongs to Zhenwu."

Zhenwu looked at them and looked elsewhere,

"Yuebo Tianjun...is gone."

"Not here?" Zhu Peiniang asked worriedly.

"She has cut off the will of Zhenwu, and she will be strangers to me from now on."

Zhu Peiniang was stunned,

"how come……"

She knew that Bo Niang didn't want to be with them, but she never expected to cut off the connection with Zhenwu directly.

Yin Jiao said:

"After Tianjun Yuebo woke up, he has experienced many things, and has fallen into the mortal world, contaminated with worldly affairs."

Zhenwu closed his eyes,

"Never mind."

He didn't seem to care much about it. Yinjiao is the same.

Only Zhu Peiniang felt uncomfortable.

Yin Jiao said:

"Zhenwu, the next step is to recast the roots of the world."

Zhenwu nodded and retreated into the source of mythology.

Yin Jiao looked up.

As long as the roots of the world are recast, the real real martial world can be created. By creating the real martial arts world, the glory of real martial arts can be recast.

This time, Zhenwu will surely reach the final "infinity".

But a violent tremor interrupted his thoughts.

He came back to his senses, frowned,

"What's going on? How can there be such a big structural shock at the beginning of the world?"

Zhu Peiniang shook her head,

"I don't know what happened."

"Go out and see."

They were planning to go back the same way. After the recovery of the core of the world, the ley lines have been completely dredged, and the way back will be very easy. However, when they were about to leave, they suddenly saw something that terrified them.

A big hole!

Just somewhere in the core of the world, there is a huge hole. After a little perception, you know that this hole leads to the ground.

Straight, standard round hole.

This could not have occurred naturally by any means.

That means... someone came here one step ahead of them.

Before and after entering, because of eagerly gathering the will of Zhenwu, he did not seriously check the core of the world at all.

"Negligence! This hole can't be made by Tianjun Yuebo."

Zhu Pei-niang frowned,

"She shouldn't have that ability. None of us."

"Don't worry about it, go out and talk about it!"

They followed the big hole and quickly returned to the ground.

The ground trembled more violently than the interior, and huge cracks had already appeared in many places. Let this tremble continue, and the structure may collapse.

Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang tried their best to find the reason for the tremor.

They soon discovered that the original source of mythology and the rune channel for creating the power of the world were all occupied.

The power of the world evolved from the source of the myth is not really used to build the world, but it does not know where to go.

Yin Jiao was shocked.

This actually happens! He thought about it for a moment, and immediately knew that someone must be taking advantage of it and stealing their world power.

"Xiao Xiaojie!" Yin Jiao roared angrily.

A huge four-armed dharma image appeared behind him, staring angrily at Magic Chang'an.

"Mother Raibu, help me!"

After Zhu Peiniang responded loudly, she called out the magic weapon and slapped it hard, and the thunder was merged into the four arms. Fa Xiang's eyes were filled with thunder and mighty light, and soon spread all over the magic Chang'an. Everything about Magic Changan is in his eyes.

Yin Jiao concentrated on the search.

Almost want to dig Changan three feet into the ground.


Finally, a thunder flashed somewhere, confirming the location of the "stealer".

At the world passage between Magic Chang'an and the Earth.

Yin Jiao instantly recognized who it was.

"Yuebo Tianjun, what are you doing!"

Zhu Biniang had previously merged with Magic Chang'an and had long since lost her true body. But her will can still be sensed.

Almost the entire power of the world that was formed at the beginning of the Magic Chang'an was gathered in Zhu Biniang's will.

Colorful light shines at the world passage. The huge power of the world is still accumulating, and it is still gathering towards her. As long as her will does not end, this will not stop.

Seeing this, Yin Jiao immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He realized what Yuebo Tianjun was going to do. She wants to use these world powers to become a god!

Thinking of her initiative to lose Zhenwu's will, Yin Jiao immediately thought that she betrayed Zhenwu in order to become a god!

"Tianjun Yuebo, you betrayed Zhenwu!"

Yin Jiao roared. Fa Xiang suddenly jumped behind him and landed in front of the world passage. In the midst of the thunder, he was about to shred Zhu Peiniang's will.

Zhu Biniang didn't respond, just kept gathering the power of the world.

Zhu Peiniang was stunned. She didn't expect that the mother-in-law was actually doing such a thing. Stealing the power of the world, just to become a god.


Why does it become like this. Why did I never know that my sister who got along day and night would become like this.

It’s okay to not complete the mission of Zhenwu, but to betray them completely…

Zhu Peiniang's heart was twisted like a knife.

"Mother Thunder, help me quickly!" Yin Jiao shouted, "Yuebo Tianjun has rebelled and must be killed on the spot!"


Zhu Peiniang froze.

"Mother Thunder!" Yin Jiao shouted again.

Zhu Peiniang asked tremblingly:

"Niang Bo, why do you want to do this?"

Zhu Biniang still did not respond. She just kept gathering the power of the world. It seemed that this was the only thing she had to do.

"Niang Bo!" Zhu Peiniang roared in pain.

no respond.

One side is Zhenwu, the other side is my sister.

Zhu Peiniang made a painful choice.

"Mother Thunder, for Zhenwu!" Yin Jiao yelled.

Zhu Peiniang's heart aroused the light of the sky, she suddenly woke up, her eyes turned horizontal, and the magic weapon in her palm stimulated Jiuxiao Thunder.

Purple thunder fell from the sky and fell on Zhu Bo Niang's will like rain.

Yin Jiao's Dharma ministers were also beating constantly.

But...that ray of will is extremely tough. She has only one goal, to become a god, and then cut off the world channel.

No matter how the attack of the two destroyed her will, she did not stop.

She, who has long been integrated with Magic Chang'an, is just completing her final mission.

become a god...

Familiar and unfamiliar.

She used to be a fairy. But it's hard to say what kind of fairy he is. Is it your own god, or is it a **** of true martial arts? She thought that there was never a moment when she truly became her own god.

Maybe, now it will happen.

The power of the world is constantly gathering and intertwining.

At a certain moment, the shaking of the world stopped and stabilized. All things continue to grow.

However, Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang couldn't be happy anyway.

Because they know that the stability of the world is not because they stopped Zhu Boliang from turning over, but because Zhu Boliang's purpose was achieved.

She...became a god.

"Bo Niang..." Zhu Peiniang looked sadly at the world channel on the horizon.

Yin Jiao asked angrily:

"Tianjun Yuebo, why did you betray Zhenwu!"

However, even if Zhu Biniang's will has become a god, there is no response to them.

The world suddenly fell silent.

Yin Jiao gradually felt that something was wrong, and he asked again:

"Tianjun Yuebo, what are you going to do!"

Deathly silence.

Yin Jiao felt more and more uneasy. He immediately called for Zhenwu in his heart,

"True martial arts, true martial arts!"

Zhenwu's voice resounded in his heart,

"She wants to cut off the world passage."

"Cut off the world channel!"

Yin Jiao was extremely shocked, even frightened.

He is very clear that after the world channel is cut off, Magic Changan will lose contact with the earth. That way, the idea of ​​using the earth as the root of the world would go to waste. However, in today's desolate and limited world, it takes a long time to find a suitable root of the world.

"Be sure to stop her!"

Zhenwu Youyou replied:

"It's too late. From the moment she became a god, the world channel has been known."

"No, no! Zhenwu, are we going to fail!"

Zhenwu did not answer. He doesn't know where he is.

In the world passage connecting Magic Chang'an and the earth, Zhu Bo Niang's will flickered and flickered like a phantom.

She has insight into the world channel.

In her eyes, this world passage has become as fragile as a dry branch.

She looked at the end of the passage.

There is prosperity, and more possible Earths are brewing.

At the other end is the Magic Chang'an, which has inherited the origin of the Zhenwu myth of the old myth.

The new and the old... are connected by this passage.

If...if the old exists for the new, then this passage makes sense. But not. She didn't want to see an old age that was doomed to exist at the expense of a new age.

Until the last moment, she did not feel that she had betrayed Zhenwu.

She just betrayed an old age that was doomed to fail.

Her will spreads in the world channel... In an instant, it squeezes all the world channels.

Then, she annihilated her will and connected the world together. Annihilation between two worlds.

In Magic Chang'an, Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang watched the pitch-black hole shrink a little bit, until it became an incalculable point, and finally annihilated.

Yin Jiao stared blankly at everything.

Failed...so much effort, failed...

Until now, he did not understand why Tianjun Yuebo, as a general of Zhenwu, would betray Zhenwu in the end.

For her, what was more attractive than recreating the glory of true martial arts?

He felt pain and anger.

But next to Zhu Peiniang is different.

She didn't feel angry when she saw the world's passageway being completely annihilated. Instead, there was a light feeling in my heart. As if to say, it's over... it's over. The only bit of sadness is just because of "losing the only relative".

Zhu Peiniang sat slumped on the ground, without any immortal majesty or image, staring blankly into the distance.

Yin Jiao said bitterly in his heart,

"Zhenwu... we failed."

After a while, Zhenwu responded:

"Why so sad."

"We did so much and finally failed. Zhenwu, I can't help but feel sad."

"What is your judgment on failure?"

"The world channel is annihilated, and the connection with the earth is lost. It is impossible to use the earth as the root of the world."

Zhenwu's voice gradually became misty,

"Di Si Tai Sui, you overlooked an important thing."


"Where am I."

Yin Jiao was taken aback. He really didn't ask about it,

"Where is Zhenwu now?"


Yin Jiao asked in shock,

"But didn't Zhenwu just complete his recovery in Magic Chang'an?"

"That's just a projection of me. My real body is on Earth."

"So!" Yin Jiao became extremely excited.

"So, the connection between Magic Chang'an and the earth has never been interrupted."

"True martial arts!"

Yin Jiao exclaimed.

This made Zhu Peiniang next to him inexplicable,

"Marshal Yin Jiao, what's wrong?"

"We have not failed! The connection between Magic Changan and the earth has not been severed!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Because, Zhenwu completed recovery on earth! Zhenwu is the only **** on earth at this moment!"

Zhu Peiniang was stunned,

"Isn't it, Madam Bo's plan...it didn't work out."

"Yes, Tianjun Yuebo failed in the end!"

"Is that so." Zhu Peiniang smiled reluctantly.

She lowered her head, not knowing why...not happy.


The last moment of the annihilation of the World Passage.

Zhu Bo Niang's will stares at the last earth.

And on Earth, there is also a person staring at her.

That...the boy who lives in Shuiyueju in Xijing City...Jiang Youle.

The moment she saw Jiang Youle, Zhu Biniang's will trembled. She recognized it, it was Zhenwu, Zhenwu! The "true martial arts" she once engraved in her life to follow!

Jiang Youle is actually the reincarnation of Zhenwu!

Zhu Biniang was shocked and desperate. She knew very well that Zhenwu's recovery on Earth meant that no matter what she did, the connection between Magic Changan and Earth would not be interrupted.


She did everything she could, it was just a joke.


Her will gradually sank in despair.

But the next moment... time seemed to freeze, and stopped at this moment.

A figure came out of nowhere.

Zhu Biniang's will looked at the figure,

"Joe tour."

Qiao Xun walked towards her,

"Niang Bo. Long time no see."

"You're still the devil."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Well. I didn't become a demon, though. I've been a demon since birth. I just became who I really am."

"The real you...but the devil..."

"Devils are hated by everyone, I know that."

"Even so, do you want to do this? Enemy against the times."

"How would you feel if I said that the devil is an obstacle to the 'infinite world', which is why I invite hatred?"

Zhu Biniang looked at Qiao Xun blankly,

"What do you mean...the war that God's calendar launched against the demons was not justified?"

"Yes. What was the rhetoric for launching a war at that time? Defend the mythical world, defend the mythical pure land. Every **** feels that he is fighting for justice. But this justice, it is hypocritical justice, is some existence to reach' An adventure in Infinite Worlds'. And at the cost, the end of God's calendar. Now, they're going to do it all over again."

Zhu Biniang felt desperate. She suddenly realized that the only value of her existence had completely collapsed.

That war was not for defending the Age of Mythology, it was just someone's... selfish desires.

Qiao Xun continued,

"But they are unwilling to admit one thing, reaching the 'infinite world' is just their desire. And desire will spawn demons. As long as desire is there, they are doomed to fail."

Zhu Bo Niang smiled bitterly,

"The price... is the entire God's history."

"Niang Bo, what does protecting the earth mean to you?"

"I just see more possibilities on the earth. I always can't help but think, if, if there is no myth, what will the earth become in the future... Will it go out of the small planet? It will go deeper into the universe. Will you truly recognize the nature of the world? Will you pass through finite barriers and reach the 'infinite world'?"

"So, you don't actually know what the future holds for Earth."

"Yeah, I don't know. I'm just doing all this for my own selfish desires. I'm not a hero who saves the world."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"To the creatures on earth, everything you do is theirs."

Zhu Biniang smiled reluctantly,

"Just a little bit of power. Please don't see me as a hero, I can't take it."

"Niang Bo, you are amazing."

"no no……"

"Please don't underestimate yourself. It's amazing to realize that the old times will never reach the 'infinite world'."

"But I ended up failing."

Joe looked at the reincarnation of Zhenwu on Earth, and smiled,

"I really didn't expect that he was actually Zhenwu."

"Zhenwu... is an insurmountable mountain." Zhu Biniang said painfully, "I can think of things. How could Zhenwu not have imagined... He must have known what would happen. Since the age of mythology, he has Never failed at anything. He's so far away, so tall, so unmatched..."

At the end, she breathed a sigh of relief,

"Still failed to save the earth."

Qiao Xun smiled and asked:

"Is true martial arts invincible?"

"The North Pole Xuantian God is called 'Zhenwu' precisely because he is unmatched."

"But he lost to the devil, didn't he?"

Zhu Biniang looked at Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun had a faint smile on his face. Couldn't see any weakness in his face or eyes.


"Bo Niang, you have done enough, leave the rest to me. I can't go back to the earth, but the earth has always given birth to me."

Zhu Biniang watched Qiao Xun quietly.

Time begins to pass at this moment.

Her will was quickly annihilated in the void together with the world channel.


Torrential rain.

Zhenwu stood on the road outside the villa. Not a drop of rain could come near him.

He looked at everything in the sky and the world, on the ground and underground, and whispered to himself:

"The earth is really a pure girl... so clean that it doesn't cause a trace of dust."

He moved.

Take the first step, the world barriers of the earth collapse in an instant;

Take the second step, and all the energy on the earth dissipates immediately;

After the third step, all the evolutionaries on the earth will lose the power of evolution;

Take the fourth step, and time on Earth freezes. Life ceases to grow, the earth ceases to move;

After the fifth step, the earth is disconnected from the closed and unclosed world channels of other worlds;

After taking the sixth step, the earth began to converge towards the lacquer black hole under his feet, like water flowing into a vortex, like a black hole eating celestial bodies;

After taking the seventh step, the earth completely disappeared in its original position and appeared on the back of Magic Chang'an.

He raised his foot and was about to take the eighth step, completely turning the earth into the root of the world of Magic Chang'an.

But the raised foot never fell.

he frowned,

"who is it?"

Qiao Xun came out of the void,

"Remember me, brother? Au Le."

Zhen Wu looked at Qiao Xun, his expression was always indifferent,

"You know I don't call that name."

"I don't know what your real name is. After all, Zhenwu is only Zhenwu, it is a great will. A grass may be Zhenwu, a stone may be Zhenwu... A world may be Zhenwu. I don't know what you are called. "

"it's up to you."

"The way you speak...a bit interesting."

"The way of the earth? Maybe."

"Earth is a good place, isn't it."

"Yes. Pure, clean."

"There are still many possibilities."

Zhenwu shook his head,

"No amount may be 'infinite'. I stood on the street and looked at the end of the earth at a glance. In a limited time, a limited world line, the earth will eventually go to destruction, and be born to the earth The living beings cannot break through the limited boundaries. The earth, apart from being pure and immaculate, is indistinguishable from other worlds.”

"For you, the earth is just a temporary place to stay. Just a natural root of the world."


"But it's different for me. The earth is where I was born."

"I am amazed that such words will come out of your mouth. You are a demon, and you are conceived by any desire from any finite world."

"I'm Qiao Xun."

Zhenwu was puzzled, he did not understand the meaning of this sentence,

"So, what's the difference?"

"You've always been good at characterizing a thing, but often you don't care about the thing itself. Same thing. You all think I'm a demon, and the word 'devil' is all I'm all about. That's why you can never touch the 'infinity' reason."

"I can't understand what you're saying."

"When you realize that you are Jiang Youle one day, you will understand."

Zhenwu pondered for a while, then shook his head,

"So, are you here to stop me?"

"I'm here to find Earth."

"Does it make a difference? Isn't getting back to Earth what's stopping me?"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Different. Because I don't want what I do to be defined by you."

Zhenwu said no more, he was going to take his eighth step and completely transform the earth into the root of the world.

But the footsteps never landed.

He gradually frowned and looked at Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes,

"Is this eighth step difficult?"

Zhenwu tried again, but was unable to succeed.

"what did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything. Just stand in front of you. Just, I hope the earth goes back to where it was."

He understood every word of Qiao Xun's words, but they became very unfamiliar together.

For the first time, Zhenwu encountered something completely incomprehensible.

He didn't understand why he couldn't take this step when he felt everything.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Can't walk? Let me teach you."

he finished,

Taking the first step, the earth instantly disappeared from the back of Magic Chang'an and returned to its original position;

Taking the second step, the earth poured out of the lacquer black hole under his feet, until it regained its appearance;

Taking the third step, the closed and unclosed world channel between Earth and other worlds reappears;

Taking the fourth step, the earth's time begins to pass, life begins to grow, and the earth begins to move;

Taking the fifth step, all the evolutionaries of the earth regain the power of evolution;

Taking the sixth step, the energy that disappeared on the earth returns again;

Taking the seventh step, Earth's world barriers reappear.

Qiao Xun raised his foot, stopped again, looked at Zhenwu and asked:

"Do you know what happens in step eight?"

In the long years, few things can shock the incomparable Zhenwu. But at this moment, he was extremely shocked.

It wasn't that Qiao Xun could stop him. Instead, he didn't understand why Qiao Xun could do this in exactly the same way and with the same steps.

He asked subconsciously:

"What will happen?"

"You will leave Earth forever."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he took the eighth step.

A crack suddenly appeared behind Zhenwu. The irresistible force grew invisible hands and dragged him into them.

Zhenwu stared at Qiao Xun,

"how did you do that!"

Joe Tour said:

"You left something with me."

"Fate! Reason! Follow! Heaven!"

"Exactly. Numerology is really easy to use, and any truth cannot be violated. It's just that the truth you created is to make the earth the root of the world, and the truth I created is to make the earth the earth."

"Why is your power higher than mine!"

Zhenwu didn't understand why he couldn't resist.

If it is also the ability of numerology to follow the sky, it is only the same level at most. But what Qiao Xun showed was completely crushing, downright crushing~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Because, you have desire. And I am the embodiment of desire."

Zhenwu's time on Earth was frozen.

Everything about him, everything related to him, disappeared from the earth in an instant.

After watching Zhenwu leave, Qiao Xun took a last look at the earth. The heavy rain was still pouring, the crisis was still looming, and mankind was struggling on the line of survival of civilization. In the shadows, countless eyes are staring, coveting the purity of the earth.

He took a long breath and whispered softly:

"Farewell, my hometown."

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